Top 100 Life Relations Quotes

#1. I imagine possible relations all the time. All the time. My God, in my teens I was fucking tragic for it. I scarcely existed in the real world at all. I lived in some kind of ... Sex Narnia. My love life was busy, exciting, and totally imaginary.

Caitlin Moran

Life Relations Quotes #823629
#2. I have received the greatest honor in my life - and the greatest surprise. Never did I dream that the Nobel Prize could be awarded for the reciprocal relations.

Lars Onsager

Life Relations Quotes #1002844
#3. Keeping or holding on to a concept shows belief but building or adding to it shows confidence and depth of character.

Delma Pryce

Life Relations Quotes #953521
#4. When you're a boy your life can be measured out as a series of uncomfortable conversations reluctantly initiated by adults in an effort to tell you things that you either already know or really don't want to know.

Ben Aaronovitch

Life Relations Quotes #935361
#5. There was never a promise that race relations in America would be entirely resolved during my presidency or anybody's presidency. I mean, this has been a running thread - and - and fault line in American life and American politics since its founding.

Barack Obama

Life Relations Quotes #932298
#6. This is the secret of spiritual life: to think that I am the Atman and not the body, and that the whole of this universe with all its relations, with all its good and all its evil, is but as a series of paintings ... scenes on a canvas ... of which I am the witness.

Swami Vivekananda

Life Relations Quotes #924192
#7. The great fault of all ethics hitherto has been that they believed themselves to have to deal only with the relations of man to man. In reality, however, the question is what is his attitude to the world and all life that comes within his reach.

Albert Schweitzer

Life Relations Quotes #920885
#8. By the end of the third decade of this century, all of American life - politics, international relations, our homes, our jobs, our industries, the kind of cars we drive - will be forever transformed by the climate and energy challenge.

Joseph J. Romm

Life Relations Quotes #912897
#9. Everything that deceives may be said to enchant.


Life Relations Quotes #904599
#10. Monetary relations have penetrated into every nook and cranny of the world and into almost every aspect of social, even private life.

David Harvey

Life Relations Quotes #901603
#11. He who is concerned only with the purity of his own life ruins the great human relations.


Life Relations Quotes #896676
#12. The details and symbols of your life have been deliberately constructed to make you believe what white people say about you. Please try to remember that what they believe, as well as what they do and cause you to endure, does not testify to your inferiority but to their inhumanity and fear.

James Baldwin

Life Relations Quotes #841281
#13. Claiming to love self, but willingly default to cheating at the first sign of trouble is nothing short of playing yourself. Your ego may feel avenged - temporarily - but your heart and soul, the true self, will suffer the long term affects of karma's justifiable sting.

T.F. Hodge

Life Relations Quotes #828575
#14. A market economy is a tool - a valuable and effective tool - for organizing productive activity. A market society is a way of life in which market values seep into every aspect of human endeavour. It's a place where social relations are made over in the image of the market.

Michael Sandel

Life Relations Quotes #1016301
#15. The Goal of Science is understanding lawful relations among natural phenomena.
Religion is a way of life within a larger framework of meaning.

Ian Barbour

Life Relations Quotes #764705
#16. That is what you're making of the end of your mother's life, child. What will you make of your own?

Kage Baker

Life Relations Quotes #758100
#17. Between words and objects one can create new relations and specify characteristics of language and objects generally ignored in everyday life.

Rene Magritte

Life Relations Quotes #757580
#18. Anyway, you can be sure of one thing, a man's got to fake just to stay alive.

Osamu Dazai

Life Relations Quotes #752966
#19. Personal relations are the important thing for ever and ever, and not this outer life of telegrams and anger.

E. M. Forster

Life Relations Quotes #739081
#20. The people who take society as an escape from work are putting it to its proper use; but when it becomes the thing worked for it distorts all the relations of life.

Edith Wharton

Life Relations Quotes #732769
#21. God has graciously given us talents and blessings. How and what we do with these talents and blessings define our spiritual character and our right relations with God and with our fellowmen.

