Top 100 Fantasy Story Quotes

#1. A successful direct action is like creating a good fantasy story. It's like a quest," Phillips said excitedly in the introduction. "There is a conflict, compelling characters, a good plan, build up, twists and turns, adversity, the climax, and then the win


Fantasy Story Quotes #612784
#2. A fantasy story is a vacation to another world for the price of a sandwich.

A.E. Marling

Fantasy Story Quotes #749783
#3. 'The Black Prism' is a story of emperors and prisoners and magic set in a Mediterranean, 1600-esque world. It's a fantasy story; it's fast and fun and inventive.

Brent Weeks

Fantasy Story Quotes #473829
#4. I think over the course of 14 films, I'm returning to a place that I know to tell a story ... the same way Spielberg returned to fantasy, Lucas returned to the 'Star Wars' saga, or John Ford returned to the western.

Gus Van Sant

Fantasy Story Quotes #1232866
#5. And their days make no story for they were good and joyful and without event

Tanith Lee

Fantasy Story Quotes #928085
#6. Whether they'll write the story of my life as a tragedy or an epic fantasy ... I was wondering if it was going to be a kiss at the end, or sad music and a sweeping camera shot over the fields I once roamed freely. I'm hoping for the kiss, but expecting the sweeping camera shot.

Maggie Stiefvater

Fantasy Story Quotes #1232536
#7. Normally, she would never wish a head injury on anyone, but it might make her days in Archival Studies a bit easier.

Jaleigh Johnson

Fantasy Story Quotes #1220081
#8. Angels, demons, sex. Heaven, hell, war. Blood and royalty, history and magic, fire and ice. And a story you cannot put down. This is fantasy at its best.

Stephen Graham Jones

Fantasy Story Quotes #1202180
#9. 'A Tree Grows in Brooklyn' by Betty Smith is one of my favorites. Even though it doesn't have any monsters or crazy fantasy in it, it's such a raw story, and I can really relate to the characters. I think it's a beautiful story.

Amandla Stenberg

Fantasy Story Quotes #1171052
#10. A story from beginning to end that might entertain, teach, or simply bore your listener. It's all in the delivery, my dear."

He got a smug look on his face as he scooted his posterior deeper into the chair and took his pipe between his teeth. "I'm just better at it than most.

Karen L Milstein

Fantasy Story Quotes #1146547
#11. I didn't want to be the woman who gave herself over willingly to the first man to notice her. I didn't want to be the stupid girl in every novel who loved without question and entered relationships that didn't make sense.

Destinee Hardwick

Fantasy Story Quotes #1115533
#12. Where do they go, these dreams of mine? Do they live? Do they die? Do they fall? Do they fly?

F.K. Preston

Fantasy Story Quotes #1114357
#13. A story just isn't a story without a dragon.

H.B. Bolton

Fantasy Story Quotes #1105804
#14. No moral to this story, you will be saying, and I am afraid it is true.

Joan Aiken

Fantasy Story Quotes #1095122
#15. I was the original Cinderella girl, looking for the happy ending in the fairy story. But my fantasy prince never came.

Evelyn Keyes

Fantasy Story Quotes #1078635
#16. We're always trotting out some story of a ninety-seven-year-old who runs marathons, as if such cases were not miracles of biological luck but reasonable expectations for all. Then, when our bodies fail to live up to this fantasy, we feel as if we somehow have something to apologize for.

Atul Gawande

Fantasy Story Quotes #1076636
#17. In any genre you're working in, you can always find a way to tell a particular kind of story. I love fantasy; I love science fiction. I love all kinds of fiction, in fact.

Garth Nix

Fantasy Story Quotes #1055876
#18. And if there is one last thing I would have you know before we reach these final pages, it's that sometimes, no matter how hard we try, no matter how hard we want it to be so, sometimes there is no such a thing as happy ending.
This is my ending. This is how i burn.

T.J. Klune

Fantasy Story Quotes #1054600
#19. If someday you should ever think of me and miss me, know in your heart that I'd want you to find me once again. No matter how distant in time or space ... FIND ME.

Sebastian Cole

Fantasy Story Quotes #1029095
#20. What I think after reading the script and seeing where the story goes, I go with my instincts on the character. If my instincts are wrong the director and the producers will guide me in the right direction. That's just kind of how I take on any role, be it a fantasy movie or not.

