Top 100 Even If It's Hard Quotes

#1. Every time you see someone's bright-and-shiny, remember: They have their own crappy truths too. Of course they do. And every time you see your own crappy truth and feel despair and think, 'Is this my life?', remember: It's not. Everyone's got a bright-and-shiny, even if it's hard to find sometimes.

Sophie Kinsella

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1005821
#2. You're supposed to help people, even if it's hard to do. Especially if it's hard to do.

Diane Chamberlain

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1075684
#3. In the end you should always do the right thing even if it's hard.

Nicholas Sparks

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1082265
#4. I think about what Devon would say. You have to Work At It Dad. You have to try even if it's hard and you think you can never do it and you just want to scream and hide and shake your hands over and over and over.

Kathryn Erskine

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1172590
#5. Sometimes, you gotta start small to fix what's broke. Even if it's hard work, it's worth each little step if it's something you love.

Laura Ware

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1192645
#6. While everyone else is thinking about economics and politics, executive salaries and the future of the euro, do the opposite, even if it's hard. Invest in the spirit.

Jonathan Sacks

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1389050
#7. It's much more difficult to work on a broad subject than on a specific one, because even if it's hard to find the information, if you look hard enough for something specific you will find it, and you will discover things that you wouldn't have thought of before.

Iris Chang

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1782376
#8. We all go through it. Kids exist to remind us that our priorities aren't always the ones we think. Even if it's hard sometimes, they put order in our lives.

Franck Thilliez

Even If It's Hard Quotes #510196
#9. I'll show these people how a curtsy is done, even if I am wearing soggy boots and a bloody pair of pants. Literally. There's blood on them, and I can't get it out, no matter how hard I scrub. At least it's not mine.

Amanda Bouchet

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1019165
#10. I'll work with a director if I think I'm going to get into a comfortable situation, and if it's someone I respect and who respects me, even if they're not so well known. Movies are hard to make, and you have to work toward a common ethic and do your best.

Robert De Niro

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1257702
#11. Please God, I'll never be in a war zone, but everything I sort of know about people who come back is that it's a hard transition to make. I mean, even if you've not been in a war, even if you've just been in the Forces, you come back and probably have more fights in civilian life.

Martin Freeman

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1022496
#12. Now, I don't actually know the exact cut-off age where beautiful ceases and 'must have-once-been-beautiful' begins. It's true it's not forty-five. I can still get attention when I try really hard, even if it's greatly reduced.

Paulina Porizkova

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1040502
#13. When I speak of God's will, it helps to know that he wants the best for us. If you can't believe he's there, pray anyway. If you feel he's cheap and withholding, thank him anyway. There will come a time when you'll thank him even for the hard places.

Jan Karon

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1043830
#14. It's hard to see where we're going since it's now dark, and I wonder if in some ironic twist of fate, we'll soar over the cliff without even realizing it. Like the universe's final joke: you can't plan your death, even when you try.

Jasmine Warga

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1096425
#15. Rand Paul is officially running for president. He even revealed his campaign slogan, which is 'Defeat the Washington machine. Unleash the American dream.' It's hard to tell if he's running for president or doing an infomercial for Bowflex.

Jimmy Fallon

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1097757
#16. It doesn't seem right or to serve any purpose at all...but, if there's one thing I've learned in my life, it's that even when nothing makes any sense to us, there's still a purpose. And as hard as it is at times, we have to believe that and let it carry us through.~Rayad

Jaye L. Knight

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1111354
#17. It's hard to bring up your children on benefit. It's easier if you can do part- time work, or even full-time work, and actually have a better standard of living, and that's the direction in which we are going.

Harriet Harman

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1118343
#18. You always look so cool, like no matter what happens, it's got nothing to do with you, but you're not really like that. In your own way, you're out there fighting as hard as you can, even if other people can't tell by looking at you.

Haruki Murakami

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1154088
#19. What we do is just race hard on the track every week. That's the way I'd like it to be documented, and if we watch the tape, we'll see that the No. 48 swerved into us first and I know that, before even watching the tape.

Kurt Busch

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1245468
#20. I'm a fan of the truth ... even if it's painfully hard to accept.

Dan Brown

Even If It's Hard Quotes #768611
#21. believe that hard work pays off, then you work hard; if you think it's hard to get ahead even when you try, then why try at all? Similarly,

J.D. Vance

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1013211
#22. My freestyling ability is nonexistent. I can't even write a verse if I tried to sit anywhere and write one. Being a good rapper is hard to do. I'm a good Rapaport, but that's about it.

