Top 100 Love And Responsibility Quotes

#1. Good guilt is a product of love and responsibility. It is a natural, positive instinct that parents and good child care providers have. If bad guilt is a monster, good guilt is a friendly fairy godmother, yakking away in your head to keep you alert to the needs of your baby.

Jean Marzollo

Love And Responsibility Quotes #294502
#2. A library, no matter how big or small, is a careful balance of love and responsibility. A machine, if you will, cranked by those who care most about reading.

Kimberly Karalius

Love And Responsibility Quotes #233968
#3. Kurt Cobain was Nirvana. He named the band, hired its members, played guitar, wrote the songs, fronted the band onstage and in interviews, and took responsibility for the band's business decisions.

Courtney Love

Love And Responsibility Quotes #949362
#4. I own the responsibility for determining my own value. I do not expect anyone else to make me feel valued and important. That must come from inside me. Once I know my value is set and absolute, I can accept love and validation from others, and believe it.

Kimberly Giles

Love And Responsibility Quotes #671187
#5. There is no substitute for hard work and taking responsibility for own own lives. And there is no substitute for love, patience, kindness and acceptance.

Jose N. Harris

Love And Responsibility Quotes #948688
#6. I am bewildered by the death of love. And my responsibility for it.

Arthur Miller

Love And Responsibility Quotes #938129
#7. We live now in a global village and we are in one single family. It's our responsibility to bring friendship and love from all different places around the world and to live together in peace.

Jackie Chan

Love And Responsibility Quotes #934577
#8. My inspiration is always love and history, and my passion to a fault is craftsmanship and responsibility. Those are the simplest things. It goes beyond jewelry. It's every part of my life.

Waris Ahluwalia

Love And Responsibility Quotes #920761
#9. My philosophy on life is that we're here to love and to learn. And I've learned a lot, so I can't say "I wish this didn't happen or I didn't make that movie." And I take responsibility for being open [about relationships] in the past. I have to, and now I'm doing what I can to make it different.

Jennifer Lopez

Love And Responsibility Quotes #885372
#10. For me, 'Lamb' started out as a further exploration of the phenomenon of faith and the responsibility of a messiah that I touched on in 'Coyote Blue' and 'Island of the Sequined Love Nun,' but it ended up being an exploration of the true meaning of sacrifice, loyalty, and friendship.

Christopher Moore

Love And Responsibility Quotes #882459
#11. Apologies require taking full responsibility. No half-truths, no partial admissions, no rationalizations, no finger pointing, and no justifications belong in any apology.

Cathy Burnham Martin

Love And Responsibility Quotes #871486
#12. I realize now that my feeling for Alice had been moving backward against the current of my learning, from worship, to love, to fondness, to a feeling of gratitude and responsibility.

Daniel Keyes

Love And Responsibility Quotes #863381
#13. People without firmness of character love to make up a fate for themselves; that relieves them of the necessity of having their own will and of taking responsibility for themselves.

Ivan Turgenev

Love And Responsibility Quotes #848991
#14. I'm a conservative Republican, small-business guy, married to same gal - love of my life - for 36 years. Strong family man, deacon at my church; I believe in America. I know government is not the answer; individual liberty and personal responsibility is the answer.

Randy Weber

Love And Responsibility Quotes #829235
#15. Love yourself and take the responsibility of life.

Debasish Mridha

Love And Responsibility Quotes #817480
#16. To find joy in life, it is our responsibility and duty to love and serve others.

Debasish Mridha

Love And Responsibility Quotes #801123
#17. Give with love, give with smile, give freely, it is our duty and responsibility to humanity.

Debasish Mridha

Love And Responsibility Quotes #798993
#18. It is not because I do not love my adopted land - it is the natural feeling of one far from home, who remembers those happy, carefree days when life flowed at full tide, without responsibility, flashing past one like the drama in a fascinating story of adventure and romance.

Erich Von Stroheim

Love And Responsibility Quotes #775675
#19. It is not selfish or narcissistic to love yourself. It is your first and foremost responsibility.

Alan Cohen

Love And Responsibility Quotes #732800
#20. I remind mothers everywhere of the sanctity of your calling. No other can adequately take your place. No responsibility is greater, no obligation more binding than that you rear in love and peace and integrity those whom you have brought into the world.

