Top 100 Fall'n Quotes

#1. And down I went to fetch my bride: But, Alice, you were ill at ease; This dress and that by turns you tried, Too fearful that you should not please. I loved you better for your fears, I knew you could not look but well; And dews, that would have fall'n in tears, I kiss'd away before they fell.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Fall'n Quotes #519779
#2. Awake, arise or be for ever fall'n.

John Milton

Fall'n Quotes #756121
#3. And some are fall'n, to disobedience fall'n, And so from Heav'n to deepest Hell; O fall From what high state of bliss into what woe!

John Milton

Fall'n Quotes #910540
#4. My way of life
Is fall'n into the sear and yellow leaf.

William Shakespeare

Fall'n Quotes #960057
#5. He saw wan Woman toil with famished eyes; He saw her bound, and strove to sing her free. He saw her fall'n; and wrote "The Bridge of Sighs"; And on it crossed to immortality.

William Watson

Fall'n Quotes #1401574
#6. The crown o' the earth doth melt. My lord!
O, wither'd is the garland of the war,
The soldier's pole is fall'n: young boys and girls
Are level now with men; the odds is gone,
And there is nothing left remarkable
Beneath the visiting moon.

William Shakespeare

Fall'n Quotes #1655741
#7. More safe I sing with mortal voice, unchang'd To hoarse or mute, though fall'n on evil days, On evil days though fall'n, and evil tongues.

John Milton

Fall'n Quotes #204527
#8. Human will is the strongest will ever created. There are those who are born to succeed and those who are determined to succeed. The former fall into it, and the latter pursue it at all costs. They won't be denied. Nothing daunts them.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Fall'n Quotes #8547
#9. Rose petals of a thousand shades fall from the trees as Golds fight beneath them. They're all red in the end.

Pierce Brown

Fall'n Quotes #9975
#10. If a boy ever says, you remind me of someone
don't fall in love with him. You will never be anything more than second best.

Lang Leav

Fall'n Quotes #8711
#11. When came the invasion of privacy.That kind of thing turns the newspaper from a friendly organ - not necessarily appeasing everybody - into the enemy. It's one reason why newspapers have suffered circulation falls.

Harold Evans

Fall'n Quotes #8941
#12. Well, I like the rain before it falls.

Jonathan Coe

Fall'n Quotes #9070
#13. Don't fall prey to the 'genius' syndrome and outsmart yourself by being too complicated

Sheila Davis

Fall'n Quotes #9270
#14. Somebody who's learning how to ice skate for the first time would need skates, a helmet for head protection and elbow pads, because you do fall quite a bit.

Gerad Adams

Fall'n Quotes #9400
#15. There are moments in every relationship that define when two people start to fall in love.

A first glance

A first smile

A first kiss

A first fall ...

Colleen Hoover

Fall'n Quotes #9515
#16. Steep fall to the ground
like clay pigeons
by bad shots
and unsteady hands.

Jessica Kristie

Fall'n Quotes #9683
#17. Don't fall into the trap of putting yourself last on the list or not even putting yourself on the list. That's not balance; it's not even healthy.

Victoria Osteen

Fall'n Quotes #9718
#18. I'll never let you fall, baby.

Maya Banks

Fall'n Quotes #9906
#19. When our world falls apart and we have no more faces to wear - that's when it's beautiful, and that's when we change.

Jon Foreman

Fall'n Quotes #6907
#20. But I would have vengeance to fall on the head, not on the hand; on the tyrannical and oppressive government which designed and directed these premeditated and reiterated insults, not on the tools of office which they employed in the execution of the injuries they designed you.

Walter Scott

Fall'n Quotes #8277
#21. People don't really have much of a choice when the heart falls. I'm lucky enough that mine just so happened to fall for you, Misty." - Dylan to Misty in, When the Heart Falls

Kimberly Lewis

Fall'n Quotes #8261
#22. Whenever justice is uncertain and police spying and terror are at work, human beings fall into isolation, which, of course, is the aim and purpose of the dictator state, since it is based on the greatest possible accumulation of depotentiated social units.

Carl Jung

Fall'n Quotes #8053
#23. Never mind. The self is the least of it. Let our scars fall in love

Galway Kinnell

Fall'n Quotes #7890
#24. I am a nyctophile, and I can't stop or help myself from falling in love for the darkest ends of your soul, rather than the light in your eyes.

Akshay Vasu

Fall'n Quotes #7618
#25. May night continue to fall upon the orchestra

Andre Breton

Fall'n Quotes #7576
#26. Maybe I had picked a hole in the sky and the universe was all about to fall in on me.

