Top 55 Lead Astray Quotes

#1. Whatever is almost true is quite false, and among the most dangerous of errors, because being so near truth, it is more likely to lead astray.

Henry Ward Beecher

Lead Astray Quotes #12309
#2. To accept something on mere presumption and, likewise, to fail to investigate it may cover over, blind, and lead astray.


Lead Astray Quotes #745487
#3. To beguile is to deceive or lead astray, as Lucifer beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Joseph B. Wirthlin

Lead Astray Quotes #1013556
#4. The greater a man's talents, the greater his power to lead astray.

Aldous Huxley

Lead Astray Quotes #1212553
#5. It is possible to lead astray an entire generation, to strike it blind, to drive it insane, to direct it towards a false goal. Napoleon proved this.

Alexander Herzen

Lead Astray Quotes #1281522
#6. For false christs and false prophets will arise and o perform signs and wonders, p to lead astray, if possible, q the elect. 23But r be on guard; s I have told you all things beforehand.


Lead Astray Quotes #4018
#7. Lead me!" I told him fervently. "Astray is, like, my favourite place ever.

J.L. Merrow

Lead Astray Quotes #1442337
#8. Those who choose to walk on love's path are well served if they have a guide. That guide can enable us to overcome fear if we trust that they will not lead us astray or abandon us along the way.

Bell Hooks

Lead Astray Quotes #1094230
#9. It's quite simple, just follow the dotted line," the Planmaker explained. "Don't let any bad idea lead you astray. Don't let them persuade you to take a short cut or take one yourself. Life is a winding path. One sometimes has to make detours. That's my humble opinion, anyway.

Walter Moers

Lead Astray Quotes #1435852
#10. And remember, comrades, your resolution must never falter. No argument must lead you astray.

George Orwell

Lead Astray Quotes #1377129
#11. Every proposal to seek authorization elsewhere than in the gospel itself must lead us astray. The

Lesslie Newbigin

Lead Astray Quotes #1367197
#12. Terrorism needs to be fought against and certainly delegitimized or attacked, but some of the underlying grievances that might in fact lead individuals astray to terrorism cannot be ignored.

John O. Brennan

Lead Astray Quotes #1304437
#13. I do think you have to change with the times in a way that renews your core essence, not abandons it. To change for the sake of change - without an anchor - that is mere faddishness. It will only lead you further astray.

Richard C. Morais

Lead Astray Quotes #1280490
#14. We do know for sure that good Irish Catholics followed their faith in the direction of inclusion, compassion, equality, justice, and a host of other Catholic values when they voted with the majority despite some clergymen's efforts to lead them astray.

Mary E. Hunt

Lead Astray Quotes #1265792
#15. Hardest of all, as one becomes older, is to accept that sapient remarks can be drawn from the most unwelcome or seemingly improbable sources, and that the apparently more trustworthy sources can lead one astray.

Christopher Hitchens

Lead Astray Quotes #1199889
#16. Intuition makes much of it; I mean by this the faculty of seeing a connection between things that in appearance are completely different; it does not fail to lead us astray quite often.

Andre Weil

Lead Astray Quotes #1171276
#17. The nation which indulges toward another a habitual hatred or a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to it animosity or two its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and it's interest.

George Washington

Lead Astray Quotes #1165560
#18. If a superior man undertakes something and tried to lead,
He goes astray.
But if he follows, he finds guidance.
It is favourable to find friends in the West and South,
and quiet perseverance brings good fortune.

Pearl S. Buck

Lead Astray Quotes #1843788
#19. Surround yourself with a really good group of friends that are true and honest and won't lead you astray and make you compromise who you are as a woman or a young woman.

V V Brown

Lead Astray Quotes #1541286
#20. The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray.

Oscar Wilde

Lead Astray Quotes #1564519
#21. Our mind is all we've got. Not that it won't lead us astray sometimes, but we still have to analyze things out within ourselves.

Bobby Fischer

Lead Astray Quotes #1586351
#22. If you obey the majority of those on earth, they will lead you astray from God's way. They follow nothing but conjecture. They are only guessing.


Lead Astray Quotes #1599459
#23. Feelings can lead you astray. We may "feel" neglected or rejected, but we must ask God to help us be objective. He is always receptive and we are always A-Accepted.

Kolleen Lucariello

Lead Astray Quotes #1683302
#24. One belief is that it is easier to die, than to live. I'd rather make friends with Death, as a means to learn a few truths, than to allow life to lead me blindly astray within its subjective views and enraptured sciolism.

Lionel Suggs

Lead Astray Quotes #1702972
#25. May the roads we travel never lead us astray, but if by chance we lose our way, may the echoes of laughter guide us back home some day.

Pamela Sparkman

Lead Astray Quotes #1706168
#26. Renew your intention EVERY day, EVERY time you pray, and EVERY time you are about to do a good deed or else shaytan will lead your heart and mind astray.

Omar Suleiman

Lead Astray Quotes #1746493
#27. It seems we are all too vulnerable to having our heart lead us astray from what is right

Abigail Reynolds

Lead Astray Quotes #1783650
#28. Follow wherever the data leads you. Let the zillions help you rest more easily. Numbers don't lie. And they won't lead you astray. Instead, they'll help you find your way home.

