Top 70 Deep Girl Quotes

#1. If you're going to bury the past, bury it deep, girl. Shallow Graves always give up their dead.

Jennifer Donnelly

Deep Girl Quotes #443186
#2. It is very, very difficult for a playwright to write a scene in which a young man has his first deep experience of sex with a girl whom he found immensely attractive, is fully satisfied by this event and gets up and blinds a lot of horses.

Peter Shaffer

Deep Girl Quotes #1390778
#3. I have been thinking about the girl I met last night in the mirror: dark on the marble-ivory white: glossy black hair: deep suspiring eyes in which one's glances sink because they are nervous, curious, turned to sexual curiosity.

Lawrence Durrell

Deep Girl Quotes #1399014
#4. Perhaps, deep down inside that rugged shell of yours, there is a little girl desperately waiting for her Prince Charming to propose."

"Of course there is. Only until now, I'd been pretty successful at keeping that little brat's mouth shut.

Sylvain Neuvel

Deep Girl Quotes #1385350
#5. And the girl pulled whatever she could find deep inside her soul, from all the pain, and the hurt, and the fear.

Neil Gaiman

Deep Girl Quotes #1334189
#6. Laila sees something behind this young girl's eyes, something deep in her core, that neither Rasheed nor the Taliban will be able to break. something as hard and unyielding as a block of limestone. Something that, in the end, will be her undoing and Laila's salvation.

Khaled Hosseini

Deep Girl Quotes #1283177
#7. For once I've met a girl whose beauty on the inside is so powerful and deep, the surface beauty is almost secondary

Julie Lessman

Deep Girl Quotes #1171114
#8. Never say never," he said urgently, rolling back on top of her and using all of his unusually heavy mass to press her deep into the cocoon of her little girl bed. "The gods love to toy with people who use absolutes.

Josephine Angelini

Deep Girl Quotes #1153063
#9. Pretend all you want, pretty girl. You and I know that deep down you're secretly glad to be pressed up to my body.

Jessica Sorensen

Deep Girl Quotes #1131320
#10. I am nothing except this: a girl reborn of the deep ocean silence, meant for nothing but vengeance.

Carrie Ryan

Deep Girl Quotes #1091846
#11. Celebrity poverty, that's the hidden scandal in Blair's Britain. You can't help but worry for them. A girl I knew developed X-ray eyes for celebrity sorrows. She taught me to read the subtext of the down-market celebrity interview, she knew all the Hollywood codes, and followed the deep backgrounds.

Peter York

Deep Girl Quotes #1088664
#12. I want to have a good vacation before I have to go back home and start my 'big girl job'," Lori said, nose deep into the visitor's guide, but still making the air quotations around her words.

Lindsay Chamberlin

Deep Girl Quotes #1087341
#13. Dig deep enough into anyone and you'll find a scared little boy or scared little girl trying to get out. It's just a question of how deep you have to scratch to find them - that and the question of what it really is that scares the child. "Shit.

Mark Lawrence

Deep Girl Quotes #1073151
#14. Etta saw the way Sophia took a deep breathe, set her shoulders back, and moved with practiced grace on her way out - and she understood something about the other girl, truly understood for the first time. Sophia wanted it, when she was only ever sent out.

Alexandra Bracken

Deep Girl Quotes #1065141
#15. As Creb looked at the peaceful, trusting face of the strange girl in his lap, he felt a deep love flowering in his soul for her. He couldn't have loved her more if she were his own.

Jean M. Auel

Deep Girl Quotes #1058813
#16. When I was a girl I creeped in the boys locker room
Hide deep inside, it was my little creep stalker room
As they disrobed I was oogling & oggling
Little did they know that for me they were modeling

Nicki Minaj

Deep Girl Quotes #1034095
#17. What are you holding out for? A girl who loves you for you?" I fired back, wiping the shock from my face.
"God, no. Nothing as far-fetched as that." His head shook. "I'm waiting for a girl who wants me for my body. You know, something deep and genuine like that.

