Top 13 Aucun Quotes
#1. Je ne fais aucun mal en restant ici.
I do no harm by remaining here.
Richard Powers
#2. Le mot 'psychologie'est un de ceux qu'aucun auteur d'aujourd'hui ne peut entendre prononcer a' son sujet sans baisser les yeux et rougir. The word 'psychology' is one that no author today can hear said about her work without lowering her eyes and blushing.
Nathalie Sarraute
#3. Many years ago there lived a man called Laurids Madsen who went up to heaven and came down again thanks to his boots.
Carsten Jensen
#4. Whenever I go to England, I'm on pilgrimage. I walk the countryside around Eastbourne because that's where Sherlock Holmes retired.
Laurie R. King
#5. There's no way in the world that just because women turn the number 40, they're anything less than amazing. That's crazy. If anything, you're even more amazing!
Jennifer Lopez
#6. Life ... It tends to respond to our outlook, to shape itself to meet our expectations.
Richard M. DeVos
#7. Man as an individual is a genius. But men in the mass form the headless monster, a great, brutish idiot that goes where prodded.
Charlie Chaplin
#8. Europe's greatest problem is cultural relativism. This has led to a situation where Europeans no longer know what they should be proud of and who they really are because a so-called liberal and leftist-imposed concept says that all cultures are the same.
Geert Wilders
#9. Gangsta to us didn't have anything to do with Al Capone and stuff like that. It's just about living your life the way you want to live it. And you're not going to let nothing stop you.
Ice Cube
#10. As opposed to the incoherent spectacle of the world, the real is what is expected, what is obtained and what is discovered by our own movement. It is what is sensed as being within our own power and always responsive to our action.
Emile Chartier
#11. Useless people are not improved by giving them the impression they are useful.
John Barnes
#12. A face at the window, a tap on the pane, who is it that wants me tonight in the rain?
Richard Henry Stoddard
#13. Somewhere around the place I've got an unfinished short story about Schrodinger's Dog; it was mostly moaning about all the attention the cat was getting.
Terry Pratchett
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