Top 100 Charles D'orleans Quotes

#1. If today He deigns to bless us With a sense of pardon'd sin, He tomorrow may distress us, Make us feel the plague within, All to make us Sick of self, and fond of Him.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Charles D'orleans Quotes #403630
#2. submarines in another. Soon a third

Charles D. Taylor

Charles D'orleans Quotes #467809
#3. Listen Charles, if blondes were poison, I'd have died thirty years ago.

Jonathan Latimer

Charles D'orleans Quotes #462114
#4. Which should be an excellent reminder that when God tells you to do something, you'd better do it; He always has a reason.

Charles R. Swindoll

Charles D'orleans Quotes #460267
#5. One may say there is a force like a hundred thousand wedges ...

Charles Darwin

Charles D'orleans Quotes #458795
#6. Call me crotchety, but I didn't like being bossed around, especially before I'd injected caffeine into my system. Violet Parker

Ann Charles

Charles D'orleans Quotes #439958
#7. In view of this strong Bible evidence concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the kingdom of God, will be accomplished by the end of A.D. 1914.

Charles Taze Russell

Charles D'orleans Quotes #435861
#8. You know, if I tried to change the minds of everyone who I thought needed changing, I'd never have time to do anything else.

Charles Stross

Charles D'orleans Quotes #432687
#9. The pure natural scientist is liable to forget that minds exist, and that if it were not for them he could neither know nor act on physical objects.

Charles D. Broad

Charles D'orleans Quotes #419852
#10. I'd always follow Nixon's orders, but you can't order somebody to be happy.

Charles W. Colson

Charles D'orleans Quotes #417856
#11. Charles, if you were here right now, I'd totally kiss you."
He chuckled softly. "I get that a lot, but I doubt my boyfriend will approve.

Laurel Cremant

Charles D'orleans Quotes #411267
#12. Before you go, you need to know - I'd do anything for you. Even kis you goodbye and watch you go.

Charles Sheehan-Miles

Charles D'orleans Quotes #409458
#13. Ask her what she craved, and she'd get a little frantic about things like books, the woods, music. Plants and the seasons. Also freedom. Not being bought and sold by some idiot employer, not having the moments of her days valued in fractions of a dollar by somebody other than herself.

Charles Frazier

Charles D'orleans Quotes #406126
#14. She hoped he was running to his red deer woman, and that when he tapped on the door of her heart, she'd open it wide and let him in.

Charles De Lint

Charles D'orleans Quotes #473250
#15. The Five Points was the toughest street corner in the world. That's how it was known. In fact, Charles Dickens visited it in the 1850s and he said it was worse than anything he'd seen in the East End of London.

Martin Scorsese

Charles D'orleans Quotes #399102
#16. Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, by Charles Mackay, LL. D.

Kurt Vonnegut

Charles D'orleans Quotes #394820
#17. It is clear that every immediate object of our senses both exists and is real in the primary meaning of these terms so long as we remain aware of the object.

Charles D. Broad

Charles D'orleans Quotes #384799
#18. Winter's done, and April's in the skies,
Earth, look up with laughter in your eyes!

Charles G.D. Roberts

Charles D'orleans Quotes #370921
#19. I'd never realized how bad that house needed music until I heard it, I knew right then that big houses need music more than little ones.

Charles Davis

Charles D'orleans Quotes #367145
#20. If I had it to do over, I'd vote for Obama without hesitation. I'm very thankful that McCain and Palin aren't in office.

Charles Foster Johnson

Charles D'orleans Quotes #366558
#21. It bothers me when I hear these reporters and jocks get on TV and say: 'Oh, no guy can come out in a team sport. These guys would go crazy.' First of all, quit telling me what I think. I'd rather have a gay guy who can play than a straight guy who can't play.

Charles Barkley

Charles D'orleans Quotes #361293
#22. I gained a great appreciation for what I would call the collective achievement of the country. I began thinking of America as a much more just and humane place than I would have thought if I'd been covering the civil rights struggle.

Charles Kuralt

Charles D'orleans Quotes #351311
#23. Tom Jones is funny to me, man. I mean, he really tries to ape Ray Charles and Sammy Davis, you know. He's nice-looking; he looks good doing it. I mean, if I was him, I'd do the same thing. If I was only thinking about making money.

Miles Davis

Charles D'orleans Quotes #350460
#24. I'd rather stick my head up an elephant's cunt

Charles Bukowski

Charles D'orleans Quotes #342149
#25. I am dying of thirst by the side of the fountain.

Charles D'Orleans

Charles D'orleans Quotes #327134
#26. This is love with legs.' My father used to say that you can tell someone you love them until you're blue in the face, but until they see that walked out, they have no idea what it means. Hence, 'love with legs.'" A wide smile spread across her face. "Every day he'd climb out

Charles Martin

Charles D'orleans Quotes #560103
#27. I'd rather someone be honest and tell me something that I didn't want to hear, rather than dishonest and tell me something I want to hear.

