Top 33 Dinna Quotes
#1. [Jamie] shook his head, looking stunned. I canna tell whether ye mean to compliment my virility, Sassenach, or insult my morals, but I dinna care much for either suggestion. Murtagh told me women were unreasonable, but Jesus God!
Diana Gabaldon
#2. Still I dinna expect anything to happen to me. But if it should ... If it does, then I want there to be a place for you; I want someone for you to go to if I am ... not there to care for you. If it canna be me, then I would have it be a man who loves you.
Diana Gabaldon
#3. I dinna trust that Q, that's a letter than has it in for a man. That's a letter with a sting, that one!
Terry Pratchett
#4. A few days, then. At least give me that much. I ... I've nothing suitable to wear."
"I dinna care about the color of your frock, lass. I'm only going to take it off you again."
She blinked. "Oh."
-Maddie & Logan
Tessa Dare
#5. She laid a row of cushions down the center of the bed, carefully dividing it into two sides ...
I dinna know how this strategy escaped Napoleon's notice. If only he'd erect a barricade of feathers and fabric, we Highlanders wouldna have known how to get over it.
Tessa Dare
#6. A friend once told me 'The body has nay conscience.' I dinna ken that that's entirely so-but it is true that the body doesna generally admit the possibility of nonexistence. And if ye exist-well, ye need food, that's all.
Diana Gabaldon
#7. If I die," he whispered in the dark, "dinna follow me. The bairns will need ye. Stay for them. I can wait.
Diana Gabaldon
#8. I've nothing suitable to wear."
"I dinna care about the color of your frock, lass. I'm only going to take off you again."
She blinked. "Oh.
Tessa Dare
#9. I dinna trust him," said Slightly Mad Angus. "He reads books an' such.
Terry Pratchett
#10. Please dinna tell me ye are taking a bath...naked...because I'm getting a hard-on just thinking about watching ye."
"Isna that how one takes a bath? Naked?
Vonnie Davis
#12. I've seen women-and men too, sometimes-as canna bear the sound of their own thoughts, and they maybe dinna make such good matches with those who can.
Diana Gabaldon
#13. Days are precious, dinna lose them. Flo'ers will fade and so will ye... Come to me, ye fair young maidens. While young and fair ye still may be.
#14. If ye wear underwear, it's a skirt. If ye dinna, it's a kilt.
Vonnie Davis
#15. Fighting lets ye both say wha' needs to be said. Just be sure you fight clean, and dinna bring up old hurts or blame one another.
Karen Hawkins
#16. They say it's a wise bairn that kens its father, but I dinna think there's much doubt who yours is, lass. Ye might have had the lang nebbit and red locks from anyone, but ye didna get the stubbornness from any man but Jamie Fraser.
Diana Gabaldon
#17. You dinna need to understand me, Sassenach," he said quietly. "So long as you love me.
Diana Gabaldon
#18. And I mean to hear ye groan like that again. And to moan and sob, even though you dinna wish to, for ye canna help it. I mean to make you sigh as though your heart would break, and scream with the wanting, and at last to cry out in my arms, and I shall know that I've served ye well.
Diana Gabaldon
#19. Love me, Kat.
The words repeated in his brain like a song he was unable to find the end of.
I've loved ye since I dipped your braid in that wax. Dinna fret about making a child. Let me be enough for ye. Ye're enough for me.
Mia Marlowe
#20. I'll get you back for this," Mari whispered to MacRieve. "I don't have to use magick to make you sorry for trying to humiliate me."
"I thought your 'tube of lipstick' might bring you round. And I dinna even have to turn it on."
Her cheeks burned anew. "Are you done?"
"Canna say.
Kresley Cole
#21. Colin: "1 dinna understand why we canna just go to bed and have sex." He looked truly puzzled.
Nina Bangs
#22. For God's sake, be careful, Sassenach!" he muttered. "Dinna go near those things!
Diana Gabaldon
#23. I want to hold you like a kitten in my shirt, and still I want to spread your thighs and plow ye like a rotting bull. I dinna understand myself.
Diana Gabaldon
#24. I dinna normally answer the door."
"Ah," Strath said, offering a charming smile as he whipped off his hat. "You are doing a fine job thus far. Well done, Mrs. Pitcairn."
She eyed Strath the way a cat might eye a snake. "It dinna take much in the way o'talent.
Karen Hawkins
#25. I will keep my bulk. All of it, if ye dinna mind. I will have need of it, thank ye. Derrick to Samantha.
Billi Jean
#26. Do you really think we'll ever
"I do," he said with certainty, not letting me finish. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "I know it, Sassenach, and so do you. You were meant to be a mother, and I surely dinna intend to let anyone else father your children.
Diana Gabaldon
#27. I'll tell ye, Sassenach; if ever I feel the need to change my manner of employment, I dinna think I'll take up attacking women - it's a bloody hard way to make a living.
Diana Gabaldon
#28. He dinna act like an Alpha."
"He does in some areas.
Gail Carriger
#29. I dinna think tis romantic when a man says he's willin' t' give his life fer the woman he loves. Give me instead a man who'd fight to keep us both alive and kickin'! There's naught rommantic about a dead man, beau or no.
Karen Hawkins
#30. I dinna mean to interruupt ye, Sassenach" he whispered in my air. "But would ye like a bit of help we that?
Diana Gabaldon
#31. Dinna fash yourself, Sassenach. Ye canna say more than ye know, but tell me it all, just once more.
Diana Gabaldon
#32. Lookin' at ye is like baskin' in the summer sun after a long, cold winter. 'Tis like seein' home after a battle that's left ye empty and alone." He kissed her mouth, her nose, her eyes. "I dinna' know how 'tis possible, but each time I see ye, ye grow more beautiful to me.
Paula Quinn
#33. Ah?" he said, vaguely. "No, I dinna think so. Still," he said with a smile, pulling his attention suddenly back to her, "I wouldna be likely to. A young burke of sixteen's too taken up wi' his own grand self to pay much heed to what he thinks are naught but a rabble of snot-nosed bairns.
Diana Gabaldon
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