Top 100 Good Book Reading Quotes

#1. For students of every ability and background, it is the simply miraculous act of reading a good book that turns them into readers. The job of adults who care about reading is to move heaven and earth to put that book into a child's hands.

Nancy Atwell

Good Book Reading Quotes #1300187
#2. Travelling is a great time to catch up on my reading. It's hard falling asleep in new places, but a good book always makes it easier.

Amanda Hocking

Good Book Reading Quotes #1484342
#3. If a book has no index or good table of contents, it is very useful to make one as you are reading it.


Good Book Reading Quotes #1475388
#4. I love getting fan mail. Often, as a writer, you never know what your readers think of a book ... you get critical reviews and sales figures, but none of that is the same as knowing you've made a person stay up all night reading, or helped them have a good cry, or really touched their life.

Jodi Picoult

Good Book Reading Quotes #1470284
#5. Reading a book about management isn't going to make you a good manager any more than a book about guitar will make you a good guitarist, but it can get you thinking about the most important concepts.

Drew Houston

Good Book Reading Quotes #1448246
#6. Paris without a good book is like a pretty girl with only one eye.

Naomi Wood

Good Book Reading Quotes #1439151
#7. I wasn't inspired so much by a person as by reading many good books. I loved to write and I wondered if I might be able to write material that others would enjoy reading.

Peg Kehret

Good Book Reading Quotes #1434078
#8. If you surround yourself with the good and righteous, they can only raise you up. If you surround yourself with the others, they will drag you down into the doldrums of mediocrity, and they will keep you there, but only as long as you permit it.

Mark Glamack

Good Book Reading Quotes #1434030
#9. I wish I could fall asleep. But with a good book in my hands, I stay awake to finish reading.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Good Book Reading Quotes #1428473
#10. When you get me a good man made out of arguments, I will get you a good dinner with reading you the cookery-book.

George Eliot

Good Book Reading Quotes #1399501
#11. If we could follow the slogan that says,"Turn off the TV and open a good book" we would do something of substance for a future generation.

Gordon B. Hinckley

Good Book Reading Quotes #1392664
#12. Sometimes I forget myself in a book. And when i have to stop reading it takes me a minute to remember where I am. Or who I am.


Good Book Reading Quotes #1373752
#13. A good book will surely become an event in your life.

Aman Jassal

Good Book Reading Quotes #1344015
#14. The future of English fiction may rest with this Unknown Public - a reading public of three millions which lies right out of the pale of true literary civilization - which is now waiting to be taught the difference between a good book and a bad.

Wilkie Collins

Good Book Reading Quotes #1498384
#15. Immersing oneself in the problems of a book is a good way to keep from thinking of love.

Orhan Pamuk

Good Book Reading Quotes #1252823
#16. Do not believe that a book is good, if in reading it thou dost not become more contented with thy existence, if it does not rouse up in thee most generous feelings.

Johann Kaspar Lavater

Good Book Reading Quotes #1244806
#17. We love to learn because learning feels good. It both satisfies and stimulates curiosity. Reading a good book, having a meaningful conversation, listening to great music - just doing these things make us happy. They have no extrinsic purpose. To give them one takes away from their joy.

Zander Sherman

Good Book Reading Quotes #1216377
#18. Are you busy?" the caller would ask. "Yes I'm working." Sitting in my chair, cats nearby, I was reading a great book. That was my job this year, and it was a good one. The salary was nonexistent, but the satisfaction was daily and deep.

Nina Sankovitch

Good Book Reading Quotes #1212565
#19. Some say they get lost in books, but I find myself, again and again, in the pages of a good book. Humanly speaking, there is no greater teacher, no greater therapist, no greater healer of the soul, than a well-stocked library.

L.R. Knost

Good Book Reading Quotes #1184184
#20. Writing is exhilarating, but reading reviews is not. I've been really devastated by 'good' reviews because they misunderstand the project of the book. It can be strangely galvanising to get a 'bad' one.

Eleanor Catton

Good Book Reading Quotes #1172690
#21. Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book.

Bill Watterson

Good Book Reading Quotes #1165389
#22. All readers are good readers, when they have the right book.

Jeanne Herry

Good Book Reading Quotes #1146524
#23. Our hope is that the elementary reading of comics will lead to the joy of reading good books.

Nelson Mandela

Good Book Reading Quotes #1127226
#24. A good book is hard to read, on account of how often it makes you stop and think.

Chris Brady

Good Book Reading Quotes #1086765
#25. Reading good books implants good ideas in the mind, develops good aspirations, and leads to the cultivation of good friends.

