Top 67 Complained About Quotes

#1. At the center, on the lawn of the courthouse, sat a log manger with a life-size nativity scene cut out of plywood. If an civil libertarian had complained about the nativity being on public property, he would have been hunted down like Santa's reindeer during bow season.

Deborah Smith

Complained About Quotes #1301464
#2. Since then, he watched the man live his completely stifling life over and over again, one repetitive day at a time. It was so consistent that Roen even complained about the same things at the same times every day.

Wesley Chu

Complained About Quotes #879208
#3. No audience ever complained about a presentation or speech being too short

Stephen Keague

Complained About Quotes #912193
#4. My father was a watchmaker and an inventor. I saw him working in the house every day. The work ethic, I got from him. He worked hard and he never complained about it.

Carl Reiner

Complained About Quotes #930161
#5. I challenge every business person in America who has ever complained about the failure of the welfare system to try to hire somebody off welfare. And try hard.

William J. Clinton

Complained About Quotes #1031690
#6. When a monk complained about the world's evil, the Buddha stretched his hand toward the Earth: on this Earth I attained Liberation.

Frederick Franck

Complained About Quotes #1098260
#7. I've done a lot of complaining here, but of all the things I've complained about, I can't complain about my life.

Andy Rooney

Complained About Quotes #1103259
#8. I had a stalker while filming a movie in Spain last year. She stood outside of my apartment I used every day for weeks, all day, every day. I was so bored and lonely that I went out and had dinner with her. I just complained about everything in my life and she never came back.

Robert Pattinson

Complained About Quotes #1107555
#9. Great presidents, and even those not so great, never complained about the hands they were dealt. Just the opposite. They assumed they were in the big chair to meet big challenges, no matter how difficult.

Mark McKinnon

Complained About Quotes #1127743
#10. For years, I had heard about the lack of interest in literature in the U.S. and I had complained about it. I failed to understand how people could fail to be moved by art.

Rita Dove

Complained About Quotes #1130722
#11. Standing in front of the girl's house, Mama yelled up at the windows, "Katie Adams, you whore, give me my husband back!" When Miss Adams' neighbours complained about all the noise Mama was making, my father came down to quiet her. He kissed her until she cried, but didn't come home.

Ami McKay

Complained About Quotes #1175150
#12. I promised myself I would never be one of those people who complained about "Oh man, lots of people are interested in our movie and now I gotta talk about it."

Damon Lindelof

Complained About Quotes #1271317
#13. No one ever complained about a fat brain. No one ever accused their brain of being too short or too tall, too wide or too narrow. Or ugly. It either worked or it didn't, and mine worked just fine.

Lissa Price

Complained About Quotes #15864
#14. It does get crazy sometimes, but I've never complained about stopping to give autographs or anything like that.

Jordan Knight

Complained About Quotes #1400748
#15. Even when influential political and media figures vehemently complained about the criticisms I wrote, Salon's editors unfailingly stood behind my work.

Glenn Greenwald

Complained About Quotes #1406537
#16. Luckily, I've had a very good working rapport will all my co-stars. Nobody has complained about me. No one's ever said they don't want to work with me.

Sonakshi Sinha

Complained About Quotes #1419928
#17. When I was poor and complained about inequality they said I was bitter; now that I'm rich and I complain about inequality they say I'm a hypocrite. I'm beginning to think they just don't want to talk about inequality.

Russell Brand

Complained About Quotes #1475434
#18. It has not been an easy cross to bear. It has caused considerable confusion. My husband constantly complained about the awkwardness of being married to a woman whom he called Sister.

Sister Parish

Complained About Quotes #1531900
#19. I've always hated the way I looked, and I've never complained about my brains.

Richard Griffiths

Complained About Quotes #1628873
#20. Lots of people who complained about us receiving the MBE received theirs for heroism in the war - for killing people. We received ours for entertaining other people. I'd say we deserve ours more.

John Lennon

Complained About Quotes #1630194
#21. I'm honestly not a great gift giver. I could give better - my girlfriends have always complained about that.

John Legend

Complained About Quotes #1640474
#22. I remember some students in my high school who complained about the compulsory history classes. Young as we were, we didn't realize that the course was a privilege only countries at peace can afford. Elsewhere,

Kim Thuy

Complained About Quotes #1756931
#23. Her father had been forced to cancel her clarinet lessons after the neighbors complained about the practicing.

Jeanne Birdsall

Complained About Quotes #1812486
#24. He wondered if she realized that for all she complained about his alpha nonsense, she was pure-blooded alpha herself. Rowan

Sarah J. Maas

Complained About Quotes #775769
#25. Everywhere I went, in every country, people complained about their education system. It was a universal truth and a strangely reassuring one. No one was content, and rightly so. Educating all kids to high levels was hard, and every country - every one - still had work to do.

