Top 43 Best Suit Quotes

#1. Design is ... above all an effort to improve reality ... I always try to begin with considerations of its function ... I ask myself, who needs it, which materials best suit its functions and so on ...

Gianfranco Frattini

Best Suit Quotes #1004368
#2. I wanted to make at least an effort to impress, so I found my best suit, a Primark special that looked like it had been ironed by a blind man

Jay Stringer

Best Suit Quotes #1420283
#3. Beckett stood in his office dressed to the nines: his best suit, cufflinks, amazing shoes, and expensive sunglasses. Underneath he had so many weapons that a good speed bump would blow him off the face of the earth.

Debra Anastasia

Best Suit Quotes #1867453
#4. Every drop of blood that falls in Tibet or Cambodia or Gallipoli or Iraq lands upon our shoes and spatters the hem of our best suit.

Mark Collins

Best Suit Quotes #180460
#5. The best way to end a war is to make certain that it never happens. The best way to win a war is to change the shape of the battles to suit your needs.

James A. Moore

Best Suit Quotes #935952
#6. The more suits I owned, the more I realized the best besuited look a man can achieve comes from a harmony of three details: fabric, construction, and fit. If the suit fits you like a glove and it's well made, you simply feel better about everything in life when you're wearing it.

Paul Feig

Best Suit Quotes #1878646
#7. I think we both like Crazy Anna a little more than regular Anna. It's like magic - while I was trying on the bathing suit last month, it rubbed against my butt and unleashed the Absolute Best Summer Ever Bikini Genie, granting all my wishes.

Sarah Ockler

Best Suit Quotes #1097432
#8. To believe in God is a good thing, a right thing. But when you reinforce your belief with words you take from the Old Testament that you seek out, and interpret in the ways that suit your needs best, that is hypocrisy,

V.C. Andrews

Best Suit Quotes #1102377
#9. Ultimately, it's possible that social media platforms will be designed as templates that the users themselves customize in terms of the best way to express their community and experience of life, and brands will have to simply follow suit.

Simon Mainwaring

Best Suit Quotes #1128927
#10. [L]anguage functions best when we mediate between the descriptive and prescriptive influences, changing the rules to better suit some things, but sticking to them for others.

John Wiswell

Best Suit Quotes #1227340
#11. I happen to like being sad over nothing at all. I find it suits me. (Ewan)
A smile would suit you better. My mother always says that a smile is dressing for the face. (Nora)
And I always say the face, much like the body, is best left naked. (Ewan)

Kinley MacGregor

Best Suit Quotes #1286319
#12. Sad songs are not my strong suit. All the songs that have saved my life make you feel like driving with the top down or dancing in your room with your best friend.

J.C. Lillis

Best Suit Quotes #1302476
#13. I try to think of metaphors that suit him best, but he was made of the sea and the stars and the sun, and one wouldn't do him justice.

Zorgie Adriana Sanchez

Best Suit Quotes #1355571
#14. The best fragrance is the scent of water, the fragrance of dew and rain falling on plants. Water is the essential element, a source of life and energy. A perfume that, like a garment, moves to suit the woman, her skin. A perfume that embraces a woman.

Issey Miyake

Best Suit Quotes #1361612
#15. If we all had names to suit us, you'd be called Thorn in My Backside. Or Plague of the Gods."I prickled at his scathing tone. "And you'd be Miserable Blockhead.""Is that the best you can do?""Give me time. I'm half frozen." "Perhaps your name should be Icy Tyrant. No, wait. Frigid Despot.

Elly Blake

Best Suit Quotes #1376070
#16. Hearing the Beastie Boys speak out against sexism made me feel like if these men who had once sung about getting girls to 'do the laundry' and 'clean up my room' could understand, maybe the rest of the world would follow suit. It made me hopeful in the best way.

Jessica Valenti

Best Suit Quotes #1477791
#17. When a man's suit fits, when the construction is beautiful, when the sewing and fabrics are there ... in the end, you'll look the best in it.

John Varvatos

Best Suit Quotes #1481455
#18. It's important to determine which surroundings work best for you, and then build that environment to suit your needs.

Marilu Henner

Best Suit Quotes #1551829
#19. A reasonable agriculture would do its best to emulate nature. Rather than change the earth to suit a crop ... it would diversify its crops to suit the earth

Verlyn Klinkenborg

Best Suit Quotes #1610879
#20. The debility to which Nature condemned women incontestably proves that her design is for man, who then more than ever enjoys his strength, to exercise it in all the violent forms that suit him best, by means of tortures, if he be so inclined, or worse.

Marquis De Sade

Best Suit Quotes #1740697
#21. Roy Blunt is another white guy in a suit, and I think the public wants change. There's a good old boys' network out there that's hard to penetrate ... and it's not always in the best interest of the party or for conservative principles.

Sarah Steelman

Best Suit Quotes #1767091
#22. In all those types of films I wore a tan suit, a grey suit, a beige suit and then a negligee for the seventh reel near the end when I would admit to my best friend on the telephone that what I really wanted was to become a little housewife.

