Top 100 Gary's Quotes

#1. Gary's immediate thought was that either this woman wasn't planning on wearing much in the way of clothing for the duration of her stay, or she liked to wear clothes repeatedly until they were ripe.

Phil Wohl

Gary's Quotes #171272
#2. How would you feel about sharing your bed?" she asked.
Tristan blinked. "Excuse me?"
"He'd love to!" Gary said.
Tristan shot him a look,
"Good," said Ivy, failing to notice Gary's wink. "Ella can be a pillow hog, but all you have to do is roll over her.

Elizabeth Chandler

Gary's Quotes #280669
#3. So on May 1, 1987, at Gary's invitation, I agreed to see him one last time - to confront him face-to-face about his sincerity and with the intention of ending our brief relationship.

Donna Rice

Gary's Quotes #746003
#4. AND HE was just so amazing," I said as I braided Gary's hair. "Like so selfless and awesome and he smelled like leaves and I think his eyebrows should be declared a treasure of the Kingdom.

T.J. Klune

Gary's Quotes #1192770
#5. Gary's eyes narrowed. "I'm pretty sure I don't like you."
"My world is crumbling," Ryan said. I might have laughed. Because sass.

T.J. Klune

Gary's Quotes #1663600
#6. Fall in love with me, Gary! She thought. Please. Please sit here holding me and think there's nowhere on earth I'd rather be than here, and no girl I'd rather have in my lap than Beth Rose Chapman!

Caroline B. Cooney

Gary's Quotes #1057
#7. Boy, it's a tough planet if you want it to be. But a great planet if you let it.

Gary Busey

Gary's Quotes #1322
#8. We create our own reality. The blessing (or problem) with this is that when one creates one's own reality, one must live it! Are you living a blessing or is it a curse?

Gary R. Ryan

Gary's Quotes #2012
#9. I hate it when I get mad at myself because it's impossible to turn on my heel and walk away in a huff and refuse to speak to me again. I've tried it plenty of times, believe me.

Gary Reilly

Gary's Quotes #2768
#10. I know this kind of girl," Grace was saying. "It's the worst kind of combination of abuse and privilege, and growing up in this, like, greenhorn southern-Californian Asian upper-middle-class ghetto, where everyone is so shallow and money-craven.

Gary Shteyngart

Gary's Quotes #9644
#11. Wisdom says we should try to make a relationship work not because we have strong feelings but because it's a good match.

Gary L. Thomas

Gary's Quotes #12046
#12. How do you know if an angel has crossed your path? Sometimes you don't, because angels often appear as coincidences. That is, they seem like chance events, but they are really part of God's carefully orchestrated plan for your life ...

Gary Kinnaman

Gary's Quotes #15754
#13. I've spent a lot of time in the United States and I'm not under any illusions that it's a crime-free nirvana. I'm well aware it has plenty of problems, though they seem to be associated with particular areas.

Gary Numan

Gary's Quotes #16402
#14. We need the private sector to succeed, because if the private sector succeeds, America succeeds. Because it's not the government that produces jobs, it's the private sector.

Gary Locke

Gary's Quotes #16943
#15. It's always an honour doing anything for your country.

Gary Kemp

Gary's Quotes #20868
#16. The best thing about the iPhone is this that tells me where I am all the time. There's never a need to feel lost anymore.

Gary Shteyngart

Gary's Quotes #24477
#17. God's love reached out to us and chose us even before we ever thought of Him. - Lloyd O'Donnell -

Gary Chapman

Gary's Quotes #25849
#18. I think that in today's world, by nature, we are all self-centered. And that often leads to selfishness.

Gary Chapman

Gary's Quotes #27231
#19. Spiritual authority is the direct result of God doing a greater work in the deeper areas of a leader's life.

Gary Rohrmayer

Gary's Quotes #34095
#20. To say "He was a young fool, and now he's an old fool" is to make a distinction without a difference.

Gary Inbinder

Gary's Quotes #35087
#21. You always know when something works it's a result of everything firing on all cylinders.

Gary Cole

Gary's Quotes #36600
#22. There's nothing wrong with her except she's completely fucked up.

Gary Shteyngart

Gary's Quotes #38215
#23. It's important for American soldiers to be culturally sensitive when deployed in foreign countries. But it's just as important for the U.S. never to renounce the most fundamental American values, which, after all, are also universal values.

Gary Bauer

Gary's Quotes #40043
#24. Television is what it's always been. The best of times and the worst of times at the same time.

Gary David Goldberg

Gary's Quotes #41248
#25. Giving respect is an obligation, not a favor; it is an act of maturity, birthed in a profound understanding of God's good grace.

Gary L. Thomas

Gary's Quotes #42330
#26. My wife's a loving, funny, Irish-spirited person, and I'm still surprised at some of the things she says. She makes me laugh every day.

