Top 14 Holthausen Bad Quotes

#1. Poetry is a pure meritocracy. There's no room for ambiguity: either a poem moves you and opens up new vistas in life, or it doesn't. It's completely objective, and the best always rise to the top.

Jim Goetz

Holthausen Bad Quotes #32890
#2. To all those who won't listen to my music because I don't smoke ganga, I say the hell with those people

Eddy Grant

Holthausen Bad Quotes #306278
#3. Basketball was my whole life until I was 20 years old. All I knew was basketball. Then came golf, and I thought that's all I wanted to do then.

Kip Moore

Holthausen Bad Quotes #459594
#4. We cannot condemn or judge or pass words that will hurt people. We don't know in what way God is appearing to that soul and what God is drawing that soul to; therefore, who are we to condemn anybody?

Mother Teresa

Holthausen Bad Quotes #491943
#5. Yesterday lasts forever.
Tomorrow comes never.
Until you

Penelope Douglas

Holthausen Bad Quotes #799016
#6. When people have something proven to them, and they see that it really benefits them, they don't have to be looking for a change or be at rock bottom. When they see something proven that is of benefit to them, they'll turn around 180 degrees and never look back.

Andy Andrews

Holthausen Bad Quotes #815332
#7. I could say that all my books were conceived by the time I was twenty, although they were not to be written for another thirty or forty years. But perhaps this is true of most writers - the emotional storage is done very early on.

Marguerite Yourcenar

Holthausen Bad Quotes #1058457
#8. My grandmother ... came here, not only like so many others because of the streets 'being paved with gold' and all, but because she wanted to leave the place where the streets were paved with people who had not gone to America.

Roseanne Barr

Holthausen Bad Quotes #1147245
#9. If you are deliberately trying to create a future that feels safe, you will willfully ignore the future that is likely.

Seth Godin

Holthausen Bad Quotes #1296555
#10. You ever get sick and one of your friends gives you medical advice? And they tell you that they're not a doctor - like you didn't know it?

Dom Irrera

Holthausen Bad Quotes #1345562
#11. Grandma's Advice on Picnics
Not every day is going to be a picnic,
because there are ants everywhere you go ~
and a few of them are even insects.

Beryl Dov

Holthausen Bad Quotes #1411413
#12. Smiling face is always beautiful even if it is hundred years old!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Holthausen Bad Quotes #1481527
#13. How do I work? I grope.

Albert Einstein

Holthausen Bad Quotes #1570006
#14. Don't you dare say he's going to be a bandit. He'll be an angel.

Chuck Wendig

Holthausen Bad Quotes #1802760

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