Top 49 Hard To Be Honest Quotes

#1. It was hard to be honest, to open up, and reveal something that sounded crazy. Because once you told someone the truth, that person had a piece of you - and they could belittle it, destroy it. They could turn your confession into a wound that never healed.

Sarah Cross

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #530366
#2. It's very hard to be honest with yourself when something's just not working.

Shania Twain

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1583963
#3. It's hard to be honest with other people when you're hardly honest with yourself.

Jay Wilson

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #118099
#4. Real friends offer both hard truths and soft landings and realize that it's sometimes more important to be nice than to be honest.

Anna Quindlen

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #838432
#5. Be honest! You are not going to want to admit energy loss. Someone is making it hard for you to look.

Frederick Lenz

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1875634
#6. But if you stray too far on the side of distance and strictness, you end up hard and unapproachable. So you need to be open to unexpected things and you need to be accessible to those people who are honest and forthright with you, especially if they take risks trying to do what their heart dictates.

Alan McCluskey

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #899876
#7. Like last night I had a sequence with a gun and, to be honest, for me to be threatening with a gun and not be comical is quite hard.

Phil Collins

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1000305
#8. Well, to be honest I think I'm a better short story writer than a novelist. Novels I find very hard, hours and hours, weeks and weeks, of conscious thought - whereas short stories slip out painlessly in a few days.

Eric Brown

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1002618
#9. The only hard-and-fast rules a Perot must operate under are getting a sound education; being honest and ethical in our business dealings; treating the people who work for us with respect and dignity; and, finally, a Perot cannot be afraid to take risks when appropriate.

Ross Perot Jr.

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1017389
#10. Instead of taking a very high-paying type of law job or something that I might be able to do, I have been a legislator. That's what I do. I think it's an honorable profession - if you're honest and have integrity and work hard.

Russ Feingold

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1051609
#11. To say the Truth, I have often concluded, that the honest Part of Mankind would be much too hard for the knavish, if they could bring themselves to incur the Guilt, or thought it worth their while to take the Trouble.

Henry Fielding

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1053811
#12. I won't have a hard time being brutally honest. But I won't be mean. You don't have to be mean to be honest.

Ellen DeGeneres

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1119085
#13. 'Edward Scissorhands' was tough to let go of because I found real safety in allowing myself to be that open, that honest. To explore purity. It was a hard one to walk away from.

Johnny Depp

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1149925
#14. It is hard to be so honest, so vulnerable, so exposed. But I find that it always leads you someplace freer.

Taylor Jenkins Reid

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1274929
#15. I'm very honest in my music and I'm often asked to explain the lyrics; as an introvert, I find that quite hard. And I always wear high heels on stage, which can be painful.

Natasha Bedingfield

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1341280
#16. Fisherman deceives the fish with bait; this action makes the fisherman dishonest! For a fisherman to be honest, he must not put any bait to his fishhook! He who dares to be ideally honest, let him know how hard it is to be such an honest!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1417232
#17. To be honest, proper recognition has only come from the fans. I don't want to be hard, and I don't want to be negative, but I want to be honest.

Yaya Toure

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1457095
#18. If you're honest with yourself as a writer, trying to tell the best story you can, your story will be an honest one. And your values will come out, no matter how hard you try to disguise them.

Joe Clifford Faust

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1503413
#19. I am hard on myself. But isn't it better to be honest about these things before someone else can use them against you? Before someone else can break your heart? Isn't it better to break it yourself?

Stephanie Perkins

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1513494
#20. Be honest and work hard to get what you want. Don't take shortcuts; you only cheat yourself in the long run. Success is not measured by money or fame, but by how you feel about your own goals and accomplishments and the time and effort you put into them.

Willie Stargell

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1677979
#21. One of the best things I learned from my parents was to be HONEST and work HARD!

Abdulazeez Henry Musa

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1732007
#22. There's a truth to the fact that it's hard to be real. It's easy to be indulgent. It's easy to be bubble gum, but it's hard to find a real thing that really makes your soul tick. It's painful and honest. It can be more challenging than just a sad song.

Mat Kearney

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1752947
#23. I feel I'm in 2006 form to be honest. I hear a lot of comparisons to 2004, but I never changed. Last year was a struggle but I've worked hard ... I'm not going back, I'm going forward.

Alecko Eskandarian

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1754307
#24. I try to be straightforward and honest with my kids, and I believe nothing beats good old hard work.

Simon Baker

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1842526
#25. So many actors get caught up in their technique, and to be honest, I see it really getting in the way. I see them forcing things. I definitely do my best work when I'm free of that. But I think as an actor, I work really hard in preparing the roles.

