Top 100 Fun Play Quotes
#1. Play with heart; Play with passion; Play within yourself; Have fun; Play like a champion.
Jim Tressel
#2. It's all about having fun. Play hard and fair, don't hurt anybody. Feel good about what you're doing and how you're doing it.
Eli Manning
#3. Futurism eventually got marred by its link to Fascism, but early on, it was totally avant-garde, and I wanted to dream a phantom link from the early futurists to the politically radical Italy of the 1970s, a time of fun, play, subversion - if also violence and mayhem.
Rachel Kushner
#4. Now, juggling can be a lot of fun; play with skill and play with space, play with rhythm.
Michael Moschen
#5. The Kite Charm
For A Life Filled with High-Flying Fun, Play with the Wonder of A Child
Viola Shipman
#6. Dog parks can be a fantastic way to socialize your dog, but it's important for owners to understand that a dog park isn't exercise and isn't a substitute for walk. A visit to the dog park is fun - play time.
Cesar Millan
#7. If you're out there stressing on your pro day, then you're not going to perform well, so I plan on having a little fun. Play a little music while we're out there throwing the football, have everybody tapping their toes and bobbing their head and just go out there and make the most of the experience.
Robert Griffin III
#8. I'll usually stay up a little later than my wife and play Xbox, a little 'Modern Warfare 3.' Or I'll have a friend over, and we'll play board games until late at night. I'll always choose fun over sleep.
Rich Sommer
#10. I'm proud to play for Real Madrid because I have fun; when you no longer have fun it's a sign that it's time to leave. For now though, I'm happy here at the greatest club in the world.
Cristiano Ronaldo
#11. It was so much fun to do, play the blues and then play a Monkees' set on the same night.
Peter Tork
#13. I tend not to make fun of religious groups anywhere I play.
Maz Jobrani
#14. These are the qualities of meditation: a really meditative person is playful; life is fun for him, life is a leela, a play. He enjoys it tremendously. He is not serious. He is relaxed.
#15. It's fun to play around ... it's human nature to try to select the right horse ... But for the average person, I'm more of an indexer ... The predictability is so high ... For 10, 15, 20 years you'll be in the 85th percentile of performance. Why would you screw it up?
Charles R. Schwab
#16. I think it's fun to play for people who don't know what you do.
Kenny Rogers
#17. It's just so much more fun to play bad than good. Plus it's just good to get that out of your system so it doesn't show up in your personal life.
Chris Zylka
#18. If you aren't playing well, the game isn't as much fun. When that happens I tell myself just to go out and play as I did when I was a kid.
Thomas J. Watson
#19. I like to play different ranges. When you get really deeply involved in the emotional parts, I enjoy that just as much as the fun and laughter.
Melissa George
#20. Working with my dad was such a gas. We approached the work in a similar way. We only made two films together when I was an adult, Tucker, and Blown Away, but it was so much fun to play with your parent like that.
Jeff Bridges
#21. It's fun to play mom. Last I knew I was playing a 17-year-old who graduated.
Selma Blair
#22. Don't force your kids into sports. I never was. To this day, my dad has never asked me to go play golf. I ask him. It's the child's desire to play that matters, not the parent's desire to have the child play. Fun. Keep it fun.
Tiger Woods
#23. One of the things I like best about the Halloween show is that I change outfits about six times in the show. It is a lot of fun to play the different characters.
Nancy Kerrigan
#24. It seemed fun to play a villain on stage and I wanted my jokes to be so good that I could just calmly tell them on stage.
Anthony Jeselnik
#25. Fitness has to be fun. If it is not play there will be no fitness. Play, you see, is where the process. Fitness is merely the product.
George A. Sheehan
#26. It's not that fun to just play a villain, without any reasoning behind it.
Nicholas Lea
#27. Usually bad guys are much more fun to play and much more interesting to watch.
John Gilpin
#28. I don't wear bright orange clothes or leopard skin boots, but it was really good fun to play someone that does and have an excuse too!
Sally Hawkins
#29. Bad guys are so much fun to play because you can go as far and as wacky as you want.