Gary Sinise

Gary's Quotes #43250
#27. Satan cannot win. Why not? Because he has denied God's sovereignty and disobeyed God's law. But Moses was told explicitly, God's blessings come only from obedience. Satan will not win because he has abandoned God's tool of dominion, biblical law.

Gary North

Gary's Quotes #45778
#28. My dad is like a cactus - introverted and tough. I'm a people person, like my mom, but I got my competitiveness from my dad. He came to this country from Belarus with nothing and built a real business. He's my hero for giving me that need to run a business and for having enormous confidence in me.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary's Quotes #46759
#29. The World Cup is every four years, so it's going to be a perennial problem.

Gary Lineker

Gary's Quotes #47355
#30. By the law of averages, there has to be life elsewhere. The universe is so huge, and I don't think God would have created this whole big huge cosmos and just say there's only going to be life on Earth, and that's it.

Gary Wright

Gary's Quotes #49579
#31. What is any religion? A little ritual, a little superstition, and some magic. It's not a strictly spiritual affair; it has psychological roles to fulfill. You might not want it to be a religion based on your own experience but that's like wanting to clean up your dreams

Gary Snyder

Gary's Quotes #52803
#32. My whole back's tattooed. I just wanted a twist. I was always in punk bands when I was little ... I think that's where the tie comes from.

Gary Allan

Gary's Quotes #55778
#33. There's no pleasure in getting to be an old coot unless you have some fun along the way.

Gary D. Schmidt

Gary's Quotes #61756
#34. I love love, and I love life. I love. I just love. It's just great. It's the most enduring element we have is love.

Gary Busey

Gary's Quotes #63412
#35. A vision flashed across Nick's mind. It was the image of a lipstick kiss his wife left for him on the mirror that morning. It hung there like the single digit sum to the chalkboard-crammed equation of his life.

Gary Ponzo

Gary's Quotes #66404
#36. I'm more and more fascinated in my own work. I work from 10 A.M. until about 9 P.M., but it's not an obsession, it's a pleasure. There's never enough time.

Gary Hume

Gary's Quotes #68354
#37. I like things that are just about to go. Everything's leaving. Death is never far away from me. When you make something, death can't help but be in it.

Gary Hume

Gary's Quotes #72934
#38. Patrick Vieira is 6 foot 4, and he starts having a go at Gary Neville, so I said 'come on have a go at me,' that's it.

Roy Keane

Gary's Quotes #73138
#39. There is a third truth, which only the mature lover will be able to hear. My spouse's criticisms about my behavior provide me with the clearest clue to her primary love language.

Gary Chapman

Gary's Quotes #74060
#40. Too many companies think they want to do a video blog to sell merchandise, but if you turn your site into QVC, you lose. I have an audience that trusts me. It's about building a global brand - not selling four more bottles of Pinot Grigio.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary's Quotes #76582
#41. There's a vast fraternity of record collectors, and the record store was their hub. There was not a lot of information on these groups or the labels so you'd gather [there] and it would be like a library. - Lenny Kaye quoted

Gary Calamar

Gary's Quotes #77224
#42. We know unequivocally that the traditional MBA curriculum for running large companies like IBM, GM and Boeing does not work in startups. In fact, it's toxic.

Steven Gary Blank

Gary's Quotes #80229
#43. I am being stalked across the Web. And why is this happening? Pretty simple: It's huge business.

Gary Kovacs

Gary's Quotes #81622
#44. That's the first sign you know you're a Libertarian. You see the red light. You stop. You realize that there's not a car in sight. And you put your foot on the gas.

Gary Johnson

Gary's Quotes #83107
#45. If you don't invest in risk management, it doesn't matter what business you're in, it's a risky business.

Gary Cohn

Gary's Quotes #87844
#46. We need to build a Biblical friendship, a friendship established on the principles of God's Word.

Gary Inrig

Gary's Quotes #88087
#47. Song-writing is therapy for me. I'm a very moody person, very difficult to live with. There's a lot going on and a lot of contradictions. My life is always one step away from disaster.

Gary Numan

Gary's Quotes #91615
#48. The definition of the word nerd has changed. It's now any attractive person with a hobby. The loneliness component is no longer included.

Gary Gulman

Gary's Quotes #92744
#49. If the Chinese can't buy U.S. products, they'll buy them from European countries and then develop stronger economic ties with France and Germany and perhaps side more with those countries when international issues flare up.

Gary Locke

Gary's Quotes #94219
#50. Is this college football's version of Arena Football? These guys need to grow some hair on their peaches.

Gary Danielson

Gary's Quotes #97747
#51. I'll take my alkaloid diuretics wherever I can get them. If there isn't a 7-11 in the vicinity, a Winchell's donut shop is Plan B. The joe at both places is almost indistinguishable, like the difference between Johnny Walker and Cutty Sark, but only cab drivers and hobos draw such fine distinctions.

