Top 100 I Never Hurt Quotes

#1. I never hurt anybody in this business, ever.

Sean Young

I Never Hurt Quotes #69340
#2. I'm not dangerous at all I never hurt Grandpa or Sue or Billy. I love humans. And wolf-people like my Jacob.Renesmee dropped Edward's hand to reach back and pat Jacob's arm.

Stephenie Meyer

I Never Hurt Quotes #221730
#3. i listed my faults under a book called
Retail Ramblings
by Kevin Domenic (Goodreads Author)

in the comments for the review by Leanne Bell, someone i love dearly and wish i never hurt and forced her to go.

Kevin Domenic

I Never Hurt Quotes #486486
#4. I never hurt Grandpa or Sue or Billy. I love humans. And wolf-people like my Jacob.

Stephenie Meyer

I Never Hurt Quotes #865742
#5. My whole life I've hated to lose, no doubt about it. I've been guilty of that since I was 6 years old, at camp. I have always played to win. That's who I am. But I never hurt anybody. The problem is when you're perceived as being too aggressive where you hurt somebody or do something improper.

Peter M. Brant

I Never Hurt Quotes #882583
#6. When I was onstage doing the work, adrenaline killed the pain because I never hurt in front of an audience.

Jerry Lewis

I Never Hurt Quotes #1466987
#7. I never hurt nobody but myself and that's nobody's business but my own.

Billie Holiday

I Never Hurt Quotes #1484250
#8. I was never afraid of anything because I never hurt anyone. I was always an old drunk.
[Mexico City concert, June 2011]

Chavela Vargas

I Never Hurt Quotes #1792485
#9. At least I died trying. And I won.I never gave them away. I never hurt them. I did my best to find them. I tried to keep my promise ... I die for them.

Stephenie Meyer

I Never Hurt Quotes #1813075
#10. I've turned arrogance into an artform, where it's so absurd that it becomes comedy. But I've never done anything to hurt anybody or steal from anyone.

John Lydon

I Never Hurt Quotes #971
#11. I ain't no saint, but I've tried never to do anything that would hurt my family or offend God ... I figure all any kid needs is hope and the feeling he or she belongs. If I could do or say anything that would give some kid that feeling, I would believe I had contributed something to the world.

Elvis Presley

I Never Hurt Quotes #4279
#12. I tell kids that people will let them down and people will hurt them. But Jesus Christ will never let them down and never hurt them.

Willie Aames

I Never Hurt Quotes #30654
#13. I never set out to intentionally hurt any player and never enticed any teammate to intentionally hurt another player. I also never put any money into a bounty pool or helped to create a bounty pool intended to pay out money for injuring other players.

Jonathan Vilma

I Never Hurt Quotes #39232
#14. But all I can feel right now is that someone turned on a light just long enough for me to see what I could never have, so that it would hurt me even more than if I had never seen it.

Francisco X Stork

I Never Hurt Quotes #52168
#15. *** You know that place in between nightmares and dreams? The place where tomorrows never come and yesterdays don't hurt anymore? The place where your heart beats in sync with mine? The place where time doesn't exist, and it's easy to breathe? I want to live there with you.

Brittainy C. Cherry

I Never Hurt Quotes #59712
#16. You and I? It may end badly. I may get hurt. But guess what? I don't care! I've never had my heart broken. Maybe I'm fine with risking it, because it's better than being afraid and going through life bored.

Jasinda Wilder

I Never Hurt Quotes #63080
#17. You can't hurt me the way you think you can. But even if you could? I would rather die with the taste of you on my tongue than live and never touch you again. I'm in love with you, Mara. I love you. No matter what you do.

Michelle Hodkin

I Never Hurt Quotes #63283
#18. I think if you car enough about someone to have sex with them, then you should care enough to respect them and not treat them as an object. You should be responsible and careful and never, ever hurt them. Even if they're fucked up enough to beg you to.

Sylvain Reynard

I Never Hurt Quotes #69504
#19. You could try," Reacher said. "But you'd get hurt. You're out of your league. You're up against something you never saw before."
"You have a mighty high opinion of yourself."
Reacher nodded at Neagley. "I'm talking about her. I'm just here to clear up the mess.

Lee Child

I Never Hurt Quotes #74579
#20. He was hurting, and I hurt with him. We had never been able to maintain any level of detachment from each other's suffering, and we
didn't now.