Stan Humphries

Lead Astray Quotes #1796529
#29. Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.


Lead Astray Quotes #1815793
#30. Passion without focus can lead you astray.

Ken Auletta

Lead Astray Quotes #1821471
#31. We should never listen to our feelings. They lead us astray.

Shirley Manson

Lead Astray Quotes #513694
#32. This trail is never-changing, it won't lead you astray. It won't always be easy to follow and at times it will look too narrow for your paws. Follow it anyway, and you'll overcome every challenge you face." -Faolan

Brittany L. Engels

Lead Astray Quotes #83743
#33. The beautiful thing about this adventure called faith is that we can count on Him never to lead us astray.

Charles R. Swindoll

Lead Astray Quotes #214160
#34. Beware of the brokenhearted," said the grandmother, "for they will lead you astray.

Kate DiCamillo

Lead Astray Quotes #264800
#35. Don't let him lead you astray, my child. He's such a wicked man, woof!

Edmund White

Lead Astray Quotes #272274
#36. The President of the Church will not lead the people of the Church astray. It will never happen.

James E. Faust

Lead Astray Quotes #343705
#37. Our blossoms of passion, gay and luxuriant flowers, are bright and full of fragrance, but they beguile us and lead us astray, and their odor is deadly.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Lead Astray Quotes #350516
#38. 125When God wishes to guide someone, He opens their breast to islam;b when He wishes to lead them astray, He closes and constricts their breast as if they were climbing up to the skies.


Lead Astray Quotes #380993
#39. The voices inside you can lead your soul astray Believe in what you dream Don't turn away don't you turn away. Reach for the light You might touch the sky Stand on the mountaintop and see yourself flying Reach for the light to capture a star Come out of the darkness and find out who you are.

Steve Winwood

Lead Astray Quotes #382857
#40. First the flame and then the flood:
In the end it's Blackthorn blood.
Seek thou to forget what's past
First thirteen and then the last.
Search not the book of angels gray,
Red or white will lead you far astray.
To regain what you have lost,
Find the black book at any cost.

Cassandra Clare

Lead Astray Quotes #430224
#41. Learning itself, received into a mind
By nature weak, or viciously inclined,
Serves but to lead philosophers astray,
Where children would with ease discern the way.

William Cowper

Lead Astray Quotes #437309
#42. The Lord will never permit me or any other man who stands as president of this church to lead you astray.

Wilford Woodruff

Lead Astray Quotes #445782
#43. If only I'd realized earlier that it never pays to fight evil with evil. But after watching my father die, I'd been consumed with bitterness and had allowed it to lead me astray from what was righteous and pleasing to God.

Jody Hedlund

Lead Astray Quotes #506317
#44. Excessive caution can sometimes lead one as far astray as rash enthusiasm.

Donald Griffin

Lead Astray Quotes #1048772
#45. Passion must be subject to reason; emotions lead one astray. "There was no one to complain to in the woods, so I did not complain.

Michael Finkel

Lead Astray Quotes #563776
#46. We live in a world where people don't all have the same scruples, where all blows can be given, and where, in order to down somebody, all means can be used. Nothing will lead me astray from the path that I have chosen.

Nicolas Sarkozy

Lead Astray Quotes #579902
#47. That was always my fear, that perhaps books would lead me astray, teaching me about a life that didn't match reality.

Stefanos Livos

Lead Astray Quotes #696429
#48. Satan is masterful at using just enough of God's truth to capture a person's attention and then mix it with his devious potion that will lead [believers] astray.

Billy Graham

Lead Astray Quotes #708310
#49. What unhappy beings men are! They constantly waver between false hopes and silly fears, and instead of relying on reason they create monsters to frighten themselves with, and phantoms which lead them astray.


Lead Astray Quotes #728239
#50. What was sureness and certainty? I used to hold on to certainty like a light inside me, hoping it would chase out the dark unknown. But certainty was a phantom strung together on hopes. It would lead you astray at the first chance.

Roshani Chokshi

Lead Astray Quotes #831577
#51. Our complexity is much more likely to lead us astray than any simplicity we may follow.

Roger Kimball

Lead Astray Quotes #879514
#52. I plant my elbows on the kitchen table, prop up my chin and think: When the hell did the compass needle get out of whack and lead my life astray?

Haruki Murakami

Lead Astray Quotes #974286
#53. Using your feminine wiles to lead my familiar astray. If all you want is dangerous sex, I can give that to you better than he can, and I won't break your heart afterward. - Al to Rachel

Kim Harrison

Lead Astray Quotes #976109
#54. They were tricky, those demons. Could they be trusted? Of course they could be trusted. She'd created them. She owned them. They wouldn't lead her astray.

Rachel Cohn

Lead Astray Quotes #1029787
#55. It is astonishing that so simple a truth should ever have had an adversary; and it is one among a multitude of proofs, how apt a spirit of ill-informed jealousy, or of too great abstraction and refinement is to lead men astray from the plainest paths of reason and conviction.

Alexander Hamilton

Lead Astray Quotes #1031559

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