Top 100 How To Explain Quotes

#1. I am okay but I am not okay and I don't know how to explain that any better.

Amelia Mysko

How To Explain Quotes #44634
#2. Lights and moods and seasons was to see it a thousand different ways and to keep it shut in the dark - a thing made of light, that only lived in light - was wrong in more ways than I knew how to explain. More than wrong: it was crazy.

Donna Tartt

How To Explain Quotes #139037
#3. I decided to go swimming. I don't know how to explain this, but I wanted to purge my body of something by exercising it to the limit. Purge it - of what? I spent some time wondering about that. Purge it of what?
I didn't know.

Haruki Murakami

How To Explain Quotes #269443
#4. But now, here she was, very wishful to pray, while not knowing how to explain her dilemma: 'I'm terribly unhappy, dear, unprobable God - ' would not be a very propitious beginning.

Radclyffe Hall

How To Explain Quotes #279144
#5. The fact that I
am writing to you
in English
already falsifies what I
wanted to tell you.
My subject:
how to explain to you that I
don't belong to English
though I belong nowhere else

Gustavo Perez Firmat

How To Explain Quotes #340593
#6. How to explain this? A shadow kytaen becomes, in a way, the shadow of their keeper, and when the keeper chooses it to, the shadow will detach itself like It did just then.'
'What, like Peter Pan?

Giselle Simlett

How To Explain Quotes #432265
#7. It's jarring to go from one amazing experience to another that feels ordinary. I don't quite know how to explain it. You see the uniqueness of what you've been doing, and disassociating yourself from it and going back to the 'normal' life is tough.

Nat Wolff

How To Explain Quotes #433270
#8. It's language as a kind of structural system. A diagram of a sentence, now that seems like a kind of architectural model. I don't know how to explain it, but it would be nice to try. Why, why this fascination?

Vito Acconci

How To Explain Quotes #540735
#9. I have to admit, I have a little sad addiction. I love watching on the E Channel that stupid show, The Girls Next Door. It's a very sad thing to say and I don't know how to explain it but I am addicted to Hugh Hefner's girlfriends and The Girls Next Door.

Julie Halston

How To Explain Quotes #542641
#10. Don't ask me how to burn down a building. As me how to grow watermelons or how to explain nature to a child. that is what I want to grow old doing. Please afford me this.

Rod Coronado

How To Explain Quotes #547703
#11. How to explain Time and Separateness back to God, Who had never thought of them, Who could let the whole world come to grief in a scattering moment?

Eudora Welty

How To Explain Quotes #565154
#12. I am a good leader; I know how to explain men to themselves.

Anna Godbersen

How To Explain Quotes #593302
#13. I didn't know how to explain it, because I had never wanted to.

Alexandra Bracken

How To Explain Quotes #620040
#14. How to explain to the earth that it was more functional as a vegetable patch than a flower garden, just as factories were more functional than schools and boys were more functional as weapons than as humans.

Kamila Shamsie

How To Explain Quotes #884627
#15. I've never felt a connection like this with anyone else ... I don't even know how to explain it. I feel like I already knew you before I met you, and the first time I saw you, the first time I talked to you, was incidental, because the connection was already there

M. Molly Backes

How To Explain Quotes #890086
#16. When words become a poem, it makes sense to me, but I don't know how to explain to someone why the words are the way they are. It's just the logic of the poem to me.

Sarah Kay

How To Explain Quotes #915959
#17. don't quite know how to explain Jesus' presence - intense and terrifying and gentle at the exact same time.

Jen Hatmaker

How To Explain Quotes #922426
#18. I keep wondering how to explain the experience of child abuse from the inside. I'm going to try to explain what my world was like when I was sexually abused. The thing you have to remember is that this was the thinking of a child.

Robin Quivers

How To Explain Quotes #945789
#19. I guess trying to throw my body into the guitar is so natural for me that I don't even know how to explain it. I can't imagine life without it.

St. Vincent

How To Explain Quotes #1015742
#20. I would figure out, later, how to explain to my boss that, for me, Delia will never be a story, but a happy ending.

Jodi Picoult

How To Explain Quotes #1037094
#21. I don't know how to explain it."
"Try words. If that doesn't work, we'll move on to interpretive dance.