Gary Reilly

Gary's Quotes #106499
#52. Everybody has done something about Marco Polo. It's the tiredest, most trite and worked-over subject in the world, and that was why it appealed to me, because I wanted to do something really new and different about something that had been worked over all these centuries, and I think I did.

Gary Jennings

Gary's Quotes #108059
#53. Most of us understand that innovation is enormously important. It's the only insurance against irrelevance. It's the only guarantee of long-term customer loyalty. It's the only strategy for out-performing a dismal economy.

Gary Hamel

Gary's Quotes #114332
#54. That's the Teacher Gene at work, giving its bearer an extra sense. It's a little frightening. Maybe that's how people decide to become teachers. They have that extra sense, and once they have it, and know that they have it, they don't have any choice except to become a teacher.

Gary D. Schmidt

Gary's Quotes #118687
#55. But if sedentary behavior makes us fat and physical activity prevents it, shouldn't the "exercise explosion" and the "new fitness revolution" have launched and epidemic of leanness rather than coinciding with an epidemic of obesity?

Gary Taubes

Gary's Quotes #119632
#56. Star Wars was magnificent, but you could tell Darth Vader's ships were glued together.

Gary Coleman

Gary's Quotes #119936
#57. Honey, you're pouting. That's not dangerous. It's adorable.

T.J. Klune

Gary's Quotes #122142
#58. It's not just that individuals have lost faith in the integrity of their leaders, it's that they no longer believe society's most powerful institutions are acting in their interests.

Gary Hamel

Gary's Quotes #125575
#59. Finally, dear brothers and sisters, we ask you to pray for us. Pray that the Lord's message will spread rapidly and be honored wherever it goes. - 2 Thessalonians 3:1

Gary Chapman

Gary's Quotes #129499
#60. When one thing, the right thing, is set in motion, it can topple many things. And that's not all.

Gary Keller

Gary's Quotes #133478
#61. You won't hear a character's friend say this in a romantic comedy. Taylor Swift won't sing this, Eminem won't rap it, and Suzanne Collins won't write it, but it's true: just because you're "in love" with someone doesn't mean you should seriously consider marrying them.

Gary L. Thomas

Gary's Quotes #133773
#62. The ride's not over yet, princess.

Codi Gary

Gary's Quotes #137337
#63. My dad's a bodybuilder. My whole life I've been taught to train the hard way. I believe in earning strength, not buying it. My grandfather raised me old school: In baseball, you work for whatever you get.

Gary Sheffield

Gary's Quotes #138228
#64. Veganism is not a limitation in any way; it's an expansion of your love, your commitment to nonviolence, and your belief in justice for all.

Gary L. Francione

Gary's Quotes #138308
#65. It's not about how much you sleep. It's what you do while you're awake.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary's Quotes #142346
#66. There is a finite group of major financial players ... and overall, the best thing for all of us is to be in an industry that's well respected, well regarded, and well thought of.

Gary Cohn

Gary's Quotes #148284
#67. We all fall sometime but it's those that get back up and try again that make the difference.

Gary Revel

Gary's Quotes #149801
#68. May we serve as God's messengers through love in action. - Nora Peacock -

Gary Chapman

Gary's Quotes #154333
#69. What's important is Welsh football and that it progresses.

Gary Speed

Gary's Quotes #156793
#70. It's not the solution, Mr. Canton. It's the path to the solution that's fascinating.

Gary D. Schmidt

Gary's Quotes #162609
#71. Family entertainment is really very necessary in our culture. Look how profitable they are. It's almost not discretionary. You need to take your family to the movies.

Gary Ross

Gary's Quotes #166815
#72. I took an acting class with Louise Lasser, Woody Allen's first wife and co-star in many movies. I've done some other indie films, if you look on the YouTube. I love acting - it's great.

Gary Shteyngart

Gary's Quotes #168639
#73. Maybe the Snowy Heron is going to come off pretty badly when the planes come together. Maybe. But he's still proud and beautiful. His head is high, and he's got this sharp beak that's facing out to the world.
He's okay for now.

Gary D. Schmidt

Gary's Quotes #172114
#74. Where in the Constitution does it say that because we don't like a foreign country's leader, we should go in and topple the dictator?

Gary Johnson

Gary's Quotes #172545
#75. Often buyers make the mistake of believing they must have a specific home in mind first. That's counterproductive, counter-successful thinking. Moving through the loan application process early is the most productive and most successful.

Keller Gary

Gary's Quotes #181471
#76. If you're truly in a band and you guys have been together for a long time, there's a family bond that you have. In fact, I've talked about this with therapists, especially if you're talking about a relationship, because when you're with somebody, you're going to your family, and she's alone.