R.K. Lilley

I Never Hurt Quotes #76775
#21. I simply knew, via song, sunlight, redwings and cottonwoods, that there was a world I was born to live in, that the men I was standing beside lived in another, and that as long as I remembered this their words would never hurt me again.

David James Duncan

I Never Hurt Quotes #90729
#22. When I write lyrics, it's only when I'm angry or hurt or sad. So lyrically it's never really easy going. And the music is always really intense.

Henry Rollins

I Never Hurt Quotes #100856
#23. If I only ran when nothing hurt, I would never run.

Dana Carvey

I Never Hurt Quotes #102708
#24. Life is a beautiful journey, full of joy and pain
You never know when it will end, don't let a moment pass in vain ...
In the whole ruckus of life, nothing had I gained,
I just wanted freedom, no more did I wanted to be chained ...

Mehek Bassi

I Never Hurt Quotes #108522
#25. I'm not saying I never cared, because when I was younger, yes, I cared. I cared too much and I was hurt because of it, but not anymore. In recent years, I embrace me, exactly as I am,

Lindy Zart

I Never Hurt Quotes #115019
#26. We keep secrets from people that we love because we're afraid of our own truth. I think sometimes we're afraid to hurt people, because you never know. I think we're afraid of what is, and what can't be.

Lauren London

I Never Hurt Quotes #122166
#27. That night, stargazing on the deck with Dad, eyes on the sky, he pointed out Orion, Betelgeuse. "It's an art to read the stars, baby."
I never wanted to leave his side-my sure song for so long. Now? His eyes are stone changed. Just looking at them hurts my heart.

Norma Fox Mazer

I Never Hurt Quotes #128094
#28. If im lucky, i will never have to see you again. Because if i do, that means we are at war, and id have to hurt you

Amanda Hocking

I Never Hurt Quotes #137159
#29. I was always hurting to some extent, but never really cared about it. Now, I do care, because I have a reason to be healthy. I want to be able to chase my son around the yard; I want to be able to chase my wife around the house.

Shawn Michaels

I Never Hurt Quotes #138543
#30. Puck winced. Ouch. Well, you know what they say - you always hurt the one you love. Or is that the one you hate? I can never remember.

Julie Kagawa

I Never Hurt Quotes #150163
#31. My parents said sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you. But I always felt a sense of exhilaration after a fight; it was the names that really hurt me.

Michael Franti

I Never Hurt Quotes #157326
#32. But I didn't understand then. That I could hurt somebody so badly she would never recover. That a person can, just by living, damage another human being beyond repair.

Haruki Murakami

I Never Hurt Quotes #157952
#33. I could never hurt you because hurting you is ... hurting me.

Shanora Williams

I Never Hurt Quotes #160046
#34. The one thing I've come to figure out is this equation where the more uncomfortable I am, the better I'm going to look. I'm like, "This one really hurts. I must look awesome!" The corsets are uncomfortable, but they are so flattering. No, my waist will never be that small.

Kristin Bauer Van Straten

I Never Hurt Quotes #164855
#35. I could never write my memoirs, just because too many people are still alive and would be hurt.

Bruce Willis

I Never Hurt Quotes #172001
#36. I'm loyal to a fault - even though I've been to hell and back with Vince McMahon, I would never to do anything to hurt him. But it's also survival of the fittest out there.

Hulk Hogan

I Never Hurt Quotes #182192
#37. It sure is ugly."
"Ugly, never hurt a thing."
I scoffed. "Oh, ugly has hurt some things. It's just that pretty hurts more.

Maggie Stiefvater

I Never Hurt Quotes #184235
#38. Still, I never heard him say that he hated or wanted to hurt or kill someone for all the horrific things that had been happening to him and his family.

Savo Heleta

I Never Hurt Quotes #184246
#39. Marriage is an arrangement between like-minded parties. It's a partnership, not a love affair. I never lied to you or kept anything of importance from you.She looked at him then, almost stunned, as if she didn't recognize him.
He didn't like it. Not at all.

Mira Lyn Kelly

I Never Hurt Quotes #190046
#40. I hurt with the insatiate longing, until I feel that there will never be any relief until I take a long, deep, wild draught on your lips.

Warren G. Harding

I Never Hurt Quotes #192689
#41. What the hell is it about brooding guys that's attractive to women, anyway? I've become one since Dori's call three weeks ago, and it's made me more of a chick magnet. I shouldn't be surprised - being a dick never hurt my appeal before.

