Top 23 John Kruk Quotes

#1. I'm not an athlete. I'm a professional baseball player.

John Kruk

John Kruk Quotes #954367
#2. On this Twitter thing, at least five people a day say 'bring back the mullet.' My wife told me I'm not allowed. Troy Tulowitzki wants me to grow a rat-tail for his charity. I was like, 'What the heck is a rat-tail?'

John Kruk

John Kruk Quotes #1854491
#3. Too many managers manage by what the postgame press conference is going to be.

John Kruk

John Kruk Quotes #1790352
#4. I would think I drive most hitting coaches crazy. During one single at-bat I used six different stances on six pitches. Oh yeah, I also struck out. So what do I know?

John Kruk

John Kruk Quotes #1579916
#5. I only dated one Asian girl, but she was very Asian. She was a panda.

Jim Gaffigan

John Kruk Quotes #1379814
#6. The United States invaded Iraq to gain control of one of the major sources of the world's energy.

Noam Chomsky

John Kruk Quotes #1334996
#7. If you're playing for the Kansas City Royals about all you can do is beat your head against the wall.

John Kruk

John Kruk Quotes #1290658
#8. People in West Virginia do have cars. We have indoor plumbing. We even use knives and forks.

John Kruk

John Kruk Quotes #1254044
#9. We have been given the gift of life in this perplexing world to become who we ultimately are: creatures of boundless love, caring compassion, and wisdom.

Wayne Teasdale

John Kruk Quotes #1163005
#10. Im not an Athlete, Im a ballplayer

John Kruk

John Kruk Quotes #1089210
#11. You hear players, media people, say that it's tough to play in Philly in front of these fans, to those people I say: you didn't have the guts to succeed here!

John Kruk

John Kruk Quotes #1043453
#12. When I first came in the league, I thought Jack Clark and Steve Garvey were big. Then all of sudden it seemed like everyone was that big.

John Kruk

John Kruk Quotes #999949
#13. We're spending money on clean coal technology. Do you realize we've got 250 million years of coal?

George W. Bush

John Kruk Quotes #116488
#14. I try to dumb down out there. They tell you to stay within yourself, so that's what I do. Mentally, I'm not gonna out-think myself too often.

John Kruk

John Kruk Quotes #941501
#15. My wife told me I'm not as disgusting to her as I used to be.

John Kruk

John Kruk Quotes #921209
#16. I've always had a lot of ambivalence about fame and celebrity.

Jane Pauley

John Kruk Quotes #759453
#17. The image is dead! Long live the sensation.

Kathleen Ossip

John Kruk Quotes #722844
#18. All that blind, infantile hunger to save and be saved, to repeat the past and make it different, had somehow attached itself, ravenously, to her.

Donna Tartt

John Kruk Quotes #689446
#19. I get so happy when I write a joke. It's a very satisfying, liberating feeling.

Rita Rudner

John Kruk Quotes #449956
#20. I'm not an athlete, I'm a baseball player.

John Kruk

John Kruk Quotes #411110
#21. I hated baseball. I really didn't like baseball at all until someone decided they were going to pay me ... Every year I played in the big leagues, the day the season ended, I called my buddies in West Virginia and said, 'I'll be home tomorrow.'

John Kruk

John Kruk Quotes #309301
#22. The lazy are always wanting to do something.

Luc De Clapiers De Vauvenargues

John Kruk Quotes #166564
#23. I have always been independent.

Mo Yan

John Kruk Quotes #158962

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