Michael Rapaport

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1008582
#23. When you are shooting in a conventional way, you put nets around yourself. It's very hard to fall and hit the ground. You can always manipulate things to make it not embarrassing. If the scene is a little bit bad, you can polish it or even take it out. You can hide your mistakes.

Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

Even If It's Hard Quotes #997671
#24. If you look hard enough for something, you'll probably find it even if it's not really


Even If It's Hard Quotes #977919
#25. I don't know if I miss it per se, but I do miss the fact that there just doesn't seem to be any rock 'n' roll out there anyplace. Everything does seem kind of tame. It's even hard in Manhattan to go out and find a good band to go see.

Joan Jett

Even If It's Hard Quotes #951300
#26. I listen to a variety of music. The only common point is strong lyrics; I'm more obsessed with lyrics than music. I need to hear a form of truth, and if it's a hard truth, even better.

Lou Doillon

Even If It's Hard Quotes #922518
#27. I know that being upset without having an avenue to fix anything is a real hard place to be in for too long. But it's even worse thinking that it'll go away if you just ignore it.

Babatunde Adebimpe

Even If It's Hard Quotes #868572
#28. There must be blood, the girl thought. There must always be blood. The Green Wind said that, so it must be true. It will be all hard and bloody, but there will be wonders, too, or else why bring me here at all? And it's the wonders I'm after, even if I have to bleed for them.

Catherynne M Valente

Even If It's Hard Quotes #808606
#29. But giving up's easy. You know what's hard? To believe in your own worth, to know you've got something special in you even if nobody else can see it. Even when you can't.

Ryan North

Even If It's Hard Quotes #794172
#30. I'm aware of how pop culture really infiltrates your expectations in a way that even if you think you're savvy about pop culture, it's so hard not to have these expectations of what a relationship should be. So I constantly feel like I have to bat those expectations down.

Kim Gordon

Even If It's Hard Quotes #783929
#31. You give me hope. Hope that even though life is really, really hard - even if it fucking sucks sometimes - that it's worth living

Jessica Sorensen

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1879180
#32. Life is hard; It's even harder if you're stupid.

John Wayne

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1599609
#33. Just because life is hard, and always ends in a bad way, doesn't mean that all stories have to, even if that's what they tell us in school and in the New York Times Review. In fact, it's a good thing that stories are as different as we are, one from another.

James Patterson

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1862877
#34. People find it hard to get their heads around nominating a computer-generated character, but every time you see Gollum on the screen, that's me who is acting up there - even if it is behind a mass of pixels - and it's my voice you hear.

Andy Serkis

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1812550
#35. Sometimes I wonder about good and evil. If the villain wins, isn't he heralded as the hero? I've tried so hard to be good since that day, but sometimes I wonder whether it's even worth it. After all, to be the hero, I have to win.

Sarah C. Yung

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1801986
#36. A cook never knows if the dish he perfected for hours was described properly or if a guest even liked his food. It's hard to spend hours perfecting a dish only to relinquish control. But chefs need to put aside their egos and trust the people serving the food.

Daniel Humm

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1774880
#37. I totally love my job, and I wake up every day basically thinking about how can I do my job better. It never feels like a job. It's hard, and it's exhausting sometimes, but it never feels like - I would do this even if they didn't pay me to do it. That's a pretty amazing feeling.

Brit Marling

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1771710
#38. I hope that my ideas attract a lively dialogue, even if my sentences are simple. Simple sentences have always served me well. And I don't use semicolons. It's hard to read anyway, especially for high school kids. Also, I avoid irony, too. I don't like people saying one thing and meaning the other.

Kurt Vonnegut

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1748294
#39. It's hard to think about next week when you're not sure if you'll even make it through today. But

Jenn Bennett

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1740889
#40. Breaking up is just hard, even if you're the one breaking up. It's not fun. It can be dramatic and complicated. And then you get a little distance and you think, why did it have to be so complicated and dramatic?

Norah Jones

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1669032
#41. And that's what it's about, isn't it? Love? Love's about making it last, making it stick, making it count - even when it hurts, when times are hard, when people change, when life changes them. If you love someone, then you have to want to love them, whoever they are.

Rowan Coleman

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1658772
#42. If something is so far beyond your imagination, it's hard even to fear it.

Stephen Baxter

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1655718
#43. There are no restrictions of taste, approach, or subject matter. The gatekeepers are gone, so the prospect for new and different voices is exciting. Or at least it will be if anyone reads them. And it will be even more exciting if anyone pays for them. It's hard to charge admission without a gate.

