Top 100 Lost You Again Quotes

#1. I thought I lost you again. You couldn't know what those four years were like. To not know where you were, who you were with, or if you were being treated well? I wasn't sure for a long time if you were even alive. I don't ever want to go through that again. Vance ... The Elder Effect

D.L. Given

Lost You Again Quotes #235906
#2. Real change does not and cannot come independently of the gospel, which is the good news that even though we're more defective and lost than we ever imagined, we can be more accepted and loved than we ever dared hope, because Jesus Christ lived, died, and rose again for sinners like you and

Tullian Tchividjian

Lost You Again Quotes #1158985
#3. Would you do something for me? Please? Would you just picture your life for me? Thirty years from now, forty years from now? What's it look like? If it's with that guy, go. Go! I lost you once, I think I could do it again, if I thought it's what you really wanted.

Nicholas Sparks

Lost You Again Quotes #1183018
#4. When I turned to look at you, I was afraid to move again
the moment was just too beautiful to be lost.

David Levithan

Lost You Again Quotes #1150459
#5. In the midst of the sense of tragedy or loss, sometimes laughter is not only healing, it's a way of experiencing the person that you've lost again.

Alan Alda

Lost You Again Quotes #1143440
#6. I was so lost, didn't know what to do with myself,
I was my own worst enemy, I was lost and oh I needed help,
Then you came along, and saw what state I was in,
You picked me up, when I was down,
Showed me how to live again.

James Morrison

Lost You Again Quotes #1092692
#7. One today is worth two tomorrows. Lost time is never found again. Time is money. Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff that life is made of. You may delay, but time will not.

Benjamin Franklin

Lost You Again Quotes #1063699
#8. Plain and simple, men need community with other men. Loving, you-before-me, dedicated relationship. If you have never had it, you don't really get it yet, and if you had that community and lost it, you know the cavity it leaves in your soul until you discover it again.

James MacDonald

Lost You Again Quotes #1058468
#9. Today, tomorrow, sooner or later, you will meet someone who is lost, just as you yourself have been lost, and as you will be lost again someday. And when that happens, it is your duty to say I've been lost, too. Let me help you find your way home.

Katherine Applegate

Lost You Again Quotes #1056192
#10. It's a scary thought, isn't it? That every single person on this planet could lose their one true love and live to love again? It means the one you love could love again if they lost you.

Taylor Jenkins Reid

Lost You Again Quotes #1049017
#11. Come lie beside me again and understand - the others can show by actions, but I alone will immortalize you in words ...

John Geddes

Lost You Again Quotes #1003968
#12. Last week I lost my temper in my karate class. Man, I'm not doing that again until I'm a black belt. Because I can tell you there's a difference between taking karate and receiving karate.

Demetri Martin

Lost You Again Quotes #998092
#13. I feel compelled to say fuck you fuck you to those of you who have absolutely no regard for me as a person. You have raped me harder than you'll ever know. So again I say fuck you although this phrase has totally lost its meaning. FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU.

Kurt Cobain

Lost You Again Quotes #994408
#14. A Course In Miracles is a constant affirmation that you are created by an unconditional thought of love that appears to have lost itself in a world of fear. Freedom, joy and peace of mind are yours again, when you remember and re-connect to your unconditional self.

Robert Holden

Lost You Again Quotes #987616
#15. Before we met, I was as lost as a person could be and yet you saw something in me that somehow gave me direction again.

Nicholas Sparks

Lost You Again Quotes #985491
#16. I think people see what they want to see ... But think about it: if you'd lost someone you love, wouldn't you give almost anything to have the chance to see them again?

Jennifer McMahon

Lost You Again Quotes #959420
#17. Was it better to think you had lost everything, and to start over? Or easier to know that the people you loved were alive, even if you could never see them again?

Cassandra Clare

Lost You Again Quotes #957875
#18. We've lost a lot of years, but you can't lose love. Not real love. It stays locked inside you, ready for whenever you are strong enough to find it again.

Martina Boone

Lost You Again Quotes #951782
#19. Thought is fugitive; the mind does not repeat itself; if you do not catch the whisperings of the oracle as they come to you, they are lost forever. You must-and this is absolutely essential-convince yourselves that what is offered you this very moment will never be offered again.