Gerard Butler

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1854560
#26. Never give up in life. Learn to be humble, resilient, honest, wise and submissive and you'll be able to make a change better than anyone else.

Auliq Ice

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #1862551
#27. I find that the best way into things is to open my heart up to it and allow it to be as truthful and honest as I can be, and I can make it. It's hard to do that; it's hard to open yourself up to something.

Lee Pace

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #540566
#28. The gold-digger is the enemy of the honest laborer, whatever checks and compensations there may be. It is not enough to tell me that you worked hard to get your gold. So does the Devil work hard. The way of transgressors may be hard in many respects.

Henry David Thoreau

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #4779
#29. It is hard for any one to be an honest politician who is not born and bred a Dissenter.

William Hazlitt

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #36126
#30. You can film me 24 hours a day and you'll get a very accurate picture of who I am. You see the funny side, I work hard, and I try to be honest and just call it how it is.

Lisa Vanderpump

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #51823
#31. She told me she loved me. She told me a lot of things. Some of those things were true, and some of those may or may not have been true. It's kind of hard to tell, because to be honest, I wasn't listening.

Dark Jar Tin Zoo

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #254462
#32. From my dad I learned to be good to people, to always be honest and straightforward. I learned hard work and perseverance.

Luke Bryan

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #307966
#33. It was funny how dad was more honest in a book that anyone in the world could pick up and read than he could be talking to me. Or maybe it was sad. One or the other. Sometimes it's hard to tell.

Gabrielle Zevin

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #336364
#34. I was taught to work hard and to be honest, and that's what I try to do, so that's it.

Joe Arpaio

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #339628
#35. If only we could be honest, both admit our fears, touch one another...Then, it might not be so hard to die - in a hospital - with friends close by.

American Journal Of Nursing

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #340710
#36. The lighthouse teaches me to work hard, to keep my room clean, to be honest and to be nice to people." Then, reflecting, looking down at her feet, "My room is a mess and I lie sometimes and I'm not always nice to people but that's the idea.

Jeff VanderMeer

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #412091
#37. To get to know yourself better, examine what you really want from life and become true to yourself, Be clear and honest and work hard to make it.

Auliq Ice

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #438918
#38. Well I'll be honest ... sometimes it's really hard-"
"I know." I smirked, feeling saucy. "I can tell. I'm pretty much straddling you right now."
"Really hard to stop, smart-ass," Brendan emphasized, giving me a playful squeeze before cocking an eyebrow at me.

Cara Lynn Shultz

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #492487
#39. We are, largely, who we remember ourselves to be. That's why habits are so hard to break. If we know ourselves to be liars, we expect not to tell the truth. If we think of ourselves as honest, we try harder.

Holly Black

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #809917
#40. To be honest I live among the English and have always found them to be very honest in their business dealings. They are noble, hard-working and anxious to do the right thing. But joy eludes them, they lack the joy that the Irish have.

Fiona Shaw

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #562474
#41. Don't force to become the top, but loosen up to be the top ... (as in don't try hard when people are before you but be glad ... instead of working up your energy for the highest honor)

Florie Jo Alicer

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #608307
#42. I don't want [to work] people who agree with me. I want honest, spirited, hard-working, patriotic people who want to be part of a team, the American team.

Hillary Clinton

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #617613
#43. Let's be honest, the cards' on the table:
Jealousy's a sin, Cain killed Abel.
Backstabber ... Caesar had Brutus.
It's hard to weed 'em out, even Jesus had Judas.

Pusha T

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #670103
#44. I think if Russia is really an honest signatory to the chemical weapons ban, if Syria wants to be, ultimately someone has to be responsible for killing civilians. And that's the hard part out of this.

Rand Paul

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #671616
#45. To be honest to oneself, and that is very hard to do.

Bruce Lee

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #677444
#46. I tend to be a lot more honest and transparent with employees than most bosses are. But I've had people tell me - even those who love working with me - that I'm terrifying, which is hard for me to imagine.

Stewart Butterfield

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #684379
#47. Just do this one thing: promise yourself you'll never deal underhanded to anybody. You'll be honest in all of your business dealings. That is hard. Conquer that one. Demand it of yourself. Demand a higher standard for yourself and your children and do it.

Glenn Beck

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #687480
#48. I was offered seven deals from seven different major labels between 2009-2011, and to be quite honest ... nowadays, you need a hit record, a great radio team, an amazing PR firm, social media, a big budget, a team that is ready to work extremely hard, and the drive and passion to win!


Hard To Be Honest Quotes #741070
#49. Definitely trust yourself. Work hard. Be honest with yourself. And life can be joyful. It is joyful. Just give it your all and it's all going to work out.

Katie Holmes

Hard To Be Honest Quotes #741165

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