Top 53 Iko's Quotes

#1. Iko, too, glanced back. Kinney was sneering contemptuously at Kai's hand on Iko's broken arm.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1024386
#2. Your Majesty," he greeted. His respectful expression turned sour as he addressed Iko, "Madame Counselor." Iko's eyes went coppery with pride at her new title, even though she met the guard with a sour glare of her own.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1029723
#3. Iko's hand shot into the air. "Yes, Iko?" "That is the best idea ever. Count me in." Some

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1537978
#4. A heavy silence was followed by a vibration beneath their feet and Iko's voice. I don't compute.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1636593
#5. All right, Miss Cryptic. What's the new plan, then?"
Glancing around the room, Cinder tipped up her chin. "It starts with kidnapping the groom."
Iko's hand shot into the air.
"Yes, Iko?"
"That is the best idea ever. Count me in.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1861145
#6. Oh, my stars! Think about Prince Kai! You could dance with Prince Kai!"
This made Cinder pause and squint into Iko's blinding light. "Why would the prince dance with me?"
Iko's fan hummed as she sought an answer. "Because you won't have grease on your face this time.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1001429
#7. Had he done it for her? "I know," said Iko with a dreaminess in her tone, though Cinder hadn't said anything. "He's fantastic." When

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1373650
#8. Are we almost done with the gushing and the weeping?" said Thorne, massaging his temple. "When do we start planning a revolution again?" This time, it was Iko that kicked him.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1096481
#9. Where's the cyborg?" asked the guard. Iko snarled at him. "Bite me." He raised an eyebrow. "Tempt me.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1357178
#10. That's very...big of you.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1328291
#11. Levana agreed to a cease-fire," said Wolf, "but we're waiting to hear if it's been implemented." "Also, Cress destroyed me in a game of Mountain Miners," said Iko. Thorne nodded, as if these two announcements carried the same weight. "She is a genius." Cress

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1317612
#12. With pleasure," Kinney deadpanned. "In fact, I was hoping that if I came to see you off, I would be asked to do manual labor." Iko shrugged. "If you don't want to do any heavy lifting, then stop having such impressive muscles.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1298074
#13. Having a mental breakdown is not on my list of things to do today.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1269082
#14. Are you being held prisoner right now, or are these bullies on our side?" "They're on our side." Iko

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1260336
#15. In fact, I was hoping that if I came to see you off, I would be asked to do manual labor." Iko shrugged. "If you don't want to do any heavy lifting, then stop having such impressive muscles." Cinder

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1236295
#16. She heard Thorne say something about freeze-dried cardboard and Iko accuse him of being insensitive to those without any taste buds at all.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1206433
#17. Oh, Iko ... what happened?" "More stupid Lunar guards, that's what happened. He cornered me in the basement of the med-clinic and did this. I had to play dead until he left me alone. Good thing they have no idea how to kill an android here.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1156495
#18. Sorry, sorry, don't mind me, coming through, oh why hello there - " This to a particularly handsome Kai look-alike droid, which had no more reaction than any of the others. "Or not," she muttered, brushing past him. "Pardon me, a little space, please?

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1854292
#19. Cinder," Iko said after a few silent minutes of explorations. "I'm enormous.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1478351
#20. When all three of us are safely out of the dock, shut the door and open the hatch. Sweat dripping into her eyes, she rushed back into the dock. All she needed was to get Scarlet and let Iko open the hatch. The vacuum of space

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1494029
#21. Thanks," she murmured, fighting the urge to embrace him, to crawl into his arms and hide from the rest of the galaxy. Maybe forever. "Also" - his voice lowered - "you look beautiful." It was Iko who responded, "Thank you for noticing." Kai

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1497674
#22. We all have our weaknesses."
"I know," said Iko. "Mine is shoes.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1533603
#23. Iko was forced to bite her tongue, allowing her programmed instincts, the instincts she'd spent her life trying to keep buried while she learned about humor and sarcasm and affection, to keep her expressionless.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1603116
#24. In fact, she was happy for Iko, who took more delight in her new body than most humans ever did.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1643075
#25. I'm enormous." There was a distinct whine in her metallic tone. "You're a ship, Iko.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1666312
#26. I think it's meant to be thought provoking, said Cinder. Iko frowned, looking unprovoked. They