Jean Guitton

Lost You Again Quotes #941386
#20. Don't try.
no one can run from soul.yes you can avoid it for sometime but one day again it will come in-front of you with lost of que
Better to live in that way so from your soul you no need to run away

Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Lost You Again Quotes #933686
#21. Somewhere along the way I feel as though I lost my identity and its not like losing a passport it feels more like losing someone so dear to your heart that it pains you everyday to be so unsure if you'll ever see them again or not

Donal O'Callaghan

Lost You Again Quotes #932848
#22. Here, from her ashes you lay. A broken girl so lost in despondency that you know that even if she does find her way out of this labyrinth in hell, that she will never see, feel, taste, or touch life the same again.

Amanda Steele

Lost You Again Quotes #929687
#23. When you lost something precious, the memories of it became a tormenting reminder of what you could never have again.

Gena Showalter

Lost You Again Quotes #927926
#24. I'll help you get lost any time, Sunshine. The only deal is you have to promise to come back. I never want to lose you again.

Jamie McGuire

Lost You Again Quotes #923895
#25. I think that fear does come into it in some respect in the sense of when I lost my temper I didn't hide behind a bush on it in respect to the times that I did lose my temper. But you know the quality that I had when I lost my temper, I never, ever brought it back again.

Alex Ferguson

Lost You Again Quotes #900782
#26. And once you've been to this Center, this Truth, you'll know your way everywhere. You are never lost again.

David Housholder

Lost You Again Quotes #899411
#27. I've lost you, forever, so many times. And I'd do it all again.

Nika Harper

Lost You Again Quotes #1421082
#28. People get over love. They can live without it, they can move on. Love can be lost and found again. But that won't happen for me. I won't survive you, Eva.

Sylvia Day

Lost You Again Quotes #1574032
#29. You may delay, but time will not, and lost time is never found again. - Benjamin Franklin

Damon Zahariades

Lost You Again Quotes #1561712
#30. I don't care how things stand, every girl wants to feel beautiful when they see 'that ex' again. You know the one I'm talking about. The one that had claimed enough of you that some of it had been lost in the parting.

R.K. Lilley

Lost You Again Quotes #1561190
#31. I know that's what people say
you'll get over it. I'd say it, too. But I know it's not true. Oh, youll be happy again, never fear. But you won't forget. Every time you fall in love it will be because something in the man reminds you of him.

Betty Smith

Lost You Again Quotes #1504101
#32. You made me weak. And every time I see you, I wonder, will it happen again? Because you, you're the game changer, the one who makes me question everything, the one who makes me want to be better, the one I almost lost - the one I am so damn terrified of losing again." A

Rachel Van Dyken

Lost You Again Quotes #1497795
#33. I've lost someone, too; someone I loved. I know how you feel."
- Does it get easier?
"Yes. But you'll never be the same again.

Richelle Mead

Lost You Again Quotes #1492404
#34. You can't make anything if you're lost to yourself. You'll want to again, it's who you are. Wren, grieving is hard. Complex. Takes its own time.

Amy McNamara

Lost You Again Quotes #1482844
#35. Do you think the dead don't know what they've lost? Don't you ever wonder why they seek human flesh? That maybe it's their way of believing again? Of living again - if even for that one pure moment that blood pulses inside their mouths?

Carrie Ryan

Lost You Again Quotes #1463762
#36. You want to arrest the clocks, stop everything for half a second, give yourself a chance to do it over again, rewind the life, uncrash the car, run it backward, have her lifted miraculously back into the windshield, unshatter the glass, go about your day umtouched, some old, lost sweet tasting time.

Colum McCann

Lost You Again Quotes #1459424
#37. How many great gems were lost to thought
and not put down to pen.
You can but think of just a few
and then they're lost again.


Lost You Again Quotes #1456522
#38. You can be innocent again. It's not true, what they say, that you can never get it back. You can. It's only that most folk cannot be bothered.

Catherynne M Valente

Lost You Again Quotes #1447870
#39. If you lost your way, just ask somebody. If you lost your dream, just close your eyes again. And some day you will blossom, with your hands wide spread to the sun.


Lost You Again Quotes #1444107
#40. No matter how sorted you think you are, you will always be surrounded by people who are lost and angry. They will test you time and time again.

