Top 100 I'll Never Let Go Quotes

#1. I'll never let go of you again," she whispered. "I swear it.

Dianna Hardy

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1755424
#2. I've lost a lot in my long life. Yes, I've seen pain and I've seen strife. But I'll never give up; I'll never let go. Because I'll always have my ray of hope.

Colleen Hoover

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1055786
#3. I'll make you come. I'll hold you while you sleep. I'll change for you. I'll live for you. I'll never let you go.

Katy Regnery

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #791762
#4. I'm here, Emma. I'll never let you go, he whispered in my ear , holding me tighter.

Rebecca Donovan

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #304561
#5. You know there are two kinds of tears. Tears for those who leave you and tears for those who you never let go. And I won't say goodbye to you Xena, 'cause we'll be together again one day.


I'll Never Let Go Quotes #789616
#6. I whisper and you close your eyes. I speak and you turn away. If I scream, will you finally hear me beg you to hold me close to you, promise you'll never let go?

Ellen Hopkins

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #774861
#7. You can see when an actor gets bored: Their eyes go dead. I promised myself I'd never let that happen. If it does, I'll go and live on a desert island for a year.

Anna Friel

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #675682
#8. I don't hold memories in my hand, but I'll never let them go.

Esther M. Friesner

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #643291
#9. You'll never let me go, will you? Giving me the space and freedom I want isn't your idea of love, is it? You'd rather cut me deep on earth to spare me pain in hell, whereas I think hell is right here.

Matthew J. Hefti

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #608501
#10. He loves me without having to say it. He cherishes me without having to prove it. When he touches me I know what he's thinking, how he truly feels beneath that mask he wears in the face of others. I'm the only soul he's ever let into his life completely. And the only one he'll never let go.

J.A. Redmerski

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #563437
#11. I'm into capturing the moment. Sometimes, I'll rip the camera out of my assistant's hands and he'll be shouting, But there's no film in the camera! and I think, Never mind! Let's go.

Ellen Von Unwerth

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #531960
#12. No, I'm not ever letting you go." His words were raw with emotion. "I'll let you leave here right now, but I'm not giving up on you. I'll pursue you like I've never pursued anything in my life. I'll fight until you have no choice but to believe that I love you with everything I am.

Laurelin Paige

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #483836
#13. I know I'll never marry, never risk bringing a child into the world. Because if there's one thing being a victor doesn't guarantee, it's our children's safety. My kids' names would go right into the reaping balls with everyone else's. And I swear I'll never let that happen.

Suzanne Collins

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #389140
#14. If you were mine, I would never let you go.

Abbi Glines

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #371836
#15. I want to stop time, freeze myself at this level and never let go of her.

Daniel Keyes

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #359321
#16. How do we get out of this circle?" I asked him.
"We kill him," he said.
"Good. Let's kill him and go home."
"I thought you'd never ask.

Ilona Andrews

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #352719
#17. Into the silence rips a sound that makes me let go of Max's hand and cover my ears. It is like the strafe of a bullet, nails on a chalkboard, promises being broken. It's a note I have never heard - this chord of pure pain - and it takes a moment to realize it is coming from me.

Jodi Picoult

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #352001
#18. Love can touch us one time And last for a life time And never let go till We're gone.

Celine Dion

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #350541
#19. Suddenly, this romantic agony was enriched by a less romantic one: I had to go to the bathroom. Needless to say, I couldn't let her know about this urge, for great lovers never did such things. The answer to "Romeo Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?" was not "In the men's room, Julie.

Bill Cosby

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #344993
#20. I never know what I'm going to wear until five minutes before I go somewhere ... I guess I know what I'm comfortable in. I don't know how to describe that, I mean you either put it on and go 'no way' or 'OK, let's go.'

Kristen Stewart

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #341787
#21. I can almost imagine a happiness without her, the ability to let her go, to feel our roots are connected even if I never see that leaf of grass again.

John Green

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #336666
#22. I never go on a movie set as the star. I always go as the guy who just does his job, like the electrician does his job and the hairdresser does her job. Let's all work together and make this happen, rather than have the star treatment. I don't do that.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #327875
#23. Suddenly I had this feeling, this absolute certainty, that I was never going to be able to let him go. It was as simple and as hard as that. I had clung to him like a barnacle all these years, and now I couldn't cut away. It was my own fault, really. I couldn't let go of Conrad.

Jenny Han

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #321434
#24. We don't know what's going to happen, but I can make a promise to you right now. Your hand's going to be in mine the entire time. Kiersten, I swear to never let you go. Through sickness, through health, through happy times, through sad times. I'm yours.

Rachel Van Dyken

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #320086
#25. Walking thru this graveyard, I realize times were never really hard. We live, we love, we let it go. The world ain't changed me at all.