Josh Hutcherson

Fantasy Story Quotes #999570
#21. I know have lived, so many times, that the only thing I have left to remember is my writing, cause every single moment in life it's already written.

Piroska Rodriguez

Fantasy Story Quotes #995442
#22. I looked at Vicki. My beautiful Vicki. My dream. My love. My life.

Derek Ailes

Fantasy Story Quotes #991294
#23. Once upon a time, there had been a seventeen-year-old assassin who had never let anyone get closer to her. Then, with the turning of a page, her story changed forever.

Alyson Serena Stone

Fantasy Story Quotes #979957
#24. Jerel Law has crafted a fantastic story that will leave every reader wanting more. Stop looking for the next great read in fantasy fiction for young readers-you've found it!

Robert Liparulo

Fantasy Story Quotes #978088
#25. People should decide on the books' meanings for themselves. They'll find a story that attacks such things as cruelty, oppression, intolerance, unkindness, narrow-mindedness, and celebrates love, kindness, open-mindedness, tolerance, curiosity, human intelligence.

Philip Pullman

Fantasy Story Quotes #957772
#26. I think the tendency to over-explain and over describe is one of the most common failings in fantasy. It's an unfortunate piece of Tolkien's legacy. Don't get me wrong, Tolkien was a great worldbuilder, but he got a little caught up describing his world at times, at the expense of the overall story.

Patrick Rothfuss

Fantasy Story Quotes #933252
#27. My advice to aspiring writers of fantasy trilogies or series is that each book needs two main plots. There's the 'big story', the over-arching grand plot of the entire series, and there is the complete-in-itself, one-book plot.

Juliet Marillier

Fantasy Story Quotes #1878050
#28. My story reflexes come less from fantasy or horror than from the darker sort of psychological thriller - not as plot-driven as most, rather more mood-driven. My interest in the supernatural is a complication - though I am less interested in ghosts than in people who see ghosts.

Graham Joyce

Fantasy Story Quotes #1563571
#29. When I write a story, I just wanna tell you what's in my head. It can come from real life and then turn into fantasy, stuff just rhyming. And write about what you know. I just like to tell stories that have not been told or told from my perspective.


Fantasy Story Quotes #1876608
#30. Gerard turned away and ignored the cruelty of the meerkats, tore it from his mind. Lucretia needed a heart.

Jeff VanderMeer

Fantasy Story Quotes #1871450
#31. . . . I could't get lost in the story, not the way you need to be, to become somebody else.

Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl

Fantasy Story Quotes #1857437
#32. If I had known how difficult it was to edit my book, I would have done that first then written the story.

Edwin D. Ferretti III

Fantasy Story Quotes #1846561
#33. That's it? That's all that happens after you topple from grace? We lose our rubies and rations?" Marshall smirked. "Woe is me.

Sophie Avett

Fantasy Story Quotes #1798050
#34. I consider fantasy the heir of mythology, addressing a real human need to seek out answers to life's many mysteries. It is a genre that can tell an entertaining and enthralling story on the surface, and yet deliver a potent message underneath, where everything becomes a symbol of something greater.

Dean F. Wilson

Fantasy Story Quotes #1774229
#35. One night I had a dream and woke up and wrote down the dream. That was my first short story. The dream was a kind of fantasy of me getting revenge on my father.

Dale Peck

Fantasy Story Quotes #1736602
#36. (Washington) Irving was only the first of the writers of the American ghostly tale to recognize that the supernatural, exactly because its epistemological status is so difficult to determine, challenged the writer to invent a commensurately sophisticated narrative technique.

Howard Kerr

Fantasy Story Quotes #1717518
#37. I really like Septimus Heap. he is my favorite guy in the story. I should make you all read it.

Angie Sage

Fantasy Story Quotes #1681625
#38. Never practice magic when you're drunk.

Assaph Mehr

Fantasy Story Quotes #1612782
#39. Somebody
Give us a story
Narrate all the places
That we'll never see
Give us a haven
For our imagination
So at least in our minds
We can attempt to be free

Charlotte Wessels

Fantasy Story Quotes #1611188
#40. Fear is the short road to death and this world,
Changed by the flux of decay:
Survival is the exception for weary men.

