Top 64 Control My Fate Quotes

#1. You can't control my feelings, Hancock. You control my fate, yes. My ultimate destiny. My life even. But you can't control me.

Maya Banks

Control My Fate Quotes #1456672
#2. I'm an action player. I like to be aggressive. I don't like to be on the run. I like to feel like I have the fates in my hands and that through my skill or lack thereof I control my fate.

Eugene Jarvis

Control My Fate Quotes #1518222
#3. Looking deeper, I see not subjugation, but a tool of power to control my fate in the world of man that symbolizes my ownership over both my nature spirit and wolf-self.

Jazz Feylynn

Control My Fate Quotes #459714
#4. Strange how reluctant I was to acknowledge that control of my fate lay beyond my own conscious will. Habit of a lifetime, I suppose.

Patrick McGrath

Control My Fate Quotes #968861
#5. An adventure is a situation where the outcome is not entirely within your control. It is up to fate, in other words

Sebastian Junger

Control My Fate Quotes #670188
#6. Man does not control his own fate. The women in his life do that for him.

Groucho Marx

Control My Fate Quotes #933876
#7. Maybe it frightened them, to admit that a woman could be master of her fate.

Nenia Campbell

Control My Fate Quotes #933828
#8. The minute grains of sand slipped silently down the curved hourglass, no matter how many times the people of Earth willed them not to. Time, fate and the actions of others were out of their control.

S.R. Crawford

Control My Fate Quotes #919190
#9. It was a far more terrifying idea to imagine how much control he really had over how his life turned out. Easier to believe that he was a gallant ship tossed by fate than to captain it himself.
He would steer it now, and if there were rocks near shore, so be it.

Maggie Stiefvater

Control My Fate Quotes #868816
#10. You have the ability to choose your thoughts,
to control your emotions,
and to determine your actions.
Thus you decide your fate.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Control My Fate Quotes #862032
#11. What we assert, very often can become our reality. To some degree, everybody can try to shape and control their fate. Everybody picks an identity.

David O. Russell

Control My Fate Quotes #799728
#12. That was a sin: to consider yourself victimized or not able to control your destiny or your fate - that was the one cardinal sin in our community.

Condoleezza Rice

Control My Fate Quotes #783351
#13. I think fate is massive, and it's never really had its place among forces we respect as having control over us.

Steven Conrad

Control My Fate Quotes #748332
#14. He is trapped underground, suddenly and unexpectedly close to death, but still in control of his fate. "At that moment I put death in my head and decided I would live with it," he says later.

Hector Tobar

Control My Fate Quotes #719425
#15. I view the prostitute as one of the few women who is totally in control of her fate, totally in control of the realm of sex. The lesbian feminists tried to take control of female sexuality away from men - but the prostitute was doing that all along.

Camille Paglia

Control My Fate Quotes #714617
#16. In the changing weather of life, rather than drift with the currents or be cast about in storms, be the wind at your own back.

Gina Greenlee

Control My Fate Quotes #703598
#17. From this vantage point he came to a realization that everything that had happened to him before this had been a journey upward through time, everything that occurred after it a descent. If he could not control his fate, why be born?

Irving Stone

Control My Fate Quotes #670601
#18. Some say that to believe in destiny is to dismiss the role of free will. That self-determination cannot prevail in the presence of fate. When the truth is, the only part of destiny we can control is the fate we choose for another.

Emily Thorne

Control My Fate Quotes #1876293
#19. Out on the street I start to run; I need to breathe in this life, the trees, the warmth of my town. I will be able to control my own fate and I will know how to be happy. Happiness is something you lay siege to, it is a battle ...

Shan Sa

Control My Fate Quotes #972816
#20. I'm not about to cede control to Fate, waiting around for Mr. Right to show up on my doorstep.

Julie James

Control My Fate Quotes #1009259
#21. But it is Tolstoy's understanding of life that the fate of each man and woman is determined by forces beyond their control; these forces include the dictatorship of social demands.

