Top 10 Bechtler Statue Quotes

#1. Where unclarity resides, there is temptation, and there it proves only too easily the stronger. Wherever there is ambiguity, wherever there is wavering, there is disobedience down at the bottom.

Soren Kierkegaard

Bechtler Statue Quotes #434512
#2. Spiritual: religion without any rules. All the comfort of fictitious friends with none of their demands.

Stefan Molyneux

Bechtler Statue Quotes #651703
#3. She managed to come up with the kind of predictions that you can only understand after the thing has happened," said Anathema. "Like 'Do Notte Buye Betamacks.' That was a prediction for 1972.

Terry Pratchett

Bechtler Statue Quotes #1004687
#4. Now what is Judge Douglas Popular Sovereignty? It is, as a principle, no other than that, if one man chooses to make a slave of another man, neither that other man nor anybody else has a right to object.

Abraham Lincoln

Bechtler Statue Quotes #1256309
#5. And so it must be with the energy you muster for your own work. Get out there and convert the unconverted. Save them all from the charlatans and the nearly-men.

Chris Murray

Bechtler Statue Quotes #1345375
#6. If coffee didn't exist, somebody would have to invent it for me very soon.

Ashleigh Brilliant

Bechtler Statue Quotes #1354806
#7. I have no doubt that the ideal is for public institutions to live, like nature, from day to day. The institution that fails to win public support has no right to exist as such.

Mahatma Gandhi

Bechtler Statue Quotes #1420939
#8. I don't believe that you can talk about a photograph being true or false. I don't think such a claim has any meaning.

Errol Morris

Bechtler Statue Quotes #1435108
#9. Develop your eccentricities early, and no one will think you're going senile later in life

David Ogilvy

Bechtler Statue Quotes #1498606
#10. Dell is to a degree in the penalty box because expectations and probable results have gotten ratcheted down.

Chuck Jones

Bechtler Statue Quotes #1770953

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