Tammara Webber

I Never Hurt Quotes #201817
#42. I have always tried to use humor to "help ever" and "hurt never," for I find that to laugh is like swallowing a secret that Santa Claus farted.

David Cross

I Never Hurt Quotes #212154
#43. I've never been involved with anyone who's set out to hurt people, to break legs. It is a bit of a dying art

Steve Bruce

I Never Hurt Quotes #220122
#44. 'I think that's why his asking me to pull the plug hurt so much. He kept saying if I really loved him, I should have been able to do it. And I thought, if he really loved me, he would never have asked.'

Barbara Elsborg

I Never Hurt Quotes #237311
#45. this is all you have, I pity you. Your ploys may have hurt the man I love, but that is not all that I have. Even if you succeed in placing these ballrooms beyond my reach, you will never ruin

Kristi Ann Hunter

I Never Hurt Quotes #238225
#46. If I fell down and hurt myself, I never cried. There was no one to hear me.

Louise Fletcher

I Never Hurt Quotes #239986
#47. I don't get it. Why are many people drawn to someone who's hurt them? Maybe it's an ego thing- being hurt sucks, and you think you can erase that hurt by going back to the person who caused it. Then it will be like it never happened in the first place. Only problem is that it did happen.

Allison Van Diepen

I Never Hurt Quotes #245750
#48. I'm so sorry. I love you. I never could have hurt you.

Pam Jenoff

I Never Hurt Quotes #247171
#49. My dad had even hired an accompanist to play for me on a piano. But he had never pushed me to music because I don't think he wanted me to be hurt as much as he was if it didn't work.

Kim Basinger

I Never Hurt Quotes #247497
#50. One day my dad said, "If you guys ever stop singing, I'll drop you like a hot potato." That's what he said. It hurt me. You don't say that to children and I never forgot it.

Michael Jackson

I Never Hurt Quotes #255070
#51. I was never afraid of dead folk. You know that? They never hurt you. So many things in this town can hurt you, but the dead don't hurt hurt you. Living people hurt you. They hurt you so bad.

Neil Gaiman

I Never Hurt Quotes #256271
#52. I'm here. You're safe now. It's okay to
remember. They can never hurt you again.

Karen Marie Moning

I Never Hurt Quotes #256334
#53. It would be difficult to have any unfulfilled ambitions because I don't have any ambitions. I've never been that kind of performer.

John Hurt

I Never Hurt Quotes #258296
#54. I always tell the girls never take it seriously, if you never take it seriously you never get hurt, if you never get hurt you always have fun, and if you ever get lonely just go to the record store and visit your friends.

Cameron Crowe

I Never Hurt Quotes #260878
#55. After my 10-match ban in 2013 for biting Branislav Ivanovic, I had questioned the double standards and how the fact that no one actually gets hurt is never taken into consideration.

Luis Suarez

I Never Hurt Quotes #261245
#56. I pulled him closer to me, wrapping my arms around him, kissing him just as desperately as he was kissing me. Like if we could just love long enough and hard enough and deep enough, then the world outside would never, could never hurt us.

Malorie Blackman

I Never Hurt Quotes #267318
#57. These days I have to ask myself: What made me angrier? That Oscar, the fat loser, quit, or that Oscar, the fat loser, defied me? And I wonder: What hurt him more? That I was never really his friend, or that I pretended to be?

Junot Diaz

I Never Hurt Quotes #268407
#58. Hardy would never be the easiest man to have a relationship with. He was complex and strong-willed and rough-edged. But I loved those qualities about him. I was more than willing to take him exactly as he was. And it didn't hurt that he seemed equally game to take me on my own terms.

Lisa Kleypas

I Never Hurt Quotes #276633
#59. What I cannot touch, remains a memory. I am blinded by an imagined light. A remembrance of what can never be.

Ayushee Ghoshal

I Never Hurt Quotes #284643
#60. I never knew that missin somebody could hurt, I says. But it does. Deep inside. Like it's in my bones. We ain't never bin apart till now. Never. I dunno how to be without him. It's like ... I ain't nuthin.

Moira Young

I Never Hurt Quotes #285546
#61. You need to be more careful, or you could hurt yourself.
Right. Thank you, Mrs. Detweiler. I never would have come to that conclusion by myself. I was planning on incorporating a backflip into my next walk across the classroom but on second thought ...

