Top 100 L'opinion Quotes

#1. Force and not opinion is the queen of the world; but it is opinion that uses the force.
[Fr., La force est la reine du monde, et non pas l'opinion; mais l'opinion est celle qui use de la force.]

Blaise Pascal

L'opinion Quotes #1492643
#2. I told him that my own opinion was that the time now and the method now to deal with Russia was to keep our mouths shut and let our actions speak for words.

Henry L. Stimson

L'opinion Quotes #117002
#3. When you continually worry about what other people think of you, they own you.

Donald L. Hicks

L'opinion Quotes #387323
#4. In his opinion if a man didn't have the balls to make a move he didn't deserve the woman he desired.

R.L. Mathewson

L'opinion Quotes #114838
#5. To assume you know someone well enough that you can and do predict their behavior and mental perspective is a gross and often tragic mistake, for it eliminates that person's freedom to create his or her own opinion and drastically affects the emerging picture of the relationship.

Meredith L. Young-Sowers

L'opinion Quotes #54224
#6. Suffering isn't a moral endowment. People don't always do well under duress, and it seemed to me to be truer to a fellow in that situation to make him angry.

E.L. Doctorow

L'opinion Quotes #8428
#7. I don't believe in miracles, only unexplained facts.

Morris L. West

L'opinion Quotes #8169
#8. He had been diagnosed as suffering from atypical schizophrenia. Lord, how he hated that awful-sounding label. It conjured up visions of some deranged maniac escaped from a secure mental hospital.

Etienne De L'Amour

L'opinion Quotes #8077
#9. Out of her pocket and answers it. I didn't hear it ring. "Mr. Grey," she says. Leila and I turn to look at her. Prescott closes her eyes as if in pain.

E.L. James

L'opinion Quotes #7664
#10. We had a few issues to work out in the beginning. He made me quit smoking. I made him eat a candy bar.


L'opinion Quotes #7660
#11. God had one Son without sin, but He never had a son without trial.

Dwight L. Moody

L'opinion Quotes #7482
#12. I need you Anastasia," he whispers.

E.L. James

L'opinion Quotes #7461
#13. That's the thing about death that makes it useful. Death was always a reminder to the living to live - to live in the present and to look forward to the future.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

L'opinion Quotes #7179
#14. No one knows who I am ... that I am she ... that she is me.

L. H. Cosway

L'opinion Quotes #7124
#15. Swimming was the last thing I wanted to do. Drowning him? Maybe.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

L'opinion Quotes #7091
#16. Art inspires, produces an unwillingness to settle for what we have and a desire for something better. It is the product and producer of creative activity, change; it is essential for continuous development.

Russell L. Ackoff

L'opinion Quotes #7013
#17. But now I feel like a receptacle -- an empty vessel to be filled at his whim.

E.L. James

L'opinion Quotes #6874
#18. The preaching that this world needs most is the sermons in shoes that are walking with Jesus Christ.

Dwight L. Moody

L'opinion Quotes #6832
#19. The primary needs can be filled without language. We can eat, sleep, make love, build a house, bear children, without language. But we cannot ask questions. We cannot ask, 'Who am I? Who are you? Why?

Madeleine L'Engle

L'opinion Quotes #6428
#20. Like caterpillars our metamorphosis begins with what comes from our mouth. Caterpillars spin silk cocoons from the mouth. We speak life or death, success or failure. All transformation starts with what comes from our mouth.

Brandi L. Bates

L'opinion Quotes #6266
#21. Most style is not honest enough.

F.L. Lucas

L'opinion Quotes #6190
#22. Unlearning is the choice, conscious or unconscious, of any real artist. And it is the true sign of maturity.

Madeleine L'Engle

L'opinion Quotes #6171
#23. It doesn't work like that. We don't earn love ... it's a gift we're given.

A.L. Jackson

L'opinion Quotes #6166
#24. Your potentialities are a great deal better than anyone ever permitted you to believe.

L. Ron Hubbard

L'opinion Quotes #6131
#25. Some immemorial imbecilities have been added deliberately, on the ground that it is just as interesting to note how foolish men have been as to note how wise they have been.