Kami Garcia

Fall'n Quotes #7224
#27. Stand up for what you believe in, because you can fall for anything.

Les Brown

Fall'n Quotes #7146
#28. Drying up in conversation, You will be the one who cannot talk, All your insides fall to pieces, You just sit there wishing you could still make love.

Thom Yorke

Fall'n Quotes #7085
#29. Man may live and man may die searching for the question why. But if he tries to rule the sky, he must fall.

Cat Stevens

Fall'n Quotes #6918
#30. It is painfully obvious that I have fallen out of love with my husband. It is also painfully obvious that Travis is too egotistical to help me fall back in love with him.

Jessica N. Watkins

Fall'n Quotes #1582465
#31. Does sound have rhythm? Does it rise and fall like the ocean? Does sound come and go like wind?

Myron Uhlberg

Fall'n Quotes #11628
#32. Are you okay?"
"Good," she said, "because if you fall off a skyscraper, I'll be so mad at you.

Joel N. Ross

Fall'n Quotes #1347934
#33. The fall of man did not introduce evil; it placed us on the wrong side of it, under its rule, needing rescue.

N.D. Wilson

Fall'n Quotes #1239881
#34. RETRIBUTION, n. A rain of fire-and-brimstone that falls alike upon the just and such of the unjust as have not procured shelter by evicting them.

Ambrose Bierce

Fall'n Quotes #1238718
#35. I had no idea In-N-Out was going to fall on my lap as soon as it did.

Lynsi Torres

Fall'n Quotes #1132564
#36. since humans are made for the life that comes from God and God alone, to worship that which is not God is to fall in love with death. Here

N. T. Wright

Fall'n Quotes #970572
#37. I regard this conclusion as coming in the same sort of category, of historical probability so high as to be virtually certain, as the death of Augustus in AD 14 or the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70

N. T. Wright

Fall'n Quotes #456688
#38. Let our scars fall into love with each other...

Jose N. Harris

Fall'n Quotes #455766
#39. Fall 2013 was inspired by the 1970s equestrian lifestyle. I wanted to incorporate the moody and romantic - intricate baroque detailing and classic menswear elements - with something tougher and edgier in a nod to London's rock n' roll underground.

Rachel Zoe

Fall'n Quotes #402510
#40. INFALAPSARIAN, n. One who ventures to believe that Adam need not have sinned unless he had a mind to - in opposition to the Supralapsarians, who hold that that luckless person's fall was decreed from the beginning.

Ambrose Bierce

Fall'n Quotes #350954
#41. The leaves do fad and fall away, / Berries rot and sheaves decay; / The deer is fled back to the field. / That is all your promises yield. / All wind and words, your vows, I see, / Are barren as the fruitless tree.

Lauren Willig

Fall'n Quotes #11828
#42. So goes the hard way- the (fall a)part way-the (break a) heart way.

Kami Garcia

Fall'n Quotes #11716
#43. Where'd the days go, when all we did was play? And the stress that we were under wasn't stress at all just a run and a jump into a harmless fall

Paolo Nutini

Fall'n Quotes #10103
#44. Sex is the point of contact between man and nature, where morality and good intentions fall to primitive urges.

Camille Paglia

Fall'n Quotes #11378
#45. If you fall down, get up and walk again.
If you can't walk, crawl.
If that idea fails, have another one
It doesn't happen by accident.
It takes a lot of hard work.

Dick Clark

Fall'n Quotes #11345
#46. Fall for me, as an apple falls, as rain falls, because you must. Use gravity to anchor your desire.

Jeanette Winterson

Fall'n Quotes #11217
#47. We easily fall into the habit of accepting compressed statements which save us from the trouble of thinking. Thus arises what I shall call 'Potted Thinking'.

Susan Stebbing

Fall'n Quotes #10998
#48. It many times falls out that we deem ourselves much deceived in others because we first deceived ourselves.

Philip Sidney

Fall'n Quotes #10885
#49. It's really easy to fall into the trap of believing that what we do is more important than what we are. Of course, it's the opposite that's true: What we are ultimately determines what we do!

Fred Rogers

Fall'n Quotes #10709
#50. There is something inexpressibly charming in falling in love and, surely, the whole pleasure lies in the fact that love isn't lasting.


Fall'n Quotes #10614
#51. Don't accommodate complains in your chamber, else you have a sleepless and restless night. Keep them away and fall in love with actions for solution!

Israelmore Ayivor

Fall'n Quotes #10474
#52. How blest was the created state
Of man and woman, ere they fell,
Compared to our unhappy fate:
We need not fear another hell.

