Top 15 Bishop Myriel Quotes

#1. The judge speaks in the name of justice,' he said. 'The priest speaks in the name of pity, which is only a higher form of justice.' (Bishop Myriel)

Victor Hugo

Bishop Myriel Quotes #1291482
#2. As he spoke all tongues, he entered into all hearts.

Victor Hugo

Bishop Myriel Quotes #128819
#3. Talking about auditions, you never know what anyone else is thinking.

Linda Lavin

Bishop Myriel Quotes #175207
#4. I don't care that you smoke pot. I mean, I'm not going to join you and I'd prefer to hang out with you when you're sober, but I'm not looking to change you.

Katie McGarry

Bishop Myriel Quotes #249473
#5. The squirrel has not yet found the acorn that will grow into the oak that will be cut to form the cradle of the babe that will grow to slay me.

Neil Gaiman

Bishop Myriel Quotes #679993
#6. Remember, sometimes something might seem like bad news, but it could turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

Lemony Snicket

Bishop Myriel Quotes #818576
#7. If you're good to your staff when things are going well, they'll rally when times go bad.

Mary Kay Ash

Bishop Myriel Quotes #1096868
#8. I still do standup.

Ray Romano

Bishop Myriel Quotes #1120565
#9. I was very fortunate, and have always been, that the women I met and fell in love with were exceptional, from my first girlfriend to the woman I married when I was 21, to all the remarkable women I have known as either friends or lovers.

Frederick Lenz

Bishop Myriel Quotes #1388946
#10. The eventual goal is to marry all of my work together to make a high-speed, high-resolution, low-impact tool that can look deep inside biological systems.

Eric Betzig

Bishop Myriel Quotes #1407063
#11. In 1815, M. Charles-Francois-Bienvenu Myriel was Bishop of D - He was an old man of about seventy-five years of age; he had occupied the see of D - since 1806.

Victor Hugo

Bishop Myriel Quotes #1423328
#12. People compared Garden State to the Graduate, but when was the last time you saw Dustin Hoffman doing what I do?

Zach Braff

Bishop Myriel Quotes #1658395
#13. The next day, we shot 'I Want You Back,' and that was a 14-hour day. That's typical. By the end of the day, my knees and ankles are killing me.

Grant Gustin

Bishop Myriel Quotes #1685234
#14. Our message will be that we're going to make federal government buildings a model - an energy-efficient model - and also start matching grants for cities and counties so that they can also do the same with their government buildings.

Barbara Boxer

Bishop Myriel Quotes #1749595
#15. No matter what changes take place in the world, or in me, nothing ever seems to disturb the face of spring.

E.B. White

Bishop Myriel Quotes #1871998

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