Top 36 Good Beef Quotes

#1. The socializing hadn't been so bad, he acknowledged, and he couldn't say he minded the food, though a man would do better with a good beef sandwich. Still it was plentiful, even if you did have to pick your way through half of it to get to something recognizable.

Nora Roberts

Good Beef Quotes #126143
#2. In the Bible it says God has made everything good for man to eat and to wear their skins. Whenever we eat beef, we eat chicken, we have to kill to eat. But at the same time, hunting is a sport. I think it is a great sport ... I would say most hunters are Christian men.

Luke Scott

Good Beef Quotes #1341264
#3. The energy in the banjo, and the beef in the bass. They're good tools to express yourself.

Ben Lovett

Good Beef Quotes #978514
#4. Waiter! raw beef-steak for the gentleman's eye,-nothing like raw beef-steak for a bruise, sir; cold lamp-post very good, but lamp-post inconvenient-damned odd standing in the open street half-an-hour, with your eye against a lamp.

Charles Dickens

Good Beef Quotes #985981
#5. There is not a better day in the world to be spent than with a lot of wise old cowmen around barbecued beef, black coffee and good free holy beans.

Will Rogers

Good Beef Quotes #1077934
#6. People wrestle alligators but not once has someone done it without an audience.

Doug Stanhope

Good Beef Quotes #1149661
#7. I think it was the occasion of the final psychological break with Great Britain, in a way that had clearly not happened to that date, especially in New England and to som degree in the South.

Charles R. Morris

Good Beef Quotes #1248430
#8. Bachelor parties are for the married guys.

Christine Teigen

Good Beef Quotes #1250167
#9. Communists then, dopers now, tomorrow, who knew, maybe the faggots, so what, it was all the same beef wasn't it? Anybody looking like a normal American but living a secret life was always good for a pop if times got slow- easy and cost-effective, that was simple Law Enforcement 101.

Thomas Pynchon

Good Beef Quotes #1279819
#10. Those accept an obligation lightly who feel lightly about letting it drop.


Good Beef Quotes #1308300
#11. Being a twin, and being my sister's twin, is such a defining part of my life that I wouldn't know how to be who I am, including a writer, without that being somehow at the centre.

Taiye Selasi

Good Beef Quotes #917666
#12. Aristrocracy is like cheese. The older it is the higher it becomes.

David Lloyd George

Good Beef Quotes #1419232
#13. Their oldest child, James, had spoken laughingly about Will's unrelenting fear of ducks and his continual battle to keep them out of the pond at the family home in Yorkshire.

Cassandra Clare

Good Beef Quotes #1501782
#14. I'm now happily remarried to a good cook, which encourages me to be lazy. I like to think that I'm a new man, but perhaps I'm not. I offset it by doing the ironing, though. She has a small farm in the New Forest with a herd of cattle, so she serves up a steak and kidney pie made with her own beef.

Vince Cable

Good Beef Quotes #1548116
#15. Mustard's no good without roast beef.

Chico Marx

Good Beef Quotes #1636936
#16. Buffalo rib-eye steaks, on the grill, is my favorite meal, seriously. It has less fat, more vitamins and more protein than beef. It is wonderful. Look, it was what the Indians ate, and they were very healthy. It's very good meat.

Terry Crews

Good Beef Quotes #1768967
#17. But I wish to be enlightened.'
'Let me caution you against it.'
'Is enlightenment on the subject, then, so terrible?'
'Yes, indeed.'
She laughingly declared that nothing could have so piqued her curiosity as his statement.

Thomas Hardy

Good Beef Quotes #1817773
#18. {Summertime she speaks of winter, she eats ham, but speaks of beef, got a good man but, flirts with another. She might as well go to hell, cause she ain't gonna be happy in heaven either!}

Nancy B. Brewer

Good Beef Quotes #1870121
#19. Always, always , always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie

Marilyn Monroe

Good Beef Quotes #1874304
#20. Find more pleasure in intelligent dissent than in passive agreement, for, if you value intelligence as you should, the former implies a deeper agreement than the latter.

Bertrand Russell

Good Beef Quotes #263497
#21. When mighty roast beef was the Englishman's food It ennobled our hearts and enriched our blood
Our soldiers were brave and our courtiers were good. Oh! the roast beef of England. And Old England's roast beef.

Henry Fielding

Good Beef Quotes #19049
#22. Surround yourself with people who are positive and who guard against negative talk.

Alan E. Nelson

Good Beef Quotes #37863
#23. There is no good reason for our cattle producers to have such limited market access. Our beef is the best in the world, and we need to be allowed to reach global markets.

Conrad Burns

Good Beef Quotes #72615
#24. I've been seeing more and more Gardein soy chicken and soy beef products lately, and they're pretty darn good.

Rory Freedman

Good Beef Quotes #111792
#25. No error is more certain than the one proceeding from a hasty and superficial view of the subject.

James Madison

Good Beef Quotes #123309
#26. I had such a big mouth for so long that it doesn't faze anybody anymore.

Billy Corgan

Good Beef Quotes #145214
#27. The good thing about being gay was always that you didn't have a wedding. People would say, "He's gay, but at least he didn't make us go to his wedding. He didn't make us fly across the country. He didn't make us choose between the fish and the beef."

David Sedaris

Good Beef Quotes #168852
#28. Steakhouses sort of have this old-school nature to them; they're like museums full of good food. It's fun hearing the waiter share his expertise on the different cuts of beef and how they're going to cut up your baked potato.

Jim Gaffigan

Good Beef Quotes #255533
#29. If beef is your idea of 'real food for real people', you'd better live real close to a real good hospital.

Neal Barnard

Good Beef Quotes #864314
#30. The weekend brought good news for our friends in the cattle industry. At long last, Japan has taken the steps needed for American beef to make its way back into the Japanese market.

Randy Neugebauer

Good Beef Quotes #319256
#31. I wanted to support things that are helpful to people and maybe bash what I think is dangerous. So I switched from being everybody to being myself.

Jenny Holzer

Good Beef Quotes #443407
#32. This might be the last time you get to drive the beef bus to tuna town," I say. "You'd better make it good, so I don't have any excuses to forget your hot ass.

Kendall Grey

Good Beef Quotes #468447
#33. For less than the cost of a Big Mac, fries and a Coke, you can buy a loaf of fresh bread and some good cheese or roast beef, which you will enjoy much more.

Steve Albini

Good Beef Quotes #563180
#34. A man who is not touched by the earthy lyricism of hot pastrami, the pungent fantasy of corned beef, pickles, frankfurters, the great lusty impertinence of good mustard is a man of stone and without heart.

Herb Gardner

Good Beef Quotes #741606
#35. The worst bankruptcy in the world is the person who has lost his enthusiasm.

William Howard Arnold

Good Beef Quotes #764228
#36. The problem with prime beef is that there are so many people out there selling offal. So you don't know when you're going eat a shitty gangster movie. Because everybody knows there's good stuff to be involved in.

Tom Hardy

Good Beef Quotes #764494

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