Top 43 Dead Husband Quotes

#1. To say the least, it was inconsiderate of Diana's almost-dead husband to show up at her engagement party.

Robin Lee Hatcher

Dead Husband Quotes #338638
#2. Not that I've noticed." She looked down at my gun. "What a nice Glock. My sister carries a Glock, and she just loves it. I was thinking about trading in my .45, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. My dead husband gave it to me for our first anniversary. Rest his soul.

Janet Evanovich

Dead Husband Quotes #12224
#3. My Morris, bless his heavy-hung manhood, was a muscular man too."
Bloody hell, is she talking about her dead husband's manly parts? His tadger?

Vonnie Davis

Dead Husband Quotes #1443555
#4. On the second Thursday of the month, Mrs. Dombrowski brings her dead husband to our therapy group.

Jodi Picoult

Dead Husband Quotes #1268200
#5. There was nothing like having a dead husband return from the grave to ruin a fine spring morning.

Amanda Quick

Dead Husband Quotes #974135
#6. Linda Hertney: It's like a final goodbye from Todd. (Linda = nut. Once claimed crow on ledge was reincarnation of her dead husband. Said she could telly by way crow's head was cocked disapprovingly at large lunch she was eating.)

George Saunders

Dead Husband Quotes #670464
#7. Oh, it wasn't fair that she should have a dead husband and a baby yelling in the next room and be out of everything that was pleasant.

Margaret Mitchell

Dead Husband Quotes #576978
#8. Husband-hunting. Always a rousing sport. I suppose you go there dressed to kill."
"No, indeed. What good is a dead husband?" She smiled airily. "I go dressed to maim only.

Sabrina Jeffries

Dead Husband Quotes #430087
#9. She used religion as a therapy for the ills of the world and herself, and she changed the religion to fit the ill. When she found that the theosophy she had developed for communication with a dead husband was not necessary, she cast about for some new unhappiness.

John Steinbeck

Dead Husband Quotes #365277
#10. How exactly does one break the news to her husband that she's standing in a closet with the dead body of one of their dinner guests?

Thea Harrison

Dead Husband Quotes #705851
#11. Still, I am angry with him. I am very angry with him. With my poor dead defenseless husband, I am furious as I was rarely - perhaps never - furious with him, in life. How can I forgive you, you've ruined both our lives.

Joyce Carol Oates

Dead Husband Quotes #1754212
#12. Life Insurance trusts I consider sacred. To hazard the property of the dead & to lose the scanty earnings of fathers & husbands, who have toiled & saved that they may leave something to their families deprived of their care & the support of their labour, is to my mind the worst of crimes.

Robert E.Lee

Dead Husband Quotes #751738
#13. I only know this, that she thanks God for all her tribulations, and, above all, because her husband is dead.

Leo Tolstoy

Dead Husband Quotes #801522
#14. You'll move if I say so," Hap said. "For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church." "Only so long as he alive," I said. "For if the husband be dead the wife is loosed from his law. Says so in Romans.

Hillary Jordan

Dead Husband Quotes #826137
#15. Doesn't surprise me," Nana snorted. "I wouldn't put anything past your late husband."
"He's not dead, Nana."
Nana sighed. "Hope springs eternal.

Nicholas Sparks

Dead Husband Quotes #827883
#16. There is, you will concede, a limit to the niceties a man is obliged to fulfill when his wife is dead and not yet cold.

Allan Dare Pearce

Dead Husband Quotes #873678
#17. You make a very handsome dead eel, my husband,"
"For a boiled mollusk, you wear black quite well, my wife,

Grace Draven

Dead Husband Quotes #1291312
#18. My mother's dead, and I have to live with her charming husband, and nobody in New York speaks French, and there aren't any chairs in your son's room.

J.D. Salinger

Dead Husband Quotes #1335442
#19. Unbeknown to us, some of the people who we hope are missing us wherever they are do miss us; some miss someone else; and some are dead.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Dead Husband Quotes #1497989
#20. dear god, I am only twenty seven, my cause is defeated, my husband is dead. am I to be one of the poor widows who will spend the rest of their days at someone else's fireside trying to be a good guest? shall I never be kissed again? shall I never feel joy? not ever again?

Philippa Gregory

Dead Husband Quotes #1512108
#21. Jesus honey, your husband ain't dead, he's in hiding. He growled, watching her visibly flinch. - Jase Devlin

Nina D'Angelo

Dead Husband Quotes #1570802
#22. But he's a vampire." - Heather
Fidelia shrugged. "Nobody's perfect. My second husband - he had six toes on one foot."
"This is a little more serious than that. Jean-Luc is literally dead half the time."
Fidelia nodded. "For most men, that would be an improvement.