From the new book The Waning

Ellen Mae Franklin

Fantasy Story Quotes #1239643
#41. It takes both sides to build a bridge.

Fredrik Nael

Fantasy Story Quotes #1563418
#42. When I read the 'Twilight' book, I didn't see it as fantasy. I saw it as a love story.

Catherine Hardwicke

Fantasy Story Quotes #1561349
#43. The best thought any writer ever come up with is of having a world with Dragons.

Viraj J. Mahajan

Fantasy Story Quotes #1509213
#44. I'm about to start reading it again, because what good is a story you only want to read once?

Bill Willingham

Fantasy Story Quotes #1454406
#45. Will you miss him Holly?" he asked suddenly.
[ ... ] "No," she said. "I will not miss him."
But her eyes told the real story.

Eoin Colfer

Fantasy Story Quotes #1450277
#46. A bedroom is not necessary for me to demonstrate my womanliness!

Sidney St. James

Fantasy Story Quotes #1435374
#47. Why does everything want to eat children?!"
Neferre smiled. "Because you taste like candy. Stinky socks would mask your delicious scent from the aziza. We must get you stinky socks. So they do not eat you."
"That's not much of a bedtime story! You really haven't done this before!

Ash Gray

Fantasy Story Quotes #1374513
#48. What I'm working on now - I'm back to fantasy, although considering that it's me, I'm turning it into a kind of science fantasy. It's a vampire story - but my vampires are biological vampires. They didn't become vampires because someone bit them; they were born that way.

Octavia Butler

Fantasy Story Quotes #1371264
#49. I love you, Jocelyn, and nothing, not even death, will ever keep me away from you.

J.L. Sheppard

Fantasy Story Quotes #1364399
#50. I think you're a fairy tale. I think you're magical, and brave, and exquisite. And I hope you'll let me be in your story.

Laini Taylor

Fantasy Story Quotes #1342353
#51. When I was a kid, I really loved watching 'Cinderella.' It's a fantasy, and every girl knows that real life isn't always like these movies, but as a child, I just really loved the story of 'Cinderella.' I found it to be so romantic and just a beautiful movie to watch.

Sara Ramirez

Fantasy Story Quotes #1270550
#52. It was not the story of design or clothes, it was the fantasy of women that made me want to work in fashion,

Alber Elbaz

Fantasy Story Quotes #214870
#53. My lord, I'd rather be alone."
His smile vanished. Not a single muscle in his body bulged, but the color of his eyes turned to dark ashes.
"And I'd rather not.

Chris Lange

Fantasy Story Quotes #424591
#54. As a kid, I always liked reading stories where I had a power-projection fantasy. I wanted to be inside of a story where I had power and influence, was going to rise to power, was going to somehow influence my society.

Paolo Bacigalupi

Fantasy Story Quotes #421219
#55. 47 Ronin is a very special movie for me. Not only a Samurai thing. Not only a Hollywood fantasy. It has a very special mixture between Japanese traditional culture and Western culture for the costume, set, story. Everything. I believe it will be a very special film that no one has ever seen.

Hiroyuki Sanada

Fantasy Story Quotes #402033
#56. The greatest happiness is a quiet kind. It's the tender understanding that we're living in a very strange place full of strange creatures. And there's quite a bit of wonder in that.

F.K. Preston

Fantasy Story Quotes #397470
#57. Fantasy allows you bend the world and the situation to more clearly focus on the moral aspects of what's happening. In fantasy you can distill life down to the essence of your story.

Terry Goodkind

Fantasy Story Quotes #387974
#58. All that is required of you is an open mind and a little patience.

F.K. Preston

Fantasy Story Quotes #358886
#59. He held her forever. Ashy flickers swam in his eyes, shadows of temptation drawing her into infinite depths. A breath away from his tantalising mouth, she parted her lips. The thudding of her pulse hurt. The knocking of her heart brushed her soul. She sank into him.

Chris Lange

Fantasy Story Quotes #342291
#60. It's a very private moment when your heart breaks. I was thankful we were alone. I knew I couldn't keep her, but I would always do anything to protect her.