Nicole Williams

Deep Girl Quotes #1033224
#18. I'm so loud, as if I know what I'm on about,
but deep inside, I'm so insecure.
Just a little girl.

Katie Price

Deep Girl Quotes #908596
#19. Listen here, Mr. Shiftlet," she said, sliding forward in her chair, "you'd be getting a permanent house and a deep well and the most innocent girl in the world. You don't need no money. Lemme tell you something: there ain't any place in the world for a poor disabled friendless drifting man.

Flannery O'Connor

Deep Girl Quotes #1601902
#20. Deep down, I'm a Texas girl looking for that big romance every girl dreams about. Biologically, I look forward to being a cornerstone of a family. I'll be in my glory when I have a child on my knee.

Renee Zellweger

Deep Girl Quotes #1875679
#21. I don't need to be famous. I'm not that ambitious. At this point, if I'm not sucked in, I'm never going to get sucked in. Being the so-called hot girl, I disconnect from that. It's not that deep.

Jessica Alba

Deep Girl Quotes #1870574
#22. He hated having to look for a new girl, a new spy to add to his band of fallen women. Yes, it was an opportunity to spare her before her ruin could be known, but a deep part of him hurt for the women in his employ and what they'd all endured.

Madeline Martin

Deep Girl Quotes #1868719
#23. year-old girl. It was more than a habit, for a habit could be broken. This was a deep disposition, the outline experience had stencilled on character. It was not

Ian McEwan

Deep Girl Quotes #1813954
#24. I was the kind of girl who had no latent skank huddling deep inside,

Kristen Ashley

Deep Girl Quotes #1763368
#25. His dick was hard as a rock and his heart was as soft as pudding for this girl.
She was taking deep, unhurried breaths when he quietly did as she'd told him. I love you, Dove Glitch.

Debra Anastasia

Deep Girl Quotes #1752721
#26. The makers, the beautiful, the ones cast out because their light was too brilliant for the world beyond. The ones who wish true and deep with their whole hearts for more than they have. They come here, and we love them.

Sarah Zettel

Deep Girl Quotes #1716900
#27. I didn't have to dig deep to love you, Jersey girl. Digging takes work. Falling in love with you was the simplest thing I've ever done.

E.L. Montes

Deep Girl Quotes #1620887
#28. It's only natural for the girl you're crushing on to be in love with someone else. Since you're in love with her, she sparkles in your eyes. That's why people fall so irrationally in love.


Deep Girl Quotes #892539
#29. She tried to remind herself that beauty was only skin deep, but that didn't offer any helpful excuses when she was berating herself for never knowing what to say to people. There was nothing more depressing than an ugly girl with no personality.

Julia Quinn

Deep Girl Quotes #1576247
#30. Hey, bad girl," came the deep, sexy voice of The Griffin himself. "Can't believe the Pope let
you out of the Vatican.

Tiffany Reisz

Deep Girl Quotes #1570895
#31. Please make a list of every possession you consider essential to your life.

I take a deep breath and pick up my pen.

J.P. Delaney

Deep Girl Quotes #1543951
#32. He missed two people: a) the girl she was; b) the person she'd made him feel he might have been. A deep sigh escaped him.

Ken Bruen

Deep Girl Quotes #1531319
#33. I would have seen him. I know this deep in my gut where muscle meets bone and wraps tight. I wouldn't have been able to not look at him. And if I'd ever heard his voice, if he ever sang? I don't know if I could have stayed away. Good girl or not.

Sophie Jordan

Deep Girl Quotes #1511110
#34. She took a deep breath, "Last chance. Are you in need of rescuing?"
His expression turned very strange, almost as if she'd struck him, "Yes," he said finally.

Holly Black

Deep Girl Quotes #1471733
#35. For a long time, no village girl would dress her hair or bosom with the sweetest flower from that field of death: and after many a year had come and gone, the berries growing there, were still believed to leave too deep a stain upon the hand that plucked them.