Jan Hellriegel

Lost You Again Quotes #891535
#41. By picking him up again, i guess you're just lost, baby. Lost.

Ariel Seraphino

Lost You Again Quotes #1367432
#42. So relax into life, breathe deep and let go.
Attain what you need but don't sell your soul.
For it's a treasure far beyond the mere baubles of men
and once lost, much harder to earn back again.

(From the poem "Gratitude" by Mark Rickerby)

Mark Rickerby

Lost You Again Quotes #1363924
#43. You're exactly where you need to be. Don't think you've lost time. Every opportunity you've passed on has brought you to this moment, and every moment is a fresh chance to start again.

Jenna Ushkowitz

Lost You Again Quotes #1352777
#44. Riches can all be lost, but that happiness in your own heart can only be veiled, and it will bring you happiness again, as long as you live.

Anne Frank

Lost You Again Quotes #1332796
#45. It sucks that we miss people like that. You think you've accepted that someone is out of your life, that you've grieved and it's over, and then bam. One little thing, and you feel like you've lost that person all over again.

Rachel Hawkins

Lost You Again Quotes #1327827
#46. Whatever you lend let it be your money, and not your name. Money you may get again, and, if not, you may contrive to do without it; name once lost you cannot get again, and, if you cannot contrive to do without it, you had better never have been born.

Henry Bulwer, 1st Baron Dalling And Bulwer

Lost You Again Quotes #1239158
#47. I am lost without you. I am soulless, a drifter without a home, a solitary bird in a flight to nowhere. I am all these things, and I am nothing at all. This, my darling, is my life without you. I long for you to show me how to live again.

Nicholas Sparks

Lost You Again Quotes #1221457
#48. I will not let you become lost again.

Candace Knoebel

Lost You Again Quotes #1220375
#49. I will never leave you again," he said softly against her ear. "I will follow you around like a lost puppy if you let me. I love you, Sophie. God has given me back my little girl." Sophie

Melanie Dickerson

Lost You Again Quotes #1218651
#50. I am lost without you, duchess." "Then you are found. Because you will not be without me ever again." She dipped her brow to his chest. "I will never leave you."

-Luc & Arabella

Katharine Ashe

Lost You Again Quotes #1206397
#51. All you umpires, back to the bleachers. Referees, hit the showers. It's my game. I pitch, I hit, I catch. I run the bases. At sunset, I've won or lost. At sunrise, I'm out again, giving it the old try.

Ray Bradbury

Lost You Again Quotes #1198109
#52. If this day in the lifetime of a hundred years is lost, will you ever touch it with your hands again? The

Jack Kornfield

Lost You Again Quotes #284568
#53. MRS. ANTROBUS: What, George? What have you lost? ANTROBUS: The most important thing of all: The desire to begin again, to start building.

Thornton Wilder

Lost You Again Quotes #551522
#54. It's like people think just because you go to church you're not all that bright. I mean just because I'm a born-again doesn't mean I lost IQ points.

Sue Grafton

Lost You Again Quotes #526222
#55. I won't fuck around," he said. "Just so you know. I nearly lost you. I won't risk that again. I told you before I'd never be a one-woman man, but I was wrong.

Joanna Wylde

Lost You Again Quotes #489179
#56. To say what you want to say, you must create another language and nourish it for years with what you have loved, with what you have lost, with what you will never find again.

Giorgos Seferis

Lost You Again Quotes #474287
#57. You found me again during a period of time where I was lost and needed to be saved. Even though at the time, I couldn't remember you, I knew my heart did.

Jessica Wood

Lost You Again Quotes #467772
#58. If your friend has displeased you, you shall not sit down to consider it, for he has already lost all memory of the passage, and has doubled his power to serve you, and, ere you can rise up again, will burden you with blessings.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Lost You Again Quotes #447701
#59. How do you teach a man who has lost everything, not to fear it happening again? How do you teach a person to trust in something none of us can guarantee?

Mia Sheridan

Lost You Again Quotes #446073
#60. You lost your wife, Douglas. My heartbreaks for you, it really does. But I lose my husband every day, all over again. And I don't even get to mourn.

