Top 51 Intellectual Women Quotes

#1. She was no intellectual, but men were scrupulous about avoiding intellectual women unless they had the sense to keep it well hidden.

Margaret Way

Intellectual Women Quotes #1802228
#2. Has she," asked the Doctor, with a smile, "has she been associating of late with a circle of pseudo-intellectual women - super-spiritual superior beings? My wife has been telling me about them.

Kate Chopin

Intellectual Women Quotes #438449
#3. The intellectual and constant retelling of a victim story becomes a broken record, deepening the groove of helplessness in the nervous system.

Deborah Sandella

Intellectual Women Quotes #1011121
#4. It strikes me as very strange that whereas Tennyson could support most of Mr. Buckley's propositions about free trade, and the private sector, and private enterprise, Tennyson found no difficulty also in lending intellectual support to the idea of Women's Liberation.

Germaine Greer

Intellectual Women Quotes #1872179
#5. Powerful men needed their women to be unchallenging, the home should not be an arena for intellectual debate.

Kate Atkinson

Intellectual Women Quotes #1048603
#6. There is not the slightest danger of women becoming too intellectual or knowing too much. Neither is there any danger of men knowing too much. At least, I know of no men who are in immediate peril from that source.

Robert G. Ingersoll

Intellectual Women Quotes #1049629
#7. It's difficult because we live in a world that doesn't really respect the creative and intellectual contributions of women.
It's more like Oh, you're so cute. Be quiet. Shhh, don't talk too much.

Lauryn Hill

Intellectual Women Quotes #1118094
#8. All observations point to the fact that the intellectual woman is masculinized; in her, warm, intuitive knowledge has yielded to cold unproductive thinking.

Helene Deutsch

Intellectual Women Quotes #1139890
#9. The waste of intelligence. A community that finds it natural to suffocate with the care of home and children so many women's intellectual energies is its own enemy and doesn't realize it. I waited in silence

Elena Ferrante

Intellectual Women Quotes #1178594
#10. The Humanity of men and women is inversely proportional to their Numbers. A Crowd is no more human than an Avalanche or a Whirlwind. A rabble of men and women stands lower in the scale of moral and intellectual being than a herd of Swine or of Jackals.

Aldous Huxley

Intellectual Women Quotes #1191783
#11. It's time that we acknowledge the wisdom women have acquired by managing the chaos of daily life. Women are realists, the glue that holds society together. They bring a reverence to life that's instinctual, not just intellectual.

Teresa Heinz

Intellectual Women Quotes #1213598
#12. No wonder studies show that women's intellectual self-esteem tends to go down as years of education go up. We have been studying our own absence.

Gloria Steinem

Intellectual Women Quotes #1245289
#13. Women's Studies can amount simply to compensatory history; too often they fail to challenge the intellectual and political structures that must be challenged if women as a group are ever to come into collective, nonexclusionary freedom.

Adrienne Rich

Intellectual Women Quotes #1271881
#14. Women don't require motives that are comprehensible to my intellectual processes.
(Nero Wolfe)

Rex Stout

Intellectual Women Quotes #1346926
#15. Education is not about Intellectual Entertainment..It is about continuous improvement, inside and outside!

Abha Maryada Banerjee

Intellectual Women Quotes #1355312
#16. Fancy, an animal faculty, is very different from imagination, which is intellectual. The former is passive; but the latter is active and creative. Children, the weak minded, and the timid are full of fancy. Men and women of intellect, of great intellect, are alone possessed of great imagination.

Joseph Joubert

Intellectual Women Quotes #1406944
#17. If the minds of women were enlightened and improved, the domestic work would be more frequently refreshed by intelligent conversation, a means of edification now deplorably neglected, for want of that cultivation which these intellectual advantages would confer.

Sarah Moore Grimke

Intellectual Women Quotes #1427610
#18. What a revolting contrast exists in England between the slavery of women and the intellectual superiority of women writers.

Flora Tristan

Intellectual Women Quotes #1572228
#19. That my most important values are honesty, empathy, and intellectual curiosity. That I'm unwilling to tolerate women who don't make me happy, no matter how hot they are.

Mark Manson

Intellectual Women Quotes #1669156
#20. Society seems to find it irresistible to characterise the "unworldliness" of the male intellectual and academic in terms of his failure to control the women in his life.

Germaine Greer

Intellectual Women Quotes #1729889
#21. A society that does not use the intellectual power of its female population fully is not a wise society. Most women are not as tainted by mistakes in the conduct of the economy as the male population, and now they deserve an opportunity.

Johanna Siguroardottir

Intellectual Women Quotes #1737388
#22. One of the greatest product of a meaningful education is the intellectual curiosity that leads men and women to continued learning and makes them eager to learn as the experience of life reveals areas of ignorance.

M.A. Khan

Intellectual Women Quotes #1760577
#23. A high degree of intellectual refinement in the female is the surest pledge society can have for the improvement of the male.

Charles Caleb Colton

Intellectual Women Quotes #1776985
#24. I am a woman first of all. At the core of my work was a journal written for the father I lost, loved and wanted to keep. I am personal. I am essentially human, not intellectual. I do not understand abstract act. Only art born of love, passion, pain.

Anais Nin

Intellectual Women Quotes #1811110
#25. A man must be quite intelligent in order to accept that a woman is his intellectual equal.

Dora Musielak

Intellectual Women Quotes #1823525
#26. The few bright meteors in man's intellectual horizon could well be matched by women, were she allowed to occupy the same elevated position.

