Top 25 Athlete Practice Quotes

#1. Everything I touch dies in my hand and the same thing's happening to you. You were vibrant when I met you, and now I've blanched the color from your cheeks and caused you nothing but pain.

H.M. Ward

Athlete Practice Quotes #860239
#2. Oh, sure, we have another world war coming, and another great depression, but where are the leaders this time?

Kurt Vonnegut

Athlete Practice Quotes #1868813
#3. Some golfers blast their ball from traps, With one adroit explosion, But others, out in ten perhaps, Depend upon erosion.

Richard Armour

Athlete Practice Quotes #1750498
#4. Just keep going like crazy and look back when it's over. Otherwise you just get confused.

Cliff Burton

Athlete Practice Quotes #1715429
#5. Some adopted new strategies for survival; they went dormant. Others became dust that could regenerate our past forms; time rendered this dust defective. It brought only disease and misery; but that was good, we saw the misery and found it good.

Greg Bear

Athlete Practice Quotes #1658766
#6. But at school, I wasn't athletic, and if you're not athlete in high school, it's kind of hard to find your place, so play practice seemed perfect, especially if you were as uncoordinated as I was.

Piper Perabo

Athlete Practice Quotes #1469546
#7. Behind all the years of practice and all the hours of glory waits that inexorable terror of living without the game.

Bill Bradley

Athlete Practice Quotes #1342090
#8. No athlete, no scientist, no musician ever got better without focused practice, and there is no program you can download for that. It has to come from within.

Thomas L. Friedman

Athlete Practice Quotes #1200160
#9. Luck? Sure. But only after long practice and only with the ability to think under pressure.

Babe Didrikson Zaharias

Athlete Practice Quotes #1099902
#10. I think, as a woman, you do sort of have to work twice as hard, but I don't feel as if I wasn't given opportunities.

Lorene Scafaria

Athlete Practice Quotes #1047653
#11. Obama doesn't believe in American leadership and the net result is we have a caliphate the size of Indiana.

Jeb Bush

Athlete Practice Quotes #1005029
#12. Coaches who scrimmage all the time don't know what to practice.

Paul Brown

Athlete Practice Quotes #948770
#13. I was an athlete growing up. I was a wrestler, I played football, so I can take a fall. I actually wanted to be a stuntman when I was kid, so I would practice falling down the stairs. It's just something I like to do.

Chris Pratt

Athlete Practice Quotes #933216
#14. No matter how dark things become, someone is always with you - and that someone is God. He helps by giving you peace and a positive mental attitude.

Norman Vincent Peale

Athlete Practice Quotes #17153
#15. Ask any great athlete or the concert pianist or the successful actor if they have arrived at the place where they need no further practice. They will tell you that the higher you climb in proficiency and public acceptance, the greater the need for practice.

Eric Butterworth

Athlete Practice Quotes #841351
#16. Growing up in Harlem, I had the chance to practice with a Negro League team. At fifteen, I was over six feet tall and a fair athlete, but my skills didn't come close to some of the players I saw.

Walter Dean Myers

Athlete Practice Quotes #775208
#17. But just a piece of advice. Never let a man walk you to a riverside gazebo all lit up with white lights if you don't want your head to go spinning in crazy directions.

Maggie McGinnis

Athlete Practice Quotes #670111
#18. Natural consequences is actually a parenting concept, but one I use on myself, because sometimes my ability to thoughtfully reflect on a difficult situation is in line with a four-year-old's.

Kelly Williams Brown

Athlete Practice Quotes #610031
#19. Extraordinary performances come out of a process of continuous, regular physical and mental practice. The mindset of an extraordinary athlete is relaxed but focused and open to even higher achievements.

Chungliang Al Huang

Athlete Practice Quotes #601908
#20. One of the privileges of being an athlete is that on days when I have practice and games, I'm present whether I'm present or not. It's not fair, but that's the system. What can I do about it?

Erin O'Riordan

Athlete Practice Quotes #484077
#21. I want to kiss her without counting the seconds. I want to hold her so long that I get to know her skin. I want, I want, I want.

David Levithan

Athlete Practice Quotes #416748
#22. The thing about 'On the Doll,' I was doing 'Nip/Tuck' at the time, and I was doing only 5 or 6 scenes an episode. So I had some free time, and I wanted to do something completely different than what I've ever done before.

Brittany Snow

Athlete Practice Quotes #385143
#23. Becoming a great leader, a great athlete, or great chef takes more than desire or even knowledge. It takes effort. It takes practice.

Dave Anderson

Athlete Practice Quotes #380367
#24. Isn't reading a kind of preparation for life?'
But life is composed of things other than books. It is as if an athlete, on entering the stadium, were to complain that he's not outside exercising.This was the goal of your exercise, of your weights, your practice ring and your training partners.


Athlete Practice Quotes #294519
#25. Somewhere behind the athlete you've become and the hours of practice and the coaches who have pushed you is a little girl who fell in love with the game and never looked back ... play for her.

Mia Hamm

Athlete Practice Quotes #92251

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