Top 100 Land Back Quotes

#1. In the Crusades, getting the Holy Land back was the goal, and any means could be used to achieve it. World War II was a crusade. The firebombing of Tokyo by Doolittle and the carpet bombing in Germany, especially by the British, showed that.

Stanley Hauerwas

Land Back Quotes #640241
#2. As the American historian John Lewis Gaddis put it, it is like looking in a rearview mirror: if you only look back, you will land in the ditch, but it helps to know where you have come from and who else is on the road.

Margaret MacMillan

Land Back Quotes #917047
#3. We need to shed our unearthly and nonsocial and idealistic and romantic and uber-spiritual visions of kingdom and get back to what Jesus meant. By kingdom, Jesus means: God's Dream Society on earth, spreading out from the land of Israel to encompass the whole world.

Scot McKnight

Land Back Quotes #918518
#4. I am not the type of person who wants to go back to the land I am the type who wants to got back to the hotel.

Fran Lebowitz

Land Back Quotes #915188
#5. Americans are finally realizing that once you lose land, you can't get it back.

Christine Todd Whitman

Land Back Quotes #908692
#6. The Earth was not dead. She had been sick, yes, weakened by an infestation. Now she was ridding herself of it. For those who remained alive the choice was a simple one, whether they realised it yet or not: Work with the land
respect it and give back to it
or die.

Joseph D'Lacey

Land Back Quotes #903346
#7. In the land of Israel was born the Jewish nation. There came an order to kill the religious and social spirit of the people ... And after the nation turned back to its land with strength, it protected it steadfastly ...

David Ben-Gurion

Land Back Quotes #896970
#8. Here I was at the end of America ... no more land ... and nowhere was nowhere to go but back

Jack Kerouac

Land Back Quotes #874908
#9. Go forth from our holy land and go back to your families who are waiting for you impatiently, that you and we, as well, lead a peaceful life together.

Muqtada Al Sadr

Land Back Quotes #836072
#10. The Main Street is wide, ridiculously wide, as though when it was built, the town was expecting something amazing to arrive, a thousand people to stake their claim to a patch of soggy green land, a huge boat, Titanic-size, on the back of a truck.

Karen Foxlee

Land Back Quotes #831950
#11. You're lucky you didn't know him back in his tech phase. There was this time in our second year when we were living in the same house. Kitchen table kept wobbling so Landis shoved this metal saucer under one of the legs. Wasn't until two weeks later we found out it was a land mine.

Benedict Jacka

Land Back Quotes #828760
#12. To put it rather bluntly, I am not the type who wants to go back to the land; I am the type who wants to go back to the hotel.

Fran Lebowitz

Land Back Quotes #757342
#13. Coming back to your native land after an absence of many years is a surprisingly unsettling business, a little like waking from a long coma. Time, you discover, has wrought changes that leave you feeling mildly foolish and out of touch.

Bill Bryson

Land Back Quotes #754753
#14. Deeds of heroism are wrought here more than those of romance, when, defying torture, and braving death itself, the fugitive voluntarily threads his way back to the terrors and perils of that dark land, that he may bring out his sister, or mother, or wife.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Land Back Quotes #748760
#15. They got back the Senate but we have the courts. By the nineties the Supreme Court will be block-solid Republican appointees, and the federal bench - Republican judges like land mines, everywhere, everywhere they turn. Affirmative action? Take it to court. Boom! Land mine. And

Tony Kushner

Land Back Quotes #740724
#16. Going back to a simpler life based on living by sufficiency rather than excess is not a step backward. Rather, returning to a simpler way allows us to regain our dignity, puts us in touch with the land, and makes us value human contact again.

Yvon Chouinard

Land Back Quotes #722537
#17. When I thinkof my own native land, In a moment I seem to be there; But alas! recollection at hand Soon hurries me back to despair.

William Cowper

Land Back Quotes #718723
#18. Maybe you've already guessed by now, and you're sitting there wondering how I could take so long to figure it out. If you are, all I can say is that it's a hell of a lot harder to step back and look at the big picture when you have to keep watching your feet for land mines.

Benedict Jacka

Land Back Quotes #709862
#19. Forgive. Forgive him and forgive yourself. And come back to the land of the living.

Michael Grant

Land Back Quotes #707989
#20. The American people are desperately seeking a Moses to lead them out of the wilderness, back to the land of milk and honey. They thought maybe Barack Obama was the one, and when he proved to be mortal after all, they were willing to listen to anyone new.

