Top 96 Ryan Lochte Quotes

#1. I honestly really don't get aggravated at all. I just go with the flow. Whatever happens, happens.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1001
#2. You can tell a great athlete by, like, not how many times he wins, unlike when he loses. Because that's what is gonna make a swimmer.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #3538
#3. You know, honestly, if a girl can make me laugh, I'm pretty much sold.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #18292
#4. I'm going to keep living my life the way I've been living my life, and nothing is going to change that even if the Olympics are coming up.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #47485
#5. I'm going to focus on speed, doing little things like my turns and my starts - just speed.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #61340
#6. That's the quickest way to my heart: Laughter.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #130853
#7. I surround myself with people who really understand and love me. I think that's the best thing I can do.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #133568
#8. After my swims this weekend I think coach realized, you know what, you have to have a good one getting out of this meet. So I put the suit on and had a decent swim.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #152082
#9. I love working out. I mean, I've been doing it for about 20 years every day of my entire life. So I enjoy working out.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #161931
#10. I was a better basketball player growing up in high school than I was a swimmer. Basketball to this day is my favorite sport.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #213070
#11. You know, you pick and choose your battles.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #216916
#12. I'm not jealous of anybody, because I'm going to live my life the way I want to live it. I'm not going to be like, 'Oh my God they have this, I want that.'

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #232082
#13. I want to design my own clothing line. I'm very into fashion. It's something I really want to focus on when swimming is over.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #251436
#14. It felt good to actually have a decent swim.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #253364
#15. There's people out there that are like, 'Oh my God, I want to have your kid. I want to marry you.' People that I've never even met. That's sweet. It's funny.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #261562
#16. No matter what I'm doing, I'm training. I'm training every day and I think that's something I won't lose - no matter what I do, no matter what event I'm at, I always find a way to train. It's just something that I love to do.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #263226
#17. I was a little troublemaker. Always trying to get in trouble, always mischief, like throwing rocks at cars when I was younger, all that kind of stuff.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #268113
#18. I don't know if I'm a good kickball player; I know I'm a good athlete.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #281541
#19. Every year before a big competition, I get hurt doing stuff I should not be doing. One year it was my little brother's 12th birthday. We all played hide-and-seek late at night. I climbed up a 30-foot tree, thinking he'd never catch me. I tripped and fell on one of the branches and I hit my head.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #298003
#20. I'm big into fashion, so after swimming, when I hang up the Speedo, I definitely want to get into fashion and start designing my own clothing line.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #299995
#21. I've hung out with Jay-Z a couple of times, and he was awesome.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #309195
#22. The whole Kardashian family, they have a bunch of energy.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #311724
#23. I took my weight training to a new level.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #314065
#24. A player is someone - a guy - that messes with girls' emotions just to try and get what they want. I've been asked, 'Do you consider yourself a player?' And the answer is no. I don't think I'm anywhere near that.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #373363
#25. The swimming community is really small, but why can't it be as big as the NBA or the NFL?

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #401355
#26. I am at the Olympics, I forgot to tie my suit, how is this gonna happen?

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #456494
#27. The key to the Lochte haircut is being fresh and looking up-to-date.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #481706
#28. I believe everyone has a soul mate that they can spend the rest of their life together.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #492289
#29. My senior year of high school, when I was getting recruited for college, my dad goes to me, 'You can become an Olympic champion.' And that's the first time that I'd heard someone else say that to me. I was like, 'Uh, are you talking to me?'

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #499675
#30. In life, like, I'm always living life to the fullest to always have fun.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #519792
#31. My philosophy is if you're a man at night, you gotta be a man in the morning.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #525981
#32. My last Olympics, I had a girlfriend - big mistake. Now I'm single, so London should be really good. I'm excited.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #542324
#33. I'm definitely laid back. I don't take things so seriously.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #545727
#34. I don't have a set style, but I try not to dress like everyone else.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #558704
#35. I've talked in front of ... like ... a lot of big business people about stuff I didn't even know.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #561475
#36. I love swimming because racing.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #563706
#37. I want to get to know a woman before I take them out on a date or anything like that.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #567602
#38. My dad was my swim coach growing up, and I tried to get kicked out of practice every day. I was a little devil kid.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #672349
#39. I wasn't really happy with the way 2008 turned out for me. I wanted to change some things.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #693535
#40. Stay motivated, set goals, have fun

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #695294
#41. I started eating healthier. I actually gave up fast food. I gave up candy and potato chips and everything else. I started watching what I ate.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #698405
#42. Pain is temporarily, but pride last forever

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #710153
#43. I try not to read the negative comments, and when I do, I let it roll off my back. I remind myself that there will always be haters as long as you are in the public eye.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #729180
#44. I'm very competitive. I remember being 4 years old trying to out-chug my dad in a milk-chugging contest. It's been in my blood.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #751226
#45. With swimming, I burn a lot of calories. I'm able to eat pretty much anything and it won't affect me. But I don't.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #816092
#46. It's not like I'm looking for a blonde or a brunette, light-skinned or dark-skinned. I feel like I give any girl a fighting chance.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #834209
#47. I suddenly said, 'I'm sick of losing'. After that, I trained hard and I never lost there again.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #863592
#48. I might wear my pink Speedo. I think I should.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #866539
#49. I think after the 2008 Olympics I wasn't really satisfied with the outcome, so I knew I had to change some things.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #870681
#50. Too travel is sometimes better to arrive!