Bill Watterson

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1611458
#44. Even if you've taken off every stitch of clothing, you still have your secrets, your history, your true name. It's hard to be really naked. You have to work hard at it. Just getting into a bath isn't being naked, not really. It's just showing skin.

Catherynne M Valente

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1275455
#45. Keep working at whatever you do. I don't care if you don't see results right then, they will come sooner or later. And it don't even necessarily have to be in music. Anything you do, with hard work, it's gonna always pay off.

Short Dawg

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1587008
#46. Although it's hard some days to wake up an hour earlier to do the gym workout as opposed to other skaters who just show up to the rink, I know that if I don't do it, my day will be much worse. I might as well not even skate, actually.

Patrick Chan

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1539719
#47. One of my psychoses is that I feel like I can do anything. Actually, I believe anybody can do and make anything, even things that don't exist. The making isn't the hard part; it's having faith. If you do only reasonable things, you'll never start your own business.

Bre Pettis

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1526825
#48. It's important that we leave each other and the comfort of it, and circle away, even though it's hard sometimes, so that we can come back and swap information about what we've learnt even if what we do changes us and

Robyn Davidson

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1508298
#49. One day that is what will happen, West. And it will be incredibly hard. But what you can do now is make the most out of the time you have left. Talk to him even if he can't talk back. Hold his hand. Tell him everything you want him to know. So when he's gone you don't have regrets.

Abbi Glines

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1424922
#50. Writing is hard work. A clear sentence is no accident. Very few sentences come out right the first time, or even the third time. Remember this in moments of despair. If you find that writing is hard, it's because it is hard. It's one of the hardest things that people do

William Zinsser

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1395823
#51. When you're suddenly pregnant and no one is standing by your side, even if you're in your 30s, it's a hard conversation. I'm a traditional girl, and I believe in marriage, and I just always thought that's the way I'd be doing this.

Bridget Moynahan

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1344045
#52. The wisdom of the journeyman is to work one day at a time and he always said that any job even if it took years was made up out of a day's work. Nothing more. Nothing less. That was hard for me to learn. I always wanted to be finished. In the concept of a day's work is rythme and pace and wholeness.

Cormac McCarthy

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1329764
#53. I just want to do musicals. it's hard enough just to do musicals. No matter how hard I try, I think it's only getting harder. Even If I try harder, there are problems that I just can't deal with. I don't know why it's become like this.

Cheon Eunbi

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1295528
#54. IF YOU WANT TO transfer a few hundred gigabytes of data, it's generally faster to FedEx a hard drive than to send the files over the Internet. This isn't a new idea - it's often dubbed "SneakerNet" - and it's even how Google transfers large amounts of data internally.

Randall Munroe

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1280535
#55. Follow the voice of your heart, even if it leads you off the path of timid souls. Do not become hard and embittered, even if life tortures you at times. There is only one thing that counts: to live one's life well and happily ...

Wilhelm Reich

Even If It's Hard Quotes #130260
#56. I'm like a chameleon. I can kind of change and get my game going to whatever the situation is. If I play well, which I don't think I've even reached yet at all in this tournament, it's really hard for anyone to beat me.

Serena Williams

Even If It's Hard Quotes #270306
#57. What's always right?" "Kindness," Pitt answered with certainty. "Keeping your promises. Not giving up just because it gets hard. Owning up to your mistakes, and not blaming other people even if you would get away with it.

Anne Perry

Even If It's Hard Quotes #253203
#58. I had no idea what I was walking into, and the years and years of hard work it would take. I felt like an outsider and like it was never going to happen. But even if I would have known, I think I still would have done it. Dancers are perfectionists, and that's what keeps us going and growing.

Misty Copeland

Even If It's Hard Quotes #244264
#59. It's hard for women who make a lot of money and make decisions all day long, then they have to come home and be 'Stupid Sally.' Men need respect, and they need to know that they can lead in the relationship, so even if they don't make the most money they need to be able to call the shots.

Patti Stanger

Even If It's Hard Quotes #244263
#60. Even if I remember the first time perfectly, I don't remember the beginning at all. I mean: the beginning of addiction. It's hard to say when it becomes a problem; it sneaks up on you like a sun shower.

Elizabeth Wurtzel

Even If It's Hard Quotes #204581
#61. And even if one tried, it would be very hard to give a true account, for there were no thoughts in Ivan's mind but something very vague. He felt that he had lost his bearings.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Even If It's Hard Quotes #200682
#62. If I get even five per cent of my ideas out and documented before I die, I'll be lucky. I'm not in danger of running out of riffs or ideas anytime soon. They overwhelm me and it's hard to find time to deal with them.