John Yarmuth

Land Back Quotes #707195
#21. I remember being fascinated by ants and wasps and other bugs when I was a kid. I'd set out a Coke can and stand back 20 feet and use my telescope to watch wasps land on it.

Paul McEuen

Land Back Quotes #682199
#22. Out here the wild things are healthy, the old trees whose roots find sustenance far below the ill-used layer of topsoil, the occasional rosebush gone to green thicket and thorns, the unstoppable kudzu. It is as if they have decided to take back the land for their own.

Poppy Z. Brite

Land Back Quotes #653559
#23. There is, as yet, no sense of pride in the husbandry of wild plants and animals, no sense of shame in the proprietorship of a sick landscape. We tilt windmills in behalf of conservation in convention halls and editorial offices, but on the back forty we disclaim even owning a lance.

Aldo Leopold

Land Back Quotes #645571
#24. But while Sasha told us that in America even the most successful men can have but one wife at once
my father had six
and talked about escalators, indoor plumbing, and the various laws of the land, he did not warn us that I would be told by American teenagers that I should go back to Africa.

Dave Eggers

Land Back Quotes #640653
#25. He hurt me more than any punch he could land. He broke me into a million pieces, and those fragments were still scattered on the wind. He would never be able to find them all and piece them back together.

E.L. Todd

Land Back Quotes #636227
#26. Sailin' 'round the world in a dirty gondola
Oh, to be back in the land of Coca-Cola!

Bob Dylan

Land Back Quotes #634592
#27. Soon her ice dragon would come for her, and she would ride on its back to the land of always-winter

George R R Martin

Land Back Quotes #1020069
#28. Crimes against humanity in Gaza: is it really a 'buffer zone' - or a bigger plan?
It's time to step back and ask if we want to support Israel if it wants to eject all Palestinians from their land.

Dennis Kucinich

Land Back Quotes #1187470
#29. When Kennedy said, 'Let's go to the moon,' we didn't yet have a vehicle that wouldn't kill you on launch. He said we'll land a man on the moon in eight years and bring him back. That was an audacious goal to put forth in front of the American people.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Land Back Quotes #1172712
#30. The pendulum had swung too far, as always, and now was swinging back, and the horror of intolerance had been loosed upon the land.

Clifford D. Simak

Land Back Quotes #1163030
#31. At birth, we emerge from dream soup. At death, we sink back into dream soup. In between soups, there is a crossing of dry land. Life is a portage.

Tom Robbins

Land Back Quotes #1159918
#32. No man likes to acknowledge that he has made a mistake in the choice of his profession, and every man, worthy of the name, will row long against wind and tide before he allows himself to cry out, 'I am baffled!' and submits to be floated passively back to land.

Charlotte Bronte

Land Back Quotes #1146607
#33. I believe in geographic cures - they allow you to throw all your cards in the air and see where they land, then pick them back up and deal them again.

Jerri Nielsen

Land Back Quotes #1139472
#34. If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?

Steven Wright

Land Back Quotes #1131250
#35. I'd made it back to the land of the living. No matter how boring or mediocre a world it might be, this was it.

Haruki Murakami

Land Back Quotes #1127627
#36. When I was fourteen years old, our family drove all the way from Vancouver to Newfoundland and back. I've been all across the great land of Canada. I absolutely love the Maritimes, and I'm very excited to go back, particularly in the fall when it's one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

Aaron Douglas

Land Back Quotes #1114582
#37. In a supersonic jet, you'll land before you take off. Your watch - if it's working right - will go back. (It'll stop if it's not). You've made a journey forwards and backwards at the same time. The trip will make you younger.

Zdenek Mahler

Land Back Quotes #1095405
#38. I started out doing something little. I went to Africa to spend five weeks putting roofs on a building. I seen the small child that stepped on a land mine. Three months later, I'm back helping pull the land mines out. Little things just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

Sam Childers

Land Back Quotes #1079157
#39. The truth is I've got the land on my back, an' it's drivin' me. Land is a hard driver.

Ellen Glasgow

Land Back Quotes #1031465
#40. The first human beings to land on Mars should not come back to Earth. They should be the beginning of a build-up of a colony/settlement, I call it a 'permanence'.

Buzz Aldrin

Land Back Quotes #623410
#41. Then the clouds curtsy in, the rain kneels upon the land, and the weather knocks them back a whole day and a half.

