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Quotes By Famous Authors: [V]

Vincent Harding

You can't start a movement, but you can prepare for one

Virginia Morell

Animals with more mental flexibility typically possess more complex sensory and nervous systems, suggesting that they are the most likely to have the neural hardware ...

Vincent Laforet

Stay open to as many new tools and think of as many ways you can to utilize them to your advantage. This not only includes ...

Vina Arno

You're the only distraction I want. You're the one exception to my rules.

Vern Yip

The whole point of interior design is about creating environments where people can really live their lives and where you can connect with your friends ...

Vitruvius Pollio

This was how Dinocrates, recommended only by his good looks and dignified carriage, came to be so famous. But as for me, Emperor, nature has ...

Vitali Klitschko

I've travelled around the world, I've lived in Germany, I've lived in the United States, I've visited many countries, I can question why such a ...

Victoria Schwab

I feel connected to you, and I couldn't bear the thought of that being severed. Lost.

Vince Molinaro

A number of small decisions, each appearing insignificant in the moment and made in isolation of one another, can result in a negative outcome.

Valerie Jarrett

I think that in a country as successful as ours, we still have a long way to go in terms of parity for women, whether ...

V. Bozeman

I just have to live my truth and know that it's okay to rock on my own vibration, because I'm me. I try to stand ...

Viveca Benoir

The taxi moved forward, carrying with it, the murder that Matt was.

Valerie Sherwood

Don't write what you know - what you know may bore you, and thus bore your readers. Write about what interests you - and interests ...

Viga Boland

Unless you bring a beating heart into your message, it is dead' (Author unknown)That's why I wrote my how-to book, "Don't Write your MEmoir without ...

Valery G. Olsen

Death was not a door you could open and close at will.

Vincent Canby

Through the magic of motion pictures, someone who's never left Peoria knows the softness of a Paris spring, the color of a Nile sunset, the ...

Vanessa Miller

People think that forgiveness is for the person who wronged you, but it's not. Because when we allow things to bottle up inside of us ...

Vortigern Black

One's truest nature is often the hardest to fight.

Vincent Lynch

Write someone a love letter, not because you want them to love you...., do it because you love them. Don't want anything from anyone.circa. 2013

Vanessa Ray

I've worked with a couple of these really cool, great actors like Ted Danson and Glenn Close. They all have their own presence when they ...

Voula Grand

Was it possible that people who wanted to die developed the ability to look slightly transparent around the edges, a hologram of themselves, empty of ...

Viplob Pratik

If you love to behave rude properly, you need to learn to be polite first, from the deep of your mind.

Vanessa Marcil

I love Vegas. It's like going to Disneyland.

Vince O. Teves

The thing is, life is nothing like the movies...Somewhere between the two of us, something broke and we couldn't fix it. We tried. we only ...

Vincent Gigante

We don't break our captains. We kill them.

Victoria Malin Gregory

There is no elegance in hate, but there is tremendous beauty in the unintended revenge of living well and being happy.

Venerable Bede

He alone loves the Creator perfectly who manifests a pure love for his neighbor.

Vicky Dreiling

Devilment showed in his eyes. "Well, since it is a trial, we should practice so that we can perfect our kisses.""You need no practice. You ...

Valaida Fullwood

I have a habit of letting my imagination run away from me. It always comes back though ... drenched with possibilities.

Vash Young

Any experience can be transformed into something of value.

Venita Ellick

People vote for whom they believe will be the best president and representative for our country. The First Lady is not on the ballot.

Velcrow Ripper

We live in a time of record breaking crisis but it's also a time of record breaking vision

Vasily Klyuchevsky

Sports became a favorite subject of reflection and will soon be the only way of thinking

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Unity is a great thing and a great slogan. But what the workers' cause needs is the unity of Marxists, not unity between Marxists, and ...

Vonda N. McIntyre

I don't remember learning to read, but the first thing I remember reading is a science fiction novel.

Ville Lehtonen

Choose the thoughts you want to experience daily and make a mental river.

Vicki Goldberg

Two men with a camera, thoughtfully observing the visual cacophony of one major thoroughfare and the complicated interplay of its history, its present, and the ...

Viola Shipman

It's not about being religious. It's about knowing that life and the world are way too intricate to just end like this." He

Valerie Bertinelli

Any partying I did, I did at home. I didn't want to be in the spotlight ... There's an easy way to get away from ...

Vanessa Richardson

You're not Forsaken. You're Chosen for Purpose.

Vladimir Holan

Have I ever really loved anyone at all,or was it a lightning flashwhich made me the shadow of my former self?

Vivek Singh

There are no shortcut to any place worth going

Vaughn Monroe

If I had my choice, I'd pick a song that tells a story every time. There is a great deal of pleasure in doing the ...

Vasileios Kalampakas

Doubt is what keeps the heart and mind of every man alive. It 's what makes us think twice.

Vern Sheridan Poythress

There is an obvious disconnect between someone's claim to be relativist and his own moral judgments, including his judgment that people ought to be relativist.

Victor Kraft

Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.

Vicki Hinze

To Have a Friend You Must Be a Friend.

Veronica Rossi

Just because we're together doesn't mean everything is fine.He couldn't agree with that. Being with her was all he needed.

Vikas Singh

If you succeed, you'll be genuinely happy. If you fail, you will still have grown as a person. So truly, it is a win-win situation.

Victoria Escobar

He is greater than you will ever be. Not because of rank. It's not a man's rank that makes him a man. It's how he ...

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