Kcat Yarza

Life Relations Quotes #716530
#22. This outer life, though obviously horrid; often seems the real one - there's grit in it. It does breed character. Do personal relations lead to sloppiness in the end?

E. M. Forster

Life Relations Quotes #715934
#23. Fashion and public relations share a charter to turn life to their own advantage, to make malleable and commercially useful the naked human perception. Both interests consider life too small, dull, and colorless to get itself sufficiently noticed without the lobbying efforts of professionals.

Kennedy Fraser

Life Relations Quotes #706028
#24. There are moments of frustration in life. You must build good relations to support you in these moments. You must also learn to encourage yourself and decide to stay determined in life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Life Relations Quotes #700797
#25. Of the whole sum of human life no small part is that which consists of a man's relations to his country, and his feelings concerning it.

Herbert Gladstone, 1st Viscount Gladstone

Life Relations Quotes #686928
#26. Life in a great society, or for that matter in a small, is a web of tangled relations of all sorts, whose adjustment so that it may be endurable is an extraordinarily troublesome matter.

Learned Hand

Life Relations Quotes #1149264
#27. People only value things in their life when it is taken away from them.

Bushra Satkhed

Life Relations Quotes #1297043
#28. I studied law, economy, international relations, communications, in order to find what I would do. It's the hardest thing, being 17 and trying to find what to do in life. You've explored so little. I'm lucky: My parents let me explore.

Mario Testino

Life Relations Quotes #1295827
#29. So often it happens that this one or that stands condemned by the social laws that govern family relations; and yet there are peculiar circumstances in the case, differences of temperament, divergent interests, innumerable complications of family life that excuse the apparent offence.

Honore De Balzac

Life Relations Quotes #1291285
#30. Human beings are very unpredictable in relations and there are no written agreements ... Unlike in business transactions ...


Life Relations Quotes #1287740
#31. The story of your life is really the story of the relations between yourself and God.

Emmet Fox

Life Relations Quotes #1268165
#32. It is so easy to have problems with people when you are not God's will.

Paul Gitwaza

Life Relations Quotes #1250148
#33. There are people who treat you right and there are people who do not treat you right. Don't get affected by the latter! Hold on to the former - the chosen ones in your life and move on.

Avijeet Das

Life Relations Quotes #1239786
#34. Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.

Herbert Spencer

Life Relations Quotes #1227246
#35. Subject the material world to the higher ends by understanding it in all its relations to daily life and action.

Ellen Swallow Richards

Life Relations Quotes #1227133
#36. The importance of the facts testified, and their relations to the affairs of the soul, and the life to come, can make no difference in the principles or the mode of weighing the evidence.

Simon Greenleaf

Life Relations Quotes #1221407
#37. I guess the biggest world difference you can make is in people's relations to their own emotions, 'cause emotions rule so much of our daily life, and I think that's where we work.

Alison Pill

Life Relations Quotes #1175935
#38. I was naked and he had more possessions than he could use all at once. I was the proletarian, he was the capitalist, and my relations to him were reduced to the basic proposition of all revolutions: die, I want what you have. It was the first time in my life I'd taken an interest in politics.

MacDonald Harris

Life Relations Quotes #1157780
#39. After experiencing life in Nazi Germany, Thomas Wolfe wrote, Here was an entire nation ... infested with the contagion of an ever-present fear. It was a kind of creeping paralysis which twisted and blighted all human relations.

Erik Larson

Life Relations Quotes #679946
#40. Life is difficult enough without undue association with people.

Jack Ritchie

Life Relations Quotes #1148177
#41. The people in our life is like the mountain and the river. Some people will stay as others will leave. Some will travel away and make their way back to you.

Touaxia Vang

Life Relations Quotes #1139850
#42. The role of humankind is to use the cultural and social environment it has created to devise new global values ... Human relations with nature are intimately bound up in interpersonal relations and with the relation of the self and its inner life.