Joel Gretsch
#30. It's so fun to just slip on different hats and play different characters, even if it's just for a minute.
Reid Scott
#31. If you want to understand the nature of something, to find out the truth, that is one thing. If you want to play semantics, make up wild thought 'experiments', that is another thing. I am not so interested in the latter, though I do appreciate that it can be fun, however unproductive.
Patricia Churchland
#32. It's a lot of fun to just say to people, proudly, 'I get to play the First Lady.' It's just fun to say.
Bellamy Young
#33. I'd love to do a comedy like 'Bridesmaids;' I think that would be so fun. I would play the Kristen Wiig character.
Emma Roberts
#34. It's definitely fun to play something you're not, which is always a good time. Who doesn't want to get to act like a jerk or a douche, every now and then?
Rob Riggle
#35. It's supposed to be fun, the man says 'Play Ball' not 'Work Ball' you know.
Willie Stargell
#37. Surely all God's people, however serious or savage, great or small, like to play. Whales and elephants, dancing, humming gnats, and invisibly small mischievous microbes- all are warm with divine radium and must have lots of fun in them.
John Muir
#38. The fun of being in the pop world is you can really play with people's perceptions of what the word pop means.
#39. 'Lip Lock' is a play on words. It sounds flirty and fun. Also, my lips are one of my favorite features. Also, it's like, literally locking the game down with my words because I'm a lyricist.
#40. I think I've always been a player who's done better in the second half, who's done better in the fourth quarter. That's the fun time to play, when everything you've worked for the whole game boils down to those last few possessions.
Jeremy Lin
#41. I never want to play the same character twice. I like to do different roles. I have fun with that.
Abigail Breslin
#42. I like having pairs of characters to play off each other. I love drawing Batman, but he's more fun with Robin. Batman charges ahead, Robin jumps off the walls. It's fun showing that contrast.
Jim Lee
#43. Marvin Gaye was a killer drummer. I think he just played during the soundchecks and he'd have another guy sing his parts while he played the drums. He just wanted to play the drums and have some fun.
Dr. John
#44. I had great English teachers in high school who first piqued my interest in Shakespeare. Each year, we read a different play - 'Othello,' 'Julius Caesar,' 'Macbeth,' 'Hamlet' - and I was the nerd in class who would memorize soliloquies just for the fun of it.
Ian Doescher
#45. When I don't have a fight scheduled, training is even more fun. I can come into the gym and work on stuff that isn't generated for a specific game plan. I can just play around with it and have a good time. I never want to get to the point where I'm sick of it.
Holly Holm
#46. For a small child there is no division between playing and learning; between the things he or she does just for fun and things that are educational. The child learns while living and any part of living that is enjoyable is also play.
Penelope Leach
#47. If a guy can play Guitar Hero with me and sit at home and watch the Food Network and read magazines with me, that's good. I don't think there are many guys that's fun for. It's a lot to ask.
Blake Lively
#48. A guy who's actually self destructive is quite fun to play.
Chris O'Dowd
#49. I love to work. When I was a kid, I would invite my friends over to play, then I would take them over to a recycling plant and we would haul glass all day. They hated me for this, but I thought it was fun.
James Marsters
#50. Festivals are fun for kids, fun for parents and offer a welcome break from the stresses of the nuclear family. The sheer quantities of people make life easier: loads of adults for the adults to talk to and loads of kids for the kids to play with.
Tom Hodgkinson
#51. Go play golf. Go to the golf course. Hit the ball. Find the ball. Repeat until the ball is in the hole. Have fun. The end.
Chuck Hogan
#52. Any play, I'm ready for all the plays, ... That's the whole thing ... Any time I can get out and show I can do this, do those type of things, I'm going to do it. It was just fun, being able to run and get down the field. Just run, do what I do.
Ron Dayne
#53. You want to have a loving, safe relationship with your child, but you can't because you have to do these things to protect them or protect them from themselves - or try to make sure they don't become a vampire! Your desires and your needs are in opposition, and that's always fun to play.