Kerrelyn Sparks

Dead Husband Quotes #1576765
#23. I really got into 'The Walking Dead.' That was genius. And I have to say, my husband is on 'Shameless,' and I think it's a brilliant show.

Sarah Shahi

Dead Husband Quotes #1583190
#24. Afterward I told his widow, "Your husband is dead, but at least he died laughing.' I think she took some comfort in that. It is the second-best way to die, Will Henry." He did not say what the best way was.

Rick Yancey

Dead Husband Quotes #1599865
#25. I would rather spend one night with Dracula dead than with my husband alive.

Frank Langella

Dead Husband Quotes #1640206
#26. All the great words, it seemed to Connie were cancelled, for her generation: love, joy, happiness, home, mother, father, husband, all these great, dynamic words were half dead now and dying from day to day.

D.H. Lawrence

Dead Husband Quotes #1641176
#27. Firefly: Where is your husband? Mrs. Teasdale: Why, he's dead. Firefly: I'll bet he's just using that as an excuse. Mrs. Teasdale: I was with him to the very end. Firefly: Hmmph. No wonder he passed away. Mrs. Teasdale: I held him in my arms and kissed him. Firefly: Oh I see. Then, it was murder.

Groucho Marx

Dead Husband Quotes #471090
#28. Who had he been? A failed father, a runaway husband. A son. A packet of unopened letters. He was dead; he was dead.

Anthony Doerr

Dead Husband Quotes #39497
#29. Zack shook his head. "I am glad you aren't mine. You're going to be dead before you're forty."
"No," rumbled my husband's soft deep voice from the hallway. "I'm going to be dead before she's forty.

Patricia Briggs

Dead Husband Quotes #167747
#30. In some instances, it may unfortunately be necessary for a Wife to seek outside employment, such as when the husband is dismembered or is dead.

Margaret Dilloway

Dead Husband Quotes #172215
#31. Not a giggle, Hodges thought, but a titter. Given that her husband was dead, he supposed you could even call it a widder-titter.

Stephen King

Dead Husband Quotes #185883
#32. ROM7.3 So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.


Dead Husband Quotes #270292
#33. At sunset, on the river ban, Krishna
Loved her for the last time and left ...
That night in her husband's arms, Radha felt
So dead that he asked, What is wrong,
Do you mind my kisses, love? And she said,
Not not at all, but thought, What is
It to the corpse if the maggots nip?

Kamala Suraiyya Das

Dead Husband Quotes #291840
#34. It wasn't like a date, she reasoned. Not like some weird double date with her and the brother of the dead guy and her best friend and her best friend's ex-husband who didn't really count. It was just eating.

Nora Roberts

Dead Husband Quotes #367194
#35. She wanted to be herself again, to recover all that she had been obliged to give up in half a century of servitude that had doubtless made her happy but which, once her husband was dead, did not leave her even the vestiges of her identity.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Dead Husband Quotes #448673
#36. Your husband is dead because you killed him," the professor said, stunning me into silence. "You are not what Simon Shaw thought you were," he added softly. My eyes brimmed with tears. "And what was that?" "A cure." "So, what am I?" His gaze dropped. "A disease.

Michelle Hodkin

Dead Husband Quotes #694296
#37. We do not explain my husband's insane abuse
and we do not say why your wild-haired wife has fled
or that my father opened like a walnut and then was dead.
Your palms fold over me like knees. Love is the only use.

Anne Sexton

Dead Husband Quotes #532156
#38. She was mourning all her life - not for her husband, who had released her with his death, but for her own dead heart.

Judith Ortiz Cofer

Dead Husband Quotes #543506
#39. Why not have your first baby at sixty, when your husband is already dead and your career is over? Then you can really devote yourself to it.

Fran Lebowitz

Dead Husband Quotes #546430
#40. Sliced off like a chicken neck and stuck with a hatpin. Reminded me of my husband." Lula leaned forward so she could whisper. "You talking about size? Was your man's part that big?" "Heck no," Grandma said. "His part was that dead.

Janet Evanovich

Dead Husband Quotes #633060
#41. Lighter things will happen to you, birds will steal your husband's sandwich on the beach, and your child will still be dead, and your husband's shock will still be funny.

Elizabeth McCracken

Dead Husband Quotes #637003
#42. To say that I met Nicholas Brisbane over my husband's dead body is not entirely accurate. Edward, it should be noted, was still twitching upon the floor.

Deanna Raybourn

Dead Husband Quotes #657525
#43. All of a sudden their husband's dead and maybe a child is dead and they have absolutely nothing - and they're heading through the desert at night.

Nicholas D. Kristof

Dead Husband Quotes #672195

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