Gordon B. Hinckley

Love And Responsibility Quotes #730049
#21. Love is a combination of care, commitment, knowledge, responsibility, respect and trust.

Bell Hooks

Love And Responsibility Quotes #727993
#22. Understanding who we are, where we came from, and why we are upon the earth places upon each of us a great responsibility both to learn how to learn and to learn to love learning.

David A. Bednar

Love And Responsibility Quotes #712560
#23. ...Laura knew the price of motherhood to be pain and responsibility; the reward, love and pride.

Bess Streeter Aldrich

Love And Responsibility Quotes #712209
#24. I love being a clutch member of the team, but I hope, in the future, I get a little bit more story on my shoulders and a little bit more responsibility to keep the world of a story up in the air. I really, really welcome that challenge.

Chris Bauer

Love And Responsibility Quotes #704834
#25. Wherever the responsibility lies, shame creates a solid and terrible feeling of unworthiness that resides in our bodies: the storehouse of the memories of our acts, real or imagined, and the secrets we keep about them.

Sharon Salzberg

Love And Responsibility Quotes #699127
#26. It was love, of course, though I didn't know it then and Finn was both its subject and object. He accepted love instinctively, without responsibility or conditions, like a wild thing glimpsed through trees.

Meg Rosoff

Love And Responsibility Quotes #693373
#27. once you take responsibility for your own life, and empower yourself to create a life you love, you can then begin to have impact on the lives of others - and on the world.

Boni Lonnsburry

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1210594
#28. I love what I do, and I love the audience, and I love the fact that I get to do it, and I love, I love our craft very, very, much, and it's a noble craft. We have a responsibility to it, and to the audience, and to the playwright, and to the message. I won't ever care less.

Patti LuPone

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1083295
#29. Each one of us matters, has a role to play, and makes a difference. Each one of us must take responsibility for our own lives, and above all, show respect and love for living things around us, especially each other.

Jane Goodall

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1184407
#30. We can have peace and brotherly love by accepting our responsibility to preserve freedom.

Ronald Reagan

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1168247
#31. People with evil ideas will think and do as they have learned, but those people with good ideas have the responsibility to show them the way of love, way of truth, and the way of peace.

Debasish Mridha

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1164368
#32. We have the right and the responsibility to be intolerant of those things which should not be tolerated.

Auliq Ice

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1163470
#33. Support is not always easy to come by if you wait for the world to see your worth. Discover your own worth and the world will indeed follow your lead. Its the law of cause and effect! It has to happen. Support yourself.

Sereda Aleta Dailey

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1160008
#34. The more the responsibility and expectations on me, the more I like it. I always love to accept challenges, I get an added inspiration to do better. Tough challenges always help to bring out the best in me.

Mushfiqur Rahim

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1159618
#35. To fall in love means to fall into something ... And that something is responsibility.

Fulton J. Sheen

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1158934
#36. And what about someone like Jack the Ripper? Does God love him too?" Archer stopped and held my gaze. "A man chooses what he becomes, and he must accept responsibility for his choices." "You didn't answer my question." "I don't know how to.

April White

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1155623
#37. All the reasons you fell in love are still there, but perhaps buried under worries and responsibility. Find them again, then hang in there. Truly, the best is yet to come.

Laurie Paige

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1133069
#38. I love to sit down on a beanbag at the end of the day and watch my fish. It's therapeutic, isn't it? They're alive, and I'm keeping them alive. I like the responsibility.

Luke Evans

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1128100
#39. Islam expect every Muslim to do this duty, and if we realise our responsibility time will come soon when we shall justify ourselves worthy of a glorious past.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1096031
#40. I did not write love songs as a sixteen-year-old. I did not write about crushes or about mean girls. I wrote about my life - about the injustices and inequities and the search for answers and self-responsibility.


Love And Responsibility Quotes #959793
#41. Augustus: I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up.
Hazel: And it is my privilege and my responsibility to ride all the way up with you.

John Green

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1075962
#42. In classical music, love is based on bitin'
imitation. It's not based on interpretation. A jazz musician, if he plays someone else's song, has a responsibility to make a distinct and original statement.

