Top 100 Fiction Is Quotes
#1. Historical fiction is not history. You're blending real events and actual historical personages with characters of your own creation.
George R R Martin
#2. Fiction is the thing I esteem most in my own work; I feel that, even if it's no good, only I could have written those books.
Edmund White
#3. Let us say that science fiction is a kind of conceptual disorientation of the familiar.
Adam Roberts
#5. For us, the playground of fiction is just as important as reality
Ryohgo Narita
#6. Part fact part fiction is what life is. And it is always a cover story. I wrote my way out.
Jeanette Winterson
#7. The novels that get praised in the NY Review of Books aren't worth reading. Ninety-seven percent of science fiction is adolescent rubbish, but good science fiction is the best and only literature of our times.
Robert Anton Wilson
#8. I think the reason teenage fiction is so popular with adults is that adults hunger for narrative just as badly as teenagers do.
Patrick Ness
#9. The use of imaginative fiction is to deepen your understanding of your world, and your fellow men, and your own feelings, and your destiny.
Ursula K. Le Guin
#10. The novel, as a genre, was once considered a diversion every bit as frivolous as Facebook, but over the years, we've managed to convince ourselves that reading fiction is as important to our mental digestion as fresh fruits and vegetables are to the processes that take place a little further down.
Lynn Coady
#11. Pulp Fiction is a, uh, gritty, urban satire. Pump Friction is a uh-uh, a bunch of uh, dudes and ladies having dirty sex.
Norm MacDonald
#12. The subject for a lot of non-fiction is very emotional, but if you read it, it's the most boring, dry stuff. I wanted 'Torn Apart' to be extremely accessible and readable.
James Patterson
#13. Fiction is of the essence of poetry as well as of painting; there is a resemblance in one of human bodies, things, and actions which are not real, and in the other of a true story by fiction.
John Dryden
#15. I always tell people that if they want to know about the history of a country, do not go to the history books, go to the fiction. Fiction is not fiction. It is the substance and heartbeat of a people's life, here, now, and in the past.
Chenjerai Hove
#16. In the end, fiction is the craft of telling truth through lies.
Lauren Groff
#17. That's what fiction is about, isn't it, the selective transforming of reality? The twisting of it to bring out its essence?
Yann Martel
#18. (...) life just creeps along, with long spans where nothing much happens... Stories solve this problem - as the critic Clive James once put it, 'Fiction is life with the dull bits left out.' This is one reason why Friends is more interesting than your friends.
Paul Bloom
#19. Science fiction is the literature of dreams, and texts concerning dreams always say something about the dreamer, the dream interpreter, and the audience.
Ken Liu
#20. Fiction is Truth's elder sister. Obviously. No one in the world knew what truth was till some one had told a story.
Rudyard Kipling
#21. I don't really believe that documentary is objective reality and fiction is all illusion.
Mike Mills
#22. All fiction is to some degree contrived. If it is not contrived, then it actually happened, therefore making it a stolen idea. Ideas and concepts in this world, in our lives, and in our imagination are much more finite than any of us would care to believe.
Connor De Bruler
#23. Narrative stories are nothing but models of karma and causality - how one thing leads to another. And a lot of narrative fiction is about causality that we don't immediately understand.
Jess Row
#24. Science fiction is always a vehicle for ideas. It's the form which allows either movies or books to be an exploration of how we should live.
Salman Rushdie
#25. One of the things that I really like about young adult fiction is that you can explore the relationships between teens and their parents. I definitely think that teens are a product of their parents. You either end up just like them or you consciously make the decision to be unlike them.
Maggie Stiefvater
#26. I am playing in a playground that's already been played in. I am always aware that a lot of the furniture in science fiction is second hand.
Alastair Reynolds
#28. Occasionally I write a small piece or the odd lecture in English, and I teach in English, but my fiction is always written in German.
W.G. Sebald
#29. Science fiction is always about the time it's written in. 1984 was always about 1948. Science fiction is social fiction. I
Warren Ellis
#30. Science fiction is the characteristic literary genre of the century. It is the genre that stands in opposition to literary modernism.
David G. Hartwell
#31. Quantum fiction is any story that witnesses life and the human experience on a subatomic level.
Vanna Bonta
#32. Science is my territory, but science fiction is the landscape of my dreams.
Freeman Dyson
#33. Fiction is optimistic or unrealistic enough to demand that there should be a meaningful narrative.
