Top 31 Flapped Quotes

#1. Undergarments flapped wildly on the fire escapes above, soiled with sweat and blood: private stains, flying high over the city like crests on the flags of a ship.

Leslie Parry

Flapped Quotes #113227
#2. Sulphurous wind gusted in his wake; the dust of the street swirled and the folds of his black coat flapped against his thin body.

A.F. Stewart

Flapped Quotes #1796823
#3. I'm mostly unflappable, but you've flapped me, monster lady.

Kristin Cashore

Flapped Quotes #1736090
#4. One lone butterfly flapped his wings somewhere in the vicinity of my spleen. He was probably a scout. No doubt six million other butterflies were hot on his heels, if butterflies even have heels.

John Inman

Flapped Quotes #1580096
#5. So, in the morning light, where they flapped in the drying wind, the bear and the star defied the Saxons.

Bernard Cornwell

Flapped Quotes #1539985
#6. She was also wearing vampire bunny slippers. Myrnin had given them each a pair for Christmas, since they'd all found his so hilarious, and as Eve marched toward Claire, the rabbit slippers' mouths flapped up and down, their red tongues flashing and plush teeth biting the ground.

Rachel Caine

Flapped Quotes #1374180
#7. Bad kitty!" Razor buzzed again from Keirran's shoulder. His huge ears flapped as he bounced up and down. "Evil, bad kitty! Shave off fur! Throw kitty off mountain! Burn, burn!

Julie Kagawa

Flapped Quotes #1095614
#8. The subprime butterfly had flapped its wings and triggered a global hurricane.

Niall Ferguson

Flapped Quotes #1072747
#9. I saw the lake of Hali, thin and blank, without a ripple or wind to stir it, and I saw the towers of Carcosa behind the moon. Aldebaran, the Hyades, Alar, Hastur, glided through the cloud-rifts which fluttered and flapped as they passed like the scolloped tatters of the King in Yellow.

Robert W. Chambers

Flapped Quotes #938341
#10. He flapped his mouth some more, and then shook himself awake, came to a decision, and starting sneaking huge, theatrical looks around the restaurant, as a way of telling all the other lunchers that I Am Now Going To Give This Man An Important Piece of Paper.

Hugh Laurie

Flapped Quotes #934424
#11. The feelings trembled and flapped in his chest like a bird newly put in a cage.


Flapped Quotes #920163
#12. Either birds or bats flapped up and into the night as the gates rolled back into position. My money was on bats. Little blingy ones, carrying tiny Louis Vuitton clutches.

Cherie Priest

Flapped Quotes #801070
#13. Some people say that in stressful situations I can seem unflappable, and I think that's partly because I'm always kind of internally flapped.

Scott Stossel

Flapped Quotes #72820
#14. It's a sauna in her," Lily complained. She flapped her hands, trying to wave a breeze into the robe Rowan had told her to wear to this afternoon's ritual instead of the silk slip. "What are we making today? Deep-fried witch?

Josephine Angelini

Flapped Quotes #139003
#15. His gorgeous ass flapped behind him like a mouthwatering stack of pancakes in his pants. My hunger for pancakes had never been stronger.

Elijah Daniel

Flapped Quotes #145440
#16. As the light swayed above him and the shadows danced and flapped, he began to swing the cane, bringing it down again and again, his arm rising and falling like a machine.

Stephen King

Flapped Quotes #164242
#17. Persephone flapped a hand as if it were too difficult for her to explain.

Maggie Stiefvater

Flapped Quotes #366377
#18. A three-day-old baby is a saint?'
Willibald flapped his hands. 'Miracles happen, lord,' he said, 'they really do. They say little Rumwold sang God's praises whenever he suckled.'
'I feel much the same when I get hild of a tit,' I said, 'so does that make me a saint?

Bernard Cornwell

Flapped Quotes #378476
#19. I am unflappable," Laurence told the bus driver. Who shrugged, as if he'd thought so too, once upon a time, until someone had flapped him.

Charlie Jane Anders

Flapped Quotes #378776
#20. On the barren shore, and on the lofty ice barrier in the background, myriads of grotesque penguins squawked and flapped their fins; while many fat seals were visible on the water, swimming or sprawling across large cakes of slowly drifting ice.

H.P. Lovecraft

Flapped Quotes #584014
#21. The real 1960s began on the afternoon of November 22, 1963. It came to seem that Kennedy's murder opened some malign trap door in American culture, and the wild bats flapped out.

Lance Morrow

Flapped Quotes #789334
#22. In the rain-forests of Brutha's subconscious the butterfly of doubt emerged and flapped an experimental wing, all unaware of what chaos theory has to say about this sort of thing ...

Terry Pratchett

Flapped Quotes #842816
#23. Texans ignore "better," long ago forgot the useless word "good." Everything in Texas is "best."

Edward Smith

Flapped Quotes #550505
#24. OK, I'm happy. I'm happy. All right? I'm happy.

Larry David

Flapped Quotes #593500
#25. When you really see how much God loves you, there's no greater love than that, and I had to match that amount of love He had for me, which is the reason why I decided to take a vow of celibacy.

Jessica White

Flapped Quotes #829652
#26. ("Anyone who uses 'childhood' and 'dream' in the same sentence usually gets my attention.

Christopher Hitchens

Flapped Quotes #950006
#27. The reason most people don't arrive at a destination is they never embark. They think of all the reasons why they can't do it, so they don't even try." "I

Jeff Wheeler

Flapped Quotes #1095460
#28. I tried to write something about Jesse but couldn't, as her face echoed her father's and the proud palace where the ghosts of our old life dwell.

Patti Smith

Flapped Quotes #1123218
#29. I do enjoy film. The more I do it the more I learn.

Christine Baranski

Flapped Quotes #1489503
#30. The oddly shaped man had introduced himself as a Mr. Abernathy, a wealthy friend of the family. "I'm a wealthy friend of the family," he had said. "Very rich. Friendly.

Jordan Stratford

Flapped Quotes #1597122
#31. When the pain comes, you know what I do? I smile.

Chris McCormack

Flapped Quotes #1863317

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