Devon Monk

How To Explain Quotes #1074848
#22. I don't know how to explain it, but when you're working on something constantly, and you're digging in deep, things kind of fall in, and you grab them, and you're like, 'That one!' and 'That thing!' and it starts to build something right.

Albert Hammond Jr.

How To Explain Quotes #1120230
#23. My wolf didn't understand that this man - our mate - was evil.

And I didn't know how to explain it to her.

Lisa Kessler

How To Explain Quotes #1131399
#24. I don't know how to explain Bob's love except to say it is utterly and delightfully devastating. You simply cannot live the same once you know him.

Bob Goff

How To Explain Quotes #1178256
#25. He has left nothing except for a note, which I find neatly folded under one of my sneakers.
The Story of Solomon is the only way I know how to explain.
And then, in smaller letters:
Forgive me.

Lauren Oliver

How To Explain Quotes #1209033
#26. Too many choices, that's the problem. Sometimes you get to a point, you know?"
She looked at his face. His eyes seemed distant. "What do you mean?"
He shook his head. "You wake up one day and nothing's the same. It's like you're in the wrong life or something. I don't know how to explain it.

Elizabeth Brundage

How To Explain Quotes #1285364
#27. It is easy to suffer for a cause or for a mission; this ennobles the heart of the person suffering. But how to explain suffering because of a man? It's not explainable. With that kind of suffering, a person feels as if they're in hell, because there is no nobility, no greatness - only misery.

Paulo Coelho

How To Explain Quotes #1306769
#28. She did not know how to explain what happened, how everything has changed in just one day, how someone she loved so dearly could be there one minute, and the next minute: gone.

Celeste Ng

How To Explain Quotes #1308756
#29. I hope to refine music, study it, try to find some area that I can unlock. I don't quite know how to explain it but it's there. These can't be the only notes in the world, there's got to be other notes some place, in some dimension, between the cracks on the piano keys.

Marvin Gaye

How To Explain Quotes #1312808
#30. This experience is brand new. Not new. It is my first time, and also not. It is familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. I don't know how to explain the feeling of unfeeling. Of experiencing the unexperience of this all. I am lost and yet I'm here. I'm me and yet I don't fully know who that is.

Sarah Noffke

How To Explain Quotes #1323318
#31. Though she hardly knew how to explain the matter even to herself, she was sure that there was at present a general heaving-up of society on this matter, and a change in progress which would soon make it a matter of indifference whether anybody was Jew or Christian. For

Anthony Trollope

How To Explain Quotes #1340514
#32. I don't know how to explain how, probably to my detriment, unselfpromoting I am. I used to have a cabaret act and I didn't even like to tell me people about that. I really hate selling myself.

Zooey Deschanel

How To Explain Quotes #1360573
#33. You do what you do. Or you do what you have to do. I don't know how to explain it better. I think that in the moment, you can't see connections, but sometimes afterwards you do.

Raf Simons

How To Explain Quotes #1361107
#34. I felt like challenging myself and challenging my readers with something darker and heavier. I don't know how to explain it, because I'm not a political person. I have two political stories, and that's it: 'Human Diastrophism' and 'Poison River.'

Gilbert Hernandez

How To Explain Quotes #1389315
#35. It's a big shift. I don't know quite how to explain it. Between wanting and not wanting, caring and not caring. Of course it's a lot more than that too. Shock and aura. Things are stronger and brighter and I feel on the edge of something inexpressible.

Donna Tartt

How To Explain Quotes #1401168
#36. To look at the work of your peers, and learn how to explain with kindness and precision, the nature of their mistakes is, in fact, how you learn to diagnose your own work.

Steve Almond

How To Explain Quotes #1424210
#37. Do you know about it, Kelsey?" he asked after a while. "Dominance and submission? This thing we're doing? I don't know so good how to explain it. Only how to do it.

Annabel Joseph

How To Explain Quotes #1428376
#38. How to explain ... that the warning signs were so slight? That disaster, when it is quite sure of its own strength, will announce itself by hardly moving its lips?

Chris Cleave

How To Explain Quotes #1430399
#39. I never grew up dreaming about a wedding - I don't think about things like that. I don't know how to explain it. All I care about is to be happy.

Penelope Cruz

How To Explain Quotes #1448001
#40. I am not sure how to explain it, except that - truth matters to us.

