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Quotes By Famous Authors: [V]

Veronica Del Rosa

You can't wait for the perfect moment. You need to make it. Take the happiness you can have now and fuck everything else.

Vincent Alexandria

Many believe in karma but i take it to a whole different level.

Victoria Boutenko

...In addition, there are millions of people in our world who are fortunate to have the availability of almost any food they like. I cannot ...

Vijender Singh

I have prepared myself to be at my peak in London. But in the Olympics, there are so many factors. You need to stay alert ...

Vicki Forman

It's so difficult to love another person and yourself for who they are and not what they do or who they could be. To stay ...

Vineet Asopa

One can even kill a cow in self defence ...

Valerie Quennessen

Jealousy doesn't show how much you love someone, it shows how insecure you are.

Val McDermid

That was the trouble with moving houses; no matter how carefully you packed the books, they never ended up on the new shelves in quite ...

Vanessa Kincaid

You're only as old as your boy toy...

Virginia Postrel

The definition of an 'operating system' is bound to evolve with customer demands and technological possibilities.

Vanna White

I will say I remember the best thing in terms of publicity was being on the cover of Newsweek.

Vineet Nayar

Unless the company becomes obsessed with constant change for the better, gradual change for the worse usually goes unnoticed.

Virginia Mae Axline

Perhaps it is easier to understand that even though we do not have the wisdom to enumerate the reasons for the behavior of another person, ...

Victor Dark

John secretly wondered if, sometimes, the man had a little bit of the devil in him.

Vivek Sahni

No matter how much the fool has been taught to road, exceeds the fool that's sits at home.

Vincent Noot

You have to have confidence in what you're doing and not be afraid. You only have one life, and it's over pretty quickly, right? Don't ...

V.T. Davy

When a beautiful blonde asks, you don't say no.

Victor Saul Navasky

It seems to me there are good deficits and bad deficits. Now, we have a deficit that comes from the militarization of our society and ...

Veerappa Moily

I am not suggesting that just by taking the Metro, I will save billions. But I hope others will follow.

Venkata Mohan

Those who reject both the goals and the means for the sake of their conscience, because they judge them to be of a wrong kind, ...

Victoria Alvarado

People will always talk about you no matter what. Don't let there comments get to you, why? Because all there doing is hating that you ...

Vivek Thangaswamy

Let me be a most successful failure.


Leave it to the Russians to have an angel gulag.

Victor Milan

No day's too fair to die on, nor too foul either.

Vivian Fuchs

If you actually look like your passport photo, you aren't well enough to travel.


There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life.

Virender Sehwag

If you know your game, you can handle pressure; you can handle any kind of situation, back yourself, and play your own game and get ...

Vanessa Bell Calloway

Shameless is a show I would watch even if I wasn't on it, it's my kind of show.

Vijay Thakkar

Life's way too short and far too precious to waste with those you don't like, doing things you don't want to do.

Valentine Davies

Christmas isn't just a day. It's a frame of mind.

Vassilios Papavassiliou

It is not enough to celebrate Christmas. We need to be changed and shaped by what we are celebrating. If our spiritual life is no ...

Victor Frederick Weisskopf

In a Jewish theological seminar there was an hours-long discussion about proofs of the existence of God. After some hours, one rabbi got up and ...

Vernon Howard

Study carefully the law of cause and effect.

V. Vaughn

Tell us, Margaret, what do you want out of life?" To be loved by a man who makes me want for nothing else.

Vincent Bugliosi

'Helter-Skelter' was the motive for the murders. Manson borrowed that term from a Beatles song on the 'White Album.' In England, helter-skelter is a playground ...

Vicki Lesage

I've never understood people who just go out for one drink. Once I have one drink, I want all the drinks.

Vishwas Mudagal

When you don't have the pressure of pleasing someone else and do something because you love doing it, that's when the best works are born.

Valerie Gent

You can't just go and smash whatever you deem fit!

Vasilios Karpos

Questioning a genius with logic limits his imagination.

Venetta Octavia

I will be girl with claws, heart bared and bruised and wanting. I am soul-shattering wolf-howl. I am lioness and hunt. I am more and ...

V.M. Rabolu

Nobody cries because of a person's death; death for them is a change of clothes, nothing else.

Viktor E. Frankl

Pain from problems and disappointments, etc., is inevitable in life, but suffering is a choice determined by whether you choose to compare your experience and ...

Vivek Mehta

If freedom is the basis of life, then love is the basis of real freedom, the capacity to love without bonds is the freedom of ...

Vanessa A. Jackson Austin

God gives wings to those who will accept them.

Victor Turner

Liminality may perhaps be regarded as the Nay to all positive structural assertions, but as in some sense the source of them all, and, more ...


In setting out the walls of a city the choice of a healthy situation is of the first importance: it should be on high ground, ...

Vicki Alayne Bradley

My heart balloons with admiration for these talented artists, which I so desperately want to be

Vince Kramer

There is no way I am masturbating with a gringo to something as vile and disgusting as worm-rape!


Angels banished from heaven have no choice but to become devils.

Vincent Drake

It doesn't get much more forbidden than hot, tight step-daughter pussy.

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