H.L. Mencken

L'opinion Quotes #6110
#26. When it comes to their kids, parents are all just instinct and hope. And fear. p.276

M.L. Stedman

L'opinion Quotes #6053
#27. If your opinion is negative, the world is better off not knowing it.

K.L. Adams

L'opinion Quotes #1227092
#28. Modern business must have its finger continuously on the public pulse. It must understand the changes in the public mind and be prepared to interpret itself fairly and eloquently to changing opinion.

Edward L. Bernays

L'opinion Quotes #1867750
#29. There are occasions upon which a candid expression of opinion may be not only rude, but counterproductive. L

Elizabeth Peters

L'opinion Quotes #1841179
#30. A high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.; the state or feeling of being proud; a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or

L. Velez

L'opinion Quotes #1812456
#31. The verdict of a jury is the a priori opinion of that juror who smokes the worst cigars.

H.L. Mencken

L'opinion Quotes #1760205
#32. And heresy is, as I have tried to show, largely the expression of opinion of the untutored average man, trying to grapple with the problems of the universe at the point where they begin to interfere with his daily life and thought.

Dorothy L. Sayers

L'opinion Quotes #1734056
#33. Everyone thinks their opinion is the most important, even when they have no clue about a situation." "I know.

L. H. Cosway

L'opinion Quotes #1664881
#34. In other words, what we know for sure is entirely limited, and all the rest is basically opinion.

Robert L. O'Connell

L'opinion Quotes #1540019
#35. Be careful of relying on the opinion of others, these are the same people that like liver.

Nanette L. Avery

L'opinion Quotes #1532565
#36. Those fields which most depend upon authoritative opinion for their data least contain known natural law.

L. Ron Hubbard

L'opinion Quotes #1475469
#37. My only concern is that the L.A. Times opinion pages, unfortunately like too many in this country, are dominated by men, and I'd like to see that change.

Susan Estrich

L'opinion Quotes #1468101
#38. Public opinion, in its raw state, gushes out in the immemorial form of the mob's fear. It is piped into central factories, and there it is flavored and colored, and put into cans.

H.L. Mencken

L'opinion Quotes #1418816
#39. Tis not necessity, but opinion, that makes men miserable; and when we come to be fancy-sick, there's no cure.

Roger L'Estrange

L'opinion Quotes #1234069
#40. Get up," James finally said, his tone indecipherable. "I don't need a patient dying from pneumonia on me tonight.

L. Jayne

L'opinion Quotes #5945
#41. To be longing for this thing to-day and for that thing to-morrow; to change likings for loathings, and to stand wishing and hankering at a venture
how is it possible for any man to be at rest in this fluctuant, wandering humor and opinion?

Roger L'Estrange

L'opinion Quotes #1141551
#42. The heaviest restriction upon the freedom of public opinion is not the official censorship of the Press, but the unofficial censorship by a Press which exists not so much to express opinion as to manufacture it.

Dorothy L. Sayers

L'opinion Quotes #1110209
#43. The truth is this: People that give you focus, energy and anger do care. If you were nothing then you wouldn't be able to affect them. Behind every over reaction was first the thought that your opinion mattered and your respect was once of value or you wouldn't get the response you got.

Shannon L. Alder

L'opinion Quotes #1071499
#44. Those who are of the opinion that money will do everything may reasonably be expected to do everything for money.

E. F. L. Wood, 1st Earl Of Halifax

L'opinion Quotes #1070393
#45. Reputation was everything in the Old South. The opinion of others was a measure of inner worth. Virtue, honor, valor, and respect simply did not exist apart from the view of a man in the minds of other men.

Gary L. Roberts

L'opinion Quotes #997642
#46. Volcker relied on public opinion, integrity, and persistence to overcome the political pressure to finance government spending the easy way, by printing money rather than by taxation.

William L. Silber

L'opinion Quotes #968026
#47. Sit there and shut up, honey. One of us is a professional. Now, if I need helping making a f**king sandwich or getting red wine out of a linen tablecloth, I'll ask for your opinion. Otherwise, shut those powder-pink lips and look pretty.

S.L. Jennings

L'opinion Quotes #933784
#48. I am suspicious of all the things that the average people believes.