S.G. Holster

Fantasy Story Quotes #334729
#61. The end of her life was only the beginning of her story.
Sweet Sleep

Kim Cormack

Fantasy Story Quotes #328080
#62. Father lied.
The knowledge tasted bitter on her tongue. She folded the
orb into a scarf she'd brought. It didn't conceal its light, but it was
better than carrying the orb through the halls exposed.

Jennifer M. Zeiger

Fantasy Story Quotes #318702
#63. The attraction of reading is that it allows you to live, for a few hours, as someone else - grants you access to their head, their thoughts, their secrets.

Alessandra Torre

Fantasy Story Quotes #279286
#64. She's shaped her image of the world around someone else's fantasy ... Because it's easier. It's so much easier to say, 'This is a story, and there are heroes and villains, and there's an ending, and when we get there the book will close and we'll all live happily ever after.

Mira Grant

Fantasy Story Quotes #275396
#65. But if what interests you are stories of the fantastic, I must warn you that this kind of story demands more art and judgment than is ordinarily imagined.

Charles Nodier

Fantasy Story Quotes #443088
#66. First contact comes not by hand of man, but by metal of machine.

Ryan Sean O'Reilly

Fantasy Story Quotes #171709
#67. This is what award-winning author and international journalist TIMERI MURARI had to say:

Dear Anant

I managed to read 'Skewed Fantasy' a charming story on Chitra and her problems with NRIs and her dreams.

Best wishes

Anant Acharya

Fantasy Story Quotes #148943
#68. David could tell, by looking at her face as she read, whether or not the story contained in the book was living inside her, and she in it, and he would recall again all that she had told him about stories and tales and the power that they wield over us, and that we in turn wield over them.

John Connolly

Fantasy Story Quotes #138373
#69. How much research I have to do depends on the nature of the story. For fantasy, none at all.

Alan Dean Foster

Fantasy Story Quotes #116386
#70. There was also no character arc. Change only comes when we face the difficulty of reality head-on. Fantasy changes nothing, which is why, once we're done fantasizing, it feels like a bankrupt story.

Donald Miller

Fantasy Story Quotes #97167
#71. What are you thinking about?"
"Whether they'll write my life story as a tragedy or an epic fantasy.

Maggie Stiefvater

Fantasy Story Quotes #67443
#72. Every great day has a story and a song!

Faith Reese Martin

Fantasy Story Quotes #46357
#73. About the time you might start to think that science fiction - the real stuff, not the species of fantasy that goes under the name - is really dead, along comes a story by Cory Doctorow.

Lois Tilton

Fantasy Story Quotes #20725
#74. I hate SF books that think all you need to make a book is cool technology and mind-bending ideas without a decent plot or characters. And I hate when fantasy books are allowed to ramble off into five hundred page diatribes which don't advance the story one bit.

Chris Wooding

Fantasy Story Quotes #17468
#75. Women basically want the same thing - a good passionate story, a great fantasy - and for our partners to do the laundry and the washing up.

E.L. James

Fantasy Story Quotes #12562
#76. I've never been a believer in fate. I like to think I'm in control, that my life hasn't been plotted out ahead of time. Sometimes all it takes is one wild thought, one brave decision to change everything. This must be one of those times.

Kyle Richardson

Fantasy Story Quotes #12540
#77. My first kiss. One tiny, sweet, cosmic kiss. Like falling from a star, onto a cloud, and into a love song.

Tiffany FitzHenry

Fantasy Story Quotes #653779
#78. The minute grains of sand slipped silently down the curved hourglass, no matter how many times the people of Earth willed them not to. Time, fate and the actions of others were out of their control.

S.R. Crawford

Fantasy Story Quotes #919190
#79. You sit beside the sorcerer, your love, and unzip your ribs. Tucked under your heart is a small oak box, plain and unvarnished. You offer it to the sorcerer. 'I brought this for you.

A. Merc Rustad

Fantasy Story Quotes #873992
#80. I told you. I've been watching." She twirled, her arms outstretched. "Watching, watching, watching.

A.F. Stewart

Fantasy Story Quotes #821803
#81. I've always loved massive worlds, whether in fantasy or science fiction. I like the idea of making my own rules as well as utilizing everything that I love or inspires me. It's very freeing to know you can write a story that can be as big as your own imagination.