Daisaku Ikeda

Life Relations Quotes #1138145
#43. Thus, the technique of metropolitan life is unimaginable without the most punctual integration of all activities and mutual relations into a stable and impersonal time schedule.

Georg Simmel

Life Relations Quotes #1127293
#44. Art is the expression of a man's life, of his mode of being, of his relations with the universe, since it is, in fact, man's inarticulate answer to the universe's unspoken message.

Vernon Lee

Life Relations Quotes #1106040
#45. I am a profound pessimist both about life and about human relations and about politics and ecology. Humans are inadequate and stupid creatures who sooner or later make a mess, and those who are trying to do good do a lot more damage than those who are muddling along.

A.S. Byatt

Life Relations Quotes #1097453
#46. Out of the Indian approach to life there came a great freedom, an intense and absorbing respect for life, enriching faith in a Supreme Power, and principles of truth, honesty, generosity, equity, and brotherhood as a guide to mundane relations.

Black Elk

Life Relations Quotes #1077683
#47. I concentrate, more than I think virtually any comic book artist has in the past, on the so-called mundane details of every day life - quotidian life. What happens to a person during a working day, marital relations, and stuff like that.

Harvey Pekar

Life Relations Quotes #1071995
#48. I always knew one thing, that life is made bearable and possible and liveable by the relations of one human being to another, the individual love and gentleness between persons, or in any case, the unbreakable bond that grows and fastens lives together in all sorts of mysterious ways ...

Katherine Anne Porter

Life Relations Quotes #1046279
#49. Even in the best, most friendly and simplest relations of life, praise and commendation are essential, just as grease is necessary to wheels that they may run smoothly.

Leo Tolstoy

Life Relations Quotes #1035102
#50. Folk music is not so much a body of art as it is a process, an attitude, and a way of life; its distinguishing features lie not within the songs themselves, but in the relations of those songs to a folk culture.

Sam Hinton

Life Relations Quotes #1024173
#51. Children, who play life, discern its true law and relations more clearly than men, who fail to live it worthily, but who think that they are wiser by experience, that is, by failure.

Henry David Thoreau

Life Relations Quotes #231903
#52. We tend to give up so easy in trying to understand people so we end up judging them !!

Hisham Fawzi

Life Relations Quotes #343085
#53. Our life is what we make it. An insignificant game or a noble trial; a dream or a reality; a play of the senses worn out in selfish use, and flying "swifter than a weaver's shuttle," or an ascension of the soul, by daily duties and unfaltering faith, to more spiritual relations and to loftier toils.

Edwin Hubbel Chapin

Life Relations Quotes #332946
#54. What can you do when everyone around you is strong and clever?

Tarjei Vesaas

Life Relations Quotes #328125
#55. I'm really going to miss all the people in the front office, media relations, marketing, all the great people at the ball park. They were my family for a while, and that part really stings. But life does go on.

Mike Quade

Life Relations Quotes #305651
#56. Appreciate all people for their talents. Everyone has something positive to contribute. If a rainbow only had one color, it wouldn't be as beautiful or spectacular to see.

Susan Reid

Life Relations Quotes #295728
#57. The thing I am most interested in is power relations - it is so easy to imagine that the other person is living a perfect life.

Miranda July

Life Relations Quotes #289699
#58. I feel sad for the people who I hear always plan, plan, plan the next day's event to occur. Life only stands still for them.

Ingrid Nkenlifack

Life Relations Quotes #275082
#59. You Bet Your Life's sponsor, Chrysler, was convinced only a Commie would dare promote racial equality.

Kliph Nesteroff

Life Relations Quotes #264384
#60. As if channeling Robbe-Grillet, who strove to establish 'new relations between man and the world,' Sesshu Foster's electrifying prose poems tenderly examine then fiercely weave stark-and-broken realities into luminous dream-like narratives on the game of life.

Wanda Coleman

Life Relations Quotes #261155
#61. If we love each other without creating a race war, people wouldn't get hurt that much, and feelings too.