H.L. Mencken

L'opinion Quotes #825463
#49. The only way you will ever be free is when you decide you have had enough of living up to the standards other people force upon you through shame. Never wear their chains of judgment when they can't break free of their own.

Shannon L. Alder

L'opinion Quotes #784436
#50. Love is an emotion that is based on an opinion of women that is impossible for those who have had any experience with them.

H.L. Mencken

L'opinion Quotes #715364
#51. Suicide is a belated acquiescence in the opinion of one's wife's relatives.

H.L. Mencken

L'opinion Quotes #653397
#52. Can you see the future, Kerbouchard?"
"Who would wish to? Our lives hold a veil between anticipation and horror. Anticipation is the carrot suspended before the jackass to keep him moving forward. Horror is what he would see if he took his eyes off the carrot.

Louis L'Amour

L'opinion Quotes #1259
#53. I hope you won't mind, because I haven't shaved since this morning, but I'm going to take you round the next quiet corner and kiss you.

Dorothy L. Sayers

L'opinion Quotes #3048
#54. I want your world to begin and end with me.

E.L. James

L'opinion Quotes #2746
#55. Friends don't let friends become BossHoles! Or work for one either.

Greg L. Alston

L'opinion Quotes #2721
#56. If I don't write it, who will? No one; at least not the way I would because the idea is uniquely mine.

Tanika L. Smith

L'opinion Quotes #2683
#57. We do not think clearly about our moral obligations to animals.

Gary L. Francione

L'opinion Quotes #2627
#58. The history of colonisation is replete with tales of happy, hippy natives dancing around half-naked, taking fantastic drugs and having as much sex as they could wave a stick at.

Victor L. Machin

L'opinion Quotes #2612
#59. Dawson sprang off the bed, but his feet never touched the floor beside it. He hovered, staring down at himself. He was glowing.
Like in full motherfreaking alien mode up in her house, in her bedroom.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

L'opinion Quotes #2331
#60. Our story opens in the mind of Luther L. (L for LeRoy) Fliegler, who is lying in his bed, not thinking of anything, but just aware of sounds, conscious of his own breathing, and sensitive to his own heartbeats. Lying beside him is his wife, lying on her right side and enjoying her sleep.

John O'Hara

L'opinion Quotes #2251
#61. But he should have known that on top of hating his guts, I was also a virgin.

L.J. Shen

L'opinion Quotes #2215
#62. A mask partially conceals, but it also tells us that something is behind the mask.

Gary L. Thomas

L'opinion Quotes #1819
#63. I was feeling the height of bitchiness.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

L'opinion Quotes #1788
#64. The problem with this generation is they are so quick to define who they are in the process of searching. It is their need for immediate acceptance that keeps them from exploring further.

Shannon L. Alder

L'opinion Quotes #1758
#65. If you're going to be a writer, the first essential is just to write. Do not wait for an idea. Start writing something and the ideas will come. You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow.

Louis L'Amour

L'opinion Quotes #3197
#66. He had fought for a principle, and because it was his nature to fight.

Louis L'Amour

L'opinion Quotes #1193
#67. And then - thwack! - Anne had brought her slate down on Gilbert's head and cracked it - slate not head - clear across.

L.M. Montgomery

L'opinion Quotes #1151
#68. But we know that just because we want something does not mean that we will get what we want,

Madeleine L'Engle

L'opinion Quotes #1102
#69. I love you, Dawson. I love who you are, what you are. And I don't think love recognizes differences. It just is. And we really aren't that different.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

L'opinion Quotes #1098
#70. We human beings grow through our failures, not our virtues.

Madeleine L'Engle

L'opinion Quotes #822
#71. Janice rolled her eyes. First, the doctor had ogled her, and now Karr was leering at her and licking his lips lasciviously.
Oh this is great. I'm being mentally undressed by a space pirate.

William L. Lavell

L'opinion Quotes #794
#72. He can't get broke so long as he is stuffed with money.

L. Frank Baum

L'opinion Quotes #506
#73. No. Sorry. You have spent months being the biggest jerk to me. You don't get to decide to like me one day and think I will forget that. I want someone to care for me like my dad cared for my mom. And you aren't him.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

L'opinion Quotes #495
#74. Never be ashamed of where you've been, only the moment you stop trying.