Colum McCann

Land Back Quotes #1019537
#42. Ruby clapped her hands in glee and gave a comedic wiggle of her head, Bollywood style.

I know the song now, can even sing it, but back then all I heard was the verdant Punjabi, the striking primary colours of the five rivers, the intricate history of a complex land.

Ruth Ahmed

Land Back Quotes #1013793
#43. Anyone I touch, I send back to the land from which he came.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Land Back Quotes #1004919
#44. Raffe: "The unruliness of the women in your family must go back for generations. You're like a plague upon the land."
Penryn: "So long as we're also a plague upon angels, I'm sure everyone else will forgive us."
Raffe: "Oh, you're definitely a plague upon at least one angel.

Susan Ee

Land Back Quotes #1003632
#45. Did you think you could dump me, and I'd bounce back to her and miraculously be happy? I'm not a Ping-Pong ball. You can't just swat me back and forth and expect me to be content wherever I land. If Tod dumped you tomorrow, would you come back to me?

Rachel Vincent

Land Back Quotes #994105
#46. After my grandfather's plane took enemy fire, he was denied permission to land at the first available airstrip. In that classic British bureaucratic way, they said he had to go back to your own airbase in the Midlands. They crashed between the coast and the airfield.

Tom Hooper

Land Back Quotes #972715
#47. Owning the intellectual property is like owning land: You need to keep investing in it again and again to get a payoff; you can't simply sit back and collect rent.

Esther Dyson

Land Back Quotes #970479
#48. Summer Stoltz had taken a cruise to Insanity Sea, and now I was docked back on land. And I felt the shit. I was the shit. Shithead Summer - that was my new name. I groaned, catching my head in my hands. "Oh, no.


Land Back Quotes #958434
#49. I argue with wife over what little pieces of real estate investments we should try to pay on and hold, and which to let go back. We always said, "Put it in land, and you can always walk on it." We did, but no buyers would walk on it with us.

Will Rogers

Land Back Quotes #947444
#50. God's intention is to transform your life, your promised land, and your nation, and to use you to bring back the earth to Himself, just as He is doing with us in Ukraine

Sunday Adelaja

Land Back Quotes #944224
#51. Nobody can go back to how it was. The dust bowl dried us all up bitter as seeds and spat us out all over the land and none of us yet has taken root.

Katherine Longshore

Land Back Quotes #934005
#52. All my family back to the 1700s were water Gypsies. My brothers and me, we were the first ones to be born on dry land. All the rest of them were born on barges in the canals.

Ronnie Wood

Land Back Quotes #202365
#53. The Prancer stepped back and studied her for a moment. Then, with a gleam in his eye, he said, 'All unicorns know the Land. Few humans do. But no unicorn knows how to brew ale.'

'I'm glad humans have some use.'

'Only those who can brew ale.

Chrys Cymri

Land Back Quotes #292868
#54. Why were we so full of hope in those days? Looking back, I see so clearly that violence was worsening. Living through that time, we didn't see that. We believed in our capacity to grow a great country. A just society.

Kaimana Wolff

Land Back Quotes #283133
#55. Of course, back then I was crimping my hair and wearing enormous shoulder pads that made me look like I played for the Minnesota Vikings. It's amazing anybody got laid in 1985, given what passed for fashion!" "I'll

Alexa Land

Land Back Quotes #278673
#56. In Israel, free men and women are every day demonstrating the power of courage and faith. Back in 1948 when Isreal was founded, pundits claimed the new country could never survive. Today, no one questions that. Israel is a land of stability and democracy in a region of tyranny and unrest.

Ronald Reagan

Land Back Quotes #267129
#57. I think we're as different as land and water.'
'James and I were very different too.'
'You were? But you seem so good together, so much in harmony.' And so passionate, but Victoria bit back the too-intimate words.
'It's taken years and lots of hard work to develop that kind of unity.

Jody Hedlund

Land Back Quotes #265212
#58. I'd clawed my way back to the land of the living. Because of Vero. She needed me.

Lisa Gardner

Land Back Quotes #258931
#59. The first six months are what I call the La La Land phase. This is what a lot of romantic novels, songs, and movies are based upon. Enjoy the courtship, nights out, and fun. You will eventually come back to reality.

Pamela Cummins

Land Back Quotes #245619
#60. When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up. Let your reason get you back up.