Leo Tolstoy

Control My Fate Quotes #1014941
#22. Prohibit omens altogether. You can best predict your future by controlling it yourself, not by trusting luck or fate to control it.

Sun Tzu

Control My Fate Quotes #1020349
#23. I say if it's going to be done, let's do it. Let's not put it in the hands of fate. Let's not put it in the hands of someone who doesn't know me. I know me best. Then take a breath and go ahead.

Anita Baker

Control My Fate Quotes #1041108
#24. The world doesn't change because the sun sets and rises. We can either adapt to survive our circumstance or we can change it. And I know we can't control fate, but I'm sure not going to spend whatever time I have left sitting around and waiting for my life to get better.

Caroline George

Control My Fate Quotes #1087749
#25. Luck tells us that we don't control our own fate, and that our path to success or failure is written by someone, or something, entirely outside ourselves.

Sophia Amoruso

Control My Fate Quotes #1091506
#26. What we can't control, we call fate.

Marty Rubin

Control My Fate Quotes #1126139
#27. Question: Why are we Masters of our Fate, the captains of our souls? Because we have the power to control our thoughts, our attitudes. That is why many people live in the withering negative world. That is why many people live in the Positive Faith world.

Alfred A. Montapert

Control My Fate Quotes #1141151
#28. A child is never the author of his own history.

Sebastian Barry

Control My Fate Quotes #1157068
#29. What's the world's greatest lie? ... It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate.

Paulo Coelho

Control My Fate Quotes #1201998
#30. Who can control his fate?

William Shakespeare

Control My Fate Quotes #1260155
#31. Nothing is as tedious as the limping days,
When snowdrifts yearly cover all the ways,
And ennui, sour fruit of incurious gloom,
Assumes control of fate's immortal loom

Charles Baudelaire

Control My Fate Quotes #1285825
#32. I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left, but fate is a one-way street. I believe we all have the choice as to whether we fulfil our destiny, but our fate is sealed.

Paulo Coelho

Control My Fate Quotes #1800785
#33. I AM ALL ABOUT SELF-DETERMINATION. Will. Control. I determine my path in life. I decide my failures and successes. Screw fate. Destiny can kiss my ass. If I want something badly enough, I can have it. If I focus, sacrifice, there is nothing I can't do.

Emma Chase

Control My Fate Quotes #1823242
#34. I discovered that maybe it was fate all along, that faith was just an illusion that somehow you're in control.

Amy Tan

Control My Fate Quotes #353376
#35. I've never been a believer in fate. I like to think I'm in control, that my life hasn't been plotted out ahead of time. Sometimes all it takes is one wild thought, one brave decision to change everything. This must be one of those times.

Kyle Richardson

Control My Fate Quotes #12540
#36. At some point of our life, we will lose control of everything surrounds us and we will be controlled by the fate. That is the world's biggest lie.

Paulo Coelho

Control My Fate Quotes #32192
#37. Who can control his fate? asks the ruined Othello. No one, indeed. But everyone controls his option, chooses his alternative.

Joseph Furphy

Control My Fate Quotes #71083
#38. I have complete artistic control, and I just do my best album every time and trust it to fate.

Susannah McCorkle

Control My Fate Quotes #105456
#39. The minute you start to strategize too much, the more you start to think you're in control of your own fate. And you're not, really.

James McAvoy

Control My Fate Quotes #134103
#40. I wasn't asking anything about God," Jonah complained.
"Yeah, you kind of were," JB said. "If there is fate, who else would control it?

Margaret Peterson Haddix

Control My Fate Quotes #151282
#41. I've had a blessed life. I've pulled back from trying to control my destiny and gone back to accepting whatever fate has in store for me. I live for today because I don't know what'll happen tomorrow.

Cilla Black

Control My Fate Quotes #154496
#42. You can believe in Fung Shui if you want, but ultimately people control their own fate. The most important thing is to improve yourself and give it your best. Then many things previously thought to be impossible will become possible.

Li Ka-shing

Control My Fate Quotes #189946
#43. We are the masters of our fate, the captains of our souls, because we have the power to control our thoughts.