Jello Biafra

Even If It's Hard Quotes #190708
#63. Even if you actually have the good intent to do something creative or special with your life, it's hard. I mean, look at the number of people who actually get the opportunity.

Katy Perry

Even If It's Hard Quotes #189374
#64. It's too hard to make a movie if you don't care about what happens to it, or even what the product is. I can't even imagine that. It's not worth the time and effort if you don't care about the product.

Bradley Cooper

Even If It's Hard Quotes #156743
#65. It's hard to force a relationship with a stranger even if they happen to be someone you happen to share blood with.

Angel Olsen

Even If It's Hard Quotes #154839
#66. I guess it's hard for people who are so used to things the way they are - even if they're bad - to change. 'Cause they kind of give up. And when they do, everybody kind of loses.

Catherine Ryan Hyde

Even If It's Hard Quotes #141557
#67. Excuses are leaks in a boat. When you cover one, another pops up, and it's even bigger. It's hard to keep the boat repaired and get safely to shore if you have an excuse mind-set.

James Altucher

Even If It's Hard Quotes #284336
#68. Even the water, grey and listless as it tossed against the harbour wall, seemed fixed in time; as if peering hard enough into its depths would reveal the tips of Peter's fingers, himself still swaying underwater, cradled in the sea's mouth.

Ava Bloomfield

Even If It's Hard Quotes #118891
#69. It's a hard thing to leave any deeply routine life, even if you hate it.

John Steinbeck

Even If It's Hard Quotes #95100
#70. Careers are built on relationships. Even if it's a bad movie, even if I know it's a bad movie, even if it's a team of filmmakers that I know are going to be difficult, that I know are going to really make me work extra hard, it's fundamentally the same process.

Christophe Beck

Even If It's Hard Quotes #94554
#71. I'm a big movie fan. After a show, if I'm on the bus or a plane, it's often hard to get to sleep, so I'll watch a film. An action film can even relax me.

Garth Brooks

Even If It's Hard Quotes #59318
#72. All this hoping for something- or someone- that's maybe hopeless. I'm having a hard time processing what I am supposed to believe, or if I'm even supposed to. There is too much information, and I don't like a lot of it.

David Levithan

Even If It's Hard Quotes #40372
#73. It's not hard to get a girl if I wanted one. But it doesn't mean you want it, and even if you did, you're certainly not going to rub it in anybody's face.

Jon Bon Jovi

Even If It's Hard Quotes #24656
#74. Life is like dancing, sometimes one of you leads, sometimes the other, and if you do it right it's beautiful, even when it's hard.

Laurell K. Hamilton

Even If It's Hard Quotes #23218
#75. When you make a record, your own record, and you don't even recognize it yourself, it's hard to think if anybody else is going to recognize.

Robbie Robertson

Even If It's Hard Quotes #21431
#76. Say to them, say to the down-keepers, the sun-slappers, the self-soilers, the harmony-hushers, "Even if you are not ready for day it cannot always be night." You will be right. For that is the hard home-run. Live not for battles won. Live not for the-end-of-the-song. Live in the along.

Gwendolyn Brooks

Even If It's Hard Quotes #12837
#77. It is a great victory if you learn how to survive in today's hard times; it's an even greater victory if you
help someone else survive and find meaningful work.

Richard N. Bolles

Even If It's Hard Quotes #1551
#78. Credibility lasts about two cycles of bad material, and then you'll probably never get it back. If you let people down, that's really hard to come back from - harder than climbing from nothing to something, even.

Louis C.K.

Even If It's Hard Quotes #547627
#79. Even if the dramatic scenes are really hard, if you're happy with what you have and it's been creative and you had a good time with the people you worked with, that's a good day.

Ayelet Zurer

Even If It's Hard Quotes #718137
#80. It's very hard to impose your beliefs or a specific message about any given movie. I think that audiences always extract what they want from a film even if something isn't overtly political. They may or may not get it, and it's hard to control that.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Even If It's Hard Quotes #717384
#81. There's really nowhere else I can go, and even if there were, it wouldn't make a difference
because I'd just be running from myself, and you can't do that no matter how hard you
try, and trying hard is what got you in this predicament in the first place.

Pete Wentz

Even If It's Hard Quotes #712800
#82. My chest tightened and I gasped, fighting to move on him, to feel him. "Dominate me, do it. Please." Make me forget. That's what he did, he made me forget. Even if only for a little while. During those minutes, I could be free. "Fuck me hard Lucian!" I cried.