Les Brown

Land Back Quotes #241349
#61. The business of procuring the necessities of life has been shifted from the wood lot, the garden, the kitchen and the family to the factory and the large-scale enterprise. In our case, we moved our center back to the land.

Helen Nearing

Land Back Quotes #219039
#62. It must be thoroughly understood that the lost land will never be won back by solemn appeals to the God, nor by hopes in any League of Nations, but only by the force of arms.

Adolf Hitler

Land Back Quotes #217070
#63. For later generations of women - post Sexual Revolution - enjoying sex was to become simply a duty, the perfect orgasm yet another thing to add to the list of required accomplishments; and when enjoyment becomes a duty, we're back in the land of dreariness of spirit.

Alice Munro

Land Back Quotes #213620
#64. The river has indeed become an inefficient conduit, but the same plaque that plugs this artery used to hold back the flow when it was soil in the hills. Now the land just bleeds when it rains.

Robert Michael Pyle

Land Back Quotes #202451
#65. I'm perfectly happy to eat organic food, but if I choose to pay more for it, I don't pat myself on the back ethically. Quite the reverse. I think I'm actually being quite greedy, because what I'm doing is essentially saying, 'I want more land to be devoted to growing my food.'

Matt Ridley

Land Back Quotes #298292
#66. Love had found me again, brought me back to life in the land of the dead.

Sarah Diemer

Land Back Quotes #195379
#67. If you love this land of the free, bring them home, bring them home, Bring them back from overseas.

Pete Seeger

Land Back Quotes #186038
#68. For me, it always comes back to the land, respecting the land, the wildlife, the plants, the rivers, mountains, and deserts, the absolute essential bedrock of our lives. This is the source of where my power lies, the source of where all our power lies.

Terry Tempest Williams

Land Back Quotes #180588
#69. Yes, I grew up with guns. For my 16th birthday, in fact, I received a .357 instead of a car. But there was nothing playful about them; they were tools. My parents went through a back-to-the-land phase. Most of our vegetables and fruits came from our own garden.

Benjamin Percy

Land Back Quotes #180357
#70. Land?' Froi whispered. 'You're giving them land? I'm not worth the valley.'
'You're worth a kingdom,' Finnikin said, turning back to the crowd.

Melina Marchetta

Land Back Quotes #108179
#71. But if I hadn't shoved you off the boat back there,you'd be lost at sea now,wouldn't you? We'd all be lost! So thanks to me you're all standing on land.
(Pirates, its a good thing they're idiots)

Dave Barry

Land Back Quotes #102704
#72. Spy (1973)
Many years ago,
I was sent
to spy out the land beyond the age of thirty.
And I stayed there
and didn't go back to my senders,
so as not to be made
to tell
about this land
and made
to lie.

Yehuda Amichai

Land Back Quotes #81508
#73. My first name, Benjamin, dates back a thousand years earlier to Benjamin - Binyamin - the son of Jacob, who was also known as Israel. Jacob and his 12 sons roamed these same hills of Judea and Sumeria 4,000 years ago, and there's been a continuous Jewish presence in the land ever since.

Benjamin Netanyahu

Land Back Quotes #47984
#74. I like to hunt. After baseball, I'll go back and buy some land and do some farming.

Jeremy Bonderman

Land Back Quotes #46946
#75. After the Second World War, San Francisco was the main point of re-entry for sailors returning from the Pacific. Out at sea, many of these sailors had picked up amatory habits that were frowned upon back on dry land. So these sailors stayed in San Francisco ...

Jeffrey Eugenides

Land Back Quotes #46413
#76. This is not the land of my birth, but it is the land for which I hold the greatest affection, and I certainly will come back in the springtime

John F. Kennedy

Land Back Quotes #26940
#77. Adel could almost feel himself leapfrogging over childhood. Soon, he would land as an adult. And when he did, there would be no going back because adulthood was akin to what his father had once said about being a war hero: once you became one, you died one. Lying

Khaled Hosseini

Land Back Quotes #443849
#78. The sight of land, far away, brought you back to the reality the sea had made you forget. As you drew nearer to the beach, you would leave behind the waking dream the waves had thrown you into

Edouard Leve

Land Back Quotes #614537
#79. We spring from the Land, we go back to the Land. The Land sustains our life and in all ways we are connected, body and soul to Her. It is the Creator's Creation. It knows us. It loves us.

Rene' Donovan

Land Back Quotes #611174
#80. Look up for the stars. Where light meets earth, the land rolls back to ache of verges but do not with it turn.

