Top 24 Loves Meaning Quotes

#1. The man stopped talking and was looking at the sunset.
But what does someone who hates and loves want with a sunset?

Alberto Caeiro

Loves Meaning Quotes #1085472
#2. The Amorous Shepherd is a fruitless interlude, but those few poems are among the world's greatest love poems, because they're love poems about love, not about being poems. The poet loves because he loves, not because love exists.

Alvaro De Campos

Loves Meaning Quotes #1822038
#3. And to belove God, to center in God, has an additional crucial meaning. To belove God means to love what God loves. What does God love? The answer is in one of the most familiar Bible verses, John 3.16: God so loved the world ...

Marcus J. Borg

Loves Meaning Quotes #1722980
#4. All literature is a footnote to Faust. I have no idea what I mean by that.

Woody Allen

Loves Meaning Quotes #1641900
#5. It is better to be alone then to be in a relationship, while you are trying to figure out what love means to you.

Shannon L. Alder

Loves Meaning Quotes #1617985
#6. Nothing is so irretrievably missed as an opportunity we encounter every day.

Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach

Loves Meaning Quotes #1519661
#7. I dare a lot more than that." Roth's skin seemed to thin his face becoming sharp angles."I will not stand for one hair on her head to be harmed. If you want her, you're going to have to come through me.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Loves Meaning Quotes #1504466
#8. The more one loves, the heavier the meaning of death becomes, and the deeper the sense of loss. Love and death are not different things, they are the front and back of the same thing.


Loves Meaning Quotes #1465566
#9. God loves us despite our shortcomings and sins, and his love gives meaning to our lives and to the life of the world.

Pope Benedict XVI

Loves Meaning Quotes #1418049
#10. His theory is that life is loss,' said Myrna after a moment. 'Loss of parents, loss of loves, loss of jobs. So we have to find a higher meaning in our lives than these things and people. Otherwise we'll lose ourselves.

Louise Penny

Loves Meaning Quotes #1352885
#11. This is the profound meaning of at-tawbah, offered to everyone: sincerely returning to God after a slip, a mistake, a sin. God loves that sincere return to Him and He forgives and purifies. The

Tariq Ramadan

Loves Meaning Quotes #1343863
#12. The Impossible Generalized Man today is the critic who believes in loving those unworthy of love as well as those worthy - yet believes this only insofar as no personal risk is entailed. Meaning he loves no one, worthy or no. This is what makes him impossible.

Nelson Algren

Loves Meaning Quotes #1318948
#13. The great silent man! Looking round on the noisy inanity of the world,
words with little meaning, actions with little worth,
one loves to reflect on the great Empire of Silence.

Thomas Carlyle

Loves Meaning Quotes #65086
#14. When I'm off the road, and I can really control my diet down to the calorie, I juice seven days a week. Every afternoon, whatever I have at hand, beets, carrots, ginger, whatever. I juice, literally, every single day. And on the road, I try to find fresh juice wherever I can.

Henry Rollins

Loves Meaning Quotes #1058290
#15. A nation can be mighty, when the citizens put away their political differences, work together for a common vision, a common goal and a common good.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Loves Meaning Quotes #978089
#16. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. We don't know the meaning of all things, but we know God loves His children! And because He loves us, He will never desert us.

John Bytheway

Loves Meaning Quotes #521169
#17. Maybe he loves her. Maybe he wishes to have her forever, maybe he wishes that she could be his bride. Even then he might lose much to be with her-his properties, his position. But next to his love for her, what meaning do they have? He would be a fool to treasure dead gold more then a live heart.

John Speed

Loves Meaning Quotes #498873
#18. They said when you are in love you will be happy but when the day comes i fell in love with someone.i regret the day that i met him.. it gives to much pain inside i feel everything is wrong.
knowing that loves is happiness.but in me it has a reversed makes my life unhappy.

O.v Grace

Loves Meaning Quotes #451361
#19. Human life and objects and trees vibrate with mysterious meanings, which can be deciphered like cuneiform writing. There exists a meaning, hidden from day to day, but accessible in moments of greatest attentiveness, in those moments when consciousness loves the world.

Adam Zagajewski

Loves Meaning Quotes #448221
#20. Stephen watched the packets of lives with their memories and loves go spinning and vomiting into the ground. Death had no meaning, but still the numbers of them went on and on and in that new infinity there was still horror.

Sebastian Faulks

Loves Meaning Quotes #431027
#21. There are three barriers that block our total surrender to God: fear, pride, and confusion. We don't realize how much God loves us, we want to control our own lives, and we misunderstand the meaning of surrender.

Rick Warren

Loves Meaning Quotes #430732
#22. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.

Margery Williams

Loves Meaning Quotes #383110
#23. The mind loves the unknown. It loves images whose meaning is unknown, since the meaning of the mind itself is unknown.

Rene Magritte

Loves Meaning Quotes #201034
#24. Hope is life's essential nutrient, and love is what gives life meaning. I think you need somebody to love and take care of, and someone who loves you back. In that sense, I think the New Testament got it right. So did the Beatles. Without love, nothing has any meaning.

Dick Van Dyke

Loves Meaning Quotes #187970

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