Top 39 I Will Not Forgive Quotes

#1. I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive. Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note - torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one.

Henry Ward Beecher

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #485808
#2. You and I will always be friends."
"Yet you poisoned me with a book once. I should not forgive that.

Oscar Wilde

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1352699
#3. I wish I could tell you what happened, but I can't. Someday I will, but I can't right now and I need you to accept that. Please. And I'm not apologizing to you,because I don't want you to forget what happened and you should never forgive me for it. EVER. Never make excuses for me, Sky.

Colleen Hoover

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #855860
#4. Life is not a beauty contest, some [ugly people] are great. What I hate is nasty, ugly people ... the worst is ugly, short men. Women can be short, but for men it is impossible. It is something that they will not forgive in life ... they are mean and they want to kill you.

Karl Lagerfeld

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #856912
#5. Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. Love me and I may be forced to love you.

William Arthur Ward

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #908735
#6. How could you leave me behind to explode?"
"Er," Alice said, "I'm not sure how to--"
"Oh--you have a clockwork cat. This is very nice. I will forgive you if I may pet the cat.

Steven Harper Piziks

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1058066
#7. I will forgive if the players cannot get it right, but not if they do not try hard.

Pep Guardiola

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1104823
#8. you poisoned me with a book once. I should not forgive that. Harry, promise me that you will never lend that book to any one. It does harm.

Oscar Wilde

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1124961
#9. This is, first and last, the real value of Christmas; in so far as the mythology remains at all it is a kind of happy mythology. Personally, of course, I believe in Santa Claus; but it is the season of forgiveness, and I will forgive others for not doing so.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1225744
#10. G Our Father in heaven, h hallowed be i your name. [1] 10 j Your kingdom come, k your will be done, [2] l on earth as it is in heaven. 11 m Give us n this day our daily bread, [3] 12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And o lead us not into temptation,


I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1311833
#11. I loved you then. I love you now. I'll love you tomorrow. And if you walk away from me, not one damn woman in the world will ever take your place. No one ever has. I had to learn, Dallas. It took some time. Please, just let go, forgive me, and let me love you.

Kate Stewart

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #757762
#12. So I will just say it. I cannot love you as a man loves a woman. I am so sorry if I have presumed what is not true or have taken liberties with your sentiments. I hope you can forgive me.

Shannon Hale

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1361665
#13. I say to the [European countries]: Hurry up and apologize to our nation, because if you do not, you will regret it. This is because our nation is progressing and is victorious. Do not leave a black mark in the collective memory of the nation, because our nation will not forgive you.

Khaled Mashal

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1649524
#14. Father, forgive them,' said Jesus, 'for they know not what they do'
People of good sense whoever you may be, I will add, do not listen to them, for they know not what they say.

Eliphas Levi

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1655714
#15. 21Then Peter came up and said to him, "Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?" 22Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven. [87] 23"Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king


I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1710668
#16. I won't forgive I won't forget. Let hell open and rain my wrath down on them all. I will not be stopped and I have no mercy left inside me. I am death and I revel in the killings of my enemies. Bring me them all until I'm drunk on their blood.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1713239
#17. God will not forgive us if we fail.

Leonid I. Brezhnev

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1723227
#18. Somehow, I think God will forgive her. If not, eh, Hell has better parties anyway.

C.T. Phipps

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1810373
#19. Christ, too, will forgive, if only you attain to forgiving yourself ... Oh, no, no, do not believe that I have spoken a blasphemy: even if you do not attain to reconciliation with yourself and forgiveness of yourself, even then He will forgive you for your intention and for your great suffering.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1810564
#20. I readily admit that I'm not, and have never been, big on forgiving.
That doesn't mean I will seek revenge - It just means I don't forgive.

Karen E. Quinones Miller

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #1876096
#21. The sun should not set upon our anger, neither should he rise upon our confidence. We should forgive freely, but forget rarely. I will not be revenged, and this I owe to my enemy; but I will remember, and this I owe to myself.

Charles Caleb Colton

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #381757
#22. God, forgive those whose atrocities are so great
I will not.

Landon Parham

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #6538
#23. I am beginning to think there are two kinds of people," she said. I waited. "Those who forgive themselves too easily but will not forgive others."
"And?" I asked.
"Those that forgive others too easily but will not forgive themselves.

Deb Caletti

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #23872
#24. Love is what happens when we forgive. I forgive Connor Evans. A part of me will always love him, but from this day on I won't hate him. Not for one minute. I forgive him because he gave me Max.

Karen Kingsbury

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #91728
#25. The best Morning Prayer for endless peace would be, "Today I will forgive everyone for their mistakes. Today I will love everyone without judging them. Today I will be kind to everyone even if they do not deserve it. Today I will be a fountain of peace to create waves of joy around me.

Debasish Mridha

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #123671
#26. I've not forgiven you." I could feel my legs shaking, hear the tears in my voice. "I don't know how long it's going to take me to forgive you, or if I ever will, but I'm so happy that you're here right now.

Myra McEntire

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #152999
#27. You won't remember me. You won't need me anymore.
You will leave me again.
I forgive you. I forgave you. I will always forgive you.
You should know that for a little while, you were not alone.Not alone.
I loved you when you were pixels on a screen.

Julio Alexi Genao

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #171413
#28. We are all going to die soon. Do you really wish to waste time being angry at me?"
"Yes. I remain an unrepentant optimist. If i see that I am about to die, or you, I will forgive you. But not until then, you bastard.

Sherry Thomas

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #175560
#29. What's wrong with my proposition?" Poirot rose. "If you will forgive me for being personal-I do not like your face, M. Ratchett.

Agatha Christie

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #250669
#30. To get right with God, we need to utter three difficult words: "I have sinned." God cannot forgive the sin we will not confess!

Greg Laurie

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #278383
#31. How long will it be until the two countries I love forgive each other and move on ... I'm not even sure what there is to forgive. Something about Cuba seizing ownership of oil refineries. It's all so confusing. Why should something as ugly as oil affect friendships between nations?

Margarita Engle

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #759366
#32. Forgive me...Elliot. Perhaps I could have saved you...but I don't want to deny the story in which you existed. ...I...will not allow the past to be altered...!

Jun Mochizuki

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #404012
#33. It matters not if we fail, but I need you to at least try, because then you can forgive yourself. Regrets will keep you chasing demons for the rest of your life.

O.E. Boroni

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #463907
#34. Let me be sinful before everyone, but so that everyone will forgive me, and that is paradise. Am I not in paradise now?

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #467877
#35. Encourage me, and I will not forget you.

William Arthur Ward

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #681174
#36. I'm not a natural researcher, and I don't get bogged down in it, but I think if you get it right in the first half, people will forgive you, and then you can move on with the story.

Sarah Pinborough

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #695393
#37. Of course I still love my grandma even after all the awful stuff she did to me, which is scary that you can love someone who is not nice. I guess that is what getting better will do to a person: make you forgive people who have been mean to you.

Jack Gantos

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #698102
#38. Forgive me, father, I am not certain what my own wishes are. I shall always take pleasure in study, how could it be otherwise? But I do not believe that my life will be limited to study. A man's wishes may not always determine his destiny, his mission; perhaps there are other predetermining factors.

Hermann Hesse

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #712292
#39. they shall not teach, each one his fellow citizen and kinsman, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for all shall know me, from least to greatest. 12For I will forgive their evildoing and remember their sins no more.

Paul Thigpen

I Will Not Forgive Quotes #749414

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