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Quotes By Famous Authors: [M]

Mary Mihalic

Make a concise statement clearly and you should only need to say it once.

Malcolm David Kelley

I go to the club and can dance a little. I'm known to get down.

M. Lee Goff

Insects are major players in nature's recycling effort, and in nature a corpse is simply organic matter to be recycled. Left to its own devices, ...

Mikl Paul

Later when they would mention, they would say, and everyone would know, but not nearly as well as they meant.

Michael LaRocca

Funny how much we all suffer trying to spare others a bit of pain.

Melanie Harvey

Different don't mean better or worse. It just means different." She

Mel Daniels

Nothing can take away our memories or what we know.

Matt Shaw

You're bat shit crazy.

Mardi Maxwell

That's what she said.

Melissa Breen

After I broke the Australian record in 2014, Audi Centre in Canberra gave me a beautiful black A1 with the number plates AI 1111, because ...

Maria Cox

Self-stimulation? No! That wouldn't cut it! The only cure for her overactive hormones was a good old fashion screw.

Malcolm Godwin

The Angel is one of those Articles of Faith as unshakable as our belief in the existence of God, an atom, or the ill luck ...

Mokichi Okada

Know that the happiness we feel when we bring joy to others is the greatest happiness in the world.

Mike Vance

Success and all good things in life, start with a genuine concern for others.

Martin Durkin

Too many journalists and scientists have built their careers on the global-warming alarm. Certain newspapers have staked their reputation on it. The death of this ...

Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth

I studied calculus for the first time, which to me was an amazingly empowering experience which I could really see how you could understand all ...

Mir-Hossein Mousavi

I'm worried about living in a country which in that reaching is right of people who don't run and running is for people who never ...

Milagros Arce

Keep Holding on there's no other way to comes to the truth.

Michela Wrong

Bantu Philosophy: People cling to life and are not yet at the stage where they wil fight for the quality of that life. They feel ...

Mary Ruwart

When we outlaw child pornography, the prices paid for child performers rise, increasing the incentives for parents to use children against their will.

Mark Polish

The sad ending is only because the author stops telling the story. But it still goes on. It's just untold.

Manuel Valls

Journalists were killed because they defended freedom. Policemen were killed because they were protecting you. Jews were killed because they were Jewish.

Monica DiNatale

My love for peanut butter is so deep that I can't look at a jar without devouring it!

Meyhem Lauren

Once in awhile, I'mma cheat and get dome,But best believe that I'mma always come home.Shorty, I luv you.

Mao Dun

You have the right to promote your own happiness just like everyone else, just like me. Your present dream has been shattered, but you can ...

Michael Owen

I'd love to go and I'd love to play for my country and go to a World Cup again. I've got to accept I'm not ...

Michael C. Bailey

The singer was so heavily auto-tuned she sounded like a Cylon. From the original Battlestar Galactica, I mean, not one of the sexy clone types ...

Malik Ibn Anas

He who practices Tasawwuf without learning Sacred Law corrupts his faith, while he who learns Sacred Law without practicing Tasawwuf corrupts himself. Only he who ...

Malcolm Newbourne

Delivering freight elsewhere for Pickup. Meeting a Pickup schedule may become questionable, which will assure the future casual

Mz Liz

When God speaks faith has to connect to His Word because if you allow only your feelings to connect no root can be formed.

Meir Soloveichik

For both Protestants and Catholics, and whether or not absolute continence is demanded of the clergy, celibacy remains a blessed spiritual state.

Matthew White

Legend has it that while drinking wine in a boat on the river, [8th century Chinese poet Li Po] tried to grab the moon's reflection ...

Mark Anthony

Let go of the sorrow, but hold onto the love.

Maria Bernardin

If the apperance doesn't scare you look out for the mind . If that doesn't nothing will .

Marcey Jacobson

I was making photographs of the world long before I was a photographer.

Marc Cerasini

Uh, no loose wire jokes, okay?

Malcom Mackay

Never hit a target you don't need to hit. Ever. One murder gets the police interested, two gets them excited.(The Necessary Death of Lewis Winter)

Michelle Celmer

For your information, I do love you. Although at times like this I have to wonder why.

Max Von Stephanitz

The breeding of shepherd dogs is the breeding of working dogs; and this must always be the aim, or we shall cease to produce shepherd ...

Michael J. McManus

Whatever you think you do well, do it. There is nothing better than feeling gratified.

Matthew William Goode

I felt slightly snobby about the genre. My pre-conceived notion of the comic book world had been: "Oh, that's nothing that I need to worry ...

Matthew Shipp

What makes bebop legitimate is the fact that when it was done, it was illegitimate.

Matthew Sharpe

A friend who won't respond to what a friend can't ask is like a looking glass in which you cannot see yourself.

Monteiro Lobato

He who dies for his country will live in eternity.

Michael Acciarino

A writer's mind can never be empty.

Megan Miranda

I wasn't athletic and had no desire to work out, so I watched what I ate. Correction: I ate what I wanted and felt guilty ...

Maria La Serra

She was magic, a direct light - the kind that seeps through in places that didn't exist inside him anymore. The light he thought he ...

Montserrat Caballe

The moment you say, 'Please, give me a reason for this', then you are being impossible and temperamental.

Michael Jon Hand

If you're going to fail ... FAIL FORWARD

Michael Duncan

If history is written by the victorious, what if the victors lied?

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