Top 21 Delegate Work Quotes

#1. Delegate - work smarter not harder; do what you do best and drop the rest; get control of your calendar; do what you love because it will give you energy; work with people you like so your energy isn't depleted.

John C. Maxwell

Delegate Work Quotes #1869012
#2. When you delegate work to the member of the team, your job is to clearly frame success and describe the objectives.

Steven Sinofsky

Delegate Work Quotes #377302
#3. I'm a man, and I think every man wants to be No. 1.

Masayoshi Son

Delegate Work Quotes #1821887
#4. You are not going to do most of the work. You shouldn't be doing most of the work ... and the way you get out of doing most of the work, is you delegate.

Keith Rabois

Delegate Work Quotes #1786648
#5. When you worshipped someone, you placed a burden on them. You expected them to live up to your ideals, expected them to be worthy of your worship. And who could do that? Not

Michelle Sagara

Delegate Work Quotes #1669505
#6. Certain things you learn through exposure. It's really the elements which make up any artist. You really learn by example. You learn by influence. And some people have a huge impact on you, and that's how you become the artist you are.

Greg Lake

Delegate Work Quotes #1631060
#7. It is as if the ordinary language we use every day has a hidden set of signals, a kind of secret code.

William Stafford

Delegate Work Quotes #1525508
#8. Jobless workers, especially those out of work for months and years, don't have the skills to multitask in a fast-paced economy where medical workers need to know electronic record-keeping, machinists need computer skills, and marketing managers can no longer delegate software duties.

Nina Easton

Delegate Work Quotes #1430654
#9. Delete, delegate, de-spec, and defer.

Shu Hattori

Delegate Work Quotes #1299562
#10. Art is hard for a puritan to understand.

Gunter Grass

Delegate Work Quotes #1267625
#11. We need to make nutrition the central element of our health-care system. Furthermore,

T. Colin Campbell

Delegate Work Quotes #1266280
#12. I'm going from doing all of the work to having to delegate the work - which is almost harder for me than doing the work myself. I'm a lousy delegator, but I'm learning.

Alton Brown

Delegate Work Quotes #1148109
#13. Clearly she wasn't just on the Whack-a-doo Express; she was driving the fucker.

Bethany K. Lovell

Delegate Work Quotes #917481
#14. You walk into the class in second grade. You can't read. What are you going to do if you're going to make it? You identify the smart kid. You make friends with him. You sit next to him. You grow a team around you. You delegate your work to others. You learn how to talk your way out of a tight spot.

Malcolm Gladwell

Delegate Work Quotes #800881
#15. Fifty-fifty marriages are an impossibility. They do not work. They cannot work.
In marriage someone has to be the final decision maker.
Someone has to delegate responsibility, and God has ordained that this should be the husband.

Wayne Mack

Delegate Work Quotes #723493
#16. Jesus. I do not wanna be called a vampire n-word.

Andrea Portes

Delegate Work Quotes #617942
#17. I refuse to allow people to stop me from living and enjoying my life.

Ruby Gettinger

Delegate Work Quotes #534287
#18. I automate some tasks and delegate many others. Doing research, job organization, data processing, field surveys, and plan preparation can be tedious, detailed work.

Mark Mason

Delegate Work Quotes #472978
#19. You cannot commit the folly of underestimating the power of a mother.

Girdhar Joshi

Delegate Work Quotes #182044
#20. Oh my, the look he gives me could be solely responsible for global warming.

E.L. James

Delegate Work Quotes #158664
#21. Forgive others, forgive yourself, forgive yourself for not being perfect, and accept responsibility for your own life.

Leo Buscaglia

Delegate Work Quotes #107708

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