Werley Nortreus

Life Relations Quotes #256285
#62. A UNITED civilization is possible only when human relations are balanced in all transactions which have to do with the distribution of the values of life which all men persistently and constantly seek.

Walter Russell

Life Relations Quotes #251269
#63. Learn to be friendly and learn to welcome all people, but note however in doing so that it is not every hand that is stretched towards you that deserves your handshake!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Life Relations Quotes #237768
#64. It is with some violation of the imagination that we conceive of an actor belonging to the relations of private life, so closely do we identify these persons in our mind with the characters which they assume upon the stage.

Charles Lamb

Life Relations Quotes #344563
#65. The relation of landlord and tenant is not an ideal one, but any relations in a social order will endure if there is infused into them some of that spirit of human sympathy which qualifies life for immortality.

George William Russell

Life Relations Quotes #223090
#66. The way in which a society organizes the life of its members ... is one "project" of realization among others. But once the project has become operative in the basic institutions and relations, it tends to become exclusive and to determine the development of the society as a whole.

Herbert Marcuse

Life Relations Quotes #219458
#67. Change is the law of life and of relations between nations. When two great peoples such as ours, energetic and optimistic, live side by side in all the diversity that freedom offers, change is rapid and brings in its wake problems, sometimes frictions.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Life Relations Quotes #209689
#68. The social relations of capitalism have penetrated slowly into all spheres of life to make wage labour the general condition of existence only in fairly recent times.

David Harvey

Life Relations Quotes #182698
#69. I believe that flowers are like people. Flowers come in different colours, shapes and sizes. Some extremely rare and some very common. They are all beautiful in their own unique way.

Alex Haditaghi

Life Relations Quotes #155870
#70. Maybe the price of forgetting that even in America, even in New York City, when a man back home is talking, you better listen closely.

Brian Koppelman

Life Relations Quotes #146675
#71. Oh, let us love our occupations,
Bless the squire and his relations,
Live upon our daily rations,
And always know our proper stations.

Charles Dickens

Life Relations Quotes #111304
#72. Was life, were human relations like this always, Therese wondered. Never solid ground underfoot. Always like gravel, a little yielding, noisy so the whole world could hear, so one always listened, too, for the loud, harsh step of the intruder's foot.

Patricia Highsmith

Life Relations Quotes #99060
#73. I believe in the theater; I believe in it as the first glamorizer of thought. It restores dramatic dynamics and their relations to life size.

Laurence Olivier

Life Relations Quotes #74606
#74. The claim of the State Socialists, however, that this right would not be exercised in matters pertaining to the individual in the more intimate and private relations of his life is not borne out by the history of governments.

Benjamin Tucker

Life Relations Quotes #60924
#75. Because of new technologies, new wealth, new conditions of domestic life and of international relations, unprecedented criteria and issues are coming up for national decision.

Herman Kahn

Life Relations Quotes #25802
#76. Patience is an unfailing remedy for friction in personal relations. Even if a person has never won a beauty contest, has no money in the bank, can't even change a flat tire, if he or she has inexhaustible patience, then we will find that life with such a person will never grow stale.

Eknath Easwaran

Life Relations Quotes #522239
#77. In all the relations of life and death, we are met by the color line.

Frederick Douglass

Life Relations Quotes #671160
#78. Obama dreams of a society without power relations, without the agonism that constitutes political life. Against such a position one might assert that justice is always an agon, a conflict, and to refuse this assertion is to consign human beings to wallow in some emotional, fusional balm.

Simon Critchley

Life Relations Quotes #669922
#79. A low-energy policy allows for a wide choice of life-styles and cultures. If, on the other hand, a society opts for high energy consumption, its social relations must be dictated by technocracy and will be equally degrading whether labeled capitalist or socialist.

Ivan Illich

Life Relations Quotes #656812
#80. Democracy is a way of life controlled by a working faith in the possibilities of human nature ... This faith may be enacted in statutes, but it is only on paper unless it is put in force in the attitudes which human beings display to one another in all the incidents and relations of daily life.