Mas Oyama

Good Book Reading Quotes #1033081
#26. A good book will pull you in from the beginning and take you on a journey you'll never forget.

Lauren Hammond

Good Book Reading Quotes #1670244
#27. Wherever Melony went, she would not be without guidance, she would not be without love, without faith; she had a good book with her. If only she kept reading it and reading it ...

John Irving

Good Book Reading Quotes #1871534
#28. A good book gets better at the second reading. A great book at the third. Any book not worth rereading isn't worth reading.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Good Book Reading Quotes #1857567
#29. Living as he now lived was like reading a good book in a poor translation ...

Henry James

Good Book Reading Quotes #1850024
#30. Experience life, pick up a good book and appreciate the moment, for the moment, not the replay.

Serina Hartwell

Good Book Reading Quotes #1847111
#31. I think that good writing is based on good reading. Maybe it's not about writing today, maybe it's about reading today. Maybe it's about finding the sort of book you would never read.

Saul Williams

Good Book Reading Quotes #1827466
#32. It's not enough to know what all the words mean," he continued. "A good reader starts to see what an entire book is trying to say. And then a good reader will have something to say in return.

Paul Acampora

Good Book Reading Quotes #1815546
#33. If you read a book which does not make you wonder, ponder!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Good Book Reading Quotes #1798716
#34. Normally I don't approve of children staying up late,' he said finally, 'unless they are reading a very good book, seeing a wonderful movie, or attending a dinner party with fascinating guests.

Lemony Snicket

Good Book Reading Quotes #1755299
#35. Dr. Larch pointed out that Melony had taken Jane Eyre with her; he accepted this as a hopeful sign - wherever Melony went, she would not be without guidance, she would not be without love, without faith; she had a good book with her. If only she'll keep reading it, and reading it, Larch thought.

John Irving

Good Book Reading Quotes #1742775
#36. I'm not a good reader. I had to take remedial reading in school. I was a slow reader and therefore it's tough for me to stay interested in things long enough, I've read, probably, since college maybe 10 books, which is disgusting.

Bruce Dern

Good Book Reading Quotes #1704044
#37. Good books makes good life.
Great books makes great life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Good Book Reading Quotes #1677891
#38. Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.

Maya Angelou

Good Book Reading Quotes #1675375
#39. I never tell students they cannot read a book they pick up, but I do guide them toward books that I think would be a good fit for them. I think of myself as a reading mentor-a reader who can help them find books they might like.

Donalyn Miller

Good Book Reading Quotes #1002246
#40. Most men are satisfied if they read or hear read, and perchance have been convicted by the wisdom of one good book, the Bible, and for the rest of their lives vegetate and dissipate their faculties in what is called easy reading.

Henry David Thoreau

Good Book Reading Quotes #1668723
#41. Good books are the warehouses of ideas.


Good Book Reading Quotes #1634961
#42. He wondered what book he might be reading when he finally breathed his last, and determined to grab a good one as soon as he sensed the end coming so that whoever discovered him would know he had a good taste in literature.

Andrew Peterson

Good Book Reading Quotes #1630514
#43. Reading a good book is like being able to dream while you're awake. The best part is knowing you can re-enter that dream, whenever you wish.

J.Z. Bingham

Good Book Reading Quotes #1623732
#44. You enter a book as if you are setting out on a journey and, if it is a good book, you will be a different person when you reach the end.

Chloe Thurlow

Good Book Reading Quotes #1569731
#45. My idea of a good time is creating something and reading a good book.

Robin Gibb

Good Book Reading Quotes #1557413
#46. I'd say that about 82 percent of what I write is bad, but don't go by me; I'm as bad a judge as I am a writer. Look, if it were all good, you'd be paying twice as much for this book. So relax, read it, and if you don't enjoy it, remember that you're saving money.

George Burns

Good Book Reading Quotes #1538511
#47. I think it's important to find projects that evoke people into conversation. It's like reading a good book. You want to talk about it.

Juno Temple

Good Book Reading Quotes #1538280
#48. Buying a book is not enough ... You must absorb the knowledge it contains. Your personalized knowledge is not what's on your shelf, but how much you put into yourself!

Israelmore Ayivor

Good Book Reading Quotes #1523607
#49. Everything which is good in me should be credited to books.