Charles F. Glassman

Charles D'orleans Quotes #654672
#28. Our analysis of truth and falsehood, or of the nature of judgment, is not very likely to be influenced by our hopes and fears.

Charles D. Broad

Charles D'orleans Quotes #648472
#29. Nature listening stood, whilst Shakespeare play'd
And wonder'd at the work herself had made.

Charles Churchill

Charles D'orleans Quotes #645330
#30. There was never any career plan. When 'Red Dwarf' started I thought we were doing a curious little sitcom on BBC2, I didn't think I was becoming an actor. I didn't see that 21 years later I'd still be talking about it, let alone filming a new one. For me everything's always been an accident.

Craig Charles

Charles D'orleans Quotes #635708
#31. I would be married, but I'd have no wife, I would be married to a single life.

Charles Bukowski

Charles D'orleans Quotes #618388
#32. Science is a victim of its own reductive metaphors: 'Big Bang,' 'selfish gene' and so on. Richard Dawkins' selfish gene fitted with the Thatcherite politics of the time. It should actually be the 'altruistic gene,' but he'd never have sold as many books with a title like that.

Charles Jencks

Charles D'orleans Quotes #615175
#33. If Charlie Parker were a Gunslinger, There'd be a Whole Lot of Dead Copycats

Charles Mingus

Charles D'orleans Quotes #603538
#34. Gipsies, who every ill can cure,
Except the ill of being poor
Who charms 'gainst love and agues sell,
Who can in hen-roost set a spell,
Prepar'd by arts, to them best known
To catch all feet except their own,
Who, as to fortune, can unlock it,
As easily as pick a pocket.

Charles Churchill

Charles D'orleans Quotes #586017
#35. I like lassic British spy thrillers. Seriously. If the cold war was still on, that's something I'd be writing.

Charles Stross

Charles D'orleans Quotes #583173
#36. If I was a Marxist I'd call it the crisis of capitalism. Even though I'm not a Marxist, that seems like a not unreasonable term for the widening gap between the rich and poor that we're seeing ...

Charles Stross

Charles D'orleans Quotes #581714
#37. I'd like to explode a few myths about what we call classical music. It's not high art for the titillation of a chosen few.

Charles Hazlewood

Charles D'orleans Quotes #573182
#38. The time he'd cheated on Syl, Syl had seen through him, broken off their engagement, and cheated on him with Charles, which had fried his ass possibly worse than any single other ass frying he'd ever had, in a life that, it recently seemed, was simply a series of escalating ass fries.

George Saunders

Charles D'orleans Quotes #567860
#39. I was always a killer. It was my skill, and they'd taught me well. She taught me love.

Charles Todd

Charles D'orleans Quotes #325783
#40. I love America," he'd tell us. We were going to make a million dollars manufacturing objects we had seen in dreams that night.

Charles Simic

Charles D'orleans Quotes #554110
#41. I lost my own daughter and I'll never have another. The hurt doesn't go away, no matter what you tell yourself. It's there day and night. I'd have killed any man who touched her. Why should I stand for such talk about another man's child, if I wouldn't have stood for it about my own?

Charles Todd

Charles D'orleans Quotes #548858
#42. Fortunately, he'd found that most people were easy to locate at five thirty in the morning.

Patricia Briggs

Charles D'orleans Quotes #545706
#43. I'd love to work with Lena Headey, Alfie Allen, Charles Dance. I'd love to work with Peter Dinklage.

Gwendoline Christie

Charles D'orleans Quotes #535996
#44. Charlie Brown says that we're put here on earth to make others happy."
"Is that why we're here? I guess I'd better start doing a better job ... I'd hate to be shipped back!

Charles M. Schulz

Charles D'orleans Quotes #525117
#45. Everything died off and disappeared in that silent way only an eon can absorb and keep secret.

Charles D'Ambrosio

Charles D'orleans Quotes #519348
#46. I'd like to have a decade of my life back. I dropped into a void for almost a decade.

Charles Durning

Charles D'orleans Quotes #504719
#47. Of course, peer pressure has a strong positive component. It provides the social cohesion that allows the very development of communal affiliation. But peer power as an extrinsic force is a lot like radiation: a little goes a long way.

Charles D. Hayes

Charles D'orleans Quotes #504551
#48. There would never be a way for me to live comfortably with people. Maybe I'd become a monk. I'd pretend to believe in God and live in a cubicle, play an organ and stay drunk on wine.

Charles Bukowski

Charles D'orleans Quotes #498673
#49. Forgive me, I guess I am off in the head, but I mean, except for a quickie piece of ass it wouldn't matter to me if all the people in the world died. Yes, I know it's not nice. But I'd be as contended as a snail; it was, after all, the people who had made me unhappy.