Todd Boyd

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1072543
#43. I think there's a responsibility more as an artist to try and push in the direction you think comedy should go ... The biggest thing I could do for the art that I love was keeping it art: keeping it special, keeping it honest, keeping it truthful.

Jerrod Carmichael

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1064334
#44. These things sensibly affected Theseus, who, thinking it but just not to disregard, but rather partake of, the sufferings of his fellow citizens, offered himself for one without any lot. All else were struck with admiration for the nobleness and with love for the goodness of the act.


Love And Responsibility Quotes #1048442
#45. As custodians of the planet it is our responsibility to deal with all species with kindness, love, and compassion. That these animals suffer through human cruelty is beyond understanding. Please help to stop this madness.

Richard Gere

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1047917
#46. Fame is the responsibility, the perennial discipline, the concubine who solicits and imbibes, bit by bit, the love, the relations, the serenity, and the soul, leaving behind the subaqueous plaudits that pinch to the core..


Love And Responsibility Quotes #1025215
#47. I tell my students you have an absolute right to write about people you know and love. You do. But the kicker is you have a responsibility to make the characters large enough that you will not have sinned against them.

Dorothy Allison

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1015281
#48. It is love which made all this. War which protects it. With love comes responsibility and possibility, fear and hopes, quests and suffering.

Carrie Jones

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1010231
#49. Knowledge is power and at the end of the day, our health, the health of our children, the health of our community, and the health of Mother Earth is our responsibility. Therefore, it is imperative that we understand the human and environmental affects of the products that we buy.

Obiora Embry

Love And Responsibility Quotes #1001478
#50. No one else "makes" us do anything. They can't make us nag them, or make us angry, or make us have to strike out at them, or make us drink alcohol, or make us yell at them, or anything else. We are responsible for our choices, including our responses and reactions.

Cathy Burnham Martin

Love And Responsibility Quotes #977377
#51. Protect your self-esteem and self-confidence - it is your responsibility!

Mark Donnelly

Love And Responsibility Quotes #967225
#52. I think that she is everything I have ever loved about our religion distilled down to fit into one person, everything about the faith that is both selfless and responsible.

Ann Patchett

Love And Responsibility Quotes #194223
#53. Embracing love ethic means that we utilize all dimensions of love
"care, commitment, trust, responsibility, respect and knowledge"
in our everyday lives.

Bell Hooks

Love And Responsibility Quotes #397030
#54. You fall so deeply in love with your grandbaby. It's so so so much easier than being a parent, because you really don't have much responsibility. And just when you are at the end of your rope with exhaustion, the parents take the baby away. So it's the best of both worlds.

Anne Lamott

Love And Responsibility Quotes #371751
#55. I hope that you mothers will realize that when all is said and done, you have no more compelling responsibility, nor any laden with greater rewards, than the nurture you give your children in an environment of security, peace, companionship, love, and motivation to grow and do well.

Gordon B. Hinckley

Love And Responsibility Quotes #359829
#56. People love freedom - but nobody wants responsibility. And they come together, they are inseparable.


Love And Responsibility Quotes #355109
#57. A love that left people alone in their guilt would not have real people as its object. So, in vicarious responsibility for people, and in His love for real human beings, Jesus becomes the one burdened by guilt.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Love And Responsibility Quotes #352381
#58. It is the responsibility of parent to love and care for their children.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Love And Responsibility Quotes #325588
#59. Part of what I love about novels and dogs is that they are so beautifully oblivious to economic concerns. We serve them, and in return they thrive. It's not their responsibility to figure out where the rent is coming from.

Ann Patchett

Love And Responsibility Quotes #320187
#60. You are born with infinite possibilities. Take responsibility for turning these possibilities into reality, and you will be bestowed with success, love and eternal peace.

Vishwas Chavan

Love And Responsibility Quotes #311835
#61. When we come to a clearer and more sober estimate of our own limitations and responsibilities, that makes it possible more genuinely to love our neighbor.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Love And Responsibility Quotes #257966
#62. We cannot claim to love God, if we continue to live in unclean environment and pollute the waters. God gave man and woman the authority to rule every living creature and to safeguard the living resources. We have a duty to perform and responsibility to fulfil this role.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Love And Responsibility Quotes #228400
#63. Wherever you go, go with inspiration and aspiration.
Whatever you do, do with love and concern.
Whomever you see, see with purity's beauty
And responsibility's glory.