Maxim Gorky

Good Book Reading Quotes #1516103
#50. I started off for home, where I planned to recruit a good book and hide away from the world.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Good Book Reading Quotes #1507070


Good Book Reading Quotes #238305
#52. First, a few words about this title. It isn't easy, coming up with book titles. A lot of the really good ones are taken. Thin Thighs in 30 Days, for example. Also The Bible.

Dave Barry

Good Book Reading Quotes #386349
#53. Reading books is good,
Rereading good books is better.

Lawrence Clark Powell

Good Book Reading Quotes #374491
#54. The only thing a closed book is good for is a table that wobbles. Be an open book.

A.D. Posey

Good Book Reading Quotes #317099
#55. I want a good love story and a happy ending. Period. I don't want to deal with real life shit in a book. I'm reading to escape.

R.L. Griffin

Good Book Reading Quotes #298572
#56. Reading a good book keeps me awake all night.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Good Book Reading Quotes #296842
#57. When I was in my twenties and broke, I'd buy books before food. A meal will sustain you for a few hours, a good book will sustain you for life.

Gabrielle Zevin

Good Book Reading Quotes #294038
#58. Reading, as it turned out, is the easy part. Finding a good book is the real challenge. It's a crapshoot. It's like trying to pick stocks or find an intelligent politician.

Doug Robinson

Good Book Reading Quotes #293289
#59. Peeing is like a good book in that it is very, very hard to stop once you start.

John Green

Good Book Reading Quotes #291264
#60. The sun looks down on nothing half so good as a household laughing together over a meal, or two friends talking over a pint of beer, or a man alone reading a book that interests him ...

C.S. Lewis

Good Book Reading Quotes #278413
#61. Only God knows the good that can come about by reading one good Catholic book.

John Bosco

Good Book Reading Quotes #272638
#62. Like your mouth has the gift of reading and I'm your favorite book. Find your favorite page in the soft spot between my legs and read it carefully. Fluently. Vividly. Don't you dare leave a single word untouched. And I swear my ending will be so good.

Rupi Kaur

Good Book Reading Quotes #272621
#63. When she thinks a book is very good, what she says to herself is: yes, that's how things are. I hadn't thought of it before, but that's how things are.

Ellen Douglas

Good Book Reading Quotes #250304
#64. It is both relaxing and invigorating to occasionally set aside the worries of life, seek the company of a friendly book ... from the reading of 'good books' there comes a richness of life that can be obtained in no other way.

Gordon B. Hinckley

Good Book Reading Quotes #399106
#65. Read a good book every day. Books help to educate the soul. The mere joy of learning something new will instill the will to live in you.

Sanchita Pandey

Good Book Reading Quotes #235035
#66. You can make time to read for 10-20 minutes daily.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Good Book Reading Quotes #190854
#67. I haven't had a chance to pick up a good book in a long time, because I've been either reading scripts or learning them or writing them. And so, by the time the day is done, I usually just want to click on The Bachelor and fall asleep. But I gravitate toward biographies and things like that.

Justin Theroux

Good Book Reading Quotes #189769
#68. In order to pronounce a book bad it is not enough to discover that it elicits no good response from ourselves, for that might be our fault.

C.S. Lewis

Good Book Reading Quotes #175459
#69. Who needs sleep when you have a good book?

Elizabeth Ann Patterson

Good Book Reading Quotes #162522
#70. Buy good books, and read them; the best books are the commonest, and the last editions are always the best, if the editors are not blockheads.

Lord Chesterfield

Good Book Reading Quotes #132510
#71. He pinched the remaining chapters' pages delicately between his fingers and sighed. He always hated reaching the end of a good book.

David S.E. Zapanta

Good Book Reading Quotes #112011
#72. Reading a book is like going on a great journey. You don't know what'll happen, but something is bound to change. And for me, that change has always been good.

Shannon Hale

Good Book Reading Quotes #94723
#73. It is rather when
We gloriously forget ourselves, and plunge
Soul-forward, headlong, into a book's profound,
Impassioned for its beauty and salt of truth
'Tis then we get the right good from a book.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Good Book Reading Quotes #66309
#74. A bank book makes good reading - better than some novels.

Sir Harry Lauder

Good Book Reading Quotes #51088
#75. How To Read This Book
If you're reading this sentence then you've pretty much got it. Good job. Just keep going the way you are.

Demetri Martin

Good Book Reading Quotes #33463
#76. Nobody ever committed suicide while reading a good book, but many have while trying to write one.

Robert Byrne

Good Book Reading Quotes #790079
#77. For anyone addicted to reading commonplace books ... finding a good new one is much like enduring a familiar recurrence of malaria, with fever, fits of shaking, strange dreams ...

