Top 43 Best Fast Furious Quotes

#1. I intend to make love to you. Fast and furious the first time. Slow and sensual the second." He smiled against her neck. "Gentleman that I am, I'll let ye decide on how ye want the third.

Vonnie Davis

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1392770
#2. Me and Lucas Black are actually starring in that movie 'Fast and the Furious 3: Tokyo.' It's gonna be hot and different. My first action movie, so it's gonna be great.

Bow Wow

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1048902
#3. For those who don't live in a place where water is readily available, it's something you carry on your back for six kilometers, that makes your children sick, that is perhaps the hardest part of your existence.

Alexandra Cousteau

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1063894
#4. I don't think the president had anything to do with Fast and Furious. I'm not sure Eric Holder did, which leads to a conversation about whether he should have known about it.

Trey Gowdy

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1074988
#5. Simone crossed herself and prayed as she watched headlights coming at them, fast and furious. Her hands shaking from fright, she buckled herself in while Jesse screamed out like a terrified child in the back seat. As if he could die.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1178752
#6. After a couple of attempts at making shorts, I decided to make a feature film with a friend, Tom Hall, whom I've worked with ever since.

John Carney

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1208159
#7. Rules are what the artist breaks; the memorable never emerged from a formula.

William Bernbach

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1232818

Vince McMahon

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1277847
#9. I'm not saying Martha Stewart is old, but she needs a new Walker more than the 'Fast and Furious' franchise.

Natasha Leggero

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1293264
#10. I don't have to edit myself. I get to be me, warts and all, and that's ultimately what people want, and to trust each other implicitly.

Greg Behrendt

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1346694
#11. I have been a big fan of the 'Fast and the Furious' franchise. The films are fast-paced, fun and keep the audience involved. There is a great mix of humor and action, something I really appreciate.

Tony Jaa

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1382393
#12. I'm definitely not a 'Fast and a Furious' guy.

Gio Gonzalez

Best Fast Furious Quotes #893023
#13. Change rained fast and furious on me for the next fortnight.

Robin Hobb

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1560123
#14. 'Fast & Furious' is a well-oiled machine. Those guys really know what they're doing. The guys that work behind the scenes are just as important as the ones in front of the cameras. They are car enthusiasts. They live and breathe this world.

Laz Alonso

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1560223
#15. Successful innovation has consistently proved to be fluid and flexible, fast and furious - that is, passionate.

Robert Heller

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1632975
#16. Operation Fast and Furious was flawed in concept and flawed in execution. The tactics used in this operation violate Department of Justice policy and should never have been used.

Eric Holder

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1651177
#17. Are you going to acquire a woman on every voyage we sail on?" he grumbled.

Judson Roberts

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1659087
#18. People have seen me fighting everything from 'Fast and Furious' to the IRS on Planned Parenthood to a host of things, Benghazi and others.

Jason Chaffetz

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1666971
#19. Slow and Study is boring.. Fast and Furious is Fun ... !!!

Abhijeet Sawant

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1777000
#20. In the early days I had a very black-and-white view of everything. I think that's kind of natural for anyone who's just embraced Islam - or any religion - as a convert. It was important for me to duck out of the fast and furious life I'd been living as a pop star. I was in a different mood.

Cat Stevens

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1805521
#21. I don't think there is enough educational programming, but unfortunately, television is built around advertising and those shows don't get the big ratings.

Will McDonough

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1814630
#22. The Father's plan is designed to provide direction for His children, to help them become happy, and to bring them safely home to Him with resurrected, exalted bodies. Heavenly Father desires us to be together in the light and filled with hope.

David A. Bednar

Best Fast Furious Quotes #1873226
#23. I've actually started to drive slower. I never want to see a news headline that reads, 'The Chinese Guy from 'Fast & Furious' Pulled Over for a Speeding Ticket.'

Sung Kang

Best Fast Furious Quotes #526453
#24. Maybe the lonely places are the only things that make human beings of us all.

