Top 53 Better Not To Ask Quotes

#1. If we want to live freely and privately in the interconnected world of the twenty-first century - and surely we do - perhaps above all we need a revival of the small-town civility of the nineteenth century. Manners, not devices: sometimes it's just better not to ask, and better not to look.

James Gleick

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1206430
#2. Sometimes it's better not to ask-or to listen-when tell you something can't be done. I didn't ask for permission or approval. I just went ahead and did it.

Michael Dell

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1776268
#3. To save face, it's better not to ask sex from the ex, but to give everything the axe.

Anthony Liccione

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1786916
#4. Where does the road goes? Sometimes it is better not to ask this question and take a chance! This kind of courage can create a wonderful magic!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Better Not To Ask Quotes #9967
#5. We do not ask for wealth because he that has health and children will also have wealth. We do not pray to have money but to have more kinsmen. We are better than animals because we have kinsmen. An animal rubs its itching flank against a tree, a man asks his kinsman to scratch him.

Chinua Achebe

Better Not To Ask Quotes #945658
#6. The most immediate is that if you tell your partner "It's okay to ask for anything you want," it better be true. If you're not prepared to make it safe for your partner to open up to you, he won't. Because he'll feel he can't.

Franklin Veaux

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1814612
#7. Your question to me is about God, but boiled down to its essentials, it's not so different than most of the questions people ask me to answer. It says: This failed me and I want to do better next time. My answer will not be so different either: To do better you're going to have to try.

Cheryl Strayed

Better Not To Ask Quotes #978480
#8. People would never begin to pray if they could not ask for earthly things like riches and health and honours; He says to Himself: If they ask for such things the desire for something better will awaken in them, and finally they will only care about the higher things.

Sadhu Sundar Singh

Better Not To Ask Quotes #992562
#9. Would it make you feel better if I pretended not to be making it up as I go along? ...In that case, I know exactly what I'm doing, but please don't ask me about it in any great detail.

Eddie Robson

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1017314
#10. From film to film, I realize my strengths and my weakness, and I realize how much better I get. I learn the lingo, I ask questions and I'm on set trying to figure out which shots they're going to use. For me, it's exploring the art. It's not just making a movie.

Naturi Naughton

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1033538
#11. We need to think harder and smarter. What we really need is holistic analysis, not holistic media data. We need to make better use of what we have. We need to dig deeper and ask, 'Do you need to repeat the whole study or can you examine the bits that have changed and re-calibrate?'

Jenny Beck

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1042051
#12. I was to be buried inside my own creation, the better to keep its secrets. I will not tell you more, for your sake. But if you ask, I will answer.

Jedediah Berry

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1067959
#13. God is good to all of us. He knows what we need better than we do. And just because he thinks it is better not to give you what you want right now doesn't mean he isn't answering you. You shall have what you ask for but not until the right time comes.

Johanna Spyri

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1087174
#14. Whenever I feel bad, I use that feeling to motivate me to work harder. I only allow myself one day to feel sorry for myself. When I'm not feeling my best I ask myself, 'What are you gonna do about it?' I use the negativity to fuel the transformation into a better me.

Beyonce Knowles

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1089816
#15. Yet the Vedas do not merely ask us to accept such conclusions. They even tell us that it is better to doubt them until we ourselves actually find them to be true. Rather the Vedas present their teachings as models of lines of examination for us to adapt into the circumstances of our own lives.

Jagadish Chandra Chatterji

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1093626
#16. People always ask me, 'What is it that you regret?' And I say, 'nothing, because I could not buy what I've learned.' And I apply those things to my life I learn. And hopefully, hopefully it helps me to be a better human in the future and make better choices.

Katy Perry

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1095316
#17. When you have all these traces of trash moving around, you can ask yourself how can we make the system more efficient. Then we can make better decisions. And perhaps we will not throw away the plastic bottles that go every day to the dump.

Carlo Ratti

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1095351
#18. I shall ask no more than that you agree with Dean Inge that even though counting heads is not an ideal way to govern, at least it is better than breaking them.

Learned Hand

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1100006
#19. I'm not a nosy person, but I'm always thinking 'I wonder why he did that? I wonder why this week he was this much better than last week?' I'm always wanting to ask questions of people. I think my advice would be get involved locally and see where it takes you.

Jill Douglas

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1119554
#20. Our Lord did not ask us to give up the things of earth, but to exchange them for better things.

Fulton J. Sheen

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1120022
#21. The object of learning was not to build a better mousetrap but to ask a better question.

Julius Lester

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1200057
#22. I would not ask for things to be different, because it is not in my power to know if that would be better or worse than what I have today. I am not prepared to take that gamble.

Barbara "Cutie" Cooper

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1257890
#23. My child, it will be better for you if you accept my decisions without complaint. Do not ask me to defend my actions or to explain why one person is favored and another seems slighted. The answers to these questions go far beyond your comprehension.

Thomas A Kempis

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1376961
#24. No, it is better not. She will only ask me to take a message to Albert.

Benjamin Disraeli

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1438185
#25. He decided not to ask for details. Better to avoid exposing his ignorance even further.

Haruki Murakami

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1447748
#26. I know it's not fair to ask you to be with me when we can't even sleep in the same bed, but I'll love you better than anyone else could. I'll take care of you and make you happy. I know I can.

Sylvia Day

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1515666
#27. It was not my destiny, I kept thinking it would be, waiting for it to happen, but it never did, and I didn't care what people thought ... It was only boring old men who would ask me. And whenever they went, 'What? No children? Well, you'd better get on with it, old girl,' I'd say 'No! F*** off!'

Helen Mirren

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1580738
#28. It's interesting because I don't ever want to ask a better question than I can answer, if that makes sense. I find that frustrating as a viewer. Compelling questions, while not easy, are easier than compelling answers.