John Dewey

Life Relations Quotes #646361
#81. Nanak dukhiya sab sansaar!
This whole world is ridden with Sorrow.
Stop comparing as we all have a fucked up life, family and job! No matter what others show and potray! ;)
"Jhaak ke dekhoge (I mean kareeb se) toh pata chalega ki saamne waale ke toh zyaada phate hai" hahahahahaha


Life Relations Quotes #640349
#82. What is abnormal in Life stands in normal relations to Art. It is the only thing in Life that stands in normal relations to Art.

Oscar Wilde

Life Relations Quotes #608064
#83. I never look back at all. All of my sentiment and emotion goes into my family. I'm an extremely family oriented person and I have a very, very happy family life. That doesn't just include blood relations. I have friends who are close to me.

Michael Caine

Life Relations Quotes #583402
#84. The interest in life does not lie in what people do, nor even in their relations to each other, but largely in the power to communicate with a third party, antagonistic, enigmatic, yet perhaps persuadable, which one may call life in general.

Virginia Woolf

Life Relations Quotes #567316
#85. the greatest clue to changing people is to know and understand what trigger change in people and effectively apply such things in wisdom.

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Life Relations Quotes #561250
#86. Any negative thought will give rise to negative vibrations which tend to reach an individual even before you open your mouth! So, entertain positive thoughts about individuals you want to build relations with.

Sanchita Pandey

Life Relations Quotes #560255
#87. Womanhood is the great fact in her life; wifehood and motherhood are but incidental relations.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Life Relations Quotes #536023
#88. What we employ in charitable uses during our lives is given away from ourselves; what we bequeath at our death is given from others only, as our nearest relations.

Francis Atterbury

Life Relations Quotes #523206
#89. Forced relations between two things that superficially appear foreign create a new, instantaneous state. Authentic poetry asks nothing more. A kinship completely nonexistent moments ago was created by the poet's authority, just as it might have been created in life by the authority of chance.

Odysseus Elytis

Life Relations Quotes #8527
#90. Result of self-consciousness: audience and actor are the same. I live my life as a spectacle for myself, for my own edification. I live my life but I don't live in it. The hoarding instinct in human relations.

Susan Sontag

Life Relations Quotes #513624
#91. When we dream, we create. All of life is a dream or a series of waking dreams. We dream our surroundings. We dream our friends, our relations. We dream our bodies. We dream our dreams.

Frederick Lenz

Life Relations Quotes #510164
#92. Some people can be so generous when they give nothing away!

Rossana Condoleo

Life Relations Quotes #508261
#93. The human being of all times prays because he cannot fail to wonder about the meaning of his life, which remains obscure and discomforting of it is not put in relations to the mystery of God and if his plan for the world.

Pope Benedict XVI

Life Relations Quotes #487655
#94. All of life and human relations have become so incomprehensibly complex that, when you think about it, it becomes terrifying and your heart stands still.

Anton Chekhov

Life Relations Quotes #472155
#95. When one comes from the bottom they know how to deal with people on the bottom.
When one educates themself to communicate they learn how to deal with a multitude of types of people.
Life experience, and communication is at the core of people relations.

Therone Shellman

Life Relations Quotes #469543
#96. The reason we life black people isn't because they're black. We like them because they're not as grey as we are.

John Cage

Life Relations Quotes #427847
#97. I propose that there is another kind of power based not on resources, things, or attributes, but rooted in the social and cooperative relations in which people are enmeshed by virtue of group life.

Frances Fox Piven

Life Relations Quotes #418453
#98. So soon did we, wayfarers, begin to learn that man's life is rounded with the same few facts, the same simple relations everywhere, and it is vain to travel to find it new.

Henry David Thoreau

Life Relations Quotes #415284
#99. Some people just walk into our hearts.

Avijeet Das

Life Relations Quotes #371937
#100. Religion separate people while the issues of life that all people share in common, bring them together.

Ellen J. Barrier

Life Relations Quotes #369568

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