Charles Dickens

Deep Girl Quotes #1468862
#36. Pram wasn't told the story of her birth. But even as a very small girl, she felt deep in her chest that she was alive and dead at the same time.

Lauren DeStefano

Deep Girl Quotes #1412707
#37. I always joke deep down I'm really a teenage girl on the inside.

John Searles

Deep Girl Quotes #307962
#38. I'm not this girl," she whispered against his lips. He had to know, this wasn't her. She didn't kiss strange men. She didn't feel this deep hunger inside.
"I know you're not," he said. "But I am this man.

Debbie Viguie

Deep Girl Quotes #418108
#39. But I know he loves me. I know he needs our games, that they answer some deep-seated hunger in him.

J.P. Delaney

Deep Girl Quotes #391694
#40. It was then that I realized.
There are a thousand ways to break a girl...but it only takes one to kill her.

-Alyssa 'Blame It on the Pain

Ashley Jade

Deep Girl Quotes #379048
#41. I gaped at the cold shock of his beauty, deep-green eyes, features fine as a girl's. It struck from me a sudden, springing dislike. I had not changed so much, nor so well.

Madeline Miller

Deep Girl Quotes #349369
#42. She turned to Roy with her gayest expression. He smiled back at her with what Phil called "his deep, black, velvety smile." Yet, she really did not see Roy at all. She was acutely conscious that Gilbert was standing under the palms just across the room talking to a girl who must be Christine Stuart

L.M. Montgomery

Deep Girl Quotes #343304
#43. The little girl just could not sleep
Because her thoughts were way too deep
Her mind had gone out for a stroll
And fallen down a rabbit hole.


Deep Girl Quotes #341681
#44. Grief she could not feel, for there had been too much bitterness between her mother and herself to leave in her heart any deep feeling of affection; and looking back on the girl she had been she knew that it was her mother who had made her what she was.

W. Somerset Maugham

Deep Girl Quotes #327656
#45. I was actually born in deep rural Jamaica and came to Kingston as a high school girl.

Portia Simpson-Miller

Deep Girl Quotes #321586
#46. Am I the girl/ Whose giggle crinkles her big eyes/ Or the woman whose small eyes/ Crinkle her vision?

Mansi Tejpal

Deep Girl Quotes #445216
#47. With my tongue buried deep in her sweet cunt, I mumble, Yes, you're definitely the girl for the job.

Ella Dominguez

Deep Girl Quotes #301953
#48. But good girls dont do that, dont make a fuss, dont upset parents. and i was a good girl so i curled up on the floor and sobbed silently instead

Laura Jarratt

Deep Girl Quotes #265907
#49. Alec. She is a good girl!" Clients? What the hell did that mean? Alec grinned at Aideen before he flicked his eyes to me. "Oh, I'm bettin' there is a bad girl deep inside her somewhere. I'll just have to use my fingers, mouth, and cock to bring her out to play.

L.A. Casey

Deep Girl Quotes #248025
#50. Good girl," he tells me in a sultry deep voice. Hearing him say, "Good girl" makes me feel satisfied, like I've just made him happy. It gives me an odd sense of comfort. Truly, I'm not sure why I care to make him happy.

B.S.M. Stoneking

Deep Girl Quotes #165170
#51. He keeps his arms away from me, but eventually, holding him, I feel him tuck his chin over my head. Then he whispers, "You're the sweetest girl, the best girl, I ever kissed, Carrie West," and rubs his face into my hair like a child, breathing deep.

Mary Ann Rivers

Deep Girl Quotes #73476
#52. It's not easy to look the way I do: in popular culture, one only sees a face like mine on the Phaontom of the Opera, on Freddie Krueger from Elm Street, or on Leatherface from deep in the heart of Texas. Sure, a burn victim may "get the girl" - but usually only with a pickax.