Shane Carruth

Better Not To Ask Quotes #1752968
#29. I might give my life for my friend, but he had better not ask me to do up a parcel.

Logan Pearsall Smith

Better Not To Ask Quotes #609413
#30. Neuroscientists have discovered that when you ask the brain to meditate, it gets better not just at meditating, but at a wide range of self-control skills, including attention, focus, stress management, impulse control, and self-awareness.

Kelly McGonigal

Better Not To Ask Quotes #24384
#31. It is better to control oneself, if one can, and not hit back. But on certain occasions, it is imperative to defend oneself. I don't think it's fair to ask anybody not to defend herself or himself.

Maya Angelou

Better Not To Ask Quotes #83913
#32. I am not sure that it is best for us, once safe and secure on the Rock of Ages, to ask ourselves too closely what this and that experience may signify. Is it not better to be thinking of the Rock, not of the feet that stand upon it?

Elizabeth Prentiss

Better Not To Ask Quotes #123102
#33. The condition of all development is not to be content with the present, but to have the courage to ask how everything can be made better and the good fortune to find a right answer to this question in thought or in action.

Ellen Key

Better Not To Ask Quotes #157854
#34. I get really excited when I get to go out on these press tours and meet fans, do signings and interact, and they can ask questions. Social media is a great way to do that, and I wish I was better at it, but I'm just not.

Lucy Fry

Better Not To Ask Quotes #233535
#35. Morse stared morosely at the blotting paper. It's just not my sort of case, Lewis. I know it's not a very nice thing to say, but I just get on better when we've got a body - a body that died from unnatural causes. That's all I ask. And we haven't got a body.

Colin Dexter

Better Not To Ask Quotes #366414
#36. Sometimes, you ask questions not to get the answer but to get the better understanding of question itself.

Foaad Ahmad

Better Not To Ask Quotes #409408
#37. Maybe the most provocative thing one can do - and I'm not the first one to do it - is to ask the moral and philosophical question: why are some people better than others? Why are some people more moral than others?

David Bezmozgis

Better Not To Ask Quotes #493092
#38. I will not say, as the beggars at our door used to do, 'I'll never ask anything of Him again;' but, on the contrary, 'He shall hear oftener from me than ever,' and I will love God the better, and love prayer the better, as long as I live.

Philip Henry

Better Not To Ask Quotes #530607
#39. Better to admit where you're not and ask God's help to get you where you need to be.

Beth Moore

Better Not To Ask Quotes #559829
#40. We've just learned how to balance ourselves a little better so that we're happier way more of the time than not, and, you know, being happy is a radical and desirable act if you ask me.

Anthony Kiedis

Better Not To Ask Quotes #564618
#41. The important thing is to not assume that good is good enough, because even good things can always, always find a way to get better.

David Sturt

Better Not To Ask Quotes #595873
#42. Ask your brain to do math every day, and it gets better at math. Ask your brain to worry, and it gets better at worrying. Ask your brain to concentrate, and it gets better at concentrating. Not

Kelly McGonigal

Better Not To Ask Quotes #944343
#43. It is not enough to show that drug A is better than drug B on the average. One is invited to ask, 'For which people ("& why") is drug A better than drug B, and vice versa? If drug A cures 40% and drug B cures 60%, perhaps the right choice of drug for each person would result in 100% cures.'

Lancelot Hogben

Better Not To Ask Quotes #648055
#44. I don't have to ask anyone's permission to do anything. It's nice not have to get decisions out of three, sometimes four people, which can be like pulling teeth. So the amount of control that I have over what I'm doing is better for me as a solo artist.

Graham Nash

Better Not To Ask Quotes #651449
#45. Sometimes, indeed, there is such a discrepancy between the genius and his human qualities that one has to ask oneself whether a little less talent might not have been better.

Carl Jung

Better Not To Ask Quotes #658429
#46. And the fuck is yours too, WTF. That question does not apply 'to everything every day.' If it does, you're wasting your life. If it does, you're a lazy coward and you are not a lazy coward.
Ask better questions, sweet pea. The fuck is your life. Answer it.

Cheryl Strayed

Better Not To Ask Quotes #751046
#47. I think it's neat you do what you want. Not enough chicks do that, if you ask me
just tell society and their expectations to go fuck themselves. If more women did that, we'd be better off.

Cheryl Strayed

Better Not To Ask Quotes #783703
#48. I ask and wish not to appear
More beauteous, rich or gay:
Lord, make me wiser every year,
And better every day.

Charles Lamb

Better Not To Ask Quotes #785970
#49. A doctor who is interested in sex can advise patients. I became a better doctor by my late private sexual revolution. I ask the right questions in an easy non intrusive way, giving them option not to talk about or talk about it- their choice. They often start talking.

Lucie Novak

Better Not To Ask Quotes #824962
#50. I'm not afraid to go up to people and pick their brains and ask for advice. To me, that's how you get better. That's how I've gotten better at everything I've ever done. Don't be too proud to ask for help.

Dave Bautista

Better Not To Ask Quotes #903505
#51. Influential people are never satisfied with the status quo. They're the ones who constantly ask, 'What if?' and 'Why not?' They're not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom, and they don't disrupt things for the sake of being disruptive; they do it to make things better.

Travis Bradberry

Better Not To Ask Quotes #918332
#52. Listening is not only about waiting, but it's also learning how better to ask questions.

Jacqueline Novogratz

Better Not To Ask Quotes #923266
#53. He's not a liar at all. Not about important things. He'll tell you horrible truths, but he won't lie." She paused before she added quietly: "That's why it's generally better not ask him anything unless you know you can stand to hear the answer.

Cassandra Clare

Better Not To Ask Quotes #933619

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