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1695411
#27. Scarlet and Wolf are saying gushy things in the galley," Iko said. "Normally I like gushy things, but its different when its real people. I prefer the net dramas.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1740118
#28. Cinder has a bit of crush in him", Thorne stage-whispered.
"Don't we all?" said Iko.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1757916
#29. Oh, yuck," said Iko, trying to cover the hole with both hands. "I hate when my wiring is showing." "I know the feeling.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1825759
#30. Iko snorted - a derisive sound that Cinder hadn't even thought escorts were capable of making. Staring

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #464489
#31. Naturally, Cinder got some on her gown - a smear of yellow frosting on the enormous skirt. She was mortified until Iko adjusted the skirt so the folds would hide it. "It was inevitable," Iko said with a wink. "It's part of your charm." Cinder

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #10846
#32. Iko grunted in a most unladylike way, drawing everyone's gaze to her. I get stabbed and she gets to marry Kai. That just figures.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #40440
#33. Prince Kai! Check my fan, I think I'm overheating.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #80028
#34. A kiss from the Captain would probably melt my central processor."
Thorne winked at her. "Oh trust me. It would.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #171614
#35. The other girl, Iko, cupped her chin with both hands. This is so much better than a net drama.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #209213
#36. I will wait for you until the gold from the sun dwindles away.

H.S. Crow

Iko's Quotes #257082
#37. He gave Cress a quick farewell embrace,then pulled Iko into a hug. Iko squeaked, frozen.When Kai pulled away,Iko looked from him,to Cinder, then back.Her eyes suddenly rolled up into her head and she collapsed onto the floor.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #266724
#38. I don't compute.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #313928
#39. I expected palm trees and red carpets, said Iko, brow drawn in a show of severe disappointment.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #319618
#40. Tilting forward, Iko pressed her flat, cool face to Cinder's brow, no doubt leaving a smudge of lipstick. Cinder laughed.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #377484
#41. I think she was practicing her sarcasm," said Iko. Thorne

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #386651
#42. I feel like I should be going with her," said Kinney. Snarling, Iko stepped over the fallen guard and jabbed a finger at his chest. "I have known her a lot longer than you have, mister, and if there's one of us who should be going with her, it's me. Now open these doors." One

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1024123
#43. In case you don't recognize me, I happen to be good friends with Princess Selene. I'm willing to guess you've heard of-"
"Apprehend her."
"I guess you have.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #556660
#44. I will personally extend invitations to the entire Rampion crew. We'll make a reunion out of it." "Even Iko?" "I'll find her a date." "Because there's a rule against androids coming to the ball, you know." "I think I know someone who can change that rule." Grinning,

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #588344
#45. Iko was beginning to comprehend why humans curled into the fetal position when they were afraid.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #610557
#46. Iko, did we break into that guardhouse and broadcast Cinder's message across all of Luna?"
"Yes, Captain."
"And, Scarlet, did I rescue you and Wolf when the entire city of Paris was under siege?"
She raised an eyebrow at him. "Actually, I'm pretty sure Cinder-"
"Yes, I did.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #624423
#47. He headed back for the door, and a smile so quick and secretive passed between him and Iko that Cinder almost missed it. Iko didn't take her gaze from him until he was gone.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #788811
#48. Iko held up a hand. You need a system debug if you're suggesting that I would abandon you know.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #799949
#49. Kai frowned at her. "Who are you?"
She brightened. "Oh, I'm Iko! You may not remember me, but we met at the market that day you brought in the android, only I was about this tall"
she held her hand at hip height
"and shaped kind of like an enormous pear, and significantly more pale.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #827704
#50. So glad to be of service," said the disembodied voice. "I'm Iko. Is anyone hurt?" "Everyone's hurt," said Cinder, groaning.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #919358
#51. All dressed up with nowhere to go," said Iko from the doorway.
Cinder spit out the flashlight with a laugh and glanced down at her oil-stained cargo pants. "Yeah, right. All I need is a tiara."
"I was talking about me.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #970988
#52. She could be a fire hazard. Maybe we should remove her from the ship before she spontaneously combusts.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #995295
#53. That's terrifying, said Iko, who had acknowledged the truth of Cinder's race much as she'd acknowledged Thorne's convict status: with loyalty and acceptance, but without changing her opinion that Lunars and convicts remained untrustworthy and unredeemable as a general rule.

Marissa Meyer

Iko's Quotes #1021518

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