Paolo Bacigalupi
#34. What I like about non-fiction is that it covers such a huge territory. The best non-fiction is also creative.
Tracy Kidder
#35. Prose is like a window; fiction is like a door. But it is not uncommon that he who should come in through the door jumps in through the window.
Mu Xin
#36. Fiction is very, very important," he said, his voice is rising. "Storytelling is how people learn. You get people to understand new cultures and other lives through stories. Made-up stories. Fiction.
Kristine Grayson
#37. The variety within Mann's fiction is impressive and fascinating. But Joyce is even more various and many-sided. He begins his career with a wonderful sequence of bleak studies about the ways in which human lives can go awry - in my view, Dubliners is underrated.
Philip Kitcher
#38. Truth must necessarily be stranger than fiction; for fiction is the creation of the human mind and therefore congenial to it.
G.K. Chesterton
#39. Fiction is a tower of glass built from a million tiny truths, grains of sand fused together to make a single, gleaming lie.
Joanne Harris
#40. The power of fiction is a great thing. But, after all, reality is just a little more important.
S.A. Tawks
#41. Fiction is the lie that tells the truth, after all.
Neil Gaiman
#42. Writing romantic fiction is the second chance that loved ones denied us.
Shannon L. Alder
#44. My mom is an artist and my own fiction is deeply visual.
Jeff VanderMeer
#45. The great thing about fiction is that you can start off by telling the truth, then start making stuff up like crazy whenever you feel like it.
Megan McCafferty
#46. 'Pulp Fiction' is my favorite movie of all time.
Paul Pierce
#47. As long as you have ideas, you can keep going. That's why writing fiction is so much fun: because you're moving people about, and making settings for them to move in, so there's always something there to keep working on.
Guy Davenport
#48. I think fiction is a very serious thing, that while it is fiction, it is also a revelation of truth, or facts.
John McGahern
#49. Good fiction is not defined by the masses, but by the tentative ear.
James D. Maxon
#51. It's horrid to be called a Shakespearean actor because that's incredibly limiting, and we love acting. We like telling stories; anything that excites us we want to be a part of. Science fiction is fun, too!
Timothy Dalton
#52. Whereas fiction is a continual discovery of what one wants to say, what one feels, what one means, and is, in that sense, a performance art, biography requires different skills - research and organization.
Edmund White
#53. Fiction is not an escape from the world either. Imaginary experience is also experience. O
Siri Hustvedt
#54. There are limits to human beings and science, and fiction is one way to expose those limits. --Ono Norihiro
Patrick W. Galbraith
#55. Fiction is a very powerful tool for teaching history. The Philippines was the first Iraq, the first Vietnam, the first Afghanistan, in the sense that it was the United States' initial or baptismal experience in nation-building.
Miguel Syjuco
#56. Science fiction is the fantasy that science always works.
Dexter Palmer
#57. The only difference between reality and fiction is that fiction needs to be credible.
Mark Twain
#58. What's most explosive about historical fiction is to use the fictional elements to pressure the history to new insights.
Matthew Pearl
#59. I'm not interested in making a diagnostic novel or a concern. I'm 100 percent committed in fiction to the pleasure principle - that's what fiction is, and should be.
Martin Amis
#60. Poetry is a way of coming to know the realness of things; fiction is a way of coming to know the world of relationships; nonfiction is a way of coming to know the world of the mind.
Kelly Cherry
#61. The genre of science fiction is a fun house, an amusement park ride, but it's also a problem. The question that's always being indirectly asked is this: 'Just who do we think we are and, further, who do we want to be?'
Douglas Lain
#62. Our minds simply don't function in some sort of narrative chronology. I think that one of the great gifts of writing fiction is being able to think about that.
Dani Shapiro
#63. Life scars the writer but he is not without weapons of vengeance. The art of fiction is a prism that he can use to refract human experience. That one can write about something gives him courage to endure it; that he has written about it brings him, if not deeper understanding, some kind of peace.
Kerima Polotan
#64. For faith, as well intentioned as it may be, must be built on facts, not fiction - faith in fiction is a damnable false hope.
Thomas A. Edison
#66. Children's fiction is the most important fiction of all.
Neil Gaiman
#67. Fiction is the lie that helps us understand the truth.