M.F.K. Fisher

Good Book Reading Quotes #995389
#78. Think about what you have to share that could be of some value to people. Share a handy tip you've discovered while working. Or a link to an interesting article. Mentition a good book you're reading.

Austin Kleon

Good Book Reading Quotes #978018
#79. That is what a book does. It introduces us to people and places we wouldn't ordinarily know. A good book is a magic gateway into a wider world of wonder, beauty, delight, and adventure. Books are experiences that make us grow, that add something to our inner stature.

Gladys M. Hunt

Good Book Reading Quotes #974669
#80. You are reading this book for two reasons. First, you are a programmer. Second, you want to be a better programmer. Good. We need better programmers.

Robert C. Martin

Good Book Reading Quotes #972109
#81. People who love reading get an instantly warm feeling in their bellies when they hear others describe getting comfortable with a good book.

Carla H. Krueger

Good Book Reading Quotes #957141
#82. We can read a good spiritual book in search of information or in search of God. We will find only what we're looking for.

Ron Brackin

Good Book Reading Quotes #946275
#83. An honest bookstore would post the following sign above its 'self-help' section: 'For true self-help, please visit our philosophy, literature, history and science sections, find yourself a good book, read it, and think about it.

Roger Ebert

Good Book Reading Quotes #898985
#84. A good book ought to bring out lots of different responses from those that read it - none of them pre-planned, and all of them very personal. Whatever they take away from the reading of the book is valuable.

Sharon Draper

Good Book Reading Quotes #883988
#85. Never force yourself to read a book that you do not enjoy. There are so many good books in the world that it is foolish to waste time on one that does not give you pleasure.

Atwood H. Townsend

Good Book Reading Quotes #874411
#86. She liked getting hold of some book ... and keeping it to herself, and gnawing its contents in privacy, and pondering the meaning without sharing her thoughts with any one, or having to decide whether the book was a good one or a bad one.

Virginia Woolf

Good Book Reading Quotes #848870
#87. You can tell you're reading a really good book when you forget all about everything else and know you'll die if you get to at least the end of the chapter

Christopher Paul Curtis

Good Book Reading Quotes #831051
#88. Reading is a conversation. All books talk. But a good book listens as well.

Mark Haddon

Good Book Reading Quotes #809707
#89. It's like reading a good book. The kind where you don't want to skip pages to see what happens at the end. Each moment is a story in itself.

Renee Carlino

Good Book Reading Quotes #11476
#90. Sometimes I get jealous when I'm reading a great book by a younger writer. But 'White Tiger' is so good, I almost forgot to hate Aravind Adiga.

David Benioff

Good Book Reading Quotes #719141
#91. Take a good book to bed with you - books do not snore.

Thea Dorn

Good Book Reading Quotes #601031
#92. What are you reading?" " 'Ryder' by Greta Maloney," he said, closing the book and placing it back into his rucksack. "Any good?" I asked, wanting to find another subject to talk about other than my nightmare. "It's creepy," he smiled at me.

Tim O'Rourke

Good Book Reading Quotes #599213
#93. For me, reading has to be pleasurable. Otherwise, I'm ditching the book and turning on Netflix. There's way too much good TV right now to write dull.

Christopher Noxon

Good Book Reading Quotes #593333
#94. Reading is a joy for my kids, and to swing in a hammock on a lazy summer day reading a good book just goes with summer.

Marcia Gay Harden

Good Book Reading Quotes #587028
#95. Our society accepts the book as a given, but the act of reading
once considered useful and important, as well as potentially dangerous and subversive
is now condescendingly accepted as a pastime, a slow pastime that lacks efficiency and does not contribute to the common good.

Alberto Manguel

Good Book Reading Quotes #561525
#96. I don't finish a lot of the books I read. I get enormous pleasure from reading half f them, two-thirds of them, even incredibly good books. But I don't feel it's my duty to finish them. I read the last few pages and find out what happens at the end.

Jackie French

Good Book Reading Quotes #522257
#97. It is with a good book as it is with good company.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Good Book Reading Quotes #499645
#98. Running a marathon is just like reading a good book. After a while you're just not conscious of the physical act of reading.

Frank Shorter

Good Book Reading Quotes #458029
#99. Reading a good book helps us to feel un-alone.

John Green

Good Book Reading Quotes #456236
#100. The Real-World was a sprawling mess of a book in need of a good editor.

Jasper Fforde

Good Book Reading Quotes #417122

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