Eliezer Yudkowsky

How To Explain Quotes #1471268
#41. How to explain? How to describe? Even the omniscient viewpoint quails.

Vernor Vinge

How To Explain Quotes #1493157
#42. I didn't know how to explain what I meant; sociopathy wasn't just being emotionally deaf, it was being emotionally mute, too. I felt like the characters on our muted TV, waving their hands and screaming and never saying a word out loud.

Dan Wells

How To Explain Quotes #1494649
#43. Where should be be if we set ourselves to deny everything we do not know how to explain?

Francois Arago

How To Explain Quotes #1497960
#44. I'm always 100% committed to a character, a story and a director, and with Michael Mann it was 1,000%. I don't know how to explain this ...

Marion Cotillard

How To Explain Quotes #1519302
#45. Honor, vengeance, that rigorous religion, those punctilicious codes of conduct - how to explain their existence here, at the end of the world, among people who possessed nothing but the rags and the lice they had on them?

Mario Vargas-Llosa

How To Explain Quotes #1520098
#46. They walked on rather aimlessly. He hoped she wouldn't notice he was touched, because he wouldn't have known how to explain why. Here lay the great discrepancy between aesthetic truth and sleazy reality.

Patrick White

How To Explain Quotes #1619110
#47. I really found this campaign odious. I couldn't get up for it. The quality of the candidates and the campaign, I just found the whole thing second-rate. I didn't know how to explain to my granddaughter that I was spending my dotage writing about Al Gore and George W. Bush.

Jack Germond

How To Explain Quotes #1662349
#48. So often corporate America, business America, are the worst communicators, because all they understand are facts, and they cannot tell a story. They know how to explain their quarterly results, but they don't know how to explain what they mean.

Frank Luntz

How To Explain Quotes #1767295
#49. We do not need to explain how the Aryans entered and settled in the Dravidian country, and subjugated and oppressed the Dravidians. Nor do we need to explain how before the Aryans entered the Dravidian country, the Dravidian country had a civilization and arts of the highest rank.

Periyar E.V. Ramasamy

How To Explain Quotes #15039
#50. When I play sports, when I dance, when I teach mysticism, I cannot explain, even to myself, how I do what I do.

Frederick Lenz

How To Explain Quotes #16762
#51. He doesn't understand that books don't get used up. I've tried to explain that they aren't like clothes or furniture - that we keep them because we might want to read them again. And because they remind us of how we felt when we read them.

Paula Marantz Cohen

How To Explain Quotes #17689
#52. It's hard to explain how this works, and I admit that it's fairly implausible or untenable as a way of life, but that seems to be how I go about my days: peaceably in person, fiercely on paper.

Katie Roiphe

How To Explain Quotes #21975
#53. Every time I meet people working in radio, I'm a little embarrassed. It's all pre-programmed, rigidly formatted stuff. Time and time again, when I talk to jocks, they say how jealous they are of the freedom we have on WKRP. I sometimes have to explain to them that it's not a real radio station.

Howard Hesseman

How To Explain Quotes #25683
#54. With legal aid now capped at the bus fare for a trainee solicitor to come and explain how to plead guilty, Rumpole desperately needed a more remunerative outlet for his legal knowledge. Inspired

David Mitchell

How To Explain Quotes #31054
#55. The logic of war seems to be if the belligerent can fight, he will fight. That leaders will not surrender until surrender is academic. How is a national leader to explain the sacrifice of so much for nothing?

Thomas Powers

How To Explain Quotes #41114
#56. What I have absolutely no sympathy with is the legislator, the man who seeks, for his own profit, to exploit the weaknesses of those who are unable to help themselves and then to fasten some moral superscription upon it. This I loathe so much that I cannot conceivably explain how much it is.

Malcolm Lowry

How To Explain Quotes #43948
#57. How do you explain to yourself the casual manner in which you threw your life away?

James Lee Burke

How To Explain Quotes #45368
#58. You don't implement change easily in Japan unless you explain very clearly why you need to do this change, how you're going to do this change and what's going to be the outcome of this change. If you offset or you forget to explain one of these three steps you're not going to do it.

Carlos Ghosn

How To Explain Quotes #55320
#59. He wanted to explain how people were never quite what you thought they were.

William Golding

How To Explain Quotes #68476
#60. How could you explain to someone that sometimes it was not worth living in the past when the past was all that they had worth living for?