Victoria Aveyard

Fantasy Story Quotes #808785
#82. I began plotting novels at about the time I learned to read . The story of my childhood is the usual bleak fantasy , and we can dismiss it with the restrained observation that I certainly would not consider living it again.

James A. Baldwin

Fantasy Story Quotes #748472
#83. The word 'fairy' conjures up images of cute little creatures, so I don't use it. I use 'metahominids' from the Greek for 'other' and 'men.' They aren't cute - this is no fairy story.

F.R. Maher

Fantasy Story Quotes #726986
#84. I keep dying and hoping you notice me. But you're too busy living.

F.K. Preston

Fantasy Story Quotes #716094
#85. 'Upside Down' is a fantasy love story. It's about love at first sight - when you just fall in love instantly and will battle any obstacle to be with that girl.

Jim Sturgess

Fantasy Story Quotes #713731
#86. I have a story to tell. It is a tale for those who can still see, can still question.

A story of where you are and how you got here. A tale foretold by your poets and prophets through the ages. Read their words, their thoughts, so that you may understand.

W.H. Wisecarver

Fantasy Story Quotes #713539
#87. Daniel, I was asked of a budding author, how do you know if your story is on track? My answer: I start by knowing my intention, my target. Then, with purpose, I write the scene that unfolds before me, as faithfully as is human. - Daniel LaMonte

Daniel LaMonte

Fantasy Story Quotes #708816
#88. Children seem to need, then, a delicate balance between the realistic and the fantastic in their art; enough of the realistic to know that the story matters, enough of the fantastic to make what matters wonderful

Eric S. Rabkin

Fantasy Story Quotes #707668
#89. I'm not sure I could write a straight urban fantasy any more than I could write a straight contemporary story. I would end up being intimidated by all the small details.

Anne Bishop

Fantasy Story Quotes #926603
#90. Fantasy, myth, legend, truth - all are intertwined in the story that is Scotland.

Laurence Overmire

Fantasy Story Quotes #585707
#91. In time, all will be well - for all of us."
"You sound as if you truly believe that it will."
"Why shouldn't I? For Arman has given us the end of the story, has he not? Shamayim will be a wonderful home, even if this one remains dark.

Jill Williamson

Fantasy Story Quotes #561547
#92. Actually, I met a lot of directors and most of them have that fantasy to make a silent movie because for directors it's the purest way to tell a story. It's about creating images that tell a story and you don't need dialogue for that.

Michel Hazanavicius

Fantasy Story Quotes #547749
#93. Handing me a pen is like handy a madman a knife ... at the end of it you know you'll end up with a lot of broken bones, blood, and bodies - but it'll be one hell of a story to tell your friends.

D.E.M. Emrys

Fantasy Story Quotes #541533
#94. Escaping into the fantasy of intellectual investigation or narrative story telling makes me feel hopeful. That too is a fiction, but one that makes me feel good sometimes.

Andrew Neel

Fantasy Story Quotes #540187
#95. Romantic love is pure fantasy. It destroys a woman's common sense; there simply is no place for it within the walls of a rational mind. You're better off eating a plug of chocolate!" Rachel in Small Pleasures: Mya's Story

Darnishia Bolden

Fantasy Story Quotes #523519
#96. My creativity keeps me from starving. Humanity keeps my life mundane. Loving secures my love for life, but my imagination keeps me sane.

F.K. Preston

Fantasy Story Quotes #517633
#97. Something was bleeding ... and something was broken. It was my heart ... because I had to leave you. (Chase to Rayne)

Kimberly Brockman

Fantasy Story Quotes #507503
#98. If you're going to have a complicated story, you must work to a map; otherwise you can never make a map of it afterwards.

J.R.R. Tolkien

Fantasy Story Quotes #484496
#99. She wanted to make sure she studied all the manuals thoroughly, but she had to admit that part of her hesitation was the unsettling length of the list of things that could go wrong if she mishandled the pressure.

Jaleigh Johnson

Fantasy Story Quotes #482982
#100. If the ending is not happy, the story is not finished.

J.P. Leck

Fantasy Story Quotes #478694

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