Rosalind Russell

Best Suit Quotes #1801483
#23. Mosca had come armed with a rich pack of lies, ready to pick whichever seemed to suit Goshawk's mood best. Under the wintry draught of his gaze, however, she felt most of them wither away in her hands.

Frances Hardinge

Best Suit Quotes #1872065
#24. By their nature, it came to me, children were freaks. They believed impossible things to suit themselves, thought their fantasies were the center of the world. They were the best kinds of quacks, if that's what you wanted - pretenders who didn't know they were pretending at all.

Emily Fridlund

Best Suit Quotes #552374
#25. I fended them off as best I could while trying to shield my eyes but, tragically, I'd left my flamethrower in my other suit.

Alexis Hall

Best Suit Quotes #84569
#26. Manners are not like bonbons, Nina. You may not choose the ones that suit you best; and you certainly cannot put the half-bitten ones back in the box. . . ." Nina

Amor Towles

Best Suit Quotes #250771
#27. Your journey is completely yours. It is unique. Others may try to steal part of it, tell it in their words or shape it to suit them. Reality is no one can live it or own it but you. Take charge of your journey, it's yours and yours alone!

Kemi Sogunle

Best Suit Quotes #257706
#28. But nothing will suit him now but the best! He's got on wonderfully, and naturally he wants something to show for it, but many's the time I wonder where it will end.

Agatha Christie

Best Suit Quotes #285184
#29. I'm a pop enigma. I live and breathe every element in life. I rock a bespoke suit and I go to Harold's for fried chicken. It's all these things at once, because, as a taste maker, I find the best of everything.

Kanye West

Best Suit Quotes #421485
#30. I would love to play a normal human being with a little bit of a comedic bend that had a love interest. I would love to explore comedy, like a half-hour kind of single-camera comedy. I think that would kind of suit me best.

Reggie Lee

Best Suit Quotes #455569
#31. Make sure that you are fully aware of the work environment which will suit your 'work style' the best.

Abhishek Ratna

Best Suit Quotes #469559
#32. I am convinced that the best service a retired general can perform is to turn in his tongue along with his suit and to mothball his opinions.

Omar N. Bradley

Best Suit Quotes #472215
#33. Mom's a writer, so I grew up reading scripts and I have a real respect for them and I know how much thought goes into creating a role, so I'm always interested to find out what was the thought process of the writer and how best can I convey it rather than trying to change it to suit myself.

Naomie Harris

Best Suit Quotes #551331
#34. In youth, it was a way I had, to do my best to please, and change with every passing lad to suit his theories. But now, I know the things I know and do the things I do, and if you do not like me so, to hell my love, with you." - Dorothy Parker

Nicole Archer

Best Suit Quotes #915431
#35. I threw the opening pitch at a Blue Jays game, and after the pitch, the mascot asked me if I wanted him to sign the game ball, which I thought was funny. What would he write? "Best Wishes, Some Guy in a Bird Suit"?"

Ken Jennings

Best Suit Quotes #577499
#36. Two days wrong!" sighed the Hatter. "I told you butter wouldn't suit the works!" he added, looking angrily at the March Hare. "It was the best butter," the March Hare meekly replied.

Lewis Carroll

Best Suit Quotes #622162
#37. My women students openly admit that they dress for interviews like dates, hoping to look their best: makeup, high heels, a well-fitting suit that shows off their figure. And I always tell them to make sure to wear a shirt under the suit jacket. Form fitting, yes. Cleavage, no.

Susan Estrich

Best Suit Quotes #641730
#38. I made a handshake agreement with my best friend in college, Michael Shamberg, who is now a movie producer. We used to write shows together, and we said, "Let's only do what's fun. Let's never take a job where we have to dress up in a suit."

Harold Ramis

Best Suit Quotes #650503
#39. I'm a firm believe that a man looks his best in a suit and I feel like in the late 40's people just dressed up to do everything.

Anthony Mackie

Best Suit Quotes #693365
#40. A prince or general can best demonstrate his genius by managing a campaign exactly to suit his objectives and his resources, doing neither too much nor too little.

Carl Von Clausewitz

Best Suit Quotes #694169
#41. Because as much as I love figuring out other people's puzzles, and love putting words together in ways that feel good to sing and sound good together and suit the melody, I think most of the best songs in the world are fairly clear about what they mean to say.

J. Robbins

Best Suit Quotes #734401
#42. Hagrid was wearing his best (and very horrible) hairy brown suit, plus a checked yellow-and-orange tie. This wasn't the worst of it, though; he had evidently tried to tame his hair, using large quantities of what appeared to be axle grease.


Best Suit Quotes #737344
#43. Fred said, "Man, I think he's gonna make a fuckin' suit of human skin, using the best parts from each of us."
"Holy crap," said John. "He'll be gorgeous.

David Wong

Best Suit Quotes #885249

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