Kevin Dalton

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #312652
#26. I'm sorry I fought you, Mace," I whispered. "But now that you're mine again, I'm never going to let you go.

Kristen Ashley

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #305468
#27. You win, you dirty evil butt-munch. I'll never not let you stay over again. Now let's go back to bed.

Ethan Day

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1855191
#28. I will never go anywhere with vampires again, I promised myself. I let the lure of the money and the excitement of the travel pull me in. But I won't do that again. As God is my witness . . . Then I had to laugh out loud. Scarlett O'Hara, I wasn't. "I'll never be hungry again,

Charlaine Harris

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1123317
#29. Mara is the one I never knew I was waiting for, and as long as she'll have me, I will never let her go.

Michelle Hodkin

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1750811
#30. I miss you.
I miss you. I miss you, I miss you.
Be ready, because when I see you, I'll never let you go again.

Veronica Rossi

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1718719
#31. When I go home to visit, they never treat me like a celebrity. They still treat me like TJ. If I leave dishes in the sink, they'll let me know.

Taraji P. Henson

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1593875
#32. It's a duress I'll never regret succumbing to," he murmured as his hands caressed the soft skin of her shoulders. "It gave me you. I never thought I could love someone so much that I'd be willing to let them go to keep them safe.

Monica Burns

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1523743
#33. I'll never get over the fact
that the buildings all light up at night,
and the night comes every night
and without regret we let it go.
We sleep a little and we live.
That's what we do.

Alex Dimitrov

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1463962
#34. I hope you know that I will never let you go. Even if shit gets bad, I'm not letting you go. I will fucking kill anything or anyone that comes between us if I have to. And if you ever think about walking away, you'll have a fucking fight on your hands, babe.

Nina Levine

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1406124
#35. I'll never let you go again,Melanie.Never.Nothing will come between us ... nothing.
I would destroy anything,and anyone who tried to take her from me.
Being away from her was no longer an option.
She was mine.Only mine.

A.L. Jackson

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1385070
#36. You must never check for a person's pulse using your thumb, or you'll feel your own heartbeat. Actually, I plan on doing that if I'm the one who's here when Ruth dies. I plan on giving her my heartbeat before I let her go.

Elizabeth Berg

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1328831
#37. Gabrielle, I won't let you go. This isn't over," he emphatically declares. "We'll never be over.

Lena Black

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1284817
#38. Forever, Griselda. Once you're mine, I'll never let you go."
"I already belong to you.

Katy Regnery

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1262255
#39. Because I'm never going to let you go, Rachel. I don't care how much you push me away because you're scared. I'll just hold you until you get over it.

Kim Harrison

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1227564
#40. It'll be impossible to protect Brittany for the rest of her life from all the other guys who want to be near her, to see her as I've seen her. Touch her as I've touch her. Man, I never want to let her go.

Simone Elkeles

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #806657
#41. And I've just got to let myself feel the pain, because if I don't, if I keep numbing it, it'll never really go away.

Paula Hawkins

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1110024
#42. It requires a hard look at what is, rather than what you hope will be. As you let go of managing and controlling, you must also let go of the idea that "when he changes I'll be happy." He may never change. You must stop trying to make him. And you must learn to be happy anyway.

Robin Norwood

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1086827
#43. I crouched down beside her bed and lightly touched her forehead. Dont' worry, Nik. I'll never let you go. Never.

Brodi Ashton

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1085808
#44. If we start this up again, I'll never let you go. I wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

Marie Force

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1083184
#45. I can't let you go. I'll never do that. not until I die.

Kresley Cole

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1073532
#46. I don't stand a chance if he doesn't get better. You'll never be able to let him go. You'll always feel wrong about being with me."
"The way I always felt wrong kissing him because of you," I say.
Gale holds my gaze. "If I thought that was true, I could almost live with the rest of it.

Suzanne Collins

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1070855
#47. You," he whispered his eyes warm and fixated on me, "hold my heart captive."
I nodded solemnly before murmuring my reply. "And I'll never let it go.

Laury Falter

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1053075
#48. I'm going to do everything you want me to do. I won't do anything you don't want me to. If you want me to hold you, I'll never let you go. If you want me to kiss you all night long, you'll have to buy me chapstick in the morning. Anything you want, I'll do.


I'll Never Let Go Quotes #1050974
#49. You hold on tight from now on, so tight it hurts. Got it? Don't let go of me, not ever. Don't worry about hurting me, don't worry about suffocating me, don't worry about holding on too tight. You hold on and you never let go. You'll only hurt me, I'll only suffocate, if you let go. Promise.

Lindy Zart

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #955173
#50. She's walking toward me, and every step brings her close to my grasp. To the moment when I'll never let her go.

Alexa Riley

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #952070
#51. He kissed my cheek and then sucked my earlobe into his mouth. When he withdrew, he whispered, "I'll let you go, but only if you promise to be mine tomorrow."