Jack Coleman
#54. DJing for people is fun until someone comes up with a phone screen that has 'PLAY SOME RIHANNA' written on it. I prefer to play older songs because they're the ones I personally enjoy dancing and singing along to and modern dance music bores my brains out.
Alexa Chung
#55. When I played ball, I didn't play for fun ... It's no pink tea, and mollycoddles had better stay out. It's a contest and everything that implies, a struggle for supremacy, a survival of the fittest.
Ty Cobb
#56. I think sometimes when things are taken away, then you don't realize how much fun it is to come out here and play this game. You can't play it forever, so I'm going to enjoy it.
Tim Tebow
#57. What Guitar Hero has done is to turn music inside out. Whereas the iPod made music very personal, very singular - you put your ear-buds in and you listen to it - Guitar Hero turned it around and made it very social. So it is fun to play. It's fun to play against people.
Dan Rosensweig
#58. I'm sure my agents would like me to play leading roles, and I guess I should, but I'm more interested in the character parts. They're more fun, challenging and interesting.
Lucy Punch
#60. Villains are not fun for me to play, as such. But caricature-ish, intense behaviors that are based on real human traits are interesting. That makes an interesting story.
Sharlto Copley
#61. It seemed as if humans had lost the ability to make their own fun. The more they were gifted with inventions, the less they needed one another. They didn't sing or play the fiddle at the hearth; they turned on the stereo. They didn't tell stories on the porch; they watched television.
Laura Whitcomb
#62. I want to play some really good, interesting, crazy characters. I want to take some chances. I want to take risks. I want to have fun and just keep working. That's all I really care about.
Andie MacDowell
#63. Food to eat and games to play.
Tell me why, tell me why.
Serve it out and eat it up.
Have a try, have a try.
Brian Jacques
#64. I do think about The Flash often. I think that could be a really fun role to play at some point. That's right up my alley. I just want somebody to believe in me that I could be a Superhero.
Zachary Levi
#65. I think that playing characters far away from who I am as a person is a lot more fun and a lot more exciting, and you can play with it a lot more because it's not you and it's so far from you, so that's very liberating as far as that goes.
Lindsay Pulsipher
#66. Bad guys are complicated characters. It's always fun to play them. You get away with a lot more. You don't have a heroic code you have to live by.
Peter Dinklage
#67. I definitely have to give myself permission, like on "Master Swarm," to rip a lead on that. Just play a violin solo that's - it's a bit showoff-y, but it's fun, so who cares?
Andrew Bird
#68. I've been playing a lot of really strong, able woman, but I think it would be really fun to play a crazy drug addict, or something.
Catherine Bell
#69. Writing a tribe is fun. They have their own language, their own slang; they repeat it, and it becomes part of the texture of the play. For a writer, that's thrilling. That's when my pen flies.
Laura Wade
#70. It's good fun, yes, but when we play, we take it seriously and want to do well.
Hansie Cronje
#71. God has just given me such an amazing journey and able to play; it's been so much fun. I'm having a blast!
Bailee Madison
#72. Another thing that I like and that's fun for me is to try and talk and play music at the same time, because I feel like I'm learning something. There are these little challenges built into it; it's a way to push myself a little bit more as a performer.
Demetri Martin
#73. When I play a game, I want to play, not necessarily laugh. If you try to make me laugh at the expense of interactivity, then you've just created another funny game that isn't very fun. The videogame medium itself is a terrible place for complicated humor, drama, and character development.
Doug TenNapel
#74. I really enjoyed every minute of it. I mean, I've learned so much in the last week, I mean, just the way to play a real, real doubles. It was a great experience for me, and we had a lot of fun.
Daniela Hantuchova
#75. I always wanted to play Lestrade of Scotland Yard 'cause he's a buffoon that gets to wear a uniform. I thought that would be fun.
Tom Hanks
#76. Tobin Hart calls play "the holy work of children" that helps them "find and define themselves."[2]
Tobin Hart
#77. Being the lowest one on the totem pole is sometimes the fun part to play.