Babs Deal

Best Fast Furious Quotes #20726
#25. My son has died of AIDS.

Nelson Mandela

Best Fast Furious Quotes #76878
#26. It kept Mom on high alert and I worried sometimes that their marriage had become the sort Inspector Javert might have had with Jean Valjean.

Karen Joy Fowler

Best Fast Furious Quotes #97935
#27. Before the 'Fast & Furious' promo in Manila, I went on a vacation in the Philippines 10 years earlier. I loved it. My 'Miss Saigon' friends showed me around.

Luke Evans

Best Fast Furious Quotes #216145
#28. The name of the game is to keep from pushing the accelerator pedal so hard that we speed up the aging process. The average American, however, by living a fast and furious lifestyle, pushes that accelerator too hard and too much.

Dan Buettner

Best Fast Furious Quotes #223866
#29. Mel Brooks was a young fan at the time: 'Eddie Cantor was very important to me. Very influential on my work. The sketches were fast and furious - and Cantor was great at supporting the other guy in the sketch. It was Cantor who was making it all work for me.

Kliph Nesteroff

Best Fast Furious Quotes #230153
#30. As Tammie glow'red, amazed and curious, The mirth and fun grew fast and furious.

Robert Burns

Best Fast Furious Quotes #362358
#31. If there is no God for thee Then there is no God for me.

Anna Hempstead Branch

Best Fast Furious Quotes #384235
#32. You may have seen me in movies like 'Fast & Furious' and 'Avatar.' But I wouldn't have been able to do any of that without hard work and determination. You can accomplish anything if you just stay out of trouble and do the right things.

Laz Alonso

Best Fast Furious Quotes #418649
#33. It's funny to see the people connect with Fast & Furious the way they do. I had no clue, I didn't get it. And now, more I get it and I see it.

Paul Walker

Best Fast Furious Quotes #513329
#34. Life is like watching Fast and the Furious 6. Its not easy, most of the time its just dumb and pointless, everything is fake, there is a lot of noise, but if you close your eyes and picture yourself in an open field or a quiet forest, you can maybe make it to the end without killing yourself

Jon Lajoie

Best Fast Furious Quotes #9973
#35. I love to personalize things. I love to make things my own. I like to name everything - from cars to iPhones to the socks I just lost.

Rachel Nichols

Best Fast Furious Quotes #575158
#36. I approach 'Fast & Furious 6' the same way I would approach a Sidney Lumet film. Getting into character's getting into character.

Vin Diesel

Best Fast Furious Quotes #621214
#37. When I first did 'The Fast and the Furious', I didn't want there to be a sequel on the first one. I thought, 'Why would you rush to do a sequel - just because your first film is successful?'

Vin Diesel

Best Fast Furious Quotes #664626
#38. If anybody would have told me I'd be making number seven Fast & Furious, I would have said, "You're crazy."

Neal H. Moritz

Best Fast Furious Quotes #693054
#39. There's good news and bad news about 2 Fast 2 Furious , the moronic follow-up to The Fast and the Furious and a contender for the worst movie of 2003. The good news is that it's better, albeit marginally, than Freddy Got Fingered . The bad news is that it's 15 minutes longer.

James Berardinelli

Best Fast Furious Quotes #813020
#40. Relationships for women are more than taking off the clothes and wearing them back. It is about attachment of emotions, and feelings, but on the other hand, men are like fast and furious.

M.F. Moonzajer

Best Fast Furious Quotes #847344
#41. TV is all about speed. TV is fast and furious. It's gunslinger territory.

Amy Sherman-Palladino

Best Fast Furious Quotes #847693
#42. Men do not realize how great an income thrift is.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Best Fast Furious Quotes #849162
#43. I think there's a down-to-earthness with Midwesterners and with people from the Midlands - which is where my family is from - in Ireland.

Aidan Quinn

Best Fast Furious Quotes #877677

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