Gary Allan

Gary's Quotes #183473
#77. A writer's subconscious is one of the filthiest places there are: as a matter of fact, you can find the whole world there.

Romain Gary

Gary's Quotes #183606
#78. One of the reasons not to have a big long war with your traditional enemy is that you're not thinking about the third party, and it's always the third party that benefits.

Gary Brecher

Gary's Quotes #184024
#79. The media and marketing deluge has spawned a new type of Wall Street loser: the armchair momentum player. These are novice investors who engage in short-term stock buying and selling based on media reports or an expert's enthusiasm.

Gary Weiss

Gary's Quotes #185181
#80. I did have a knack for playing weirdos. There's still sort of this perception of me out there as being this crazy guy.

Gary Oldman

Gary's Quotes #186243
#81. Today's children are taught by our culture that we are a cosmic accident. Something slithered out of the primal slime and over billions of years evolved into a human being. We are cousins, ten times removed, to the ape at the zoo eating his own excrement.

Gary Bauer

Gary's Quotes #188116
#82. It's funny how thinking things makes you think other things. I don't think I've ever thought anything without thinking about something else.

Gary Reilly

Gary's Quotes #189457
#83. Never underestimate the value of the ministry you have in the place where God has called you - even if it's "only" among your family and friends. - Jenni Davenport -

Gary Chapman

Gary's Quotes #190241
#84. The Bible views us as recipients of God's perfect love, already charged with an important life mission (seeking first the kingdom of God), and thus the decision to marry, though crucial, won't define us. Nor will who we marry define us.

Gary L. Thomas

Gary's Quotes #191075
#85. I'm very lucky in the sense that I've got a voice that's distinctive. Not good, but distinctive. That's a very useful thing to have in this business. I'm glad on the one hand that I've got it, but I wish it was more powerful. I wish I had a greater range. I wish it was more accurate at times.

Gary Numan

Gary's Quotes #192131
#86. At the pinnacle of great design are products so gorgeous and lust-worthy that you want to lick them: a Porsche 911, Samsung's Luxia TV, an Eames lounge chair or anything by Loro Piana.

Gary Hamel

Gary's Quotes #194351
#87. It was my mother who taught me the one worthwhile thing: when they ask if you like what you see in the mirror, pretend that what they mean is what's behind you
the shower curtain, the tile, the wallpaper, whatever's there.

Gary Lutz

Gary's Quotes #196017
#88. Everyone wants to be known as a great striker of the ball for some reason. Nobody wants to be called a lucky, one-putting s.o.b.

Gary Player

Gary's Quotes #196611
#89. Whatever you may think of Judaism, Lyuba, in the end it's just a codified system of anxieties.

Gary Shteyngart

Gary's Quotes #198994
#90. To the small group of editors and designers who would launch Wired in January 1993, technology represented the future's best hope; but to the media, the tech boom was yesterday's story.

Gary Wolf

Gary's Quotes #202965
#91. I worship nothing. Not a good lie nor a dark one. If nature is proof of God's amazing creation then I have truly seen the light, and the light is black. Nature is genius at its most cruel and savage. No benevolent God could have come up with such an outrage.

Gary Numan

Gary's Quotes #204426
#92. A comedy isn't about being funny," said Mrs. Baker.
"We talked about this before."
"A comedy is about character who dare to know that they may choose a happy ending after all. That's how I know."
"Suppose you can't see it?"
"That's the daring part," said Mrs. Baker.

Gary D. Schmidt

Gary's Quotes #207885
#93. I just can't dance like no ones watching. I tried but it's futile.

Gary Gulman

Gary's Quotes #210220
#94. Loyalty is not the kind of exclusive deal, it's just a sincere communication and the same values.

Romain Gary

Gary's Quotes #211479
#95. Music, Take That and what we do is not real life. It's magical.
As soon as you begin to believe it the magic will disappear.

Gary Barlow

Gary's Quotes #211916
#96. You just cannot reason with a turnip. It's fruitless.

Gary Hays

Gary's Quotes #215061
#97. If you have total government it makes little difference whether you call it Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Caesarism or Pharaohism. It's all pretty much the same from the standpoint of the people who must live and suffer under it.

Gary Allen

Gary's Quotes #218103
#98. You know, the blond guy plays the good guy and I play the bad part, the bad guys. Which is a lot of fun. Playing the bad guy is great. And it's the whole British thing. You know, in so many films the bad guy is British. Gary Oldman makes a living doing that.

Matt Robinson

Gary's Quotes #221674
#99. One of the best wedding gfts God gave you was a full-length mirror called your spouse. Had there been a card attached, it would have said, "Here's to helping you discover what you're really like!" - Gary and Betsy Ricucci

Gary L. Thomas

Gary's Quotes #229860
#100. Your example is a witness - of God's love and yours. - James Hopkins -

Gary Chapman

Gary's Quotes #230555

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