Stephnie Weir
#78. It was fun yet challenging to play the dual roles. I'm a really nice guy, and the character [of Dubious] is egocentric and hard-edged, so I had to pull out the negative aspects of me to attribute to the role.
Carson Grant
#79. It's fun to play happy people.
Amy Ryan
#80. I love doing heightened reality stuff, and having fun with the characters I play, especially in a kind of darker way, which I don't get to do in 'Primeval' at all.
Andrew-Lee Potts
#81. I think it's more fun to play a hero with an edge.
Shawn Ashmore
#82. I play because I have fun. The vets of this team, I just wanted to say thanks to them. You guys mean so much to me. I can have a terrible day and walk in the gym and have Hasheem smile at me. That will change my day.
Kevin Durant
#83. I'm not really sick of people whipping their hair. It doesn't really get old. They're fans and I love them! It's just a fun game to play.
Willow Smith
#84. I'm trying to learn classical piano, Mozart and Beethoven and stuff. I took lessons when I was younger and now I sort of sight read the music and play it by ear. It's fun. It takes up a lot of time. I practice a couple of hours a day, but I find it soothing.
Evan Peters
#85. I grew up with the idea of the cyborg and the robot, but at the same time I felt this intense disconnection between the things I was engaged with and inspired by in terms of fun and play. It seemed like paintings and drawings were so static.
Aaron Koblin
#86. The more downtime we have, the more time you have to play games like 'Ghost Recon Future Soldiers,' so for me it's a fun way to get integrated into video games and for me to have fun with my buddies and team up and go into battle with 'em, kind of like out there on court.
Kevin Love
#87. In terms of a character, I would love to play a fairy. I think that would be really fun.
Fiona Gubelmann
#88. And I think that when I play these villains, maybe what is different is that the audience sees me play these and they know that that's Chris and he's having fun and he knows that and he knows that and you know that and everybody knows that.
Christopher Walken
#89. So I figured in keeping with the record, I'd do something off the wall which is show up for free and wing it ... I don't know, I'm just going to play some songs. I think it'll be fun.
Paul Westerberg
#90. It was really fun to play the woman in charge and in control. She's powerful and she uses the aspects of being a woman. She uses her sexuality as a weapon.
Ruth Wilson
#91. I just try to do what I have to do and let the people out there do what they have to do, which is have fun, scream, yell and jump around. I try to do what I have to do, which is play baseball, and I can only play in that piece of area there, so that's what I try to do.
Pedro Martinez
#92. I liken myself to a little girl having a tea party at the house all of the time. I actually dress up more in my home than I do walking down the street just because it is so much fun to play dress up.
Blake Lively
#93. I've always grown up as a tomboy and don't see myself as much of a girly girl, but when the time comes, it's fun to play dress up and embrace my femininity.
Lauren Gardner
#94. Turn your talent loose with room to run. Talent wants to romp and play.
Jay Perry
#95. I didn't grow up in one of those restrictive Christian households where you couldn't do this or that. We were brought up with a great collection of good morals and good values, but we also had fun. We'd go to church on Sunday, but then have ice cream, roller skate or play in the park afterwards.
Yolanda Adams
#96. I've written a lot of music, so to be able to put that together and play some shows around the country and elsewhere - that would really be a fun thing to do.
Oscar Isaac
#97. There's no reason that young girls shouldn't feel like they can't smash people on the field. Nothing dirty. You want to keep it clean. You just want to play hard. Get your jersey dirty, shorts dirty, and just have fun out there.
Carli Lloyd
#98. With bad girls, you can't go as many places as you can with a good girl. But, it is fun to play the bad girl because you always get the better wardrobe!
Meaghan Martin
#99. The difficulty in the way of writing a children's play is that Barrie was born too soon. Many people must have felt the same about Shakespeare. We who came later have no chance. What fun to have been Adam, and to have had the whole world of plots and jokes and stories at one's disposal.
A.A. Milne
#100. The character of Johnny Drama was a lot of fun to play.
Kevin Dillon
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