Top 10 Charlie Whittingham Quotes

#1. One can't love humanity. One can only love people.

Graham Greene

Charlie Whittingham Quotes #5701
#2. Wish it, believe it, and it will be so.

Deborah Smith

Charlie Whittingham Quotes #766269
#3. They seemed to share the kindliness and largeness of John Thornton.

Jack London

Charlie Whittingham Quotes #969204
#4. Imagine everything feeling wrong. Imagine a hole in your chest the size of God.

Amy Reed

Charlie Whittingham Quotes #1093578
#5. Labour was always aligned with the U.S. during the Cold War, but the ignominious implosion of communism reinforced the belief that no alternative to the prevailing common sense was possible.

Martin Jacques

Charlie Whittingham Quotes #1144884
#6. Iron bars make a cage all right, and the more you look at them or reproduce them the more you know it's a real cage.

A.S. Byatt

Charlie Whittingham Quotes #1188847
#7. If you lead with your heart, you will go to the most amazing places.

Cindy McDonald

Charlie Whittingham Quotes #1340132
#8. Having an honest friend-one before whom you can dump all your heart's pockets and still feel that you are worth something-is a form of wealth that will buy you nothing but will give you everything. And mysteriously and rightly, to find such a friend, we must be such a friend.

Mark Nepo

Charlie Whittingham Quotes #1612611
#9. The Minnesota Republican hierarchy didn't want me to run against their incumbent in 2000; they didn't know who I was. And once many party bigwigs did get to know me, they weren't sure that I could win the seat.

Michele Bachmann

Charlie Whittingham Quotes #1691291
#10. Many of them are doing it because they are concerned about smart growth.

Lee Scott

Charlie Whittingham Quotes #1767410

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