Sri Chinmoy

Love And Responsibility Quotes #210379
#64. I love making movies, and being in any that I can be in. I'd like to be in those giant movies, as the fifth or sixth lead, and have three or four killer scenes. You don't have the responsibility of the entire movie being on you. I like those roles. I'm shooting for the middle.

Bill Burr

Love And Responsibility Quotes #206759
#65. There are none among us who have not been, even for a moment, cruel to those whom we love most, as if unable, in that moment, to shoulder any longer the magnificent weight and burden, the responsibility, of that love.

Rick Bass

Love And Responsibility Quotes #442460
#66. Most of the books that I've adapted I'm doing because I love the book and I feel like it's a great work of art in itself, and when it's a great book I feel as a director or a writer that I have a responsibility to rise to the level of the original. It makes me try to reach higher.

James Franco

Love And Responsibility Quotes #180484
#67. All that children need is love, a grown-up to take responsibility for them, and a soft place to land.

Deborah Harkness

Love And Responsibility Quotes #162625
#68. You are ridiculous, Khalid Ibn al-Rashid. I am just one girl. You are the Caliph of Khorasan, and you have a responsibility to a kingdom."
"If you are just one girl, I am just one boy.

Renee Ahdieh

Love And Responsibility Quotes #141987
#69. Those who choose love - daring to feel to the depths of being, accepting responsibility for their actions, and seeking a purpose in life - will find that the world of significant living will unfold its cleverly concealed presence.

Barbara Marciniak

Love And Responsibility Quotes #133649
#70. Because people love music, I feel it's my responsibility to produce more of the music and to get it out to more people, so like I said, If the mainstream route does that without compromising me being happy as a person then that's something I'll do.

Jhene Aiko

Love And Responsibility Quotes #103426
#71. How we live our lives gives those we love permission to do the same. That is a power and a responsibility that we can never take lightly.

Hal Elrod

Love And Responsibility Quotes #94834
#72. Honestly, we'd probably be great parents. But it's a human being, and unless you think you have excellent skills and have a drive or yearning in you to do that, the amount of work that that is and responsibility - I wouldn't want to screw them up! We love our animals.

Ellen DeGeneres

Love And Responsibility Quotes #84796
#73. Because (grandparents) are usually free to love and guide and befriend the young without having to take daily responsibility for them, they can often reach out past pride and fear of failure and close the space between generations.

Jimmy Carter

Love And Responsibility Quotes #76696
#74. Our life depends on others so much that at the root of our existence is a fundamental need for love. That is why it is good to cultivate an authentic sense of responsibility and concern for the welfare of others.

Dalai Lama

Love And Responsibility Quotes #33701
#75. I loved the fact that it wasn't my responsibility to change somebody, that it was God's, that my part was just to communicate love and approval.

Donald Miller

Love And Responsibility Quotes #24799
#76. I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as king as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love.

Edward VIII

Love And Responsibility Quotes #3919
#77. Sometimes even now I entertain the hope that Love lives in the world independently of us, but when I am most courageous, I believe that love was born within the human heart, and that the survival of love in the world, as well as its ultimate triumph, is entirely our responsibility.

Catherine M. Wilson

Love And Responsibility Quotes #521425
#78. Infusing the cultural war with love, respect and empathy is the responsibility of every one who cares about the health and wellbeing of women, our families and communities, and our democracy.

Aspen Baker

Love And Responsibility Quotes #667274
#79. If we learn to be responsible for our own emotions, thoughts, and needs, then we can see other people for who they are as opposed to what they can do for us.

Vironika Tugaleva

Love And Responsibility Quotes #658553
#80. If you sincerely love yourself then you will take 100% full responsibility for your thoughts and actions.

Matthew Donnelly

Love And Responsibility Quotes #623115
#81. For me, having a child is a really great responsibility because you've got something there that is depending on you for information and love until a certain age when it goes to school.

Kate Bush

Love And Responsibility Quotes #617474
#82. We must come to terms with our responsibility to be the gatekeepers to end childhood hunger. Our love for life can propel us to share and provide a secure future for the children of our country.