John Wilmot

Fall'n Quotes #10449
#53. What love it to me ... is his happiness. I'm not like you where I fall in love so I can be happy. All I need is for him to be smiling.

Kim Su-mi

Fall'n Quotes #10393
#54. HIM: I should have known better than to fall for a scientist. Your idea of a Valentine's heart probably has an aorta. HER: Is it a crime to be biologically relevant? She

Jodi Picoult

Fall'n Quotes #966
#55. Now Autumn's fire burns slowly along the woods and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt.

William Allingham

Fall'n Quotes #2309
#56. There are persons who seem to have overcome obstacles and by character and perseverance to have risen to the top. But we have no record of the numbers of able persons who fall by the wayside, persons who, with enough encouragement and opportunity, might make great contributions.

Mary Barnett Gilson

Fall'n Quotes #2204
#57. Even if gas prices fall, consumers will continue to be gouged at the pump the only thing that we can be sure rises faster that the price of gasoline is the skyrocketing profits of oil companies.

Major Owens

Fall'n Quotes #2157
#58. Who aspires to remain leader must keep in advance of his column. His fear must not play traitor to his occasions. The instant he falls into line with his followers, a bolder spirit may throw himself at the head of the movement initiated, and in that moment his leadership is gone.

Christian Nestell Bovee

Fall'n Quotes #1953
#59. Also, the wizard's response to having a skeletal deer leap in front of him and a bruised and whimpering elf fall off its back was to say, "Oh." That

T. Kingfisher

Fall'n Quotes #1578
#60. Humans don't leap buildings. Stuntmen with harnesses do. And won't my crashing eight stories to the ground be detrimental to the mission? The dark elves will swarm me and take me hostage instantly."
"That might be true, but you're not going to fall," he said.

Amanda Carlson

Fall'n Quotes #1527
#61. If one evening you feel sad enough to cry, look up. Your tears will not fall and the starry night may bring joy to your soul.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Fall'n Quotes #1503
#62. Would we fall in love if we met today?

Gayle Forman

Fall'n Quotes #1395
#63. We stumble and fall constantly even when we are most enlightened. But when we are in true spiritual darkness, we do not even know that we have fallen.

Thomas Merton

Fall'n Quotes #1329
#64. Fall in love with me, Gary! She thought. Please. Please sit here holding me and think there's nowhere on earth I'd rather be than here, and no girl I'd rather have in my lap than Beth Rose Chapman!

Caroline B. Cooney

Fall'n Quotes #1057
#65. She was so delicate that, while we sat beneath the linden branches, a leaf would fall and drift down and touch her skin, and it would leave a bruise. So as we sat in the afternoon hour, beneath that fragrant linden bower, I had to chase all of the leafs that fell away.

Roman Payne

Fall'n Quotes #993
#66. The fall of the Berlin Wall did more for the progress of freedom than all of the books written by myself or Friedrich Hayek or others.

Milton Friedman

Fall'n Quotes #2349
#67. That I happened to fall into a career that no other girls wanted isn't surprising to me. I wanted something that didn't exist, so I had to create it.

Ronda Rousey

Fall'n Quotes #723
#68. Sometimes you're afraid to fall in love with a chick, but she sucks you in anyway.

Sammy Hagar

Fall'n Quotes #712
#69. I don't fall in love very easily. It takes a long time, and then, when I have fallen in love, I'm still not sure. I'm suspicious of myself. What if tomorrow I don't feel the same? I have to wait, to be sure. And I wait and wait.

Joey Comeau

Fall'n Quotes #684
#70. Don't be cocky, 'Pride cometh before the fall

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Fall'n Quotes #665
#71. One plays at being immortal and after a few weeks one doesn't even know whether or not one can hang on till the next day.

Albert Camus

Fall'n Quotes #655
#72. You don't want to continue to do one thing and only one thing. You want to keep challenging yourself and if you do well at it, great, if you fall on your face, you tried. Like, she's really terrible at comedy! Who knew? But if you didn't try and put yourself out there you'd never know.

Lucy Liu

Fall'n Quotes #615
#73. Empire as located its existence not in the smooth recurrent spinning time of the cycle of the seasons but in the jagged time of rise and fall, of beginning and end, of catastrophe.

J.M. Coetzee

Fall'n Quotes #471
#74. Once you start altering your body's blueprint, things start falling apart. Some players take steroids, and two years later, after they've broken records, suddenly they have back problems, shoulder problems, arm problems. They're out of the game for good.