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #883021
#51. For me, being Ryan Lochte is fun.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #891798
#52. Pain, tolerance, endurance-when it comes down to that point, there's always something left. You just have to find it.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #913152
#53. I'm just going to go out there and try to win the race. When you go out there trying to go for a record, you're usually not going to get it.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #931731
#54. No matter what, like, I couldn't - I could break a world record, get an Olympic gold medal, and my mom would be, like, you could have done better. But you looked pretty. That's what she says all the time.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #940562
#55. I enjoy racing so much. Ever since I was 8 or 9, I trained every stroke, because it was the only way I could race a lot.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #948489
#56. Always reach for the moon cuz if u slip up u will still be a star!! #Jeah

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #959769
#57. If I just swam all day, I'd lose it. That's why I do so many other activities. It keeps me sane.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #971982
#58. When I was growing up, I was eating fast food every day. I'd drink soda non-stop, candy, just everything. It was horrible. My go-to was McDonald's, for sure.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #979024
#59. For those who are understood no need to explain

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #979566
#60. I can't eat beans - all beans. I think because I'm half Cuban. So growing up, we were always eating black beans and rice, and I think I just said, 'Enough with it,' and I can't even stand to taste it anymore.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #997425
#61. Just all that hard work, all those hours in the pool, I feel like it's about to pay off. I guess we'll just have to wait and see this summer.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1038931
#62. My suit blew up into a parachute. All this water rushed in, there's air, water in there. I was freaking out.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1055797
#63. You could literally be perfect and people would still hate you, for being perfect.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1151182
#64. If I could have one superpower, I'd be like Mel Gibson in 'What Women Want,' where he reads women's minds.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1175250
#65. Something will pop up in my head. It could be like the weirdest thing. Like all'a sudden like I have like a jumping banana in my head.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1198916
#66. Going out to look for a date, I don't have to do that. They come to me.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1202912
#67. I'm at a point where I'm ready to settle down. Every girl I meet, though, something wrong happens, and I end up getting hurt.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1212826
#68. Of course I have bad hair days; I'm human.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1283437
#69. When I was a kid, I looked up to an Olympian superstar. I won't mention his name but when I asked for his autograph he said, 'no.'

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1297387
#70. I need someone who is able to hold her own - if a girl is really independent, that's a turn-on for me.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1299962
#71. I grew up with a big family. I want that. I want to have my own family.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1301219
#72. Abe Lincoln is my favorite president of all time - and he pulls off that top hat pretty well.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1314920
#73. I look at him as some other person I need to beat.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1353425
#74. There's so much more to me than swimming. I like to go and have fun, like to go dancing, hang out with my friends.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1356295
#75. Things are moving pretty quick, and of course, the whole focus is training and getting ready and being able to prepare to be on the world's stage and hopefully do the United States proud.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1368178
#76. If someone asked me to be in a movie, I'd be more than happy.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1431140
#77. I really want to get into designing my own business suit. I've designed a couple suits for myself that I've worn in the past, and I have a good idea of what I want and need to use.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1450552
#78. The big picture is the Trials and Olympics. I just have to keep focused for that, keep moving forward.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1456684
#79. The fact that people actually want my autograph is crazy.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1531076
#80. Alec Baldwin is so funny.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1533079
#81. These are my shoes that I designed from top to the very sole to the very top to the bottom. Laces.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1597291
#82. If you're a man at night, you've got to be a man in the morning.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1637499
#83. I honestly think if I would've tied my suit and there wouldn't have been any water rushing through it, I think I could've gone at least a second faster.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1652710
#84. If I break my ankle right now, this Olympics wasn't meant to be.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1662124
#85. I grew up listening to oldies, like Motown. That's from my mom.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1680097
#86. I want people to see the passion I have for swimming and become more involved in the sport.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1694151
#87. My whole family swims! You can pretty much say chlorine runs in our veins.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1737042
#88. One thing I won't do: I won't give up on love.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1800431
#89. Have fun, because that's what life is all about.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1800597
#90. I want to be different, and fashion gives me that outlet to do that.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1814161
#91. I think maybe I'm just a little too optimistic? I hope for the best in every situation and want to see the good in people.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1841294
#92. I like girls who really don't care what other people are thinking - girls who are a little goofy. I think that's sexy.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1845074
#93. I hate to lose. I like winning.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1860240
#94. I have a lot of endurance and I have a good background right now in my training and it's time to get ready.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1862353
#95. Not to have a big head about it, but people love me.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1867370
#96. It's so hard to express yourself, because swimmers are pretty much paying attention to a black line for hours out of a day.

Ryan Lochte

Ryan Lochte Quotes #1871838

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