Nicole Sobon

How To Explain Quotes #77529
#61. Science may explain how humans came into being, but it has no answer to the slippery question of how humans should live. Only literature makes it possible to pose such questions in the first place. And if there is no answer, only literature can point to the impossibility of ever finding one.

Minae Mizumura

How To Explain Quotes #77596
#62. For some reason I can't explain, artist and musicians tend to look younger than our age. Being in music, you need this youthful sense of discovery and wonder for what you're doing and keep your imagination open. That's a youthful way of looking at life and I think that reflects in how you age.

Joshua Bell

How To Explain Quotes #87341
#63. One of the more difficult things about being a judge is as you're listening to the evidence, you have to be formulating how you're going to explain your evaluation of that evidence.

Steven Pacey

How To Explain Quotes #91460
#64. We have deemed all these words necessary in order to explain that we have been traveling more slowly than was predicted, concision is not a definitive virtue, on occasion one loses out by talking too much, it is true, but how much has also been gained by saying more than was strictly necessary.

Jose Saramago

How To Explain Quotes #98180
#65. Among the reasons that you go into journalism, I suppose, are some rather idealistic, even foolish reasons. In my case one of the reasons was I wanted to explain how things really work, how political power really works.

Robert Caro

How To Explain Quotes #104529
#66. What is inadmissible, both morally and scientifically, is the hubris that pretends to understand the behavior of human agents without for a moment listening systematically to how they understand what they are doing and how they explain themselves.

James C. Scott

How To Explain Quotes #106564
#67. All art speaks in signs and symbols. No one can explain how it happens that the artist can waken to life in us the existence that he has seen and lives through. No artistic speech is the adequate expression of what it represents; its vital force comes from what is unspoken in it.

Albert Schweitzer

How To Explain Quotes #107507
#68. Speaking of which, would you like to explain to me how you're alive

Stephenie Meyer

How To Explain Quotes #110975
#69. Science can explain what exists in the world, how things work, and what might be in the future. By definition, it has no pretensions to knowing what should be in the future. Only religions and ideologies seek to answer such questions.

Yuval Noah Harari

How To Explain Quotes #114106
#70. If you were a god, how would you like being called a myth, an old story to explain lightning? What if I told you, Perseus Jackson, that someday people would call you a myth, just created to explain how little boys can get over losing their mothers?

Rick Riordan

How To Explain Quotes #114687
#71. Stories are in one way or another mirrors. We use them to explain to ourselves how the world works or how it doesn't work. Like mirrors stories prepare us for the day to come. They distract us from the things in darkness.

Neil Gaiman

How To Explain Quotes #127348
#72. Sexism and misogyny. How else to explain why so many more witches were burned than wizards?

Nicholas D. Kristof

How To Explain Quotes #131863
#73. I wonder how biology can explain the physical pain you feel in your chest when all you want to do is be with someone.

Dan Howell

How To Explain Quotes #135926
#74. Any artist is insulted by the suggestion that art is merely a matter of recording reality, and knows that it is impossible to explain how imagination can transform not only events and people, but the artist as well, into quite different "realities".

Joan Lindsay

How To Explain Quotes #141761
#75. People usually asked her if she had a belly button. Of course she had a belly button. She couldn't explain how. She didn't really want to know.

Rick Riordan

How To Explain Quotes #145676
#76. Music is the effort we make to explain to ourselves how our brains work. We listen to Bach transfixed because this is listening to a human mind.

Lewis Thomas

How To Explain Quotes #147639
#77. Weight loss programs and health clubs have an ethical and legal obligation to adequately disclose details about program costs before customers sign a contract. They should also clearly explain how the program works and what is expected so that consumers can make an informed choice whether to join.

Bill Vaughan

How To Explain Quotes #167580
#78. For most of the history of our species we were helpless to understand how nature works. We took every storm, drought, illness and comet personally. We created myths and spirits in an attempt to explain the patterns of nature.

Ann Druyan

How To Explain Quotes #175969
#79. Sometimes you don't need to explain how you care and love someone so much, but I really love him as a person and as a director. I wanted to be perfect for him [Michael Mann]. I wanted to give the best of my best of my best. I don't know if I did, but I was touched by him. He's totally inspirational.