Charlie Sheen

Fall'n Quotes #362
#75. Some fall from grace to get Picture- Perfect !!"(pp.73. "Arty Facts")

Ankita Kapoor

Fall'n Quotes #237
#76. I'm beginning to think a dictionary would have been a far more advantageous birthday gift for you."
"More advantageous than being eaten alive by a giant, carnivorous bunny? Yes, most things fall in that category, I think.

William Ritter

Fall'n Quotes #176
#77. I sleep seven hours. If I go to bed at two, I wake up at nine. If I go to bed at midnight, I wake up at seven. I don't wake up before - the house can fall apart, but I sleep for seven hours.

Karl Lagerfeld

Fall'n Quotes #50
#78. We're all products of our environment. The key is not to fall.

Lamar Odom

Fall'n Quotes #4320
#79. I can't explain chemistry. I really can't. I haven't got a clue what it's all about. It just happens. It's like falling in love. You can't explain why you fall in love or explain why it's this particular person.

Elaine Stritch

Fall'n Quotes #6811
#80. The smile on your face lets me know that you need me, there's a truth in your heart that says you'll never leave me, and the touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall.

Alison Krauss

Fall'n Quotes #6720
#81. Mothers, train up your children in righteousness; do not attempt to save the world and let your own family fall apart.

Ezra Taft Benson

Fall'n Quotes #6567
#82. The coat-check line is long enough to fall in love with the person behind you.

Simon Van Booy

Fall'n Quotes #6435
#83. Don't worry about how bad things look right now. It's all going to fall into place. You'll see.

Melody Carlson

Fall'n Quotes #6305
#84. It's fall coming, I kept thinking, fall coming; just like that was the strangest thing ever happened. Fall. Right outside here it was spring a while back, then it was summer, and now it's fall-that's sure a curious idea.

Ken Kesey

Fall'n Quotes #5676
#85. For a while, it felt like I was on top of the universe. I didn't realize that I was about to fall.

Carlyle Labuschagne

Fall'n Quotes #5335
#86. So yes, I do want to try and keep things going if I can. I have a few things brewing ... And if it doesn't happen, I did buy an ice cream van a while ago. So I always have that to fall back on.

Rupert Grint

Fall'n Quotes #4861
#87. People in very high places suddenly fall, and we are always surprised because we don't factor in the basic element that they're humans and, therefore, they are flawed and have weaknesses.

Carlisle Floyd

Fall'n Quotes #4753
#88. Shall Nature, erring from her first command, self-preservation, fall by her own hand?

George Granville, 1st Baron Lansdowne

Fall'n Quotes #4531
#89. It's healthier to reject certain cautions than fall in line. I assume you know that, he said.

Don DeLillo

Fall'n Quotes #4446
#90. When you walk into a room, you assess it instantaneously, habitually, before you're even aware of it. I mean, you make sure there's not a hole you're going to fall into, but mostly you're not even aware of what you're thinking.

Robert Irwin

Fall'n Quotes #6896
#91. I think that the idea that I'm writing for many more people than I ever imagined has created a certain general responsibility that is literary and political. There's even pride involved, in not wanting to fall short of what I did before.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Fall'n Quotes #4086
#92. Everything is your fault. You made me fall in love with you, and now I'm so upset I can't think or sleep or eat.

Julie Garwood

Fall'n Quotes #3757
#93. Maybe I don't really want to know what's going on. Maybe I'd rather not know. Maybe I couldn't bear to know. The Fall was a fall from innocence to knowledge.

Margaret Atwood

Fall'n Quotes #3586
#94. You, woman, are without a doubt the most senseless female I could have picked to fall in love with.

Kat Martin

Fall'n Quotes #3543
#95. I love you today. I will love you tomorrow. I will love you always. Because when we are reborn, I will fall in love with you again and again and again.
- Faye Hall, from an untitled script

Faye Hall

Fall'n Quotes #3379
#96. The respect I have for her has bloomed into this monster that's taken up residence inside of me, made me fall hard for a girl I'll never get.

C.M. Stunich

Fall'n Quotes #3095
#97. Two things make a story. The net and the air that falls through the net.

Pablo Neruda

Fall'n Quotes #2986
#98. Because I'm a Karamazov. Because when I fall into the abyss, I go straight into it, head down and heels up, and I'm even pleased that I'm falling in just such a humiliating position, and for me I find it beautiful.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Fall'n Quotes #2927
#99. I knew now: there would be no damnation that I did not forge for myself, and no fall so great that it could be without hope.

M. King

Fall'n Quotes #2813
#100. Love ... is also a form of poison, for to fall in love is to want and to need everything necessary for survival from one all-powerful and barely differentiated Other.


Fall'n Quotes #2356

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