Charles Bukowski

Charles D'orleans Quotes #476525
#50. Water is a very good servant, but it is a cruel master.

Charles G.D. Roberts

Charles D'orleans Quotes #476184
#51. There was something about funerals. It made you see things better. A funeral a day and I'd be rich.

Charles Bukowski

Charles D'orleans Quotes #96654
#52. If I was to put a little flag in everywhere I've been in the world, there'd be a lot of little flags.

Charles Dance

Charles D'orleans Quotes #153350
#53. I had a stammer through adolescence. Any fun I'd had performing in school plays disappeared and only came back at 18, when the stammer started to go. Then I thought: 'Well, perhaps I can show off now.'

Charles Dance

Charles D'orleans Quotes #150373
#54. You are thirty minutes late."
"Would you be thirty minutes late to a wedding or a funeral?"
"Why not, pray tell?"
"Well, if the funeral was mine I'd have to be on time. If the wedding was mine it would be my funeral.

Charles Bukowski

Charles D'orleans Quotes #144659
#55. Ah!' he said, slowly turning his eyes towards me. 'Well! If you was writin' to her, p'raps you'd recollect to say that Barkis was willin'; would you?' 'That Barkis is willing,' I repeated, innocently. 'Is that all the message?' 'Ye-es,' he said, considering. 'Ye-es. Barkis is willin

Charles Dickens

Charles D'orleans Quotes #144438
#56. You could drop Tony Stark naked in the middle of the desert and he'd fly out in a jet made of sand and cactus needles. It's not his *stuff* that gives him power. It's his *brain*. Try using yours. You'll be amazed the difference it makes.

Charles Soule

Charles D'orleans Quotes #141833
#57. Common sense says that chairs and tables exist independently of whether anyone happens to perceive them or not.

Charles D. Broad

Charles D'orleans Quotes #140627
#58. Some golfers fantasize about playing in a foursome with Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, and Sam Snead. The way I hit I'd rather play in a foursome with Helen Keller, Ray Charles, and Stevie Wonder.

Bruce Lansky

Charles D'orleans Quotes #138405
#59. Grey rocks, and greyer sea,
And surf along the shore
And in my heart a name
My lips shall speak no more.

Charles G.D. Roberts

Charles D'orleans Quotes #135368
#60. On the four aces doom'd to roll.

Charles Churchill

Charles D'orleans Quotes #130599
#61. Violet Lynn Parker, you'd better spill or I'll start bellowing 'Happy Birthday' to you in my Bobcat Goldthwait voice.

Ann Charles

Charles D'orleans Quotes #122632
#62. If I had a brother in jail and one in Georgia, I'd try to bust the one out of Georgia first.

Charles Frazier

Charles D'orleans Quotes #115626
#63. If you could see my legs when I take my boots off, you'd form some idea of what unrequited affection is.

Charles Dickens

Charles D'orleans Quotes #107222
#64. Being suicidal is really tiring. A lot of suicides are so lacking in affect and so lethargic that they aren't able to kill themselves until their mood improves - spring, for that reason, has the highest rate of what people in the business call "completed" suicides.

Charles D'Ambrosio

Charles D'orleans Quotes #153911
#65. We wake out of our dreams and wonder where the blood in our hands came from.

Charles D'Ambrosio

Charles D'orleans Quotes #74714
#66. If I could only make her fall in love with me. Pretend to be a writer and just fuck her and have her cook for me. I would never have to write I'd just pretend.

Charles Bukowski

Charles D'orleans Quotes #72443
#67. In all the sciences except Psychology we deal with objects and their changes, and leave out of account as far as possible the mind which observes them.

Charles D. Broad

Charles D'orleans Quotes #65630
#68. I'd been a film maniac since I was very young; by the time I was eight or nine years old, I was hooked on movies.

Charles Ferguson

Charles D'orleans Quotes #59512
#69. I can be bought. If they paid me enough, I'd work for the Klan.

Charles Barkley

Charles D'orleans Quotes #58702
#70. If I could be half the person my dog is, I'd be twice the human I am.

Charles Yu

Charles D'orleans Quotes #55238
#71. I always started a job with the feeling that I'd soon quit or be fired, and this gave ma a relaxex manner that was mistaken for intelligence or some secret power.

Charles Bukowski

Charles D'orleans Quotes #50731
#72. If we waited until everyone was unbroken, we'd never connect with anyone

Lynn Charles

Charles D'orleans Quotes #47574
#73. By the age of 11, I was no longer going to Sunday Mass, and going on birdwatching walks with my father. So early on, I heard of Charles Darwin. I guess, you know, he was the big hero. And, you know, you understand life as it now exists through evolution.