Jonathan Tropper

Lost You Again Quotes #441505
#61. Some things, however, are true no matter how hard you might try to block them out,
and a lie is always a lie, no matter how prettily told. Some doors, once they're opened,
can never be closed again, just as some trust, once it's been lost, can never be won back.

Alice Hoffman

Lost You Again Quotes #360423
#62. There is nothing more romantic than this. Holding the very person that you thought you lost, and knowing you'll never lose them again.

Taylor Jenkins Reid

Lost You Again Quotes #353001
#63. Silence broke out of me
It seemed as if I had lost you
in the days
where no dancing shadows of illustrious walls
Silence broke out of me
It seemed as if I had found you again
found you again in my heart
in the nights
where thousands of suns from the sky

Kristian Goldmund Aumann

Lost You Again Quotes #342797
#64. Sometimes the things you've lost can be found again in unexpected places.

Lemony Snicket

Lost You Again Quotes #312410
#65. I will be lost and unlost, over
and over again, relax love. You
were meant to be this glorious.
Epic. Story.

Nayyirah Waheed

Lost You Again Quotes #555602
#66. For as is often the happenstance with that which is precious and lost, when you find him again, he may well not be quite as you left him.

Cassandra Clare

Lost You Again Quotes #278217
#67. It was like a dream you might have after death in which lost people came back to life, your friends loved you again no matter what you had done, and your failures were unaccountably forgiven.

Ann Brashares

Lost You Again Quotes #168721
#68. (Joan,1941) She wrote me a letter asking,"How can I read it?,Its so hard." I told her to start at the beginning and read as far as you can get until you're lost. Then start again at the beginning and keep working through until you can understand the whole book. And thats what she did

Richard Feynman

Lost You Again Quotes #146249
#69. Let me be your anchor. I'll never let you be lost again.

Karen Marie Moning

Lost You Again Quotes #135116
#70. You're not going to lose me again," aku berjanji. "You've never lost me in the first place anyway."
Dapat kurasakan dirinya tersenyum dalam rangkulanku. "And you've never lost me either.

Winna Efendi

Lost You Again Quotes #134096
#71. I don't want to lose you," he whispered again. "And I didn't want to be lost.

Jodi Meadows

Lost You Again Quotes #131501
#72. It doesn't matter how many times you leave, it will always hurt to come back and remember what you once had and who you once were. Then it will hurt just as much to leave again, and so it goes over and over again.
Once you've started to leave, you will run your whole life.

Charlotte Eriksson

Lost You Again Quotes #88173
#73. That's the thing about true love. It can rise from the ashes because at its source, it's indestructible. Layers can be stripped away and lost, but if you're lucky enough to find them again and put them back together, the end result is stronger than ever.

Penelope Ward

Lost You Again Quotes #37241
#74. Acting requires a lot of discipline to go with the obsession. It's a path of knowledge, and of self-knowledge. Sometimes you get lost on the path. And then you find yourself again.

Toni Servillo

Lost You Again Quotes #34401
#75. FEARLESS is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again ... even though every time you've tried before you've lost.

Taylor Swift

Lost You Again Quotes #31572
#76. I lost you once, I think I can do it again.

Nicholas Sparks

Lost You Again Quotes #10107
#77. The feeling you get when you think of something amazing and then forget it and know that it felt amazing but you cant remember the details. Then, minutes later, you remember it again and you're so grateful because you nearly lost something, forever. Except, this time, its a person. Not an idea.

Iain S. Thomas

Lost You Again Quotes #705251
#78. I do. I was afraid at the time. I mistook how I felt about you as weakness. You mean everything to me and I only existed after I lost you, but I wasn't really alive until you found me again. Thank you.

Laurann Dohner

Lost You Again Quotes #884966
#79. What comes, will go. What is found, will be lost again. But what you are is beyond coming and going and beyond description.


Lost You Again Quotes #867504
#80. Can you kiss me again?" the whisper came like a plea laced with honey and need, and any desire to enjoy one thing at a time was lost in that second. "Come here baby boy and I'll kiss you forever,

Talon P.S.

Lost You Again Quotes #864125
#81. May your hand be full for always if only with another hand. May your heart be empty only long enough to give you cause to fill it up again with love. May your soul be lost by you only to be found by God.