Erin Moure

Land Back Quotes #558742
#81. After traveling through fourteen foreign countries and appearing before all the royalty and nobility I have only one wish today. That is that when my eyes are closed in death that they will bury me back in that quiet little farm land where I was born.

Annie Oakley

Land Back Quotes #558371
#82. I'm not sure we should have taken the company jet," Gabriella said two hours later as the plane lifted off the runway. "Oh, hush. It was just sitting there not being used, and Mark knows he has to come right back after we land in Portland. After he gets some sleep, of course.

Samantha Chase

Land Back Quotes #554196
#83. America has begun a spiritual reawakening. Faith and hope are being restored. Americans are turning back to God. Church attendance is up. Audiences for religious books and broadcasts are growing. And I do believe that he has begun to heal our blessed land.

Ronald Reagan

Land Back Quotes #551252
#84. Nobody living can ever stop me. As I go walking my freedom highway. Nobody living can make me turn back. This land was made for you and me.

Woody Guthrie

Land Back Quotes #540865
#85. I could drive from the age of nine. My dad had his car pitch at home, and we used to drive the cars around the land, take them up to the tap, wash them, and reverse them back.

Tyson Fury

Land Back Quotes #532897
#86. Food consists not just in piles of chemicals; it also comprises a set of social and ecological relationships, reaching back to the land and outward to other people.

Michael Pollan

Land Back Quotes #507953
#87. On my solemn oath, Edmund, I'd gladly face not having an acre of land to call my own, nor a penny in the bank, I'd be willing to have no home but the poorhouse in my old age, if I could look back now on having been the fine artist I might have been.

Eugene O'Neill

Land Back Quotes #494503
#88. Dat's what they say of this cauntry back home, Kath: 'America, the land of milk and honey.' Bot they never tell you the milk's gone sour and the honey's stolen.

Andre Dubus III

Land Back Quotes #489424
#89. Once or twice she'd looked back at him and seen such a look of compassion in his brown eyes it had made her heart flop around like a fish on dry land.

Melanie Dickerson

Land Back Quotes #622963
#90. The guys today are just too strong and back then they would take many hard punches to land one.

Larry Holmes

Land Back Quotes #435706
#91. But love had a funny way of giving you faith in the one who loved you back. And nothing was guaranteed in life, neither riches nor health. At the end of the day, you just had to let yourself go ... and the best place to land was in the arms of a good man.

J.R. Ward

Land Back Quotes #415195
#92. My father upon the Abbey stage, before him a raging crowd.
"This Land of Saints," and then as the applause died out,
"Of plaster Saints;" his beautiful mischievous head thrown back.

William Butler Yeats

Land Back Quotes #395190
#93. I do believe that Israel is covenant land. That's very controversial, but I read the Bible literally, and I believe that God gave them that land, all the way back to Deuteronomy.

James Dobson

Land Back Quotes #391631
#94. Strap a piece of toast -buttered side up- to the back of a cat. Throw the cat out of the window.
Will the cat land on its feet or will Murphy's law apply?

Alan Fletcher

Land Back Quotes #384930
#95. I wanted to follow the rain on its meanderings about our land to rejoin the sea, to break out of the frustration of a lifetime doing lengths, of endlessly turning back on myself like a tiger pacing its cage

Roger Deakin

Land Back Quotes #380851
#96. You always start with a fantasy. Part of the fantasy technique is to visualize something as perfect. Then with the experiments you work back from the fantasy to reality, hacking away at the components.

Edwin Land

Land Back Quotes #370870
#97. Nearly dying brings you closer to living. There's a thin border; you feel yourself cross it, going back to the land of the living, going home. Perhaps, if you'd gone the other way, death would have been a different home.

Jackie Kay

Land Back Quotes #350689
#98. We are amazingly similar to the children of Israel. We spend half our lives looking back at our own Egypt with selective memories, longing to have our comfort zone back. Then we spend the other half wishing our days away for a dreamy future in our own promised land.

Lysa TerKeurst

Land Back Quotes #325960
#99. It was "not so much the [lack of] leisure, but also the nervous tension. One comes back to one's native land and sees that one has been abandoned." - Antheil

Richard Rhodes

Land Back Quotes #323431
#100. Poverty and the rule of race that is called apartheid drive the Transkeian migrant from security on the land to work in the cities, and then back again.

Ruth First

Land Back Quotes #303947

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