Lucian Bane

Even If It's Hard Quotes #667688
#83. Letting go is a hard, hard thing. Some days, it seems impossible. Stubbornness sets in, heels dig firmly into the dirt below us, and fingers refuse to uncurl from something so precious to one's heart even if by a centimeter. Other days, though, it's a fervent wish.

Heather Lyons

Even If It's Hard Quotes #661026
#84. It's hard to say conversation has become a minimal thing, because look at the rise of mobile communications in the last 10 years. It used to be only the president had a mobile phone. Now everyone on earth, even if they have nothing else, they have a cell phone.

Padgett Powell

Even If It's Hard Quotes #653696
#85. Nor did she believe in identity, certainly not the local nationalistic version of it. She said that man was only smart if he was able to shed his identity.

"Skin color is a little hard to shed," she said, "it's true. But the DNA of your social class is even harder to get rid of.

Sayed Kashua

Even If It's Hard Quotes #602885
#86. If love is something you cherish, it is hard to glean much joy from death, even in one's enemies.

Russell Brand

Even If It's Hard Quotes #600057
#87. I'm not a slash-and-burn kind, and I'm also not a posterity kind. They just kind of exist on my hard drive. It's like walking down the street - what you leave behind is still there, even if you never go back and revisit it.

Alice Sebold

Even If It's Hard Quotes #572891
#88. How could an alphabet - letters that didn't even mean anything by themselves - be important?
But it was important. Our stories, our names, our alphabet. Even Uncle's newspaper.
It was all about words.
If words weren't important, they wouldn't try so hard to take them away.

Linda Sue Park

Even If It's Hard Quotes #561397
#89. We can't choose what we want and don't want and that's the hard lonely truth. Sometimes we want what we want even if we know it's going to kill us. We can't escape who we are.

Donna Tartt

Even If It's Hard Quotes #553640
#90. Everything becomes a story and ends up drifting about in the same sphere, and then it's hard to differentiate between what really happened and what is pure invention. Everything becomes a narrative and sounds fictitious even if it's true.

Javier Marias

Even If It's Hard Quotes #720851
#91. You know, Son, sometimes a fellow has to take a licking for doing the right thing. A licking only lasts a short while, even if it's a hard one, but failing to do the right thing will often make a mark on a man that will last forever.

Ralph Moody

Even If It's Hard Quotes #537548
#92. We get used to living one way, even if it's a bad way or a hard one. When that's gone, there's a hole to fill. It's in our nature to try to fill it with anxieties and fears. It can take time to fill it with good things instead.

Cassandra Clare

Even If It's Hard Quotes #520022
#93. I always like to win. But I'm the big sister. I want to make sure she has everything, even if I don't have anything. It's hard. I love her too much. That's what counts.

Venus Williams

Even If It's Hard Quotes #514017
#94. It's hard to leave anywhere. Even if the place sucked. It's hard to leave anywhere at all.

David Duchovny

Even If It's Hard Quotes #509361
#95. Yeah, it's hard, but it's the kind of hard that if you work hard enough at it, you can do it and it feels great, because it was so hard. So we'll continue maybe even over the next couple of years to perform that and to expand our collaborative repertoire.

Will Oldham

Even If It's Hard Quotes #496349
#96. The way America sees Mexico, if they have any sense of it, is like Taco Bell. Our countries are neighbors, and the only hard food to get in America is true Mexican. It's impossible to find, even in L.A. Why is that?

Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

Even If It's Hard Quotes #496219
#97. You have to love what you do. Without passion, great success is hard to come by. An entrepreneur will have tough times if he or she isn't passionate about what they're doing. People who love what they're doing don't give up. It's never even a consideration. It's a pretty simple formula.

Donald Trump

Even If It's Hard Quotes #482354
#98. Music business is hard. It's very difficult. And it's not for everyone. Even if you can sing or even if you can write a song, it takes a lot of determination, it takes some kind of thick skin.

John Legend

Even If It's Hard Quotes #466604
#99. It's so funny castle, you know, at first I loved that he was so busy. It just, it just gave me the opportunity to keep one foot out the door just on case.
But with one foot out the door, it's hard to know where you stand.
And even if I did what does it mean?

Richard Castle

Even If It's Hard Quotes #377533
#100. Even though many of us are working very hard at it, we rarely, if ever, experience the joy and peace that are promised in the Bible. So what's the problem? Perhaps we are still holding the reins of our lives too tightly, afraid to surrender ourselves to God's Spirit.

Ann Spangler

Even If It's Hard Quotes #363949

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