Amanda Ripley

Complained About Quotes #870376
#26. When Philip complained about the French couple building a house next to his in Cornwall, Emenike asked, 'Are they between you and the sunset?

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Complained About Quotes #666
#27. It was said that the hernia whistled like a lugubrious bird on stormy nights and twisted in unbearable pain when a buzzard feather was burned nearby, but no one complained about those discomforts because a large, well-carried rupture was, more than anything else, a display of masculine honor.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Complained About Quotes #56395
#28. Strangers complained about the stench, but the locals liked to brag that it was the sweet smell of money.

Donald Ray Pollock

Complained About Quotes #94343
#29. We had a kid. The kid was awesome. She didn't fall asleep easily. We complained about it. We got frustrated. But we didn't look for an out. We just accepted that this was part of parenting.

Adam Mansbach

Complained About Quotes #155867
#30. Corporations complained about [safety] regulations, but let's face it, people walk away from accidents now that would have killed them when I was a kid

Jay Leno

Complained About Quotes #174215
#31. My mother complained about the Parisians' habit of bumping into tourists on the narrow sidewalks. 'Am I bumping into them?' she asked, perplexed. 'I feel like such a clumsy American.' 'No, no,' I corrected. 'That's their way of saying hello.

Kate Betts

Complained About Quotes #223441
#32. One of those unfortunate women who did not find nice men interesting. She found undesirables desirable. She sought out unpleasant boyfriends, then complained about them as though the government had allocated them to her.

Carrie Fisher

Complained About Quotes #326408
#33. Repeatedly Yates went berserk - raging over grievances old and new, hurling furniture at phantoms out of his past. The nurses who lived upstairs complained about the racket to the landlady, an eccentric woman who adored Yates and did nothing.

Blake Bailey

Complained About Quotes #421948
#34. I never wanted to be an actress who complained about the lack of roles for women.

Kelly Rowan

Complained About Quotes #434558
#35. Mortals were such fickle creatures. They called into the dark, demanded answers and attention from forces they could not comprehend, and yet when they had that attention and those answers, they complained about them.

Philippa Ballantine

Complained About Quotes #475871
#36. To a woman who complained about her destiny the Master said, "It is you who make your destiny." "But surely I am not responsible for being born a woman?" "Being born a woman isn't destiny. That is fate. Destiny is how you accept your womanhood and what you make of it."

Anthony De Mello

Complained About Quotes #508715
#37. I always complained about my mother's stony heart. Turns out I'm built just the same.

Laurie Graham

Complained About Quotes #542670
#38. One might have complained about the soot and ashes or about the pipes and curtain rods that hung crazily from the ceiling, but patients never lived in a hospital ward so nearly free of bacteria as this one that was sterilized by fire.

Michihiko Hachiya

Complained About Quotes #546863
#39. My father's death from prostate cancer in 1993 was tragic. He never complained about pain. He was a fighter. By the time he was ready to die he wasn't able to die in the way that he wanted to, which seemed an outrage to me.

Zoe Wanamaker

Complained About Quotes #555109
#40. Nothing was more nauseating than people who constantly complained about their life, but did nothing about it.

Sonia Farnsworth

Complained About Quotes #555299
#41. Elaine complained about this at night, in her matrimonial bed, and then complained that in Colombia all the citizens were political but no politician wanted to do anything for the citizens.

Juan Gabriel Vasquez

Complained About Quotes #632002
#42. Faust complained about having two souls in his breast, but I harbor a whole crowd of them and they quarrel. It is like being in a republic.

Otto Von Bismarck

Complained About Quotes #647927
#43. The Concord Coalition in Virginia complained about pork projects and wasteful spending in the federal budget. Consider the Senate chaplain's salary. As occupations go, only mind readers in Los Angeles have fewer things to do all day.

Argus Hamilton

Complained About Quotes #690354
#44. I suppose we were better observers than communicators; we were all subjects to be worried over, complained about, even adored, but never quite people to be held or loved. There was an intellectual, almost absurd distance.

Carrie Brownstein

Complained About Quotes #752330
#45. Just this year, as I was sitting in dining hall at UO, a white student at the next table complained about the "invasion" of Asians on campus. Only outsiders invade.

Alex Tizon

Complained About Quotes #483423
#46. Edgar Allan Poe, an earlier UVA student, once complained in a letter that his stepfather spoke to him as if Poe were one of the black slaves; some of the students at UVA surely felt the same about being told what to do by faculty.