It was with a voice that I'd never used before that I admitted what I couldn't deny. "I'm pretty much yours every day.

J.W. Kilhey

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #888407
#52. Save those thoughts for when we're alone," Morrow whispered. "Next time I get you in the dark, it isn't going to be in a hive surrounded by Dusk Warriors and chased by a Nightfighter neutralizer."

"Going to hold you to that, Sergeant."

"Never going to let go.

Nico Rosso

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #70726
#53. I had a healthy appetite [being pregnant]. I got more healthy as time goes on, and they grew. I never let myself go.

Jennifer Lopez

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #146273
#54. I think the Duke of Buckingham is the cause of all our miseries, and till the King be informed thereof, we shall never go out with honor, or sit with honor here. That man is the grievance of grievances. Let us set down the causes of all our disasters and they will all reflect upon him.

Edward Coke

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #143229
#55. I want to hold on tight to everything and everyone I cherished and, at the same time, saw in a way I never had before that living on this earth, growing older, and growing up in the true sense of the word is really about learning how to let go.

Katrina Kenison

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #140478
#56. I've been working on my craft for a long time. People never want to let go of the whole 'Glitter,' ... I'm like, 'It's eight years later, people. Let's move on.

Mariah Carey

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #136792
#57. I know that men are so eager to be one among the stars.
I feel that damaged earth will never let men go off hand.

Toba Beta

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #136782
#58. I will always come for you, always hold on to you. I swear it. I will never let go of you, never fail you, I will hold steady, no matter what.

Thea Harrison

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #133935
#59. They're never far from us, you know." "Who?" I asked. "The dead. No more'n a breath. You let that last one go and you're with them again.

William Kent Krueger

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #123452
#60. I love you, but I hate you. I miss you, but I'm better off without you. I want you out of my life, but I never want to let you go.

Minhal Mehdi

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #123236
#61. I resolved, then, deep in my soul never to let him go. I'd be the one never to leave him. I'd prove to him that some things could be for always- that we could be.

Ann Aguirre

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #117837
#62. Tom said, "Let me beg you never to tell that story to Will. He'd have you locked up." "But the house wasn't worth what I asked!" "I repeat what I said about Will. What's Adam want with your house?" "He's going to move there. Wants the twins to go to school in Salinas." "What'll

John Steinbeck

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #114765
#63. Jethro Winston was my forever person. I would never be strong enough to let him go.

Penny Reid

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #109994
#64. It is in the way you held my hands
that I knew could never let you go.

Timothy Joshua

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #75143
#65. I never got over you either," I ocnfess, and he draws in a deep breath. "It's because I never would let you go. You felt that, didn't you?" He presses a soft kiss to my lips. "Pienso en ti siempre." I think of you always.

Stevie J. Cole

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #146471
#66. This is worth an eternity of torture," he whispered. "I'm quite certain I love you more than anyone I've ever loved, in any life. I may have lost my soul when I was turned, but it's been replaced by you, Cassandra. I'll never let you go.

L.J. Kentowski

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #63634
#67. Yes, baby girl. I'll wait until you're ready, until you know for sure that you want me. Because once you say yes, I'll never let you go."


Tina Folsom

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #62548
#68. The saying goes, if you love something, let it go. I always though it was better to just shoot the damn thing so it'd never go anywhere.

Karina Halle

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #40751
#69. I will never give up on what I love. I will never back down. I will never let go of anything that is important to me. I will hold my course steady and my God will help me see it through. This is my promise, my anthem and my path. This is my future and I own it.

Shannon L. Alder

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #36288
#70. I invite you to read again the full accounts of this inspired vision. Study them, ponder them, and apply them to your daily life. In modern terms we might say we are invited to "get a grip." We must hold on tight to the iron rod and never let go.

Ann M. Dibb

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #31375
#71. Good girls earn good things." She let my jaw go, her eyes going beyond me toward Benny's house, then coming back to me. "Let yourself have good things." "It's not right," I told her quietly. "Know one thing on God's beautiful earth, and that is" - she leaned into me - "love is never wrong.

Kristen Ashley

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #25090
#72. I won't be the reason you don't go to him. I won't be your excuse. You've got to see for yourself, or you'l never be able to let him go
Jeremiah Fisher

Jenny Han

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #24085
#73. I can't remember feeling this way ... since well, ever. It's new. It's scary. It's exciting. It's nerve-racking. It's calming. It's every single emotion I've ever felt balled up into an intense urge to grab hold of her and never let go.

Colleen Hoover

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #16062
#74. I can never go back from this, Bianca. It would break me to let you go. You know that, right?

R.K. Lilley

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #14766
#75. With you, I want it all. If I get a taste of what it could be, I won't ever want to let it go. I fell in love with you when I was sixteen, and that's never changed. But trusting you with my heart again is different. With you, I need to know it's forever.

