Top 20 Irish Jokes Sayings

#1. When I hit the scene, there was Billy Connolly and Max Boyce. It was all mother-in-law and Irish jokes, and we broke the mould. Now there are thousands of comedians out there, and I don't think I can be above it all.

Jasper Carrott

Irish Jokes Sayings #1285174
#2. There's no such thing as a superhuman. But the only thing I got to tell you, if you take a dog and kick him around he's got to be alert, he's got to be more sharper than you. Well, we've been kicked around for two thousand years. We're not more smarter, we're more alert.

Mordecai Richler

Irish Jokes Sayings #1443046
#3. For generations comedians have made jokes about Scots-Irish in the South inter-breeding. "I am my own grandpa" and all that stuff; you know, because they all were marrying their first cousins.

Ishmael Reed

Irish Jokes Sayings #1843618
#4. High School is the penalty for transgressions yet to be specified.

Frank Portman

Irish Jokes Sayings #1833292
#5. James Morrison just had a new album come out and I think he's incredible. I'd love to work with him, his voice is insane.

Kevin McHale

Irish Jokes Sayings #1829033
#6. No point in imagining anything," said Granny. "Things are bad enough as they are.

Terry Pratchett

Irish Jokes Sayings #1784509
#7. I won't even pretend I didn't care. I wanted to win. I mean, if you don't care about winning the competition, why show up?

Justin Bieber

Irish Jokes Sayings #1767553
#8. I like your sister. A lot."
I look at him dumbly.
He looks at me, lowers his voice to say, "I like you.

Sophie Jordan

Irish Jokes Sayings #1637992
#9. It is my growing conviction that my life belongs to others just as much as it belongs to myself and that what is experienced as most unique often proves to be most solidly embedded in the common condition of being human.

Henri J.M. Nouwen

Irish Jokes Sayings #1588972
#10. She thought she was a feminist. She was only bad tempered.

Hari Kunzru

Irish Jokes Sayings #1536715
#11. The worship of God is, Honouring his gifts in other men each according to his genius, and loving the greatest men best; those who envy or calumniate great men hate God, for there is no other God.

William Blake

Irish Jokes Sayings #1506034
#12. Perhaps our Irish friends should not so completely turn their backs on their historical dishes, no matter how many jokes they might have to endure.

Nick Clooney

Irish Jokes Sayings #1359845
#13. Most of my jokes are racist - usually about the Irish.

Frank Carson

Irish Jokes Sayings #1110635
#14. As long as I could forever stay his little princess.

Ellen Hopkins

Irish Jokes Sayings #1017879
#15. Aftera brief silence, Kenzie said, "Don't you believe in second chances?"
The room seemed a little colder, a little darker, as if a shadow had passed over the sun.
"Sonny Lee always said, 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

Cinda Williams Chima

Irish Jokes Sayings #753627
#16. I often thought my gravestone would say, 'Here lies Gandalf. He came out,'

Ian McKellen

Irish Jokes Sayings #483753
#17. No, Lil," he tells me with a short laugh. "You're the opposite. You're my stability ... my home.

Krista Ritchie

Irish Jokes Sayings #384503
#18. I'm Irish, so I'm messing all the time. Which means, I'm having a laugh. I'm always making jokes.

Saoirse Ronan

Irish Jokes Sayings #365788
#19. The realization of a sustainable economic development strategy for Maine's Native American communities has always been a priority and a critical element of my administration's overall economic development strategy.

John Baldacci

Irish Jokes Sayings #228178
#20. Sin claims to free but in fact it kills.

Mark Dever

Irish Jokes Sayings #206063

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