Napoleon Hill

Control My Fate Quotes #200912
#44. Risk is the factor of a stratagem measured by what man is powerless to control.

Mike Norton

Control My Fate Quotes #222017
#45. We approached Yahoo and Jerry Yang and said that Hadoop is going to continue to be popular, and as it does, more and more of your team is going to get poached by other companies and come under pressure to leave. This way, you can control your own fate and destiny.

Peter Fenton

Control My Fate Quotes #234270
#46. I can't recall any difficulty in making the C language definition completely open - any discussion on the matter tended to mention languages whose inventors tried to keep tight control, and consequent ill fate.

Dennis Ritchie

Control My Fate Quotes #297846
#47. The bold effort the present (central) bank had made to control the government ... are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it.

Andrew Jackson

Control My Fate Quotes #334338
#48. Control your fate or somebody else will

Heinrich Von Pierer

Control My Fate Quotes #339601
#49. You walked into my heart, Without my permission
And the more I've tried to hold on to the control,
They deeper you have sunk.
Your a love I can't grasp hold of, maybe that's why it scares that absolute shit out of me.

Nikki Rowe

Control My Fate Quotes #347046
#50. Worrying about outcomes over which I have no control is punishing myself before the universe has decided whether I ought to be punished.

Sherry Thomas

Control My Fate Quotes #652732
#51. I think we are intrinsically prone to being irrational and superstitious. A lot of it comes from our fear of the unknown and the fear of a lack of control over our fate.

Venkatraman Ramakrishnan

Control My Fate Quotes #369537
#52. From today onwards, take complete control of your life. Decide, once and for all, to be the master of your fate. Run your own race. Discover your calling and you will start to experience the ecstasy of an inspired life.

Robin S. Sharma

Control My Fate Quotes #392586
#53. Fate is but a dying wish ... Of a world that is beyond control. Like a single lotus flower, the future blossoms; Upon its petals, two people shall be free.

Youka Nitta

Control My Fate Quotes #434464

Alexandra Potter

Control My Fate Quotes #435598
#55. As a Muslim, I believe in the concept of fate, that there are certain things out of my control. Thus, what chance do I have to stand against kismet?

Aishah Madadiy

Control My Fate Quotes #444114
#56. There are things in this universe that we cannot control, and then there are the things we can ... Let fate, coincidence, and accident conspire; human beings must act on reason.

David Guterson

Control My Fate Quotes #464870
#57. Fate and destiny go hand in hand. It is impossible to change our destiny. Only the path upon which we walk to reach our destination alters. If we should stray from that path, fate will take control and guide us in the right direction.

J.A. Belfield

Control My Fate Quotes #490106
#58. Control is an illusion - a fact you will learn very fast if you become ill, or have things fall apart in some other way. When we understand vulnerability and suffering as an essential part of being human, our individual fate can be easier to manage.

Harriet Lerner

Control My Fate Quotes #496581
#59. When we talk of fate, when we talk of a fatalistic vision of human experience, what we mean is that the most important forces that shape human lives are out of human control.

Petina Gappah

Control My Fate Quotes #551055
#60. If your DNA profile puts you at a higher risk of developing obesity, that doesn't mean it's your fate. You can take control of the environmental side of the equation and reduce your overall lifetime risk by a lot.

David Agus

Control My Fate Quotes #564367
#61. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am master of my fate and captain of my soul.

Ashleigh Brilliant

Control My Fate Quotes #572892
#62. This was all in the making, a long time ago. You had as much control over these events as a leaf does in the time of its falling.

Colin Meloy

Control My Fate Quotes #591571
#63. By contrast, if one conceives the idea of human rights as centring on the notion that each individual is completely autonomous and should have entire control over its own fate, this seems to me unrealistic even for human beings, and far too one-sided to be used as a central tool of morality.

Mary Midgley

Control My Fate Quotes #600611
#64. Hope is what one relies on when one has no control of one's fate. We, my dear, have nothing in common with those who rely on hope, Thaddeus proclaimed.

Mayandree Michel

Control My Fate Quotes #621776

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