Janette Rallison

I Never Hurt Quotes #287201
#62. I never...." she says between kisses, "got to kiss your hurt away..." Another kiss.

"when we were little..." her lips move to my forehead. "and I always wanted to." ~ Sophie

Chelsea Fine

I Never Hurt Quotes #290559
#63. Every year before a big competition, I get hurt doing stuff I should not be doing. One year it was my little brother's 12th birthday. We all played hide-and-seek late at night. I climbed up a 30-foot tree, thinking he'd never catch me. I tripped and fell on one of the branches and I hit my head.

Ryan Lochte

I Never Hurt Quotes #298003
#64. I've always considered myself a good person. I've never done anything to purposely hurt anyone. I was in shock that this happened to me, and because it did, I turned into this vengeful person. I've never truly hated anyone, but I was glad when I saw him lying there on the floor.

Maya Banks

I Never Hurt Quotes #299031
#65. I knew it was easier to drill things in than to take them out.'
'It's like a screw!' Craig-Vyvyan shouted.... 'If you pull off it's head, you never get it out.

Mark Helprin

I Never Hurt Quotes #305378
#66. Even if my throat bleeds from singing and my body breaks from dancing,I will never give up on stage.Under the circumstances where you cannot enjoy yourself whole-heartedly.Just scream and shout 'till your throat hurts


I Never Hurt Quotes #315236
#67. My sadistic husband has a soft side, too, and even though he likes to inflict pain on me, I know he would never hurt me beyond what I can handle.

Ella Dominguez

I Never Hurt Quotes #318772
#68. I never meant to hurt you, Isabel. Had I known what I would find when I came north, I would never have agreed to Leighton's request ... That is a lie. Had I known that I would find you when I came north, I would have come years ago.

Sarah MacLean

I Never Hurt Quotes #322415
#69. The funny thing is, I've never really hurt myself in an action movie. I've done 'Wanted,' 'X-Men,' 'Welcome To The Punch,' even 'Trance' to a certain extent has little bits of action and stuff, but I've never really hurt myself at all - not even like a sprained ankle.

James McAvoy

I Never Hurt Quotes #325114
#70. I belong to you. I've belonged to you since the beginning, since before I even knew that I did," he rambles. "I'll never hurt you again. I'd rather die than to hurt you

L. H. Cosway

I Never Hurt Quotes #338071
#71. I adore you, mon petit, and would never allow him to hurt you, no matter how gently or madly.

Vladimir Nabokov

I Never Hurt Quotes #343358
#72. My children, Michael and Alex, are with our Heavenly Father now, and I know that they will never be hurt again. As a mom, that means more than words could ever say

Susan Smith

I Never Hurt Quotes #346028
#73. I will never force you," he said. "I'll try never to hurt you, but no man can safely promise that. Any hurt I do to you, I will be desperately sorry for and try to repair.

Kaje Harper

I Never Hurt Quotes #347538
#74. I've never been hurt by a sea creature, except for jellyfish and sea urchins.

Peter Benchley

I Never Hurt Quotes #347565
#75. I'm very touchy feely with my fandom, in part because they've never done me wrong or hurt me in any way. This is an awesome balance. I hope it stays that way forever.

Catherynne M Valente

I Never Hurt Quotes #348022
#76. I was never bitter because I believed in the man upstairs. I continue to do my best. I let someone else be bitter. If I was bitter, I was only hurting me. I prefer to remember Bill Veeck and and Jim Hegan and Joe Gordon, the good guys. There is no point in talking about the others.

Larry Doby

I Never Hurt Quotes #348195
#77. I want you to know how happy you once made me and though you really did hurt me, in the end, I was better for it. I don't know if what we had was love, but if it wasn't, I hope never to fall in love. Because of you, I know I am too fragile to bear it.

Lang Leav

I Never Hurt Quotes #349716
#78. You can plan on a change in the weather and time, but I never planned on you changing you mind.

Taylor Swift

I Never Hurt Quotes #350434
#79. He laid her hand on his jutting cock. "This beast is what I want to put inside you, princess. It will hurt you, I fear, and you'll never be the same."
She ran a finger along the length of him, then smiled softly. "I should hope not. How good can a seduction be if one ends up the same afterward?