Abbi Glines

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #9296
#76. Promise me no promises,
So will I not promise you:
Keep we both our liberties,
Never false and never true:
Let us hold the die uncast,
Free to come as free to go:
For I cannot know your past,
And of mine what can you know?

Christina Rossetti

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #9111
#77. I had been lying to myself, thinking I was free, thinking I had let him go. It didn't matter what he said or did, I'd never let him go. - Belly Conklin

Jenny Han

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #197456
#78. And if you dont come back from the dorm, I'm the one who has to explain to Micheal how I let you go off and get yourself killed like a Dumbass. First rule in horror movies, Clair-Never split up!

Rachel Caine

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #302734
#79. We never let go. Ever. Even with punctuation. It's frightening. I can't see anyone from any record company ever writing an email to Neil and not getting it back, with corrections.

Chris Lowe

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #278300
#80. And besides (I told myself) wasn't it time to Move Forward, Let Go, turn from the garden that was locked to me? Live In The Present, Focus On The Now instead of grieving for what I could never have?

Donna Tartt

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #258892
#81. Another year older, but am I wiser? Wisdom comes from learning and changing for the better. Sometimes we just go through life living the same day over and over and never gaining true wisdom. Let that never be me.

Richie Norton

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #253531
#82. I have never met a man [in the military], in or out of uniform, who ever said, "Let's use the missiles." They are even more terrified that the Bishops, because a great many of them don't expect to go to Heaven, which at least the Bishops do.

Clare Boothe Luce

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #247621
#83. I care enough for you to let you go," he whispered. "But I'll never stop protecting you

J.C. Reed

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #234522
#84. A good lawyer is part con man, part priest
promising riches, threatening hell. My ethical rules are simple. I won't lie to the court or let a client do it. But I've never been in this position. How far would I go for a woman who mattered? Is there anything I wouldn't do to win?

Paul Levine

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #222887
#85. Except when I get down and write ... then I let my imagination go to places I never knew existed and my characters invade my mind.

Mark Alders

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #216436
#86. Moments come and go; quick flickers in time. Yet those moments can have the profoundest impact on our lives. Either we seize them, and wield them to our needs, or we let them go. It's the moments we let go that, I believe, remain with us strongest - because regret is something that never leaves us.

B.N. Toler

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #215037
#87. I don't know what it is but every time I see you I feel such a strong urge, to be near you, to protect you, to hold you in my arms and never let you go.
Luke Nero - The Witchlings-Midnight curse

Amanda Turner

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #204308
#88. Tell him I said that he will know when he's my age that books aren't written on whims or old promises. Books are written on years turned inside out by ideas that never let go until you get them in print, and even then writing's a last resort, a desperate ransom you pay to get your life back.

Richard Bach

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #202942
#89. I felt like I was suffocating, like my future and all my happiness were gone. I've never felt that before, Ava. I can't let you go.

Nicole Gulla

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #303923
#90. I never said the way of Christ is easy. Are you prepared to let go of everything He would not approve?

E. Stanley Jones

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #194827
#91. I was never nervous when I had the ball, but when I let go I was scared to death.

Lefty Gomez

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #194527
#92. If you want to be a singer or a performer or absolutely anything in the world that you want to do, I think you should never give up, you should never let anyone put you down and tell you you can't do it, because if you believe in yourself you will go far

Perrie Edwards

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #191003
#93. I think my one of my strengths in standup is my ability to adlib. I do all my best writing on stage. I can sit down and write jokes, but I'd rather go on stage with a premise or an idea and let the jokes come that way. My creative juices are never flowing any better than when I'm onstage.

Henry Cho

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #190414
#94. My heart always knew, you're the dew, my dry soul would never adieu.. but I still don't know why I let you go and waited all my life just for you.

Syed Arshad

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #185672
#95. I love you Stefan, never let that go.


I'll Never Let Go Quotes #176570
#96. You need to know that if you decide to do this with me, I'll never be able to let you go. Not ever.

A Meredith Walters

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #175200
#97. I actually learned about sex watching neighborhood dogs. And it was good. Go ahead and laugh. I think the most important thing I learned was: Never let go of the girl's leg, no matter how hard she tries to shake you off.

Steve Martin

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #161743
#98. You're the fuckin' meaning of breathing for me. You're the reason I get out of bed each day and fuck, if that's love, I am gonna hang onto it and never let it go.

Bella Jewel

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #161150
#99. I'm stuck somewhere between hating him so much, I never want to see him again and never, ever wanting to him to let me go.

Jessica Love

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #156135
#100. In the morning, when he entered my room, I grumbled, but he was like the sunlight to me, all the same. One cannot defend oneself against those brats. They take hold of you, they hold you fast, they never let you go again. The truth is, that there never was a cupid like that child.

Victor Hugo

I'll Never Let Go Quotes #148349

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