Top 30 I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes

#1. Look, this is a loan. I don't know if love is something I will run out of one day. I don't know if I should be giving it all to you guys or not. Today, I feel like maybe I should have kept some for myself for days when no one else loves me.

A.S. King

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #829924
#2. You ought to know that the Lord loves you. He will make that known to you, and it will be a very private and individual experience, something you cannot explain to anyone else.

Boyd K. Packer

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #1826278
#3. Freud suggests that in order to love someone else, one must love themselves; it's a classic "needs before other needs" argument. Unfortunately, no one really loves themselves . And, if they do, they need to get to know themselves better. Unfortunately, no one is really happy.

Pete Wentz

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #1403323
#4. Before anything else, above all else, beyond all else God love us. God loves us extravagantly, ridiculously, without limit or condition. God is in love with us ... God yearns for us.

Roberta Bondi

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #1397429
#5. That's what life is about: finding something you can do that no one else can, and working your hardest at it. It's about finding someone you love like no one else, someone who loves you like no one else does.

A.G. Riddle

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #1382735
#6. In the inner city, there's a mentality that the government owes you something. My breakthrough came when I stopped feeling sorry for myself and took responsibility for every part of my life. No more pity parties. I've gotta love me more than anybody else loves me.

Mary J. Blige

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #1367779
#7. People wasted so much time seeking out the love of their lives in the shape of a partner, when the truth was that for most the real loves of their lives were their children - and everyone else was dispensable.

Anna McPartlin

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #1254812
#8. God Never Compares You To Anyone Else. He Loves You As You Are.

Bo Sanchez

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #1061216
#9. Getting even with the person that broke your heart will never give you peace. The only thing that will heal your wounds is believing that God loves you enough to bring someone else into your life to respect you and love you in the way you deserve!

Shannon L. Alder

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #978624
#10. Love is the only antidote for the insanity of this world. And the funny thing about love is that when someone loves you, it doesn't necessarily make you feel better; but when you love someone else, it does.

Frederick Lenz

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #966431
#11. God loves us more than a father, mother, friend, or any else could love, and even more than we are able to love ourselves.

Saint John Chrysostom

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #960024
#12. Someone who loves you will reveal beautiful things within yourself ... things you had never noticed before ... things nobody else cared to.

Steve Maraboli

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #953442
#13. Every living being on earth loves life above all else. The smallest insect, whose life lasts only an instant, tries to escape from any danger in order to live a moment longer. And the desire to live is most developed in man.

Hazrat Inayat Khan

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #896559
#14. Nothing else loves me, nor ever will. Not even - especially - me. I know what I am and that's not a thing to love.

Jeff Lindsay

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #842602
#15. Love is just such a crucial, wonderful thing, and if you are lucky enough to find somebody who genuinely loves you, grab that person and hold on to that person, and nothing else matters.

Randall Kennedy

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #840471
#16. I always feel that everyone loves me so I never forget to love everyone else.

Debasish Mridha

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #24465
#17. Above all else, He loves you and chose to measure that love out not in words, but in blood. He loves you enough to give you the greatest gift conceivable. Would such a love allow you to suffer without purpose?

David Jeremiah

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #762739
#18. I love the Internet, and the Internet loves me back. Why else would it offer me so much sex?

Stephen Colbert

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #736594
#19. Love doesn't occur it just happens, We start loving without any reason,It gives a pain when we love someone but you love loves else,My love is enough for both but will remain incomplete without you, Love you baby will love till my last breath.

Debolina Bhawal

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #663908
#20. You can't show love to someone at the expense of someone else who loves you.

R. K. Milholland

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #658480
#21. We both get the glorious front seat of watching the one that we love loves somebody else

Ika Natassa

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #590711
#22. He loves so wholly. It is his nature.
No one compares to him. And right now, I want nothing else.

Marie Lu

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #505028
#23. Heathcliff. The "hero" of Wuthering Heights. Although no one knows why.
He's mean, moody, and possibly a bit on the pongy side. Cathy loves him, though. She shows this by viciously rejecting him and marrying someone else for a laugh. Still, that is true love on the moors for you.

Louise Rennison

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #416986
#24. I'm here because of the way she loves me with no reservations. She doesn't hold anything back, but gives it all to me as if there was no one else like me in the universe. She has no idea that she alone is the unique being.

Amy A. Bartol

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #396870
#25. When a man loves a woman, can't keep his mind on nothing else. He'd trade the world for the good thing he's found.

Percy Sledge

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #389889
#26. Love never asks what benefit it will derive from love. Love from its very nature is a disinterested thing. It loves for the creature's sake it loves, and for nothing else.

Charles Spurgeon

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #160719
#27. When you love people, you see all the good in them, all the Christ in them. God sees Christ, His Son, in us and loves us. And so we should see Christ in others, and nothing else, and love them. There can never be enough of it. There can never be enough thinking about it.

Dorothy Day

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #138407
#28. There's too much love in the world. Sometimes I think that's what heaven is
a place where everybody's happy because nobody loves anybody else, ever.

Gregory David Roberts

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #127345
#29. How sweet it is to learn the Savior's love when nobody else loves us! When friends flee, what a blessed thing it is to see that the Savior does not forsake us but still keeps us and holds us fast and clings to us and will not let us go!

Charles Spurgeon

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #118245
#30. No matter how much someone else loves you or you love other people,
if you don't love yourself then it can never be enough.

Shannon Kaiser

I Love Someone But She Loves Someone Else Quotes #110091

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