Matthew Pearl

Complained About Quotes #1253327
#47. I complained to Waki' about the weakness of my memorisation,
So he instructed me to abandon disobedience;
He informed me that knowledge is a light,
And the light of Allah is not given to a sinner.


Complained About Quotes #1265345
#48. When I played a club in Salt Lake City, I complained to the crowd about the low turnout. It's always good to berate the people who paid to see you because you're upset about the people who didn't show up. It's called misplaced anger, and without it, I wouldn't have an act.

Andy Kindler

Complained About Quotes #1334989
#49. Time, time," Toot complained. "Is that all you mortals can ever think about? Everyone's complaining about time! The whole city rushes left and right screaming about being late and honking horns! You people used to have it right, you know.

Jim Butcher

Complained About Quotes #1351409
#50. What I cannot understand about the Russian," Roosevelt complained, "is the way he will lie when he knows perfectly well that you know he is lying.

Edmund Morris

Complained About Quotes #1364309
#51. In my final years in Green Bay, when I wasn't getting the ball, people would ask me why I never complained.
'Because these guys are my family,' I would say. 'I'm not selfish. It's not about me. It's about these guys, my family, and winning championships together.

Donald Driver

Complained About Quotes #1471987
#52. The Jews always complained, kvetching about false gods, and erected the
biggest false God, Jehovah, in middle of western civilization.

Allen Ginsberg

Complained About Quotes #1474037
#53. Most of us have achieved levels of affluence and comfort unthought of two generations ago. We've never had it so good, most of us. Nor have we ever complained so bitterly about our problems.

Mario Cuomo

Complained About Quotes #1504384
#54. Margaret Weylin complained because she couldn't find anything to complain about.

Octavia Butler

Complained About Quotes #1621859
#55. My brother could not write about trifles. Even in society he became animated only when some serious discussion was engaged in, and he complained of feeling 'a dull pain in the brain'
a physical pain, as he used to say
when he was with people who cared only for small talk.

Pyotr Kropotkin

Complained About Quotes #1682579
#56. Many retailers have complained bitterly to me about the complexity of the Carbon Reduction Commitment. It's not a commitment; it's a tax.

George Osborne

Complained About Quotes #1769572
#57. His latest job [My Dad] had been as a truck driver, picking up and delivering diapers. For months, he had complained bitterly about the odor and the mess, saying it was the worst job in the world. But now that he had lost it, he seemed to want it back.

Howard Schultz And Dori Jones Yang

Complained About Quotes #1150087
#58. I stood in the isle thinking about my future, while the man next to me complained, but when I asked him what his dream was he never answered.

James Jean-Pierre

Complained About Quotes #1085365
#59. Censorship became so stringent that even a scene in which a character complained too strongly about the weather could be considered "antisocial" and ordered removed.

Paul Fischer

Complained About Quotes #833403
#60. It's not about exact measurements or ingredients', shrugged Lomax, when Joseph complained. 'Good food is about feeling. Cooking is an art, not a science. You got to have soul to feed people right.' He smiled. 'That's what this is. Soul food.

Alex George

Complained About Quotes #752560
#61. You know how the joke goes: On the way to the execution ground, a condemned criminal complained that it was going to rain, and the executioner said, 'What have you got to worry about? We're the ones who've got to go back through it!

Liu Cixin

Complained About Quotes #743917
#62. So planning something big."
"If this is the work of the Overtakers, we've never seen anything like it."
"It is," a voice said behind them. Maybeck slipped in alongside of them.
"You about scared the pee out of me!" Charlene complained.

Ridley Pearson

Complained About Quotes #675835
#63. On the evidence I have on hand at home, social media isn't killing our children. It isn't killing families, either, because the constant long bloody phone calls that parents complained to their teenagers about in decades past are gone.

Warren Ellis

Complained About Quotes #599331
#64. I complained to my mother about wanting to look less like myself and more like my friends. My mother then gave me a lesson in embracing my differences and loving them despite what others said.

Taye Diggs

Complained About Quotes #302244
#65. It was about such people that he complained to Atticus: I will only say this, and I believe you know I am right: it was not enemies but jealous friends who ruined me.

Anthony Everitt

Complained About Quotes #266120
#66. Poison is a coward's weapon' the king complained. Ned had heard enough. 'You send hired knives to kill a fourteen-year-old girl and still quibble about honor?

George R R Martin

Complained About Quotes #191630
#67. I wasn't asking anything about God," Jonah complained.
"Yeah, you kind of were," JB said. "If there is fate, who else would control it?

Margaret Peterson Haddix

Complained About Quotes #151282

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