Sabrina Jeffries

I Never Hurt Quotes #353438
#80. Through the twist and turns of life, I find myself so grateful for my friends. Even though sometimes the days can seem so dark, and my heart can feel so hurt, I am never alone; my friends are beside me.

Steve Maraboli

I Never Hurt Quotes #382278
#81. I could never gamble on stocks and shares because I saw my father get hurt that way - he lost quite a lot of money when the stock market collapsed in 2001.

Mark Billingham

I Never Hurt Quotes #388461
#82. I know that something has answered my prayer, and at the same time has also told me what my sacrifice must be. I have been offered a chance to never hurt Day again.

Marie Lu

I Never Hurt Quotes #392032
#83. Five minutes before I went on, I looked at my manager and said, I'm going to get booed. I know it's going to happen. And you're responsible because you put me on here. It was horrible. I've never been more hurt in my entire life.

Shannen Doherty

I Never Hurt Quotes #400836
#84. Women are the only people I am afraid of who I never thought would hurt me

Abraham Lincoln

I Never Hurt Quotes #404950
#85. to accept people as they are. If I wait for others to be what I want them to be, I will never accept them. By looking at what my brother is not, instead of at what he is, I will never be able to sympathize with him, struggle with him, hurt with him, or rejoice with him.

James Brian Smith

I Never Hurt Quotes #409359
#86. If I was someone else, I'd leave and give them privacy, but I'm not. I won't leave her out here with him. My brain knows he'd never hurt her and she doesn't have feelings for him. My heart, however, tells me to take her by the waist and pull her away...

Michelle Dare

I Never Hurt Quotes #409901
#87. I meant does it hurt when you hide every last shred of your individuality and self worth behind acres of silk and cups of powder and smiles that never, no matter how hard you try, reach your eyes?

Melissa De La Cruz

I Never Hurt Quotes #416586
#88. Not because she slept with Mega, even though it did hurt, but I was hurt because she let a dude come between us. I realized she was never my friend.

Mz. Toni

I Never Hurt Quotes #417318
#89. He'll be so happy. He'll be mental with joy when I tell him. The thought that she might not be his won't even cross his mind. Telling him would be cruel, it would break his heart, and I don't want to hurt him. I've never wanted to hurt him. I can't help the way I am.

Paula Hawkins

I Never Hurt Quotes #418786
#90. I never quite understand why we watch the news. There doesn't really seem much point watching somebody tell you what the news is when you could quite easily listen to it on the radio.

John Hurt

I Never Hurt Quotes #422994
#91. Baby, you want to talk about what happened, go for it. I'm listening. But you know, I'm no angel, and I'm not finished dancing with the devil. If anyone ever hurts you like that again, there's nothing I won't do to protect you. To make sure you're never hurt again.

Cristin Harber

I Never Hurt Quotes #427026
#92. It's an alien."
"Sand crab," Leon said. "It won't hurt you."
"It sure is ugly."
"Ugly never hurt a thing."
I scoffed. "Oh, ugly has hurt some things. It's just that pretty hurts more."

Maggie Stiefvater

I Never Hurt Quotes #429617
#93. And that was the one place I swore I'd never be again.
To love was to hurt.

Karina Halle

I Never Hurt Quotes #431710
#94. Though I never scruple a lie to serve my Master, it hurts one's conscience to be found out!

Richard Brinsley Sheridan

I Never Hurt Quotes #433927
#95. Some guys play not to get hurt, and they're never really as good as they can be. That's not the way I play.

Jeff Kent

I Never Hurt Quotes #435416
#96. I'd never do a film that would hurt anyone's sentiments, be it Indian or not.

Akshay Kumar

I Never Hurt Quotes #437202
#97. I never, in a million years, imagined I could be as happy and fulfilled as I was with you. I never wanted anything more than to spend the rest of my life that way. And, if you'll have me, I will never, ever hurt you.

Christine Bell

I Never Hurt Quotes #438705
#98. I've never been able to stand up for myself while growing up, but I will stand up for you against anyone who ever threatens to hurt you in any way.

Daniele Lanzarotta

I Never Hurt Quotes #448618
#99. Cowboys are always leaping from their horses in the movies, and they never get hurt."
"You forgot to roll."
"Oh. I knew I did something wrong.

Joan Johnston

I Never Hurt Quotes #455589
#100. I've been in the world three weeks and a half, I still never know what's going to hurt.

Emma Donoghue

I Never Hurt Quotes #460471

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