Rod McKuen

Lost You Again Quotes #862314
#82. I know what it does to you, I know. Maybe that's why we hold on as hard as we do. We just can't believe that such a miracle can happen to us twice. But it can, someday you'll find it again.

Laura Zigman

Lost You Again Quotes #841853
#83. I lost a boyfriend over Elmore James. You know that moment when you send mixtapes at fifteen? He sent me pop hits, and I sent him Elmore James, and I never heard from him again.

Imelda May

Lost You Again Quotes #835984
#84. Have you lost the girl you love?' 'That's what I'm trying to figure out. I can't make up my mind. It all depends what construction you place on the words "I never want to see or speak to you again in this world or the next, you miserable fathead."' 'Did she say that?

P.G. Wodehouse

Lost You Again Quotes #777969
#85. The fact that you can love something that you've lost is all the incentive you need to love again, as opposed to becoming comfortably numb.

CeeLo Green

Lost You Again Quotes #745146
#86. But now, as it is, sorrows, unending sorrows must surge within your heart as well - for your own son's death. Never again will you embrace him stiding home. My spirit rebels - I've lost the will to live, to take my stand in the world of men -


Lost You Again Quotes #734162
#87. Love is ... what I gave you, Noona. That is love. After you lost it, you realized how precious it was. You're regretting it to the degree you could vomit blood. No matter what price you have to pay, you want to find it again. That is love, right, Noona?


Lost You Again Quotes #729334
#88. Zec back toward the living room. The kettle's whistle died away, like an air raid siren winding down. The house went quiet again. "It's over," Reacher said. "You lost." "It's never over," the Zec replied. Hoarse voice,

Lee Child

Lost You Again Quotes #721838
#89. When you beat a team so often - especially like this season when Chelsea had already lost three times to us - you know people expect you to do it again. But you also know they're going to be even more motivated to finally win.

Dennis Bergkamp

Lost You Again Quotes #891403
#90. This is all very wonderful," said Fenchurch a few days later, "but I do need to know what has happened to me. You see, there's this difference between us. That you lost something and found it again, and I found something and lost it. I need to find it again.

Douglas Adams

Lost You Again Quotes #689590
#91. If you ever find you need help again, you know, if you're in trouble, need a hand out of a corner ... "
"Please don't hesitate to get lost.

Douglas Adams

Lost You Again Quotes #685403
#92. Do you know that most men fear getting laughed at or humiliated by a romantic prospect while most women fear rape and death?" Rachel raised a skeptical brow as she spoke. "Let's just say, I've lost interest." -Being Brave Again

Anais Torres

Lost You Again Quotes #683744
#93. Love can be lost and found again. But that won't happen for me. I won't survive without you, Eva.

Sylvia Day

Lost You Again Quotes #677980
#94. I'm not talking about losing [agricultural] diversity in the same way that you lose your car keys. I'm talking about losing it in the same way that we lost the dinosaurs: actually losing it, never to be seen again.

Cary Fowler

Lost You Again Quotes #673593
#95. I thought I lost you"
"You will never lose me." Paul kissed the top of her head. "And even if I have to leave, you must know that I will come back to you again. If you'll wait for me?

Caroline Leech

Lost You Again Quotes #645590
#96. Still, there was also was something reassuring about working for Commercial, almost hopeful. Like things that were lost could be found again. As we drove away, I always tried to imagine what it would be like to open your door to find something you had given up on.

Sarah Dessen

Lost You Again Quotes #628132
#97. If any reader has lost a loved one or is afraid of death, modern physics says: 'Be comforted, you and they shall live again.'

Frank Tipler

Lost You Again Quotes #616249
#98. Even one day lost in misery is a great loss, for the day will never come back again. You lose 24 hours of Happiness, Joy & Bliss. Live each day in Happiness.-RVM


Lost You Again Quotes #597244
#99. But if you kept thinking about a fight you'd lost, Mom said, you were programming yourself to lose again.

Karen Russell

Lost You Again Quotes #582896
#100. Lost motivation means that you broke promises to yourself and haven't corrected them yet. You need to believe in yourself again. This can only happen when you start fulfilling the small promises you make to yourself.

Chris Powell

Lost You Again Quotes #581863

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