Andrew Davidson

Deep Girl Quotes #73087
#53. She was a Jew feeder without a question in the world on that man's first night in Molching. She was an arm reacher, deep into a mattress, to deliver a sketchbook to a teenage girl. (84.25)

Markus Zusak

Deep Girl Quotes #30641
#54. Joy to the world
All the boys and girls now
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me

Hoyt Axton

Deep Girl Quotes #676905
#55. She takes a deep breath through her nose and I see it. I see the white-trash girl she was ten years ago. She was strong. She didn't take no shit from nobody. Miss

Kathryn Stockett

Deep Girl Quotes #864336
#56. Was that the girl who went to Manhattan with you?" Asked Marcus. "I think we owe her a cookie" "I think we owe her a whole damn bakery" said Xochi. "If I wasn't hip deep on the mud, I would kiss her on the mouth

Dan Wells

Deep Girl Quotes #849832
#57. You're a good girl and always have been, but deep down, you think there's more to life than always following the rules, and there's a part of you that craves the unknown.

Nicholas Sparks

Deep Girl Quotes #814259
#58. She was truly a beautiful girl. I could feel a small polished stone sinking through the darkest waters of my heart. All those deep convoluted channels and passageways, and yet she managed to toss her pebble right down to the bottom of it all.

Haruki Murakami

Deep Girl Quotes #772483
#59. Kelly took a deep breath. "And I'm sorry I ignored you last week." She scratched her neck. "And you know what? If you think you're a girl..."

George braced for Kelly's next words.

"Then I think you're a girl too!

Alex Gino

Deep Girl Quotes #767143
#60. She had a destiny, and it was wonderful, every girl's dream. Like Sleeping Beauty, awoken from a deep sleep by a charming vampire, Lena would have her very own fairy tale.

Amber Belldene

Deep Girl Quotes #755748
#61. She was a natural in being careless, haggard, even dirty. that made her look adventurous, flirtatious and even promiscuous. though deep inside her pure virginity was intact and unknowingly she ended glowing under tender virginity that she possessed.

Apurva Sharma

Deep Girl Quotes #696096
#62. She felt like one of the luckless peasant girls in some Russian hagiography, left to fend for her family in deep Siberian snows.
Ever a logical girl, she didn't like where the hints all around were leading her.

Liz Braswell

Deep Girl Quotes #681342
#63. Perhaps everything was just as it appeared. Though the girl seemed to be up to something suspicious, it didn't seem to involve any deep feelings for Mr. Pinter.
Now if only she could be as sure about Mr. Pinter's feelings for Celia ...

Sabrina Jeffries

Deep Girl Quotes #868317
#64. When a child is loved as a child, it does not matter if they are boy or girl, abled-body or disabled, elven or human, true parental love is not skin deep but it penetrates deep down right into the soul.

Maxwell Grantly

Deep Girl Quotes #670641
#65. A moment later the boy whispered, "I don't think you're ugly."
"Shhhh!" the girl hissed. But hidden by the deep shadows of the cupboard, she smiled

Leigh Bardugo

Deep Girl Quotes #660940
#66. She's not the kind of girl you can easily forget," Alex said, before sitting upright again and taking a deep breath. "She's unforgettable.

Charlie Maclean

Deep Girl Quotes #614830
#67. Will I be some kid's dad one day? Are any future people lurking deep inside mine? ... Which girl's carrying the other half of my kid, deep in those intricate loops? What's she doing right now? What's her name?

David Mitchell

Deep Girl Quotes #586445
#68. I love that girl, Bertie," he went on, when he'd finished coughing.
"Yes. Nice girl, of course."
He eyed me with deep loathing.
"Don't speak of her in that horrible casual way. She's an angel. An angel!

P.G. Wodehouse

Deep Girl Quotes #566036
#69. I've never said this to a girl before."
I bit my lip, waiting.
"Well ... " He looked down. "I'm not sure how to say this." He took a deep breath and announced, "I really like fighting evil with you.

Joan Bauer

Deep Girl Quotes #530269
#70. Her voice was unusually deep toned for a girl, he thought. Girls were always screaming what they had to say. Her throaty voice made you feel you had known her a long time.

Lloyd C. Douglas

Deep Girl Quotes #526023

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