Marion Cotillard

How To Explain Quotes #178092
#80. Roger Federer moves like a whisper and executes like a wrecking ball. It is simply impossible to explain how he does what he does.

Nick Bollettieri

How To Explain Quotes #195256
#81. I'll explain to her, even though I don't have to. Why I did it. How if I hadn't killed her she would have died and that is something I could not bear to happen to her.

Toni Morrison

How To Explain Quotes #200722
#82. I am hoping, though, that many of them have kids, who, when they have a moment to take a break from their iPods, Internet, or Google, will explain to their parents running the country just how the world is being flattened.

Thomas Friedman

How To Explain Quotes #202120
#83. I know this is a bit redundant, but it is really hard to explain just how loud Tiger Stadium is when you're standing on the field. The crowd is moving and swaying so much, and in so many directions, it makes the stands look blurry, like a pointillist painting.

Wright Thompson

How To Explain Quotes #202411
#84. You know how much I am inclined to explain all disputes among philosophical schools as merely verbal disputes or at least to derive them originally from verbal disputes.

Moses Mendelssohn

How To Explain Quotes #202715
#85. Kind words produce happiness. How often have we ourselves been made happy by kind words, in a manner and to an extent which we are unable to explain!

Frederick William Faber

How To Explain Quotes #205403
#86. Jeb: I wish I could explain what I'd give just to see you smile again.
Max (thinking): How about your head on a stick?

James Patterson

How To Explain Quotes #212741
#87. Today's Parenting Tip: Treat a difficult child the way you would your boss at work. Praise his achievements, ignore his tantrums and resist the urge to sit him down and explain to him how his brain is not yet fully developed.

Robert Breault

How To Explain Quotes #222874
#88. Clearly the sight of a well-muscled forearm incited a woman to utter depravity. How else to explain the invention of cuffs?

Tessa Dare

How To Explain Quotes #223369
#89. Dios, she'd never come so hard in her life. How many people died this way? How would he ever explain to the ambulance crews that he'd chained his girlfriend out on the deck and killed her with too many orgasms?

Cherise Sinclair

How To Explain Quotes #231603
#90. To define an expression is, paradoxically speaking, to explain how to get along without it. To define is to eliminate.

Willard Van Orman Quine

How To Explain Quotes #233962
#91. Many times, we spend so much time on policy, but we don't explain how the policy affects and makes the heart even grow bigger. And I think that's a place that we have to look inside.

Kevin McCarthy

How To Explain Quotes #235345
#92. Before you try to measure someone else's performance, please explain how you measure your own.

Jurgen Appelo

How To Explain Quotes #240654
#93. Our problem, from the point of view of psychology and from the point of view of genetic epistemology, is to explain how the transition is made from a lower level of knowledge to a level that is judged to be higher.

Jean Piaget

How To Explain Quotes #241407
#94. If you have to explain about how something's supposed to feel, it takes away all the magic.

Susane Colasanti

How To Explain Quotes #269590
#95. Ask the person trying to convince you of something to explain how it would work. Odds are they have not done the work required to hold an opinion.


How To Explain Quotes #278737
#96. You know how questing goes. You can't explain it to anyone else; it would be like telling them your dreams.

Catherynne M Valente

How To Explain Quotes #278813
#97. She was the wish of his life. He didn't know how else to say it. He didn't even know that he could really explain, just that every time he saw her he felt his bones might break under the weight of his wanting. His longing for her.

C.J. Carlyon

How To Explain Quotes #283970
#98. Science will explain how but not why. It talks about what is, not what ought to be. Science is descriptive, not prescriptive; it can tell us about causes but it cannot tell us about purposes. Indeed, science disavows purposes.

Jonathan Sacks

How To Explain Quotes #288915
#99. Perhaps it is not the belief of God that makes us happier but belief in something, anything. How else to explain the fact that the happiest countries in the world--Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, the Netherlands--are hardly religious at all?

Eric Weiner

How To Explain Quotes #289275
#100. Alex's eyes went wide. You can't bury them in my backyard. Damn it, Ian, we're putting in a swimming pool in the next couple of weeks. How am I supposed to explain that? First my French doors, then the hardwoods, and now you want to turn my backyard into a fucking body dump. It's not happening, Ian.

Lexi Blake

How To Explain Quotes #290111

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