Top 24 Keepsake Quotes

#1. Whenever you get a large body of work like 'Humans of New York,' a natural pathway becomes to put it between two covers. I wanted this to be a very nice keepsake. A lot of work went into it, and a lot of fans are attached to it.

Brandon Stanton

Keepsake Quotes #53898
#2. What goes in the mind is forgotten, what goes in the stomach just passes through, but that which goes in the heart is locked, like a keepsake diary, that never leaves you.

Anthony Liccione

Keepsake Quotes #1669469
#3. Putting a body in a box as a keepsake for mortals to cling to long after everything that was that person is gone - it turns my stomach. Graveyards are for the living, not the dead.

Heather Brewer

Keepsake Quotes #1663255
#4. I didn't. My mother gave it to me as a keepsake, then took it back when I reached maturity - and gave it to the Weaver for safekeeping." "Why?" "So I wouldn't waste it.

Sarah J. Maas

Keepsake Quotes #1523832
#5. I admire him, I frankly confess it; and when his time is come I shall buy a piece of the rope for a keepsake.

Mark Twain

Keepsake Quotes #1472248
#6. For years I've wanted to write a book about mummies, and had been following the science of mummy CT scans when the premise for 'The Keepsake' occurred to me: what if an 'ancient' mummy turns out to have a bullet in its leg? How does a modern murder victim get turned into a mummy?

Tess Gerritsen

Keepsake Quotes #1462762
#7. I'm afraid I can't let you take it. I could, you know, give you its big toe or something, as a keepsake, but that's about it.

Derek Landy

Keepsake Quotes #1454478
#8. I believe that by releasing "passing interest/low keepsake-value literature" from the burden of physicality, you are actually releasing the words from their worst liability: the price and inconvenience of actual bookness.

John Hodgman

Keepsake Quotes #804147
#9. Well, the news has got around. The Duchess of Keepsake has invited us to a ball, Sir Henry and Lady Withering have invited us to a ball, and Lord and Lady Hangfinger have invited us to ... yes, a ball."
"Well, that's a lot of ... "
"Don't you dare, Sam.

Terry Pratchett

Keepsake Quotes #782430
#10. I kept it for myself like a keepsake, as if sharing the memory might lead to its dissipation.

John Green

Keepsake Quotes #662158
#11. It's one of the most beautiful memories of my life. Not everyone has a chance to meet Greta Garbo! I was so in awe of her that I recently had my assistant search online for her film Queen Christina [1933]. I cherish that rare DVD like a precious keepsake now.

Giovanna Cau

Keepsake Quotes #271141
#12. My heart was tightening painfully, as it had after our first parting. Oh, how I was glad of this feeling! Could it be that youth wishes to return to me with its wholesome storms, or is this only its departing glance, its last gift, as a keepsake ... ?

Mikhail Lermontov

Keepsake Quotes #53023
#13. Before you, life was desolate - the past hardly worth remembering - and now, each moment a keepsake I can't throw away ...

John Geddes

Keepsake Quotes #1203990
#14. The relationships we have with people are extremely important to success on and off the job.

Zig Ziglar

Keepsake Quotes #1830947
#15. You have a great God who loves you and cares about you. Be full of hope that something good can happen to you. God is a master at new beginnings. He loves fresh beginnings, He makes all things new.

Joyce Meyer

Keepsake Quotes #1180791
#16. I have zero tolerance for people who don't come completely prepared. I expect contribution, I expect attendance, and I expect directors to take trips and visit the company's programs.

Anne M. Mulcahy

Keepsake Quotes #1170924
#17. and two, success is often started by dumb luck, so play the hand that's dealt you and play it hard.

Harry Schuhmacher

Keepsake Quotes #931469
#18. Thank God I've always avoided persecuting my enemies.

Adolf Hitler

Keepsake Quotes #756208
#19. Um, Roni, could you please tell me why there's an unconscious female in the trunk of your car?" Rubbing at his nape, Eli frowned down at the blonde. "When you said, 'Come see what I've got,' I thought you meant new sneakers or something.

Suzanne Wright

Keepsake Quotes #616844
#20. So I would say God hates war, but God loves every soldier.

Rick Warren

Keepsake Quotes #577072
#21. The third order, called Corinthian , is an imitation of the slenderness of a maiden; for the outlines and limbs of maidens, being more slender on account of their tender years, admit of prettier effects in the way of adornment.

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio

Keepsake Quotes #399514
#22. I'm not in business to make money for the other guy. I'm in business to make money for myself.

Sheldon Adelson

Keepsake Quotes #368869
#23. Respectable Professors of the Dismal Science.

Thomas Carlyle

Keepsake Quotes #342228
#24. I've been through so much in my career in F1, particularly in 1995, and I did achieve so much that I thought that it's not worth it any more to push your luck further. [on his retirement

Mika Hakkinen

Keepsake Quotes #307886

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