James D. Watson

Charles D'orleans Quotes #38226
#74. I'd like to be proven wrong on the difficulty of handling the medical side-effects of long term exposure to deep space (both microgravity induced illnesses and radiation damage).

Charles Stross

Charles D'orleans Quotes #36684
#75. I always loved that boy as if he'd been my
my own grandfather.

Charles Dickens

Charles D'orleans Quotes #35853
#76. Other writers tell me about these bushel baskets delivered at the front door. If I've gotten 50 letters over the last 18 years, I'd be surprised.

Charles McCarry

Charles D'orleans Quotes #210833
#77. Folks double my age and older often run down a conversation tracking a vanishing world that will, with the passing of their memory, vanish entirely.

Charles D'Ambrosio

Charles D'orleans Quotes #323137
#78. There's nobody you'd rather beat than your good friend.

Charles Barkley

Charles D'orleans Quotes #316776
#79. Who all in raptures their own works rehearse, And drawl out measur'd prose, which they call verse.

Charles Churchill

Charles D'orleans Quotes #303347
#80. What if everyone in the whole world suddenly decided to run away from his problems?"
"Well, at least we'd all be running in the same direction!

Charles M. Schulz

Charles D'orleans Quotes #297418
#81. My music had roots which I'd dug up from my own childhood, musical roots buried in the darkest soil.

Ray Charles

Charles D'orleans Quotes #278305
#82. What? You'd dare drink right after getting out of jail for intoxication?
That's when you need a drink the most.

Charles Bukowski

Charles D'orleans Quotes #263054
#83. her knees, which looked, in the faint blue light, as though they'd been carved by water from a bar of soap.

Charles D'Ambrosio

Charles D'orleans Quotes #258462
#84. Really, I think among the many mistakes I've made over my life, one of them was caring so much about the short story.

Charles D'Ambrosio

Charles D'orleans Quotes #243944
#85. I have X'd myself from your world.

Charles Manson

Charles D'orleans Quotes #231651
#86. For a while there, I was a stringer. The expression comes from the old habit of stringing together the column inches that you had written. They'd measure it and pay you 10 cents an inch for your printed copy.

Charles Kuralt

Charles D'orleans Quotes #220996
#87. He'd woken up after flying from Boston to Montana to find his da cooking breakfast for them: sausage and pancakes shaped like deer. It wasn't just any deer, either - they looked like Bambi from the disney cartoon. Charles didn't want to know how his father had managed that

Patricia Briggs

Charles D'orleans Quotes #219899
#88. I didn't even know how to judge 'Die Hard 1.' It's not anything I know how to judge. I'd never seen an action movie. I'd never seen a Sly Stallone movie or an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie or a Charles Bronson movie. And that is the truth.

Bonnie Bedelia

Charles D'orleans Quotes #215144
#89. But that's what we all are-just stories. We only exist by how people remember us, by the stories we make of our lives. Without the stories, we'd just fade away.

Charles De Lint

Charles D'orleans Quotes #3521
#90. If I bet on humanity, I'd never cash a ticket.

Charles Bukowski

Charles D'orleans Quotes #202172
#91. If you thought about it you'd realize that you don't have control over everything, but you control how you react

Charles Benoit

Charles D'orleans Quotes #201384
#92. about how they'd all fair

Charles S. Jackson

Charles D'orleans Quotes #192067
#93. Defend the Bible? I'd sooner defend a lion. You don't defend the Bible; you open its cage and let it roar.

Charles Spurgeon

Charles D'orleans Quotes #185047
#94. Family not only need to consist of merely those whom we share blood, but also for those whom we'd give blood.

Charles Dickens

Charles D'orleans Quotes #182180
#95. Listen, here's what I'd like to do: I'd like to live in a trailer and play records all night.

Charles Portis

Charles D'orleans Quotes #182074
#96. I'd say that any character or setting can be given a bit of an otherworldly sheen and be the better for it. The one thing I insist on with my own writing is that I won't let magic solve my characters' real world problems. The solutions have to come from the characters themselves.

Charles De Lint

Charles D'orleans Quotes #177399
#97. Anna looked at Brother Wolf. 'I'd like to see someone try to put a radio control collar on Charles. It might be fun to watch on YouTube.

Patricia Briggs

Charles D'orleans Quotes #170937
#98. If life were a camera, I'd have the lens cap on.

Charles M. Schulz

Charles D'orleans Quotes #166504
#99. Baby, that's grammar school. Any damn fool can beg up some
kind of job; it takes a wise man to make it without working. Out
here we call it hustling. I'd like to be a good hustler.

Charles Bukowski

Charles D'orleans Quotes #154600
#100. She could talk. If she was a sphinx she could have talked, if she was a stone she could have talked. I wondered when she'd get tired and leave. Even after I stopped listening it was like being battered with tiny pingpong balls.

Charles Bukowski

Charles D'orleans Quotes #154209

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