Top 15 Ikos Dassia Quotes

#1. You cheap honky faggots," he snarled. "Which one of you wants to get cut?

Hunter S. Thompson

Ikos Dassia Quotes #69217
#2. I keep it real normal, like I don't try to act like a celebrity, or say that just because I'm on a TV show I can do other types of TV. I take it very seriously and I respect the art of acting.

Vinny Guadagnino

Ikos Dassia Quotes #148845
#3. Every work of science great enough to be well remembered for a few generations affords some exemplification of the defective state of the art of reasoning of the time when it was written; and each chief step in science has been a lesson in logic.

Charles Sanders Peirce

Ikos Dassia Quotes #203114
#4. People felt themselves watching him even before they knew that there was anything different about him. His eyes made a person think that he heard things that no one else had ever heard, that he knew things no one had ever guessed before. He did not seem quite human.

Carson McCullers

Ikos Dassia Quotes #278361
#5. Owning a hundred slum properties wasn't a crime, although living in one was, almost. Being

Terry Pratchett

Ikos Dassia Quotes #347601
#6. It is no proof of a man's understanding to be able to affirm whatever he pleases; but to be able to discern that what is true is true, and that what is false is false, this is the mark and character of intelligence.

Emanuel Swedenborg

Ikos Dassia Quotes #624401
#7. The attention deficit disorder of the culture is very distressing in America now and I think it puts a lot of things at risk, not just poetry.

Edward Hirsch

Ikos Dassia Quotes #669070
#8. A brick could be used in a smash and grab. Well, at least in the smashing aspect. A blanket would be more suited to the grab role.

Jarod Kintz

Ikos Dassia Quotes #872475
#9. I've seen Steelheart bleed.
And I will see him bleed again.

Brandon Sanderson

Ikos Dassia Quotes #1024885
#10. You've got all these people making action movies, and they've never been in a life-or-death situation.

Richard Stanley

Ikos Dassia Quotes #1262468
#11. Life is so often unfair and painful and love is hard to find and you have to take it whenever and wherever you can get it, no matter how brief it is or how it ends.

Jenna Blum

Ikos Dassia Quotes #1547788
#12. I'm listening to so much. I looooove Alicia Keys' song, "Unthinkable." I'm blasting that all over the place, but I'm also listening to Sade, and I always have my Heavy Metal, Mastodon.

Jada Pinkett Smith

Ikos Dassia Quotes #1572320
#13. Let storms rage
In the world outside;
Fires rise from hell
Stay, beloved,
From here to eternity,
Should chaos consume us
Or death annihilate us.

Sreesha Divakaran

Ikos Dassia Quotes #1642495
#14. Sometimes the slightest things change the directions of our lives, the merest breath of a circumstance, a random moment that connects like a meteorite striking the earth. Lives have swiveled and changed direction on the strength of a chance remark.

Bryce Courtenay

Ikos Dassia Quotes #1762545
#15. An unaspiring person always complaints. There is no end to his complaints. He bitterly complains even when the blessings of opportunity knock at his very door.

Sri Chinmoy

Ikos Dassia Quotes #1797679

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