Ernestine Rose

Intellectual Women Quotes #1859251
#27. The young women, what can they not learn, what can they not achieve, with Columbia University annex thrown open to them? In this great outlook for women's broader intellectual development I see the great sunburst of the future.

M. E. W. Sherwood

Intellectual Women Quotes #569350
#28. Surround yourself with amazingly intelligent men and women. The people I work with not only are smarter than I am, possessing both intellectual and emotional intelligence, but also share my determination to succeed. I will not make an important decision without them.

George Steinbrenner

Intellectual Women Quotes #34347
#29. Largely excluded from the white masculine political sphere, black male scholars established intellectual organizations where they could not only distance themselves from women but also perform a masculinity parallel to that established by white male scholars.

Deborah Gray White

Intellectual Women Quotes #131589
#30. What [Sarah] Palin so beguilingly represented ... was a form of female power that was utterly digestible to those who had no intellectual or political use for actual women: feminism without the feminists.

Rebecca Traister

Intellectual Women Quotes #218444
#31. What'll Geoffrey do when you pull off your First, my child?" demanded Miss Haydock.
"Well, Eve
it will be awkward if I do that. Poor lamb! I shall have to make him believe I only did it by looking fragile and pathetic at the viva.

Dorothy L. Sayers

Intellectual Women Quotes #228045
#32. The failure of women to produce genius of the first rank in most of the supreme forms of human effort has been used to block the way of all women of talent and ambition for intellectual achievement.

Anna Garlin Spencer

Intellectual Women Quotes #268813
#33. I was always a feminist, for I liked intellectual revolt as much as I disliked physical violence. On the whole, I think women havelost something precious, but have gained, immeasurably, by the passing of the old order.

Ellen Glasgow

Intellectual Women Quotes #290943
#34. Historically, women have pushed each other into, and supported each other within, intellectual and public realms to which men rarely extended invitations, let alone any promise of equality.

Rebecca Traister

Intellectual Women Quotes #314499
#35. Can a woman become a genius of the first class? Nobody can know unless women in general shall have equal opportunity with men in education, in vocational choice, and in social welcome of their best intellectual work for a number of generations.

Anna Garlin Spencer

Intellectual Women Quotes #317933
#36. The twenty-first-century successful black woman is brilliant and tenacious and not afraid to flex her intellectual, spiritual, or financial muscles. She has accomplished, earned, and owned more than black women of any other generation in American history.

Sophia Nelson

Intellectual Women Quotes #368967
#37. What an absurd notion that women have not intellectual and moral faculties sufficent for anything else but domestic concerns!

Susan B. Anthony

Intellectual Women Quotes #403178
#38. Sometime in the coming century, people will rack their brains pondering how nations with tremendous scientific and intellectual achievements could have given uninstructed and untrained men and women the right to vote equally uninstructed and untrained people into responsible positions.

Erik Von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

Intellectual Women Quotes #525996
#39. At its heart, all intellectual and emotional life is a conversation, and the conversation begins at birth.

Susan Jacoby

Intellectual Women Quotes #544559
#40. English girls' schools today providing the higher education are, so far as my knowledge goes, worthily representative of that astonishing rise in the intellectual standards of women which has taken place in the last half-century.

Mary Augusta Ward

Intellectual Women Quotes #975828
#41. Marriage is a linchpin in many women's lives, but many other things can create a satisfying life. I adore my career. It stretches every physical, emotional, and intellectual muscle I have.

Geraldine Stutz

Intellectual Women Quotes #626342
#42. At the outstart of discussions of women's intellectual attainments, it is well to remember how few are the men of the first rank.

Anna Garlin Spencer

Intellectual Women Quotes #632313
#43. All honor to the noble women that have devoted earnest lives to the intellectual needs of mankind!

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Intellectual Women Quotes #633151
#44. I just thought: Oh goodness, you can wear nice clothes and get your hair done and still be a feminist and a serious intellectual.

Jacqueline Rose

Intellectual Women Quotes #636809
#45. Women often don't want to admit that they like fashion. And yet fashion enthralls everyone, from the taxi driver to the mega-intellectual. I have often asked myself why this is. I don't know the answer.

Miuccia Prada

Intellectual Women Quotes #646502
#46. Hinde Esther Singer was born in Poland on March 31, 1881, the daughter of Bathsheva and Pinchos Mendel Singer. Bathsheva was an intellectual, but both Bathsheva's father and her husband disapproved of erudite women.

Clive Sinclair

Intellectual Women Quotes #653649
#47. Phillip Roth uses his Black women characters to make anti intellectual remarks about Black history month, begun by a man who reached intellectual heights that Roth will never attain.Roth is a petty bigot and his ignorant remarks about black culture expose him as a buffoon to scholars the world over.

Ishmael Reed

Intellectual Women Quotes #752441
#48. I've noticed over the past years of my writerly life that women writers in particular are discouraged in cleverly disguised forms from including the intellectual in their creative material way more than you would believe.

Lidia Yuknavitch

Intellectual Women Quotes #760391
#49. A community that finds it natural to suffocate with the care of home and children so many women's intellectual energies is its own enemy and doesn't realize it. I

Elena Ferrante

Intellectual Women Quotes #792975
#50. Woody Allen made it acceptable for beautiful women to sleep with nerdy, bespectacled goofballs; all we need to do is fabricate the illusion of intellectual humor, and we somehow have a chance.

Chuck Klosterman

Intellectual Women Quotes #798871
#51. Today, the world rewards those with creative and intellectual muscles. So, women and skinny men need to shut up and start thinking.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Intellectual Women Quotes #819889

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