Tim O'Brien
#68. Writing fiction is the 'job' I try to keep at the center of things. The movie stuff has been a wonderful accident, though not entirely bizarre, either, as I have done some work in film before, and even directed a ridiculous, cable-access feature back in my 20s.
Jonathan Raymond
#69. That's just where I must part company with you, Inspector," said the Vicar with a gentle smile. "I'm rather a voracious reader of mystery stories, and it's always struck me that the detective in fiction is inclined to underrate the value of intuition.
John Bude
#70. The wonderful thing about writing fiction is that no one is stopping you. There's no one saying, 'You can't do that.'
Rebecca Stead
#71. Science fiction is really a rather tiny business compared with its giant cousin, which is fantasy.
Robert Reed
#72. The great thing about writing fiction is that you can do whatever the fuck you want, go as far as you are willing to go, and laugh at the people who take it seriously.
Richard P. Denney
#73. The art of fiction is one of constant seduction. You must persuade the reader on page 1 to start reading - on page 50, or page 150 and yes, on page 850.
Marge Piercy
#74. There's no division on my bookshelf between fiction and nonfiction. As far as I'm concerned, fiction is about the truth.
Arundhati Roy
#75. Quite often, little germs of ideas have come from something that I've observed or someone's told me. The process of it becoming fiction is expanding and extending it: stretching the rubber band of reality.
Laura Wade
#76. 'Pulp Fiction' is an amazing film, and I haven't made one nearly as good.
Martin McDonagh
#77. Fiction is about intimacy with characters, events, places.
Robert Morgan
#78. We are in a tech-heavy society, plunging headlong into an unknown future. Science fiction is what allows you to stand back and analyze the impact of that and put it in context of how it affects people.
J. Michael Straczynski
#79. Non-fiction is to theory as fiction is to experience.
Joyce Rachelle
#80. Fiction is a potent agent for good
in the hands of the good.
Suzanne Curchod
#81. Certainly, there is a tendency to lump women who write similar types of books together, and it's not just in crime, is it? Women's fiction is supposedly a whole genre of itself. There's no male equivalent.
Paula Hawkins
#82. Fiction is a piece of truth that turns lies to meaning.
Dorothy Allison
#83. Science fiction is about worlds you don't know and worlds you can create, like in 'Avatar'.
Paul Verhoeven
#84. Science fiction is a field of writing where, month after month, every printed word implies to hundreds of thousands of people: 'There is change. Look, today's fantastic story is tomorrow's fact.
A.E. Van Vogt
#85. I just had a crazy, wild imagination all my life, and science fiction is the greatest outlet for me.
Steven Spielberg
#86. Fiction is an illusion wrought with many small, conventionally symbolic marks, triggering visions in the minds of others
William Gibson
#87. In really, really good science fiction, the line between the science and the fiction is blurry.
Damon Lindelof
#88. After all, fiction is only fact minus time.
Mark Forsyth
#89. There is no such thing as too ordinary to write about, whether that's life or a scene in a novel. What's interesting to people, whether it's memoir or fiction, is the truth.
Augusten Burroughs
#91. Fiction is a branch of neurology: the scenarios of nerve and blood vessels are the written mythologies of memory and desire.
J.G. Ballard
#92. The writer of fiction is not a scholar but an artist impacted emotionally by characters from life, who then strives to present these in his works. These characters present us with human truth but do not necessarily represent social truth.
Alaa Al Aswany
#93. Fiction is not fact, but fiction is fact selected and understood, fiction is fact arranged and charged with purpose.
Thomas Wolfe
#94. Fiction can be more real to the reader than reality itself because fiction is the essence of life
James N. Frey
#95. Science fiction is fantasy with bolts painted on outside.
Terry Pratchett
#96. If realistic fiction is primarily metonymic, fantasy is inescapably metaphoric; because the presence of the impossible blocks a literal reading, we are invited to look at Fred and his world as some sort of iconic stand-in for everyday life, rather than as an extension from it. By
Brian Attebery
#97. That's what fiction is for. It's for getting at the truth when the truth isn't sufficient for the truth.
Tim O'Brien
#98. I think the role of science fiction is not at all to prophesy. I think it is to tell interesting, vivid, strange stories that at their best are dreamlike intense versions and visions of today.
China Mieville
#100. Kids, fiction is the truth inside the lie, and the truth of this fiction is simple enough: the magic exists.
Stephen King
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