L.M. Fields

L'opinion Quotes #418
#75. An eye for an eye my friend.

Tsugumi Ohba

L'opinion Quotes #371
#76. I'll miss you, too. More than you know, he breathes.

E.L. James

L'opinion Quotes #366
#77. Here's how it goes: I'm up at the stroke of 10 or 10:30. I have breakfast and read the papers, and then it's lunchtime. Then maybe a little nap after lunch and out to the gym, and before I know it, it's time to have a drink.

E.L. Doctorow

L'opinion Quotes #4910
#78. Everyone dies, but in the end it comes down to what you are willing to die for, Alexandria.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

L'opinion Quotes #5894
#79. housewives of the Glen felt it, and

L.M. Montgomery

L'opinion Quotes #5878
#80. Don't let a three-o'clock-at-night feeling fog your soul.

L.M. Montgomery

L'opinion Quotes #5865
#81. I started writing when I was 9 years old. I was like this weird kid who would just stay in my room, typing little funny magazines and drawing comic strips.

R.L. Stine

L'opinion Quotes #5691
#82. But I was feeling quite down at the time. I was living in L.A., which was kind of weird for me.

Bryan Ferry

L'opinion Quotes #5522
#83. Marriage is what you make of it, and God has many versions of what that looks like based on what different souls need, in order to grow.

Shannon L. Alder

L'opinion Quotes #5496
#84. You're a bit of an odd duck aren't you Freda,' she says, her glasses hanging too low on her nose. 'Quack,' I reply.

L. H. Cosway

L'opinion Quotes #5245
#85. What r u wearing? Huh? Matt blinked at the phone, sure he'd read it wrong. Wasn't that how phone sex started? He wasn't dating anyone.

J.L. Langley

L'opinion Quotes #5244
#86. Keep courage. Whatever you do, do not feel sorry for yourself. You will win in a great age of opportunity.

Richard L. Evans

L'opinion Quotes #5156
#87. The origins of graph theory are humble, even frivolous.

Norman L. Biggs

L'opinion Quotes #4966
#88. To a fool time brings only age not wisdom.

Louis L'Amour

L'opinion Quotes #4939
#89. So we listen. We add up associations of people with people. When a push against Scientology starts somewhere, we go over the people involved and weed them out. Push vanishes.

L. Ron Hubbard

L'opinion Quotes #5942
#90. Every story holds insight into the writer's soul. If the soul can't be found, the writer didn't bleed enough.

M.L. Stephens

L'opinion Quotes #4832
#91. There is only one reason that you ever fail at anything ... and that is because you eventually change your mind. That's it! ... anything and everything you have ever decided to do, you have succeeded, or will succeed, at doing.

Victor L. Wooten

L'opinion Quotes #4807
#92. Ah," she said, "that's ever so much better," and took both boots and shook them out over the sink. "My stomach is full and I'm warm inside and out and it's time I went home.

Madeleine L'Engle

L'opinion Quotes #4746
#93. The university president who cashiered every professor unwilling to support Woodrow Wilson for the first vacancy in the
Trinity ...

H.L. Mencken

L'opinion Quotes #4719
#94. In my tadpole stage I was delivered to Metron Ariston and transmogrified, and here am I. My name is Sporos, by the way, and I do not like your thinking names like mouse-creature and shrimp-thing at me.

Madeleine L'Engle

L'opinion Quotes #4536
#95. I'd like to bite that lip.

E.L. James

L'opinion Quotes #4509
#96. It is a start, and I mean to keep on, I find written in my old journal of that year.

L.M. Montgomery

L'opinion Quotes #4200
#97. Loved him beyond reason, but then, all love is beyond reason.

E.L. Konigsburg

L'opinion Quotes #3972
#98. Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.

H.L. Mencken

L'opinion Quotes #3811
#99. ... there was something about her that made you feel it was safe to tell her secrets.

L.M. Montgomery

L'opinion Quotes #3795
#100. The sympathy which is reverent with what it cannot understand is worth its weight in gold. 69 L

Oswald Chambers

L'opinion Quotes #3682

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