Top 14 Franceschini Quotes

#1. Lonely. I always thought loneliness meant alone, without people. It means something else.

Lillian Hellman

Franceschini Quotes #57085
#2. You have to drop your sales mentality and start working with your prospects as if they've already hired you.

Jill Konrath

Franceschini Quotes #73964
#3. MOTHER TIME: The past is always with us, dear, for better or worse. It is what it is and you can't change it. All you can do is learn how to live with it in the present.

Hillary DePiano

Franceschini Quotes #137287
#4. The education of young people in science is at least as important, maybe more so, than the research itself.

Glenn T. Seaborg

Franceschini Quotes #384879
#5. Today, a young man on acid realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration and that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and you are the imagination of yourself. Here's Tom with the weather ... !

Bill Hicks

Franceschini Quotes #470135
#6. Everyone lives three versions of themselves; a public life, a private life and a secret life.

Lauren Beukes

Franceschini Quotes #665038
#7. It's sort of one ongoing process where writing ends and directing starts.

Sean Durkin

Franceschini Quotes #853794
#8. I have done every job in the Theatre apart from wardrobe. I was out of work more times than I was in it.

Richard O'Brien

Franceschini Quotes #867357
#9. 'Seconds' is all about spaces, and I guess spaces are kind of like people in that they can be haunting and alluring before we even really get to know them, and after prolonged exposure, they can become mundane or oppressive.

Bryan Lee O'Malley

Franceschini Quotes #901081
#10. Individual responsibility, hard work, paying attention in school, faith, family all these things are important.

J. C. Watts

Franceschini Quotes #1021368
#11. I really do like the independent way of working. You don't get much studio intrusion compared to when you're working on a big Hollywood film where there tends to always be loads of people interfering. The only problem, though, with independent features is that they are hard to sell.

Steven Bauer

Franceschini Quotes #1197150
#12. And for the same reason, as a bunch of guys who get together to go hunting. They don't actually hate you. They just need something to chase.

Paul Graham

Franceschini Quotes #1419135
#13. Who wants to blow up a bridge with me?

Brandon Nolta

Franceschini Quotes #1608257
#14. Terrific. I'm named after the brother who was murdered and you're named after the bitch who stole her man's strength and betrayed him to his enemies. Fuck." His eyes came back to mine and he dropped his hand. "We're screwed.

Kristen Ashley

Franceschini Quotes #1648802

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