Top 9 Ardner Webb Quotes

#1. America is the last great goal of these migrations.

Ellsworth Huntington

Ardner Webb Quotes #161329
#2. The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. Instead of changing their views to fit the facts, they try to change the facts to fit their views.

Kim Dotcom

Ardner Webb Quotes #537005
#3. Weren't expecting this, were you, Mr. Detective? Probably thought, once a mountain fell on her, you'd seen the last of our sister, eh?"
"To be honest," Skulduggery said, "yes.

Derek Landy

Ardner Webb Quotes #676187
#4. I've written whole books in order to avoid writing other books.

Sarah Manguso

Ardner Webb Quotes #1262283
#5. Data, data everywhere, but not a thought to think.

John Allen Paulos

Ardner Webb Quotes #1362253
#6. I am never lonely, Galahad. Or rather I never suffer from loneliness. I suffer much from the idea that my loneliness might be taken away from me by a lot of mercilessly well-meaning people.

Leonora Carrington

Ardner Webb Quotes #1374433
#7. If a man has the will he can learn anything.

Leo Tolstoy

Ardner Webb Quotes #1489962
#8. The Holy Eucharist is like a divine Storehouse filled with every virtue; God has placed It in the world so that everyone one may draw from It.

Peter Julian Eymard

Ardner Webb Quotes #1729807
#9. Waxing my legs is pretty much the only thing I have to maintain.

Amanda Seyfried

Ardner Webb Quotes #1767219

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