Edward James Olmos

Love And Responsibility Quotes #594230
#83. A life of hospitality begins in worship, with a recognition of God's grace and generosity. Hospitality is not first a duty and responsibility; it is first a response of love and gratitude for God's love and welcome to us.

Christine Pohl

Love And Responsibility Quotes #589309
#84. They are my men and this ship my responsibility. I vowed no woman would ever alter my path. Yet I kept them from ending you, and it makes me sick to the gut, for I would still rather die myself than see one hair on your head damaged by another man.

Saskia Walker

Love And Responsibility Quotes #586512
#85. Love is the productive form of relatedness to others and to oneself. It implies responsibility, care, respect. If it isn't productive and respectful, it isn't love, but only fear masquerading as love.

Erich Fromm

Love And Responsibility Quotes #575478
#86. I loved and protected my own children like a fierce mama bear, but one of them died anyway. It was a dark day when I realized that part of my responsibility in Casey's death was that I did not love all the children of the world in that same real, not abstract, way.

Cindy Sheehan

Love And Responsibility Quotes #541876
#87. Real fatherhood means love and commitment and sacrifice and a willingness to share responsibility and not walking away from one's children.

William Bennett

Love And Responsibility Quotes #530494
#88. It is the responsibility of every adult ... to make sure that children hear what we have learned from the lessons of life and to hear over and over that we love them and that they are not alone.

Marian Wright Edelman

Love And Responsibility Quotes #524715
#89. Acceptance and its counterpart, understanding, are crucial to achieving relationship harmony. It is sacred love, the highest form of love, and like most things worth striving for in life, it requires patience, commitment, personal responsibility, and practice.

Arielle Ford

Love And Responsibility Quotes #668955
#90. Freedom exists for the sake of love.

Pope John Paul II

Love And Responsibility Quotes #506136
#91. It is our responsibility to keep telling these tales--to tell them in a way that they teach and entertain and give meaning to our lives,' he [Jim] said later. 'This is not merely an obligation, it's something we must do because we love doing it.

Brian Jay Jones

Love And Responsibility Quotes #505929
#92. Both men and women who have children as a rule regulate their lives largely with reference to them, and children cause perfectly ordinary men and women to act unselfishly in certain ways, of which perhaps life insurance is the most definite and measurable.

Bertrand Russell

Love And Responsibility Quotes #487982
#93. Care and responsibility are constituent elements of love, but without respect for and knowledge of the beloved person, love deteriorates into domination and possessiveness.

Erich Fromm

Love And Responsibility Quotes #476854
#94. Children needed love, a reliable source of comfort, and an adult willing to take responsibility for them.

Deborah Harkness

Love And Responsibility Quotes #467047
#95. I was letting go and undoing the hell I had created. By squaring all with love, trying to love rather than trying to be loved, and by taking responsibility for all that was happening to me; finding my subconscious thought and correcting it, I became freer and freer, happier and happier.

Lester Levenson

Love And Responsibility Quotes #464814
#96. She had believed that love was something she could bestow upon whomever she liked, and that her main responsibility was to choose cleverly.

Ken Follett

Love And Responsibility Quotes #464467
#97. When Mary arrived, I felt a mixture of emotions, including panic and overwhelming love. I felt a great sense of responsibility, not just towards my child but also towards her father. There have been many influences on my life, but that thing of finally becoming a family person was the greatest.

Diana Quick

Love And Responsibility Quotes #460510
#98. A lover was affectionate and a husband was authoritative. His work was always way more important than his family. His work and his needs were to be accepted as uppermost in every way. She could take leave from her work for one day to take her child to the carnival but he could not.

Anuradha Bhattacharyya

Love And Responsibility Quotes #457337
#99. I couldn't comprehend why she still hadn't stopped him because it's clearly every mother's responsibility to protect her children. After all, that's the trust that bonds a mother and her child together, forever

Veronika Gasparyan

Love And Responsibility Quotes #454705
#100. Religions have a special responsibility to encourage and inspire people to love planet earth, which as far as we know, is the only place in the cosmos that works in such a harmonious way that it can support intelligent life.

Thomas Keating

Love And Responsibility Quotes #448147

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